Guest AnnieEclectic Report post Posted March 26, 2003 Awww, I wanna fuck with the weirdo! If the strange dude is reading this, AIM name: AnnieEclectic. Bring it! I'm so up for confrontation right now, I still havent gotten my saturn package in the mail yet and I'm pissed! -Annie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 26, 2003 He isn't taking bait anymore, for some reason./ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest treble charged Report post Posted March 26, 2003 He's out licking dogs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AnnieEclectic Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Ladies and Gentlemen: How to annoy a fucking bastard. By me. *ahem* Lkdg32: hi Lkdg32: Do you know who this is? Annie Eclectic: hello Annie Eclectic: are you 13? Annie Eclectic: 3? Annie Eclectic: 27 perhaps? Lkdg32: no Annie Eclectic: are you sure? Annie Eclectic: cause 27 is Lkdg32: what is 27? Lkdg32: its not prime Lkdg32: that is 28 Lkdg32: 27 is youth Lkdg32: brb Annie Eclectic: 27 is prime! Annie Eclectic: wait... no Annie Eclectic: 29 is prime Annie Eclectic: PRIME Annie Eclectic: NUMBERS Annie Eclectic: ARE Annie Eclectic: NUMBERS Annie Eclectic: WHOSE Annie Eclectic: FACTORS Annie Eclectic: ARE Annie Eclectic: ONE Annie Eclectic: AND Annie Eclectic: IT Annie Eclectic: SELF! Annie Eclectic: AGAIN Annie Eclectic: 29 is PRIME Annie Eclectic: 37 is also PRIME Annie Eclectic: 28 is NOT PRIME Annie Eclectic: 28 / 2 = 14 Annie Eclectic: it's factors are one, two, four, seven, fourteen, and twenty-eight! Annie Eclectic: FEAR ALGEBRA! FEAR GEOMETRY! FEAR CALCULUS! FEAR KIBAGAMI!!!!! Annie Eclectic: how long you going to be away boy? Lkdg32: hi Annie Eclectic: hello Annie Eclectic: so, you're Prime? Annie Eclectic: I expected you to be... I dunno. Strange or something Lkdg32: Why? Lkdg32: Is it because I talk about jacking off to dogs and mangos? Annie Eclectic: well, that's probably something like that Lkdg32: nothing wrong with that Annie Eclectic: then again I dream about women in tuxes spanking me while I wear white leather and purr like a cat Annie Eclectic: who the fuck am I to talk? Lkdg32: that's nice Lkdg32: do you have a pic? Lkdg32: so i can see how smooth you are, and determine how old are you Lkdg32: i can determine age by smoothness Lkdg32: if you are ultra smooth, you are prime Lkdg32: if you are rough, you are past prime Annie Eclectic: well, no I don't have a pic, but if I did, I most likely wouldn't send you one Lkdg32: if you are just smooth then you are pre prime Lkdg32: why not? Annie Eclectic: and what's the difference between smooth and ultra smooth? Annie Eclectic: and I've had stalkers before, and they've been less odd than you Annie Eclectic: wait, explain gymnasts Lkdg32: ultra smooth is very, VERY smooth Lkdg32: like Jericho smooth or Rock smooth Lkdg32: both are prime Lkdg32: rough is like Steve Austin and Lance Storm Annie Eclectic: how are gymnasts not prime Lkdg32: most aren't 28-32 unfortunately Annie Eclectic: so? they're in their prime around 15-16 Annie Eclectic: there is no such thing as a complete and total perfect theory Annie Eclectic: much like jackalopes urinate into cacti but wont go near a coffee pot Lkdg32: i like drinking my piss Lkdg32: it is 100% healthy Lkdg32: millions of people in china do it Annie Eclectic: that's okay. At least you aren't drinking your own semen Lkdg32: I do Lkdg32: just kidding Annie Eclectic: you sure? Lkdg32: yes Annie Eclectic: there's nothing wrong with being gay Annie Eclectic: especially if it's leather bondage torture fantasies with scatological preferences Annie Eclectic: really Annie Eclectic: although I cant stand those people that use "marital aids" I mean GROSS OUT, man he stopped IMing with that name, but good ol Kibs clued me into another of his names.... Annie Eclectic: fool, don't go all switchy on me Annie Eclectic: you best talk about vibrators or face the ETERNAL WRATH OF THE DARK LORD ZAGATO thespookylotus: who the hell is this?! thespookylotus: no really who is this Annie Eclectic: this is the person you IMed earlier on another name