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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Dawg's f'd up Tiger Driver........

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Ok who thought that Dawg killed Al Snow when he fucked up that Tiger Driver? I read on the Wrestling Observer website, the guy that did the RAW review said that he did a Tiger Driver 91. I don't think so dude. Watch Misawa do it. He comes down on his knees and it's a lot more beautiful than what Dawg did. Plus the way Dawg landed in the sitout position leads me to believe that he was going for a normal Tiger Driver(like regal does) and is so terrible that he couldn't flip Al Snow all the way over so he fucked it up.

Anyone else think he needs to go back to OVW for more...."seasoning"?

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Guest TheArchiteck

Eh, I wasn't too impressed with his "debut" match.

I also thought he killed Al Snow too.......

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Guest AndrewTS

B-2 was better. He also had a decent Falcon Arrow and a catchphrase that would have gotten over.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

I wanna know how the FUCK that schmuck has managed to replace TWO veterans who were at least starting to get over in their respective roles.

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Guest AndrewTS
I wanna know how the FUCK that schmuck has managed to replace TWO veterans who were at least starting to get over in their respective roles.

He was in OVW?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I dunno......he really needs more practice or he needs to change finishing moves. I mean a Tiger Driver is a fine finisher.....when performed correctly. When you drop someone on there head then you've got a problem. And if he really was going for a TD91...man he really needs to work on it.

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I thought Al Snow was killed instantly from the driver. IT was sick looking.....thank god Al seemed to tuck his head in at the last millisecond.....thats something a veteran has awareness to do.....Maybe Nowinski or Maven dont took the head in and something serious happens. You can tell he fucked up the move by the landing.....It was sloppy and Al's body londed on his thighs. Terrible looking

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Yeah AndrewsTS hit the nail on the head.

This OVW BS is getting out of hand. This farm league stuff is bad. Jim Cornette teaches them one thing then they get to the WWE and are made to learn a totally new thing. They need to take good indy wrestlers...not jackasses who have only been in training in a farm league for the past 2 years.

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Guest AndrewTS

Give Rodney "Not even as good as the Posse member" Mack a finisher he can't fuck up.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

A reverse chinlock....yeah I don't think he can mess that one up. He may be able to try and ARMBAR~!. But I dunno.....it took Jericho years to master that move.

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Damn guys....he messed up that move bad ,but it was only one match. Can we give the guy another chance before passing judgement. In all honesty though, they gave him a great worker in his first match and it'll proabably get only harder from here.

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Guest AndrewTS
Yeah AndrewsTS hit the nail on the head.

This OVW BS is getting out of hand. This farm league stuff is bad. Jim Cornette teaches them one thing then they get to the WWE and are made to learn a totally new thing. They need to take good indy wrestlers...not jackasses who have only been in training in a farm league for the past 2 years.

Yeah. You have talented veterans RIGHT THERE with more talent, mic skills, and marketability, and you push these suck-asses who make the Natural Born Thrillers look good?


Part of it is the home-grown policy. That still doesn't explain D'Lo though.

Throughly WWE for years.


Plus, no one is getting promoted to the mains on Raw, so you just clog up the midcard and release older, better talent. Bah.


Why not let these guys learn not to suck before starting them out on Raw? The Columbus crowd clearly didn't know or care who the fuck Mack was, but they cheered Al hugely (he's from Lima, but still).


I really like Al, but I was disappointed they never gave him a serious chance in WWE ever. Ever Mick Foley would welcome the worse of Snow's matches compared to most of the matches on Raw.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Hey I thought they were going to run with Al when he was with Mick,turned on Mick, and then begged for Mick's spot when he was fired. He even had that cool cage match with one of the Hardy's. I thought Al was going somewhere.....but of course it went nowhere. But it was an entertaining storyline.

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I got excited when Al was being pushed as the jealous psycho.. .... It looked like they were giving him a serious push and making him a threat to Rock. That all ended when Rock killed him on a Smackdown match. I mean damn they couldnt even give Al a PPV match to job to the Rock?

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Guest Vyce

Yeah, it was a sick looking move.


I thought at first that he was attempting some sort of Orange Crush....you know, trying to turn an underhook suplex into a powerbomb (and not in the traditional Tiger Driver fashion)...I don't know what he was trying to pull, but as soon as I saw the way Snow hit, I literally shouted out "Holy SHIT!" in my living room.


Scared my dog, too.

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Guest AndrewTS
Damn guys....he messed up that move bad ,but it was only one match. Can we give the guy another chance before passing judgement. In all honesty though, they gave him a great worker in his first match and it'll proabably get only harder from here.

An experienced veteran worker who just got squashed and luckily either knew how to take the move or miraculously escaped unharmed. I wouldn't send him out there again without making sure he can correctly do his own finisher or giving him a less dangerous one.


Hell, let his wife Jazz give him some tips.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Basically Yuna he went for a Tiger Driver....you know Regal's double arm powerbomb. (and he didn't even get the head between his legs. He hooked it like he was going for a double arm DDT) So he goes for it and rather than coming down in the sit out position with Al flat on his back he loses control and Al comes down on his head. This lead to the RAW reviewer at the wrestling obsever website to say that he did a Tiger Driver 91. Which he didn't. He did a fucked up Tiger Driver. May god have mercy on his next opponent.

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Guest AndrewTS
Hey, I completely missed the match. I got a basic idea of what happened, but could someone tell me all that happened?

I watched the match in full. I remember a few generic moves, a powerslam off the ropes, and of course the move in question.

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Guest Just call me Dan

He was going for a plain old Tiger Driver, as shown when he grasped Snow's ribs like he was slamming him down. Al was just supposed to be in a powerbomb bump position.

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Anybody else think this guy could pass for PErry Saturn's twin brother? Seriously, they need to bring the secondary titles back cause the overload of midcarders is getting ridiculous.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I know. That's what I was saying. I was about to send an email to the RAW reporter at the Observer to tell him to learn his wrestling before he reports. I don't know why that bugged me but it did.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu
Anybody else think this guy could pass for PErry Saturn's twin brother?  Seriously, they need to bring the secondary titles back cause the overload of midcarders is getting ridiculous.

OMG. That is so funny about Saturn. My friend Chris said the exact same thing when we were talking(complaining) about RAW.

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Guest Just call me Dan

And notice how Theodore picks the lightest skinned black guys to pilot the racism angle?

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That bastard. Not only did he kill my fun and replace B2, but he almost killed Al Snow with that stupid move. Rodney Mack better improve or he'll find himself at Test-levels of hatred from me.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I personally think Mr. Mack was inventing a new move on the spot. Snow Driver 03 will be right up there with Droz Driver 99 one day, you watch.


Hell if we get lucky he may even invent Snow Driver 2, where when going for a regular bodyslam, he ends up somehow hitting a sitout fire thunder driver.


But yeah, in any case, he is very very dull.

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Guest AndrewTS
And notice how Theodore picks the lightest skinned black guys to pilot the racism angle?

Fuck--I know the next celebrity that Vince will sign to try to renew interest in WWE...


Michael Jackson!!

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