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Guest oldschoolwrestling

Undertaker shoots on Austin, Hogan

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Guest oldschoolwrestling

This morning on Chicago Deejay Mancow Mueller's "Morning Madhouse", the Undertaker was a call-in guest. Mancow and the gang brought up some old memories, such as the Undertaker's debut appearance (which was also the debut of the Gobeldygooker), Undertaker/Foley Hell In A Cell match, El Gigante and a story about Mancow going backstage at a WWE event and meeting Undertaker and Paul Bearer.


He joked about the urn having a flashlight inside of it, making the Undertaker refer to Paul Bearer as a "high-tech mortician".


Some other points of the interview include: Taker shooting on Austin by saying that it is better for the both of them that "I'm on the other show" (Smackdown), citing that Taker wishes that Austin would have been a man about the business and sorted it out with Vince instead of just walking out on the business.


When asked about older stars who still wrestle past their prime like Hogan and Piper, Taker said that he "wouldn't be doing it if he were Hogan's age" and when the Undertaker can't go out and entertain the fans like the Undertaker is supposed to, he'll hang up his boots.


He put over Mick Foley as "not the most physically gifted athlete, but when it came to pleasing the fans, he was the best at putting it all on the line for their entertainment."


Taker took a break to change his daughter's diaper, to which Mancow ribbed him for ("The American Badass, 6'10 superstar, changing a diaper"). Mancow congratulated Taker on the birth of his daughter. Taker said that he was working on getting a bike deal, said uses a Titan on TV. He ended the interview with a plug for the 4/8 Chicago Smackdown show and his autograph signing that will take place tomorrow.



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Guest My Eyebrow is on fire
Some other points of the interview include: Taker shooting on Austin by saying that it is better for the both of them that "I'm on the other show" (Smackdown), citing that Taker wishes that Austin would have been a man about the business and sorted it out with Vince instead of just walking out on the business.


When asked about older stars who still wrestle past their prime like Hogan and Piper, Taker said that he "wouldn't be doing it if he were Hogan's age" and when the Undertaker can't go out and entertain the fans like the Undertaker is supposed to, he'll hang up his boots.

I wish he would go to RAW - he can intimidate steve austin for walking out on the job all he wants - as long as he's off the only wrestling show i watch anymore.


Seriously - not only is UT not a draw whatsoever, but I think a LOT of people (smarks mostly) turn the channel when he gives one of his boring promos or (worse yet) actual matches.


The marks cheer him - he's over - he makes a really really valuable piece of a midcard who needs rubs. It's a shame he'll be squashing cena very very soon.


I hope nathan jones drops him on his spine in a botched simply body slam.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

::finds a shoe rack for Taker to hand his boots on::


btw, I'm sure Austin is shaking in his boots that the "Locker room leader" the Undertaker is pissed at him.

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Guest NoCalMike

I absolute LOATHE when wrestlers say, "when I can't go out and do it anymore" A lot of them can't and are just a mere shell of their former selves, yet it doesn't stop them from using politics to stay on top.

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Guest Youth N Asia

The marks are the ones who keep him where he is...like him or not he's still a main eventer. He's not a midcarder just cause marks like us on boards don't like him.


A smart is just a mark with a computer.

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Guest Choken One

I agree With Undertaker, Taker was ABUSED by McMahon in 1995 AND yet unlike Crybaby prima donna Austin, Taker stayed and took it like a MAN...not a pussified Redneck like Austin.


Undertaker is still VERY over, as much as you guys cry and bitch and moan...

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Guest Choken One

Makes ZERO difference to Me...I've lost ALL respect FOR austin. OF course, TSM loves to set Austin as an Modern Day Messiah because "He stood up". Fuck that...He isn't a modern day messiah...He is a fucking prima donna that threw a fit because he didn't get what he wanted.


Triple H does the same thing and we all crucify him...

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Guest oldschoolwrestling
Makes ZERO difference to Me...I've lost ALL respect FOR austin. OF course, TSM loves to set Austin as an Modern Day Messiah because "He stood up". Fuck that...He isn't a modern day messiah...He is a fucking prima donna that threw a fit because he didn't get what he wanted.


