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OK. Most of you know me over at TheSmarks and 411 by my real name, Tim Livingston. I recently did the first annual LOS DANDIES~! and one of the categories in the WWE...well, category was Most Overrated. I said that Edge was the most overrated and people e-mail me saying that I'm the spawn of Satan and shit. What I'm saying is that Edge is a good wrestler, but he isn't as great as the other 5 in the SD! 6. He's been carried to almost all of his great matches this year, and I seriously don't buy him as being the future of the WWE. Your opinions, please, because I know *coughDamescough* I'm not the only one...

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Guest CanadianChick

Overrated by who? The IWC? Because I mostly read about how he is carried and and he isn't as good as the other Smackdown 6, blah blah blah. I actually rarely read about Edge's greatness. So, back to me orginal question, overrated by who?



and no, I don't think Edge is overrated.

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Guest Downhome

Edge is the most over rated piece of trash that is out there currently. If he keeps his current look, gimmick, and in ring style, I hope he NEVER gets any bigger than he is right now. I wish Christian had Edge's push right now, as HE is the true talent between the two in my view. As far as him being the future, that is f'n not even true, it can't be. Unless the future is that of having the roster full of goofy looking bastards who is horrible on the stick, and has no clue how to sell properly throughout a match...


...oh God, I hope the future isn't Edge instead of Angle, please!!!!!!!

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Guest RickyChosyu

I'm not really sure where all the hype was coming from to begin with.


And what exactly makes you think Christian is better than Edge? I'm not a big fan of either guy, but I don't really understand what Christian has done this year to show that he's worth pushing.

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Guest Celtic Jobber

Not very many people on the internet like Edge. I think he's awesome though and they're jealous of his great hair. ;)

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
I think he's awesome though and they're jealous of his great hair. ;)

I agree. Just look at Kevin Nash, same thing.

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Guest Downhome
Downhome...I'm just wondering...


Would you like Edge if he were still going by his silent person gimmick like when he first came in to WWF?

I would like him more, yes, I was a fan of him then actually. I was even a fan of his goofy character with Christian, but it is NOT going to fly being a singles guy, much less a main eventer. For me to like Edge, he has to change his entire gimmick, character, speaking style, look (not all that goofy smiling, it just makes him look like a moron, and a child), and even a change in his move set. He does so many moves that just don't fit him anymore, and simply are not believable at all.


Not to mention that he needs to work on his DAMN SELLING, ugh, Edge can ruin a match better than anyone out there today in this respect.

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Guest CanadianChick
Edge is the most over rated piece of trash that is out there currently. If he keeps his current look, gimmick, and in ring style, I hope he NEVER gets any bigger than he is right now. I wish Christian had Edge's push right now, as HE is the true talent between the two in my view. As far as him being the future, that is f'n not even true, it can't be. Unless the future is that of having the roster full of goofy looking bastards who is horrible on the stick, and has no clue how to sell properly throughout a match...


...oh God, I hope the future isn't Edge instead of Angle, please!!!!!!!

Your critizing Edge for his lack of selling, yet you don't see that Angle, one of your favorite wrestlers, has the exact same problem?

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Guest Downhome
And what exactly makes you think Christian is better than Edge? I'm not a big fan of either guy, but I don't really understand what Christian has done this year to show that he's worth pushing.

I think that Christian's current gimmick and whatnot fits himself better than Edge. Edge just looks like a big mess to me, in every way right now. Chrisian at least has a character that works for him, not to mention he's so much better on the stick. It's no wonder that Christian did almost ALL the talking for their team.


I don't think Christian deserves a push like Edge is getting, but I'd much rather it be him over Edge, if it had to be either one of them.

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Guest Downhome
Edge is the most over rated piece of trash that is out there currently. If he keeps his current look, gimmick, and in ring style, I hope he NEVER gets any bigger than he is right now. I wish Christian had Edge's push right now, as HE is the true talent between the two in my view. As far as him being the future, that is f'n not even true, it can't be. Unless the future is that of having the roster full of goofy looking bastards who is horrible on the stick, and has no clue how to sell properly throughout a match...


...oh God, I hope the future isn't Edge instead of Angle, please!!!!!!!

Your critizing Edge for his lack of selling, yet you don't see that Angle, one of your favorite wrestlers, has the exact same problem?

No, I've never once seen a problem with Angle in this respect, and if their's ever been a match where he has, then all of his positives, which Edge lacks, made up for it so much that I didn't notice. He sure as hell has never ruined an entire match for it. Also...


...did you see this past SD? That is the way you sell an injury, the way he did for Brock. I really hope Edge was able to see that.

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Guest razazteca

if Edge would quit using the Spear as a finisher, then I have no problem with him at the top.

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Listen. You know how Storm and Regal got the fuck pimped out of them? It's the same thing with Edge. I'm just not...feeling it, to quote somebody in the biz. Why push Edge? I mean, you could give the push to RVD just as much! He's got the same look as Edge, pretty much. Long hair, weird-o moves...same bad selling...

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Guest razazteca

damn double post


If Jericho can have a run at the top as champion why not Edge? Edge does work well with the best on Smackdown, so as the search for the next HBK continues why not let Edge have it since Jeff Hardy crashed and burned by having to many ladder matches.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
...did you see this past SD? That is the way you sell an injury, the way he did for Brock. I really hope Edge was able to see that.

What was wrong back in June when Jericho kicked his ass and hurt his shoulder?

