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Guest CanadianChris

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Guest treble charged

Not unless a toilet flushing sounds exactly like a 200+ man hitting a wrestling mat.

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I'm not going to conclude that YET, but as I said in another thread, the "YOU SUCK!" chant during his music was ridiculously loud. Angle is WAY over as a heel in Ottawa and deserves better than his current position.

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Guest Anglesault
Not unless a toilet flushing sounds exactly like a 200+ man hitting a wrestling mat.


it is when It's Kurt Angle and ANOTHER Midcarder.



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Guest treble charged

Look at it this way, at least Angle is the most over heel in the mid-card.

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Guest Anglesault

That's good? That's like saying "My $1.35 makes me the richest person in this slum!"



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Guest JHawk

Hey guys, it could be worse for Angle.  They could make this Stephanie match a four way.  Who woulda thought a year ago that the words "Stephanie" and "three-way" in the same sentence would cause so much anger among male wrestling fans?  Jeesh.

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Actually, you know what would be REALLY interesting? If Kurt joined the nWo. Tell me people wouldn't laugh when Hall, Nash and (now) X-Pac act all tough, and Kurt follows up by being his usual goofy self. He can even wear an nWo singlet!

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Guest Jobber of the Week

If anyone actually thinks Steph will be heavyweight champion of the world, they're nuts.


The only point of this is to seperate her and Jericho, I'm assuming. I forsee a ref bump, Steph pinning HHH, no count, Steph demanding Jericho revive the ref, and Jericho taking her off Hunter and putting her in the walls or whatever.


If Steph wins, I won't watch again until SummerSlam or at least King of the Ring, assuming I'm desperate.

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Guest Anglesault
Hey guys, it could be worse for Angle.  

Yeah, he could be facing Kane. Oh...




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Guest saturnmark4life

bastards, i said i'd quit watching the wwf if stpeh won the blet but then they had to debut brock lesnar with heyman. Course, that is LITERALLY the only good thing in the wwf right now. And SOMEONE has to bury the poor guy, what with all the jerks backstage atthe moment, even Austin (though i'm with him on this)

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Guest Steveweiser

I've read the WWF.com spoilers section, and it says that Billy & Chuck's stylist is called Rico... which should mean that it's Rico Constantino playing the role. Finally they've got him on telly! Next... Randy Orton and Ron Waterman... SWEET!!!

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Guest converge241

maybe the stylist will be named "Rico Suave".


If that is true its good that they are bringing him up

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Oh yeah, forgot about the stylist guy...


And Randy Orton is NOT that good...

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Guest WWF4Life
Oh yeah, forgot about the stylist guy...


And Randy Orton is NOT that good...

It's a bit harsh to discredit someone on the basis of one match. Orton's had good reviews elsewhere.

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Guest teke184

Rico's supposed to be pretty good, but the WWF has been hesitant to put him on TV because he's MUCH older than the other developmental talents (IIRC, he's pushing 40).

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Guest Human Fly

He's pretty good though IMO. Hopefully he does more then interfere for Billy & Chuck. I don't know what they'd do with him if it wasn't for the split.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Orton was also wrestling Dreamer.  That would make anybody look bad.

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Guest CanadianChris
Rico's supposed to be pretty good, but the WWF has been hesitant to put him on TV because he's MUCH older than the other developmental talents (IIRC, he's pushing 40).

He'd have to be.  He won American Gladiators, what, 10-12 years ago?

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Guest CanadianChris

Yes, and it was.  That's the reason I had no idea who the guy was until today.

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Guest dreamer420
Orton was also wrestling Dreamer.  That would make anybody look bad.

Easy now.  Don't blame Tommy Dreamer because Randy Orton is a disappointment.  I've heard from a few different people who have attended house shows that they were somewhat let down by Orton as well.  Finally I would just like to say, Tommy rules all.

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It's a bit harsh to discredit someone on the basis of one match. Orton's had good reviews elsewhere.

Perhaps, but I've also read disappointing reviews of him too. I realize Dreamer isn't even the most carryable guy in the world, but that really wasn't what I was looking for. I was mainly looking at Orton's sole performance and trying to logically think what moves he can do against Dreamer. I just felt somewhat disappointed by it. If it's harsh, sorry, but it's subjectively harsh. I can't judge a guy on matches I haven't seen.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Nothing against Dreamer personally, but injuries have not been kind to him.

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Guest chirs3

If they play this right, this could turn out to be a really great idea.


Have Jericho pin Stephanie. Jericho wins the title back (PLEASE!), and since HUNTER didn't pin her, she sticks around (that's not so good). I like this idea because it gives the belt back to who should have it while the major screwjob could fire up Triple H, and this could be a lasting fued.

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Guest teke184

Orton isn't the only developmental talent that's had problems getting good matches with Dreamer.  Former WWF developmental talent Russ McCullough got in deep $hit with the locker room for blaming Tommy Dreamer's weight as a reason why they hadn't been having good matches.  It's believed that his comments contributed to his release a few months ago.


IMHO, Dreamer may have been good at one point, but now he's a shell of his former self due to injuries and supposed weight problem.  I'm pretty sure he's only being kept around now because he's one of Paul E's boyz and the former ECW wrestlers like him a lot.

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Guest goodhelmet

"I'm pretty sure he's only being kept around now because he's one of Paul E's boyz and the former ECW wrestlers like him a lot."


It would have to be the only reason since he hasn't done anything noteworthy in the ring since Raven left for WCW.

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Guest dreamer420

I think Dreamer is still capable of putting on excellent matches.  The only reason the WWF signed him is because Tommy Dreamer is ECW and without him people might not have bought into ECW's Invasion.


The only thing holding Tommy Dreamer back is his nagging injuries and no faith from the booking commitee.  He was still wrestling great matches when ECW folded.  His feud with CW Anderson brought some terrific matches.

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Guest goodhelmet

"I think Dreamer is still capable of putting on excellent matches."


he hasn't had a good match since 1996 but all of a sudden he can put on good matches?


"The only thing holding Tommy Dreamer back is his nagging injuries and no faith from the booking commitee. "


The first contributes to his sucking in the ring, and the second is because he sucks in the ring.

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Guest dreamer420

Watch The Massacre On 34th Street from December of 2000.  His match with CW Anderson was great.   Anytime Dreamer hooked up with CW Anderson they had a good match.


Obviously you're not a Dreamer fan, but you can't say that he sucks in the ring in all honesty.  His body does hold him back a little, but he can still go with the best of them.  Of course that is only my opinion.

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