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Guest Lord of The Curry

The Owen Hart Tribute Tonight

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Guest Mole

I think Down said it right. If Vince didn't have a tribute show, then people would of crapped on him.


See, I never was a big fan of Owen. I was still bascially a mark at that point. I had the internet, but I didn't understand the business the way I do now. It was upsetting that he died, but I never knew he was that great of a wrestler until later on in 1999, when I undetstood what a good match was.


However, I stood up during the Owen Tribute that night for the 10 bell rings, and I did it again tonight. For out of respect of Owen.


If I still prayed, I would say a prayer for him tonight.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416
I, being the girl I am, cried like a little baby. I'm just glad there wasn't anyone else in the room. It still gets to me whenever I read, or watch Owen Hart. And I thought the tribute show was classy.

Where can us guys find women like you by the way?

**sits back**


Yep, yep yep yep yep...makes me glad my girlfriend's a big wrestling fan...:D


Anyways, Owen was great. Ummm...that's all I have to say about that...

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Guest Downhome
I, being the girl I am, cried like a little baby. I'm just glad there wasn't anyone else in the room. It still gets to me whenever I read, or watch Owen Hart. And I thought the tribute show was classy.

Where can us guys find women like you by the way?

**sits back**


Yep, yep yep yep yep...makes me glad my girlfriend's a big wrestling fan...:D

I hope you realize how damn lucky you are.

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Guest candie45

From the moment it started I was crying. Watching all the guys tear up like that again and seeing him with his kids... aw man.

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Guest BAR

I didn't watch RAW, or WWE, period for that matter. Even if you don't blame it on the WWF, I can't stop hating the company.


Don't get me wrong, I have over 50 WWF tapes but they're all from before the Attitude era, well mostly. I grew up on the WWF, my interest faded in '98, and disappeared in '99.


Anyway, R.I.P. Owen Hart - 1965-1999.

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Guest Steve J. Rogers

I think the problems most people had with the Owen tribute was that hardly anyone thought certaint people who made comments were acting and telling bold face lies, especially Triple H, Chyna and Shane McMahon (I guess more anti-clique people felt Owen would never associate himself with Trips and Chyna and Bret has since said the story that Shane told never happened)


Also many felt Austin's beer salute at the end was contrived as well due to Austin never forgiving Owen for the "Owen Driver 97" which Austin still never fully recovered from (Alot of people think Austin was cursing Owen out when he was opening that can of beer you can see him muttering something like "Heres your tribute you son of a bitch") so it came off as Austin doing something he HAD to do rather than something he WANTED to do.


BTW a very intresting trivia, who was the last guy Owen had a match with, ever (there's your trick part of the question)



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Guest CanadianChris
BTW a very intresting trivia, who was the last guy Owen had a match with, ever (there's your trick part of the question)


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I didn't watch back then, but even I started to get misty eyed when they showed that clip. Damn Jarret, Shane, Edge and Foley. Chyna was the only one that bothered me...she was like a statue...just staring off into the distance. It was just...creepy.


Even though everyone hates Vince, every smark and mark has to feel sorry for him. Can you just IMAGINE what the decision was like to continue with the PPV? If he had NOT continued with it, you'd have fans angry because they lost some money, but if he did continue with it....who would be able to wrestle, or cut a promo, after THAT??


By the way, for anyone who did see it....just what happened? I heard that the cable broke, or he released too early, he fell....far away shot of the crowd....then goodl ol' JR saying he died. And what happened AFTER?


Just, you seem to REALLY like Pro. Wrestling, that's all. I'd give anything to find a gal who could actually sit down and watch it with me...


...and ENJOY it herself, that would simply be awesome.


*raises hand* Right here! Since I started watching, I've only missed two shows, one Raw, and one SD.

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Guest notJames
BTW a very intresting trivia, who was the last guy Owen had a match with, ever (there's your trick part of the question)


Technically, Owen's last match was the night before the PPV, and it was a tag match between him and Jarrett v. Edge and Christian.


As for the whole tattoo thing as a tribute, I went a different route and named my son Owen. Anyone who has read my stuff knows that my admiration of Owen Hart borders SKeith levels, and I too have RAW is Owen on tape. Last night's tribute definitely brought on the misties. Every time I watch guys like Angle, Benoit and Guerrero, I get a little upset that we were cheated out of seeing Owen wrestle with these guys. He is definitely missed.


RIP King of Harts. May my son grow up to be half the man that you were.

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Guest Steve J. Rogers
BTW a very intresting trivia, who was the last guy Owen had a match with, ever (there's your trick part of the question)


Technically, Owen's last match was the night before the PPV, and it was a tag match between him and Jarrett v. Edge and Christian.

Okay my info may have been slightly off then, but Kurt Angle wrote in his book that he wrestled Owen in a dark match sometime before the PPV (I doubt it was at the PPV I think they kayfabed a story on Byte This that Owen was spending the weekend at home)

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Guest nikowwf

ive never been bothered by people who were less than friendly with Owen being in the tribute because that happens all the time. If your co-worker, who you hate dies, what are you going to do if someone talks to you about it. Restate your hatred? Its a terrible situation they were in, and they did what they had to.


Myself, it surprised me how much it stung seeing the Owen show highlights. Its been years, and its still a terrible feeling to think about it.



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Guest Flyboy

I must be the only one who didn't cry at the original tribute show. Hm.