Triple H does the same thing and we all crucify him...

I'd have to say that TSM was pretty split on the Austin walkout. I would say there are more Austin supporters than not, but a large amount of people here were not on his side. HHH on the other hand is pretty much hated by most so of course very few would side with him if he was wrestling Bin Laden.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Makes ZERO difference to Me...

Of course, overness only counts when it supports your statements, isn't that right?

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I think we were all pretty split on it. I'm sure there are some people out there that really don't agree with Austin's walk out, but guys like Taker and especially HHH never really drew much money for the fed, while Austin broke his neck for the company and brought it back to number one almost singlehandedly, which is why his actions aren't as "crucifiable".



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("The American Badass, 6'10 superstar, changing a diaper").

Awwww! :wub: Sorry...couldn't resist.


OF course, TSM loves to set Austin as an Modern Day Messiah because "He stood up". Fuck that...He isn't a modern day messiah...He is a fucking prima donna that threw a fit because he didn't get what he wanted.

*cheers* Preach on

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Guest Choken One

We could debate forever about the whole fucking thing and Politics...But here is where I draw the motherfucking line...


I respect HHH as a Human Being more the Steve Williams. For one simple reason...Triple H doesn't Hit Stephanie. Williams, A piece of shit that he is...Attack his own wife and RAN from the motherfucking cops like the pussified shit he is. Bottom Line...No Arguement. Don't even THINK about defending those actions. I might be entertained by Steve Austin the performer and character but The Human being, i have ZERO respect for.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo
I agree With Undertaker, Taker was ABUSED by McMahon in 1995 AND yet unlike Crybaby prima donna Austin, Taker stayed and took it like a MAN...not a pussified Redneck like Austin.


Undertaker is still VERY over, as much as you guys cry and bitch and moan...

Taker has never drawn more than any superstar in history, either.


When he reaches Austin's level (I may hate the guy sometimes, but face it. Taker is nowhere NEAR that level.) he can bitch about Stone Cold leaving.

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Guest Choken One

Again, What the FUCK does that have to do with ANYTHING? Austin is STILL a piece of shit regardless of if Taker was a draw or not.


Taker was still one of WWE's biggest stars that had EVERY right to leave like Nash, Ramon and others esp since he was abused by McMahon but he stayed loyal and did what was told of him...Unlike Prima Donna.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

whats with the undertaker hate?


whats with the austin hate?


just let them entertain us,please

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I don't mind the Undertaker but I can't stand this feud with Albert and Show.

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Guest Choken One

I dont hate Undertaker, I don't hate Austin..I only disrespect Steve Williams.

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Guest Angle-plex
and when the Undertaker can't go out and entertain the fans like the Undertaker is supposed to, he'll hang up his boots.


So shouldn't he have been hanging up the boots about 3 years ago?


whats with the undertaker hate?


whats with the austin hate?


just let them entertain us,please


*tries to let Undertaker entertain him*


*Doesn't happen*

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Guest El Psycho Diablo
Again, What the FUCK does that have to do with ANYTHING? Austin is STILL a piece of shit regardless of if Taker was a draw or not.


Taker was still one of WWE's biggest stars that had EVERY right to leave like Nash, Ramon and others esp since he was abused by McMahon but he stayed loyal and did what was told of him...Unlike Prima Donna.

I have to disagree with you again.


He was never, and HAS NEVER been one of their biggest stars. Those guys are the ones like Austin, Hogan, and Rock. "Biggest Star" means a financial success. In other words, a return on the investment (push) they've put into these guys. All three could have (Hogan at his height, and Rock/Austin now) draw a great Pay Per View buyrate on their name alone. Could Taker do that? Hell no.


Taker's been incredibly lucky in his career. Never much in the way of jobbing, and getting to no-sell his opponents the rest of the time. Of course he thinks he's a big shit..in a company where guys 6'6" and up get preferential treatment. Some people never had that luxury. Austin was a nothing. Rock was an over-pushed face people hated. They were given the ball, yes..but they used their own abilities (Charisma, hello?) to get, and keep themselves over. Taker's simply lived on the reputation of a long career..and something he ISN'T anymore. Notice how he has to make continual references about his Dead Man gimmick? That's what has kept him relatively over (not Austin/Rock/Hogan over) all these years. If not for that GIMMICK, he'd have been Albert version 1. Or Sid. Generic big man. Without that gimmick, he's a worthless peice of shit.


