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The One and Only Raw Thread for 1/6/03

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Guest the pinjockey

Another HHH/Steiner showdown promo. Maybe with one interfering in another's match, but I don't see them giving away contact yet.


Jericho vs Golddust or Booker


Christian vs the other

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Guest Downhome

I predict you made this thread just to beat me out since I got RAW and SD last week. :D :D :D


The program RAW will come on, a bunch of stuff will happen that none of us like, and we'll all bitch about it after the show, that's my real prediction.

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Guest Downhome

Oh yeah, I predict a Steiner/HHH posedown, you f'n KNOW it's coming.


A tease of some sort for Booker T and Goldust.


A Kane heel turn tease.


Raven will do something, hopefully.


Bautista will destroy a talent.


I also predict that something will happen that NONE of us will expect, have it be great or horrible.


We'll see them pimp the RAW special out the freakin' ass also.

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Guest the pinjockey

I also predict an extra large helping of HHH this week. Then due to no MNF this week and the .1-.2 ratings boost they might get will be accredited to him.

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Guest Human Fly
...I'd laugh if they cancelled the Steiner/HHH MATCH at Royal Rumble for what they did with Warrior and and Rude for the Royal Rumble


HHH has just squirted baby oil in Steiner's eyes!!


I predict HBK will give a boring interview that Jericho will interrupt and make entertaining and then he will get superkicked.

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Guest razazteca

HHH will bring back the demin & leather jacket climb the ropes spit water and JR will shrill it as if it was the return of GAWD-uh


Kane vs the cast of Velocity in a sqash match


RVD vs Reddog, RVD loses again, everybody here will start calling Reddog the black Konnan

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Guest AndrewTS

I'll think positive.


Rico and Hurricane have a decent little match. Jamal of the 3 Minute Morons come out to help Rico cheat, but Mighty Molly returns to Raw, kicks him in the nuts, and stops the save, rejoining Hurricane.


3 Minute Morons will job to Booker T and Goldust FINALLY!


Steiner calls Trips a scared little bitch, and hits on some freaks in the audience. Trips comes out, Ric does almost all his talking, and challenges him for a tag team match TONIGHT! Bisch comes out, books it, but asks Steiner if he needs a partner. He says he'll find his own.


Victoria continues her pointless feud with Jackie by making fun of her overblown implants, and they brawl backstage, where we end up getting a Stacy ass shot. Test does not wrestle.


RVD/Steiner skit. Funny, either intentionally or not. Kane says stuff.


Main event:

HHH/Blahtista vs. RVD/Big Poppa Pump.


Kane interrupts, powerbombs RVD for a DQ, and they'll get a decently built up fued, which ends in the Rumble match itself. HHH tags out any time that BPP gets tagged in.


Hey, I'm being positive, but I'm being realistic too.

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Guest AndrewTS
I don't think that HHH will be bringing back the denim and jacket...


He considers himself Ric Flair reincarnated.


He's not, but that's what he thinks he is.

Er...Ric's still alive. :P

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I don't think that HHH will be bringing back the denim and jacket...


He considers himself Ric Flair reincarnated.


He's not, but that's what he thinks he is.

Er...Ric's still alive. :P

OK...the next coming of Ric Flair then. :P

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Guest AndrewTS
I don't think that HHH will be bringing back the denim and jacket...


He considers himself Ric Flair reincarnated.


He's not, but that's what he thinks he is.

Er...Ric's still alive. :P

OK...the next coming of Ric Flair then. :P

I think its also HHH's revenge. Ric stuck him with his crappy WCW gimmicks because they looked a little bit alike with the poofy long blond hair and prominent nose. Plus he told Paul to do an Inspector Clouseau accent.


So now, as punishment, Ric is HHH's JJ Dillon. HHH is like an elephant, he never forgets.


See also the Katie Vick feud, where Kane returned the job from THE YEAR BEFORE!

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I don't think that HHH will be bringing back the denim and jacket...


He considers himself Ric Flair reincarnated.


He's not, but that's what he thinks he is.

Er...Ric's still alive. :P

OK...the next coming of Ric Flair then. :P

I think its also HHH's revenge. Ric stuck him with his crappy WCW gimmicks because they looked a little bit alike with the poofy long blond hair and prominent nose. Plus he told Paul to do an Inspector Clouseau accent.


So now, as punishment, Ric is HHH's JJ Dillon. HHH is like an elephant, he never forgets.

Hmm...maybe giving HHH a Full Frontal Lobotamy will work out...

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Guest jester

I suppose I'll watch tonight's Raw, but man am I not hyped about it.


Predictions: RVD/Kane curtain jerks. Maybe we see the Kane heel turn tonight.


Booker T has a single match again, despite being one half of the tag champs.


I see long promos tonight. Most likely from the star of The HHH Show.


A Jeff Hardy match were he almost hits a spot.


God, I've gone and depressed myself now.

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Guest The Old Me

I think I'll turn on RAW with good intentions, then the first crappy segment I'll turn on PS2 and play Tiger 2003, Smackdown or Vice City until 11 when I remember I just missed RAW. That's what's been happening the past few weeks anyway. Sad, isn't it?

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I predict a Drunk, Over-weight Scott Stapp will run through the Crowd and give Triple H a Stunner. Grab a mic, and then declair he was Raven's Master Plan along.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

that would be the best *~*SWERVE*~* in the history of swerves. Seriously, I would pay to see that.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I agree with Jester's predictions about the show. That sounds about right to me.

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The other day on a big house show, Kane threw RVD across the ring and walked out...HEEL TURN alert!


Oh, and there was the small matter of The Rock returning on that house show...maybe we'll see him return on Raw...NAH! People would enjoy that.



As for what'll probably happen, they'll have RVD/Kane as a team early on to get the crowd pumped up.


Bischoff and Morley will totally forget that last week they hated JR and King.


Batista squash match.


HHH-Steiner confrontation, and probably HHH will attack him somehow. Maybe we'll get a Steiner-Flair match...err, maybe not.


Hurricane will continue his mini-push that isn't really a push.


Another womens match, and this time it should be a properly booked one, not a 'Santa's Little Helper' style one.


Hopefully we'll get a shock tonight, or at least soemthing memorable that we didn't expect.

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Guest DarthLordOfWrestling

HHH and SCOTT steiner are going to fight for an hour.

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Guest AndrewTS

Hmmm...I got the Bill Brown WCW 2000 tape and the MST3K Pod People in the mail today. Wrestlemania X-7 and Rebellion 2001 I just went out and bought.


Ehhh...I'll watch, but if the show starts sucking to a massive degree, I'll watch one of those others instead.

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Guest nikowwf

I just want them to announce the 15 rumble participants like they said (and if they announce 1 or 2 as SURPRISE GUEST thats cool too) And I want them to announce the other Rumble Raw brand matches. And i want nothing extraordinarily stupid.


If they do that, ill be more than content.



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Hmm...I wonder...


Will they do surprise entrants this year, or will they do like they did in Earlier Royal Rumbles and last year online and announce everyone before the Royal Rumble match took place.

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Guest Rob Edwards

Bisch will just announce 5 or 6 certanties tonight imo (say Jericho, Booker, Kane, Batista, Goldust and RVD)

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