thespookylotus: vandal nation? Annie Eclectic: I serve the ETERNAL DARK LORD ZAGATO and your soul shall be reaved! Annie Eclectic: no, that's someone else, I only go by Annie Eclectic. you however are also Lkdg32 thespookylotus: ok, yeah that's gay thespookylotus: not the last time I checked Annie Eclectic: hey, don't use homosexuality as a negative term! Annie Eclectic: I'm gay and really damn proud of it! thespookylotus: ok, what's your realy name thespookylotus: real* Annie Eclectic: real? thespookylotus: real name? Annie Eclectic: Ann Minami-Gaudet Annie Eclectic: 1st priestess of the Eternal order of the DARK LORD ZAGATO Annie Eclectic: HAIL LORD ZAGATO! OUR MINDS AND BODIES ARE HIS AND HIS ALONE! thespookylotus: ok, even better question, who do yo uthink this is? Annie Eclectic: do you belive in the theory of Prime? Annie Eclectic: we are the blinding winds of change here to disprove the evils of the theory of Prime Annie Eclectic: you've been deemed a follower of the theory of Prime, you must be reaved! Annie Eclectic: REAVED, BY ORDER OF THE DARK LORD ZAGATO Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: mONkey Annie Eclectic: monKeY Annie Eclectic: MONKeY thespookylotus: Ok, I'm about 2 seconds from hunting you down and killing you or just maiming you so that you can never type again... Annie Eclectic: MOnkeY Annie Eclectic: MONKEY Annie Eclectic: monkeY Annie Eclectic: mOnKeY Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: MONKEY Annie Eclectic: mONKey thespookylotus: ...know now that I hate you Annie Eclectic: HAIL LORD MONKEY-FUCKER ZAGATO! BOW DOWN! BOW DOWN HEATHEN! Annie Eclectic: monkey thespookylotus: It's like my own human bile trying to crawl back inside my bowls and trying to be at home Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: MONkey Annie Eclectic: yekNoM Annie Eclectic: MonkeY Annie Eclectic: MONkey Annie Eclectic: monKEY thespookylotus: don't you have anything better you could be doing like screw small animals or maybe ever yourself Annie Eclectic: my body is PRISTINE! Annie Eclectic: IT IS PURE Annie Eclectic: THANKS TO THE HOLY ROD OF GOODLINESS THAT IS THE DARK LORD ZAGATO Annie Eclectic: ALL HAIL ZAGATO! BOW DOWN, MONKEY DISPROVER! thespookylotus: who are you and what do you want? thespookylotus: SPEAK! SPEAK! Annie Eclectic: DISPROVE PRIME! Annie Eclectic: FOLLOW THE DARK LORD ZAGATO Annie Eclectic: ZAGATO IS JUSTICE! ZAGATO IS RULE! thespookylotus: is this joe, jamies cousin? Annie Eclectic: fool, you doubt the power of the 1st Priestess of the Court of THE DARK LORD ZAGATO! DOWN WITH PRIME! thespookylotus: ZAGATO blows my wood. HA! Annie Eclectic: mONKey Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: MONkeY Annie Eclectic: MoNkEy Annie Eclectic: MonkEY thespookylotus: yeah, on occasion they like to call it my monkey thespookylotus: do you have an obsession with my onkey thespookylotus: monkey* Annie Eclectic: moNKey Annie Eclectic: MONkeY Annie Eclectic: monKey Annie Eclectic: MonkEY thespookylotus: "dear god, please, send fire. Take me out of my misery>" thespookylotus: I', sorry were you saying something Annie Eclectic: your puny god cannot save you from DARK LORD ZAGATO Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: monkey thespookylotus: ha top that monkey boy! Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: have you no EYES? thespookylotus: I know you are but what am I? thespookylotus: 3 acctually thespookylotus: I pry my third eye open Annie Eclectic: calling a high priestess of Zagato "boy" is huge offense to the DARK LORD ZAGATO who rains death upon ALL SHEEP! Annie Eclectic: NOT JUST THE WHITE SHEEP, YOUR COLORED SHEEP ARE NOT SAFE! thespookylotus: is this Jamie thespookylotus: because I know where you live thespookylotus: no, I was right this has got to be a boy Annie Eclectic: I know your place of habitation, because I would never call the blind ignorant nature of your existance "Living" thespookylotus: living, ha you got the worng address thespookylotus: legally I'm very much dead and have been for a long time Annie Eclectic: DEATH CANNOT SAVE YOU HEATHEN! Annie