(For the record, I was one of the guys that hated Austin the most during the Invasion/after he left. Still do to some extent.)


Taker shouldn't have any room to talk. At all.

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Guest Choken One

No, The Fans still love him and he can still go...Simple as that. You're letting your blind judgement cloud your senses.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Wow. I thought Mancow couldn't get any more useless.


UT just proved me wrong.

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Guest Choken One
He was never, and HAS NEVER been one of their biggest stars. Those guys are the ones like Austin, Hogan, and Rock. "Biggest Star" means a financial success. In other words, a return on the investment (push) they've put into these guys. All three could have (Hogan at his height, and Rock/Austin now) draw a great Pay Per View buyrate on their name alone. Could Taker do that? Hell no.

My meaning of the term "Biggest StarS" I mean in terms of Place in the company. He was one the bigger names on the roster...It's hard to explain but I wasnt trying to compare Taker to Hogan or Austin or Rock...


I was merely saying that Undertaker's position was still high in 1995 and was STILL over dispite all the bullshit...He had every right to jump ship if he wanted to but he stayed loyal and didn't throw fits like Mr. Prima Donna


In all aspects of the world, Senority grants you authority. This is true for Professional Wrestling as well...

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Guest NoSelfWorth

How can Underseller "still go", when his body is broken down, and in need of repair ?


Yes the fans cheer for him, but fan's cheering doesn't equate to drawing money.

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Guest Choken One

He still makes WWE money...People buy his Merch and DVD'S maybe He doesn't make other people order PPV's...But Taker still gets Money for WWE because he has loyal fans.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

And for every Underseller fan they keep by constantly pushing the broken down fossil, they lose a dozen more who go, "Damn, I'm not watching with that old guy on ".

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

"In all aspects of the world, Senority grants you authority. This is true for Professional Wrestling as well..."


True enough, but here's the kick.


Does it give you the authority to keep people back, particularly people that may be the key to the future? How many people have been jobbed senseless for the 'Taker? Hell, if senority mattered shit, Billy Gunn and Bob Holly would be on UT's level..because they've been there just as long.


Nah, in the WWE senority matters shit unless you're the Taker.


He think's he's one of the guys on Austin's level..but in reality he's a never-was. He's still around because people have fond memories of the Dead Man..but he's not the Dead Man anymore, is he? Strange, that his character has "changed", but he's got to keep reminding us of who he is. Why? Because he simply isn't good enough to evolve. He's a relic.


A nothing.

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Guest Choken One

A Nothing? If I recall he was pretty much all over Primetime tv in 1999 and was often talked about (at least his Santanic gimmick)...So he has been on the mainstream before.


and for holding down people, I don't want to open up the 2492343578th thred bout politics...but Taker is CERTAINTLY isn't the ONLY POLICTICAL PERSON AROUND. Austin, HHH, Flair, Rhodes, And fuck many more.


There is NOTHING wrong with Playing Politics...You get NOWHERE in life by sitting back and not playing the game.

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Guest El Psycho Diablo
A Nothing? If I recall he was pretty much all over Primetime tv in 1999 and was often talked about (at least his Santanic gimmick)...So he has been on the mainstream before.


and for holding down people, I don't want to open up the 2492343578th thred bout politics...but Taker is CERTAINTLY isn't the ONLY POLICTICAL PERSON AROUND. Austin, HHH, Flair, Rhodes, And fuck many more.


There is NOTHING wrong with Playing Politics...You get NOWHERE in life by sitting back and not playing the game.

Why was he all over primetime in 99? They'd already exhaused most of the other opponents in the "Austin vs ______" series, and they figured anyone would draw against Stone Cold at his height, right?



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Guest Choken One

He was all over primetime merely for his character NOT completly because of his relatiship with Austin...There were alot of pieces done just about the Santaic Gimmick of his...Which means he was a big part of that WWF Boom in the late 90's...U can't deny that he wasn't a factor in the boom...

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