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Guest Downhome
Listen. You know how Storm and Regal got the fuck pimped out of them? It's the same thing with Edge. I'm just not...feeling it, to quote somebody in the biz. Why push Edge? I mean, you could give the push to RVD just as much! He's got the same look as Edge, pretty much. Long hair, weird-o moves...same bad selling...

...both suck on the mic. Yeah, I'd much rather have RVD than Edge.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
Your critizing Edge for his lack of selling, yet you don't see that Angle, one of your favorite wrestlers, has the exact same problem?

But Angle pretty much has only that one big flaw right now, his lack of psychology. He has the look, the moveset, the mic work, the gimmick and the credibility to be a true main eventer.


Edge on the other hand looks like a fun-loving surfer dude, has a horribly lame moveset, lack of psychology, "ha-ha you're a dork" mic work and hasn't shown that he can carry medicre wrestlers to at least a decent match.


He has improved quite a bit in 2002, but to me he isn't main event material. And if he doesn't make some drastic changes, he'll never be.

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Guest Downhome
...did you see this past SD? That is the way you sell an injury, the way he did for Brock. I really hope Edge was able to see that.

What was wrong back in June when Jericho kicked his ass and hurt his shoulder?

Nothing was wrong with it, he did a good job taking it for a reason he would be out for a few weeks. On SD though, I just thought it so awesome how Angle took all of those bumps, and continued to do so for a matter of minutes. Anyone can take a beating outside of a match basicly, I could do the same thing, but it really takes talent to do so durring a match, and remember to sell throughout the match, something that Angle can do and does quite frequently, and Edge simply has a problem with it.


I guess calling it a problem isn't the right thing to say though, as WWE apparently doesn't care about it. It's just my personal preference I suppose in selling, I hate when ANYONE doesn't stay flowing through the entire match.

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Guest Mole

I guess I just don't see it.


How is his selling so poor? Next time I watch a match with him in it, I'll look at his selling.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Nothing was wrong with it, he did a good job taking it for a reason he would be out for a few weeks. On SD though, I just thought it so awesome how Angle took all of those bumps, and continued to do so for a matter of minutes. Anyone can take a beating outside of a match basicly, I could do the same thing, but it really takes talent to do so durring a match, and remember to sell throughout the match, something that Angle can do and does quite frequently, and Edge simply has a problem with it.

I must have missed all those times then....

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OK. Summerslam 2002, and SD! 10/31/02. Eddie destroys the shoulder. Ditto for Benoit. What does Edge finish with? THE SPEAR! We aren't talking about spear...holds shoulder, only gets 2, different finish. Spear, pin, good-bye, like Benoit and Eddie's respective whoopin on the arm did NOTHING to him to hinder the spear. LACK OF PSY-CHOL-O-GY.

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Guest Downhome
I guess I just don't see it.


How is his selling so poor? Next time I watch a match with him in it, I'll look at his selling.

Someone can work on a body part of his the entire match, and he'll sell it when the move is being done and then seemingly "forget" about it. Like, if someone really works over his legs he'll sell it, then two second later he'll run around and jump to the top rope and do a missle drop kick. Someone will work over on his sholder and then he'll finish the match off with the Spear and fail to sell it hurting his sholder, and just end the match right then and there.


It can really ruin a match for me, these types of things.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
I guess I just don't see it.


How is his selling so poor? Next time I watch a match with him in it, I'll look at his selling.

It's a matter of consistency. If your opponent works on your leg for a good portion of the match then you don't go for missile dropkicks and spin kicks and hit them without any problems. Or if you get your shoulder worked on, you don't finish the match with the spear using the bad shoulder. He can fix that stuff, and probably will fix it if he continues to work with guys like Benoit and Eddie.

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Guest Downhome
On TOP of that...he's HURT his shoulder before...which SHOULD render the Spear fucking useless for the most part...hmmmm...

I'm begining to worry about my sanity, I feel I'm starting to sound like AS.

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Guest Black Tiger

Holy shit, could this folder be any more cynical? Anytime WWE tries to give anyone a push, everyone has a collective groan. Everyone was saying this same bullshit back in June when Brock Lesnar was getting the big push, now your all pissed that Edge is getting pushed.


Edge improved by leaps and bounds this year, his wrong arm spear at SummerSlam was more than made up for at both Unforgiven and in his MOTYC with Eddie Guerrero on Smackdown!


Do you know WHY Christain isn't getting pushed? He's too small, has the charisma of Al Wilson and has next to no offense, this would be fine if he was a face, but he's a heel, Heels control the match.


As for Edge getting carried by Benoit, Angle, and Guerrero, I can't argue because I have no idea how to tell who is the carrier and who is being carried. But it still takes TWO to have a great match. In all those awesome matches remeber Edge was the face, HEELS CONTROL THE OFFENSE AND PACE, all three of those guys work a fast pace. Edge vs. A-Train sucked two weeks ago, When has Albert EVER had a decent match?


Edge IS the future of WWE, he WILL be WWE champion in the future.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Downhome, I'm still waiting on all those times Angle has sold consistently throughout the match and it having being factored into a finish, like you said....

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Guest ReyReyRox00

Sure Edge is over rated but he's a New Jersey Devil's fan. So i don't give a shit. Plus he's with Rey Mysterio.

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Guest Downhome
Edge IS the future of WWE, he WILL be WWE champion in the future.

God help us all if that has any truth to it at all, really. By the way, I liked Brock from the begining, only getting on his case when he was having a problem with getting over, and had the same match against so many different mid carders.

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