I didn't see this Raw so I doubt I would have cried at that one either.


Call it what you will.

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Guest Downhome
Just, you seem to REALLY like Pro. Wrestling, that's all. I'd give anything to find a gal who could actually sit down and watch it with me...


...and ENJOY it herself, that would simply be awesome.


*raises hand* Right here! Since I started watching, I've only missed two shows, one Raw, and one SD.

You are one of a kind babe, you'll make some guy very happy one day, heheheh.

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Guest dreamer420

Anything about Owen gets the tears flowing on me these days. I was reading Foley Is Good yesterday morning and got to the chapter on Owen and it got me choked up. Then on Raw the little tribute they showed got me choked up as well.

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Guest HartFan86

I cried at the original airing, but not this one. I'm kinda over it...but my friend and I started laughing when it came on cause we watched Rumble 94 last week (Kicked your leg out of your leg) so it brought back good memories.


Still breaks my heart to see Jarrett, Foley, JR, etc. breaking up and crying, though.

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Guest HartFan86

Oh, my personal opinion about the Austin thing at the end of the Raw:


Austin's neck was broken by Owen and he lived.


Owen's neck was broken and he died.


I think Austin's tribute at the end was a closure to that situation. Intresting though about what he said when he was opening the beer. Maybe you lip readers out there could take a look and see what he really says.

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Guest godthedog

well, i believe austin was also the only guy who wasn't at owen's funeral. make what you will of that.

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Guest Slapnuts00
well, i believe austin was also the only guy who wasn't at owen's funeral. make what you will of that.

Austin doesn't like funerals, he didn't go to Brian Pillman's funeral either who was like his best friend and tag team partner, he said in an interview that he can't handle funerals and that his own way of handling things is just to stay at home and reflect in peace.

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Guest buffybeast

What I don't understand is why they showed the tribute last night. Wasn't last night's show supposed to be a best of 2002?

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They probably showed it because it was most likely the top voted Raw moment.


Maybe you lip readers out there could take a look and see what he really says.


I don't have any footage of the event so....what DID he say?

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Guest AM The Kid
What I don't understand is why they showed the tribute last night. Wasn't last night's show supposed to be a best of 2002?

Read the rest of the post. It was a "Raw X" moment.

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Owen Hart was more liked by my brother and I than Bret most of the time. We were amazed at some of the stuff he could do in that ring. We watched the Summerslam 94 Cage Match together and were about to throw the TV out the window. He made us laugh with him and at him. When I heard about what happened to him during Over the Edge, I was feeling the same as about everybody else had. Sad he had died...but mad at Vince for telling him to do that stunt. I know that he agreed to do it...but still, Vince pitching the idea to him was not right, in my opinion. I still get a sad feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I see him wrestle, because I know right now he'd be doing something great somewhere if he was still alive. The tribute show was something of a surreal bliss for me. I remember it, and I remember JJ, JR, Mark Henry's poem, Debra, and Shane McMahon breaking down in tears. Austin's toast to Owen was something that was probably the classiest thing in a while on WWF TV...probably the last one since the actual marriage of Savage and Elizabeth. I will remember that moment as the last time I see Owen on TV...and that Owen was probably a talent that could have been even better than Bret. I'll miss him everytime I watch wrestling.

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Guest godthedog
I will remember that moment as the last time I see Owen on TV...and that Owen was probably a talent that could have been even better than Bret.

you know...now that i think about it, you might actually be right about that. he was only 33 or 34 when he died, & bret didn't hit his peak till he was around that age, so...yeah, owen probably could've been as good or better. i'm sure he'd still be wrestling today, and could've given us a HELL of a match with kurt angle.

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Guest JimmyHendricks

Well, I was at the show live when he fell, so needless to say Owen's death is a very personal thing for me.


One thing I just can't forgive the WWE/F for is not telling the live crowd what had happened. We all knew it was serious, because they were giving him CPR, but everything, from JR & King on the Titantron to any interviews, the rest of the show had no audio. At the end of the show Tony Chimel reminded us that tickets for the next house show went on sale that Tuesday.....ugh.


Anyway, I'm glad to see that they had enough respect to show the highlights again. I was fully expecting them to just have the tribute show and forget it entirely, but I was wrong.


Oh, and whoever asked about Owen & Kurt Angle having a dark match at the show, they didn't. Kurt WAS in a dark match, but it was against someone else.


RIP Owen

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Guest Slapnuts00

It was a Raw Retro Moment, the reason is was presented on the 2002 show is it had to be presented differently in a more respectful way, rather than just the tyipcal between commerical breaks with the loud graphics and rock music in the background, so they f igured it could be given a classy introduction and presentation on the best of show.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Although it's right of them to never re-air that program, the tribute show the next night was absolute garbage.


Steve Austin smashing beer cans together. Wow, so moving.


They should have just had dark matches to keep the crowd from complaining of being ripped off and then spent the two hours letting whoever from the wrestlers down to the refs or backstage people like writers or whoever come out and say what they wanted to say about the guy.


No pyros, no rock music video when someone entered the room, etc.


Although I'm sure their feelings are sincere, they totally dropped the ball when it came to how to present this whole situation.

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Guest HartFan86
Well, I was at the show live when he fell, so needless to say Owen's death is a very personal thing for me.

Don't mean to be insulting you or anything like that, but did you actually see Owen fall?

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