Eclectic: BOW BEFORE ZAGATO Annie Eclectic: LIVE YOUR AFTERLIFE IN HIS NAME! FOR HIS PLEASURE Annie Eclectic: GAG ON THE ROD OF HOLINESS! thespookylotus: *looks at rod* HA! Your kidding, right? that thing, I've seen bigger rasins Annie Eclectic: Do not insult my LORD's Rod! Annie Eclectic: he is JUSTICE and RULE Annie Eclectic: my nipples tingle for the ecstacy to feel his anger rip into me! thespookylotus: oh god, it's a dildo thespookylotus: that's sad Annie Eclectic: his anger RIPS INTO ME WITH BLOOD AND PAIN AND I CRY AND SCREAM FOR MORE! CHANT WITH ME AND THE HOLY VIOLATION WILL BEGIN! Annie Eclectic: monKEY Annie Eclectic: monKey Annie Eclectic: MonkEy Annie Eclectic: monkEY Annie Eclectic: he is JUSTICE and RULE Annie Eclectic: my nipples tingle for the ecstacy to feel his anger rip into me! thespookylotus: oh god, it's a dildo thespookylotus: that's sad Annie Eclectic: his anger RIPS INTO ME WITH BLOOD AND PAIN AND I CRY AND SCREAM FOR MORE! CHANT WITH ME AND THE HOLY VIOLATION WILL BEGIN! Annie Eclectic: monKEY Annie Eclectic: monKey Annie Eclectic: MonkEy Annie Eclectic: monkEY thespookylotus: that really sad, you need to get the real thing thespookylotus: I've retired a few chicks holy rods because they didn't need it anymore thespookylotus: after word they were the ones calling ME god thespookylotus: but whatever Annie Eclectic: you shall not TOUCH MY PRISTINE BODY! IT WILL ONLY FEEL THE ANGER AND PAIN OF THE DARK LORD ZAGATO! DO NOT RESIST HIS EVIL, ALLOW HIS ANGER TO ENTER INTO YOU! CHANT WITH ME HEATHEN! Annie Eclectic: mONkey Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: MoNkEy Annie Eclectic: MONKEY Annie Eclectic: monKey thespookylotus: I sent it to the country and fed it on ginger bread thespookylotus: along came a choo choo and know my monkey coo coo and now my monkeys dead thespookylotus: at least he looks that way, but in the end don't we all Annie Eclectic: don't sully the sacred chant of angry infestation with your silliness! chant with me or face the WRATH OF OUR LOVE AND EVIL DARK LORD ZAGATO Annie Eclectic: FEEL THE ANGER ENTER EVERY ORIFACE OF YOUR BODY! ALLOW THE PAIN AND SUFFERING TO CONSUME YOU! SUCCUMB TO THE JOY OF PAIN! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! SUBMIT! thespookylotus: whoa! I'm sorry but me and dildos don't go together thespookylotus: My job is putting them out of business Annie Eclectic: know the joy of us... thespookylotus: I don't think I want to click on that, it may be bad for my health Annie Eclectic: CLICK AND KNOW THE LOVE AND PAIN OF ZAGATO thespookylotus: I don't want to see your dildo! Annie Eclectic: CLICK AND SEE HOW HE GIVES ME HIS PAIN! Annie Eclectic: CLICK AND SEE HOW I HURT FOR HIM! thespookylotus: I've been stashing enough of them in movie theaters all over the country enough as it is ...more to come.... -Annie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest AnnieEclectic Report post Posted March 27, 2003 more: thespookylotus: HEY! thespookylotus: Where'd you go? Annie Eclectic: I am here, also replying to your other selves Annie Eclectic: it is fine, we do allow multiple souls in one body thespookylotus: ha! It ain't me! MwHAHAHAHAH!!!! Annie Eclectic: please, just allow them to not speak all at once thespookylotus: will do thespookylotus: you still there Annie Eclectic: I am here Annie Eclectic: you must chant with me Annie Eclectic: join in the cleansing thespookylotus: your dushing aren't you? Annie Eclectic: dushing? thespookylotus: dooshing (sp?) Annie Eclectic: I know of a Cushing, Peter Annie Eclectic: known for playing the character "Doctor Who" in two feature films showcased in London, England thespookylotus: no, no, I ment cleansing, like a doosh bag thespookylotus: I though yo uwould ned to after facing the wrath of... well what ever it was you named your dildo Annie Eclectic: ZAGATO gives me the only cleansing I need Annie Eclectic: he is JUSTICE and RULE thespookylotus: you must be very depressed then Annie Eclectic: I live only for ZAGATO thespookylotus: some other guy wanted me to tell you that I'm not Lkdg32 thespookylotus: because I'm not thespookylotus: I bet you feel silly Annie Eclectic: Silliness is only for the fools that do not accept the PAIN AND SUFFERING of ZAGATO into their body and soul! a third now: daturagod89: hey babe!! Annie Eclectic: greetings daturagod89: what's up?? Annie Eclectic: I'm converting another soul to us sister daturagod89: for seriously? SWEET! daturagod89: So um... what are you wearing? Annie Eclectic: do not insult the Priestess of the DARK LORD ZAGATO daturagod89: hey, it wasn't an insult... i wanna know what you're wearing... it turns me on, what can i say Annie Eclectic: thou shall know that none but our DARK LORD shall see what the priestesses appear as Annie Eclectic: only us shall feel his PAIN AND SUFFERING INSIDE US Annie Eclectic: if thou wish to be cleansed in pain, follow us to daturagod89: wow, i never knew that was you!!! i beat off to that picture 12 times a day! daturagod89: you have a pretty hot sphicter Annie Eclectic: thou DESECRATE US WITH YOUR FILTH! ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE CLEANSED! CHANT TO ALLOW THE PAIN AND SUFFERING TO CLEANSE YOU Annie Eclectic: monKEY Annie Eclectic: monKey Annie Eclectic: MonKEY Annie Eclectic: monKEY Annie Eclectic: moNkey daturagod89: spank daturagod89: spank Annie Eclectic: MOnkey daturagod89: spank daturagod89: spank daturagod89: spank daturagod89: WOO! daturagod89: YEHAW! daturagod89: wow, you're makin me pretty hot.... *roar* daturagod89: What's the kiiiiinkiest thing you've ever done? I bet it's super kinky cause you sound like one of those kinky new age kinda women. Annie Eclectic: our DARK LORD will destroy you for your Heresy daturagod89: As long as he uses lube.. cause last time, phew, I was chafin like a wet baby in diapers daturagod89: Is he dark like.... dark chocolate? I like my men like my coffee... black and strong. daturagod89: So um... what is Zaggie up to? Think he'd be up for a shag? Annie Eclectic: ZAGATO will not allow this heresy daturagod89: rofl Annie Eclectic: join with me for a chant, just your mere presence makes me feel dirty Annie Eclectic: MONKEY Annie Eclectic: monkey Annie Eclectic: Monkey daturagod89: spank daturagod89: spank daturagod89: spank Annie Eclectic: monkeY Annie Eclectic: MONKey Annie Eclectic: MonKEY Annie Eclectic: CHANT WITH ME MORTAL OR OUR SOULS WILL DIE AND WITHER IN THE PAINS OF HELLFIRE daturagod89: SPANK THAT MONKEY! daturagod89: HE'S EGTTING LIMP! daturagod89: GETTING** daturagod89: BRING HIM BACK TO LIFE! Annie Eclectic: CHANT WITH ME MORTAL, YOUR FEEBLE JOKES GET WEARY! daturagod89: oh please... you know ya like it when i talk dirty to you daturagod89: hmmm, zaggie seems out of character daturagod89: THE LORD ZAGATO: ...dude, you're gay? daturagod89: how could he forget about last night daturagod89: so babe, what's on your mind? daturagod89: you aren't sayin much Annie Eclectic: I am only as one Priestess, unable to comply iwth the conversions of your three souls daturagod89: that's pretty pathetic... seein as you're all supernatural and such daturagod89: you should work on the multitasking Annie Eclectic: I am simply a human Priestess, a servant of ZAGATO. Only HE can hold such power daturagod89: lol, well he's pretty homophobic even though he weilds all this "power" daturagod89: he ran like a little girl when i joked about gay-sex Annie Eclectic: HE has no concern over the shape of the body, only that all accept HIS PAIN AND SUFFERING into our souls daturagod89: pain and suffering... like S&M? I'm down for that.... SPANK ME!!! Annie Eclectic: NO, ACCEPT HIS PAIN AND SUFFERING INTO EVERY ORIFACE! FEEL YOUR THROAT RIP IN JOYFUL SUFFERING THAT IS ZAGATO! FEEL YOUR REAR RIP AND BLEED FOR YOUR DARK LORD! REPENT! This is where I found out that Kibs thought that these two screen names were PRIME. They aren't, but they had fun. Now I torment the real one, more in a bit -Annie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kibagami Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Actually, thespookylotus is a friend of mine who didn't identify himself fast enough. Whoops. K. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 27, 2003 I had a feeling when the other thespookylotus didn't talk about Prime once that it wasn't him. Ouch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest J*ingus Report post Posted March 27, 2003 . . . Annie, if you ever decide to swing for the other team for even one night, gimme a call, that flaming was so awesome it turned me on. Monkey. Yeah. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted March 27, 2003 My new Prime defense mechanism? Not responding. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted March 27, 2003 I agree with nevermortal on that one, although he accuses you of "no selling" him. No, because if I was no-selling him I'd be trying to put myself over. I'm just ignoring him so I don't get baited into an argument with a moron. For the record, this prime idiot is the guy who told me I shouldn't mourn Curt Hennig's death because he hadn't done anything in ten years...LESS THAN SIX HOURS AFTER HENNIG'S DEATH BECAME PUBLIC! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Sandman9000 Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Or my method of defense, not giving out my AIM name. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 27, 2003 He hasn't bothered me in a couple of days. I think I finally blocked all of his names. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vitamin X Report post Posted March 27, 2003 he hasn't bothered me in a while either mostly because I can make quite a good case for apathy... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Dames 0 Report post Posted March 27, 2003 I'm curious fellas....when you ignore him, does he try to direct connect and actually TALK to you? He does that shit to me all the fucking time. Dames Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrRant Report post Posted March 27, 2003 Dark Lord eh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nevermortal Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I'm curious fellas....when you ignore him, does he try to direct connect and actually TALK to you? He does that shit to me all the fucking time. Dames I have the Direct Connection turned off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 28, 2003 He tries to do Talk all the damn time. Sometimes he'll try it without even saying anything first. EDIT: Just got him again. The long pause is where I went to take my dogs outside for their business, and the names are all simply people I know, I'm not bisexual. blueprint5991: Hey smoothie. Kotzenjunge: Oh Jesus. blueprint5991: No I didn't "run out of names". Kotzenjunge: I'm strawberry now? blueprint5991: There was just no need at the time to IM you. blueprint5991: Nope blueprint5991: You are just a smooth man Kotzenjunge: Sure I am. Kotzenjunge: They test motor oil on me. blueprint5991: How come you go to a no name school? Kotzenjunge: Because I didn't blow the right men. blueprint5991: Are you just going to be a high school history teacher or something? blueprint5991: You don't need to, you aren't in ECW. blueprint5991: Where you had to blow Tommy Dreamer and Paul Heyman to get ahead. Kotzenjunge: Sorry Prime, that's how it works all over the world. blueprint5991: How so? Kotzenjunge: You have to fellate the right people to get ahead everywhere. Kotzenjunge: Any successful man is a successful cocksucker. blueprint5991: So by doing this, you got into a no name school? Kotzenjunge: No, I didn't blow anyone. Kotzenjunge: I refused. Kotzenjunge: So they sent me there. blueprint5991: Why? blueprint5991: Why did you refuse? Kotzenjunge: Because I'm not big on the cock. blueprint5991: I thought you love blowing men. blueprint5991: Oh? blueprint5991: Before you said you loved the cock. Kotzenjunge: I'm bi. I switch-hit. blueprint5991: If you are bi, that means you like cock and pussy. blueprint5991: How many girlfriends/boyfriends have you ever had? Kotzenjunge: I like the pussy more. blueprint5991: ? Kotzenjunge: And I have had no less than fifteen relationships. blueprint5991: Oh? Name them blueprint5991: You are just obsessed with Kylie, you've had none, stop lying. Kotzenjunge: Name them eh. Kotzenjunge: Okay. blueprint5991: You said you are a nerd who likes wrestling, but who is also "ultra charismatic" blueprint5991: lol blueprint5991: you said something like that Kotzenjunge: Thomas Morrison, Alissa Karnaky, Jessica Fitts, Jenna Monogan, Nellie Nikolov, Brendan O'Connor, Adam West, Daniel Gregory, Darcy Sudano, Kathleen Quinn, Kristen Petty, Geddis Powell, and Max Blackman. blueprint5991: I didn't need their last names blueprint5991: oh so there are some men too? blueprint5991: you weren't just lying before blueprint5991: sexual relationships Kotzenjunge: All of them were sexual. I get around. blueprint5991: Why not try something new? blueprint5991: Go have sex with a cow blueprint5991: You like to make stuff up blueprint5991: Like going to metal concerts blueprint5991: Where there are all whites blueprint5991: And getting beat up blueprint5991: Eventually joining a group after they got tired of beating you up blueprint5991: Those are just random names blueprint5991: You gave me Kotzenjunge: All that stuff about metal concerts was also under the guise of being a black man, which you were convinced I was. blueprint5991: Of course I would be blueprint5991: "Fo sheez" is your catchphrase blueprint5991: That isn't a typical white man catchphrase Kotzenjunge: And racists don't typically last long. blueprint5991: Not racist, that is how ghetto people talk blueprint5991: Ghetto people tend to be black Kotzenjunge: News flash, bubs: this supposed ghetto talk is common vernacular now. blueprint5991: Nowadays is it common to see a few whites hanging out in a ghetto group blueprint5991: a decade ago or so it wasn't as common blueprint5991: but the majority are still black blueprint5991: It isn't typical for a white man to say "fo sheez" Kotzenjunge: See, you're still thinking in terms of race. blueprint5991: I put that together and the pic on TSM that I thought was you, and I thought you were black. blueprint5991: Got you and Flyboy mixed up. blueprint5991: The picture on TSM> blueprint5991: *TSM. Kotzenjunge: Now what if I told you that I was 25% Irish, 25% Italian, 25% Chinese, and 25% various other northern hemispherical ethnicities? blueprint5991: I doubt it. blueprint5991: You don't sound 25% Chinese blueprint5991: 25% Italian blueprint5991: 25% Irish blueprint5991: You sound Jamaican Kotzenjunge: Of course not, because your prejudices prevent you from ever accepting anything outside of your preconceived boundaries. Kotzenjunge: To you, a deep voice is an automatic Jamaican. Kotzenjunge: Anyways, you've already bored me, so a block for you. Kotzenjunge: BECAUSE I CAN CAN CAN!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cawthon777 0 Report post Posted March 28, 2003 That guy was hilarious. He used to bother me for months - asking the most minut questions after checking out my site. "Why was Sid pushed to a main eventer after he lost all his matches in 95? Why did Kane beat Steve Austin at KOTR? Why am I a moron?" Well he didn't ask the last one but you get the idea. Haven't bothered me in a while though. The guy must have a LOT of time on his hands to stalk me under 50 different SNs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest T®ITEC Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Kotz had a relationship with ADAM WEST? OMG WTF?!? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MrRant Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Hey... you had one wiht Zzasz or whatever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest T®ITEC Report post Posted March 28, 2003 I'd rather have seventy-year-old Julie Newmar than anybody else. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest T®ITEC Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Frankly, I feel ripped off by my conversation with Prime. He left after a minute. Nonetheless... Lkdg32: hi Lkdg32: Do you acknowledge prime? UCW2K3: do you acknowledge death? Lkdg32: death comes when you are too far past your prime Lkdg32: your body can't take it anymore Lkdg32: and you die UCW2K3: those in their prime die frequently Lkdg32: Untrue UCW2K3: true! Lkdg32: You are the least likely to die in your prime Lkdg32: 28-32 is when you peak UCW2K3: all ages die frequently Lkdg32: 33+ you get worse and worse until you die UCW2K3: you could die as a baby, in your PRIME, or past prime UCW2K3: it's all the same Lkdg32: you are least likely to die in your prime UCW2K3: get a doctor to tell me that Lkdg32: are you prime? UCW2K3: are you un-hetero? Lkdg32: what is that? Lkdg32: Do you have a smooth face? Lkdg32: Smooth face is a characteristic of prime Lkdg32: brb UCW2K3: furious d has a smooth face UCW2K3: as smooth as ink. baby UCW2K3: before his prime, he ran so, so fast UCW2K3: greatest athlete of his time UCW2K3: so really, your prime is 18-22. men hit their sexual prime at 18, and by 22, you've done all the bad stuff you've wanted to do since you were 12. after that, it's all downhill. UCW2K3: you go to college, get a job, marry the girl you knocked up, and your life is a horrible, pathetic waste. UCW2K3: by 28, you're onto your second mistress. UCW2K3: by 32, you are divorced, and you never get to see your kids UCW2K3: 18-22 IS PRIME UCW2K3: 23+ YOU DECLINE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kibagami Report post Posted March 28, 2003 He fears me. But not as much as he fears The Lord Zagato. K. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vitamin X Report post Posted March 28, 2003 UCW2K3: so really, your prime is 18-22. men hit their sexual prime at 18, and by 22, you've done all the bad stuff you've wanted to do since you were 12. after that, it's all downhill. UCW2K3: you go to college, get a job, marry the girl you knocked up, and your life is a horrible, pathetic waste. UCW2K3: by 28, you're onto your second mistress. UCW2K3: by 32, you are divorced, and you never get to see your kids UCW2K3: 18-22 IS PRIME UCW2K3: 23+ YOU DECLINE .... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest T®ITEC Report post Posted March 28, 2003 What can I say? I'm Prime Mysterio Jnr. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Flyboy Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Kotz had a relationship with ADAM WEST? Ummm... What?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cawthon777 0 Report post Posted March 28, 2003 UCW2K3: so really, your prime is 18-22. men hit their sexual prime at 18, and by 22, you've done all the bad stuff you've wanted to do since you were 12. after that, it's all downhill. UCW2K3: you go to college, get a job, marry the girl you knocked up, and your life is a horrible, pathetic waste. UCW2K3: by 28, you're onto your second mistress. UCW2K3: by 32, you are divorced, and you never get to see your kids UCW2K3: 18-22 IS PRIME UCW2K3: 23+ YOU DECLINE I completely agree. The bad part is ... I'm almost 22. He IMd me last night in defense of my earlier comments on this thread. Apparently my spelling needs correcting and it's my own fault that he IMs me since I put all the time into putting my site together. Oh, I was also told to make a WCW results site. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kotzenjunge Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Your problem was not making a MAINSTREAM SITE~! like 411mania~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest T®ITEC Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Kotz had a relationship with ADAM WEST? Ummm... What?! He said it d00d! Kotzenjunge: Thomas Morrison, Alissa Karnaky, Jessica Fitts, Jenna Monogan, Nellie Nikolov, Brendan O'Connor, Adam West, Daniel Gregory, Darcy Sudano, Kathleen Quinn, Kristen Petty, Geddis Powell, and Max Blackman. ....And, cawthon777, I truly am sorry. I AM TEH NEW PRIME~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JHawk Report post Posted March 28, 2003 Oh, I was also told to make a WCW results site. He tried to convince me that he already knows of one, but since I was answering another IM at the same time and didn't ask for the URL five seconds later he refused to give the URL. Which makes me think one thing. *cough*bullshit*cough* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites