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Guest Nevermortal

Acknowledge Prime

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Guest Kotzenjunge

And Rant was right. 56512 is indeed not a zip code. If I could somehow find out what his name was, I'd drive down there and beat the shit out of him personally.

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Guest Kibagami

Man...5am is not the time to read about this prime dude.


"Fucked up motherfucker" is the term that comes to mind.



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Guest Flyboy
Sorry Flyboy, we aren't all antisocial bastards who are afraid of meeting new people.

And that's why you're getting IMed by Prime and not me.

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Here is my encounter with Prime:


Lkdg32: Hi

AceofSpades85: ?

AceofSpades85: identify yourself human

Lkdg32: This isn't 1996 for the Ultimo Dragon

Lkdg32: This is 2003, he is way past his prime

AceofSpades85: you're right

Lkdg32: I doubt see the point of bringing him in when there are plenty of other cruiserweights out there

AceofSpades85: but the why the hell are you bothering me with this here

AceofSpades85: I am a mark for him

Lkdg32: so you know

Lkdg32: still are?

AceofSpades85: I don't care if his workrate isn't up to par with his old work

Lkdg32: have you seen his recent stuff?

AceofSpades85: no I haven't

Lkdg32: I have a question

Lkdg32: When exactly was his botched arm surgery?

AceofSpades85: Not sure exactly, but I believe 1997 or 1998

Lkdg32: he should have never came back

Lkdg32: 28-32 is prime, 33+ you decline

Lkdg32: even if he is 100% health wise, he will never be as good, because of age

AceofSpades85: I don't hold everyone to a predefined standard

Lkdg32: Everyone applies to that standard

AceofSpades85: for most, yes, late 20's early 30's is prime

AceofSpades85: that is your opinion, not fact

Lkdg32: it is fact, because it hasn't been disproven

AceofSpades85: just because something hasn't been disproven doesn't make it fact

AceofSpades85: do rocks think?

Lkdg32: but it has been proven to apply to numerous people

AceofSpades85: you can disprove that theory, so by your standards, it must be true

Lkdg32: that prime concept

Lkdg32: and it hasn't been disproven

AceofSpades85: numerous people isn't everyone

Lkdg32: Rocks can't think because they are not living

AceofSpades85: what about plants then

Lkdg32: Right, but it doesn't matter how many people its been proven to

Lkdg32: Scientists can't conduct experiments on everyone

Lkdg32: If it applies to a lot of things or people, and it can't be disproven, it becomes law

AceofSpades85: Thats why you can't hold a measuring stick up to everyoen and expect it to fit

AceofSpades85: Law of what?

Lkdg32: it becomes scientific law

Lkdg32: the prime concept applies to many people and it hasn't been disproven, so it is fact

AceofSpades85: Alright, lets say that you're right and Ultimo Dragon is past his prime, ect

Lkdg32: he can only get worse

Lkdg32: doesn't mean he sucks, it just means he isn't as good as he used to be, and can only decline more

AceofSpades85: I don't think he's gonna get any better, and with time, of course his skills will deplete

AceofSpades85: that doesn't mean that I still won't enjoy his work, because I liked him when I was a mark and didn't know anything about the business

Lkdg32: How is Ultimo Dragon better than Great Sasuke or Jushin Liger?

AceofSpades85: I never said he was

AceofSpades85: But frankly, I haven't seen hardly any Sasuke or Liger matches

AceofSpades85: I'm a big puro mark, although I'd like to see more

AceofSpades85: not a big puro mark*

AceofSpades85: What I want to know is, what are you hoping to accomplish by arguing this with me?

Lkdg32: Arguing what with you?

Lkdg32: What are we arguing?

AceofSpades85: Maybe arguing was the wrong term

Lkdg32: I IMed you to tell you that Ultimo is past his prime, and it doesn't make much sense why WWE would want him

AceofSpades85: WWE doesn't do many things that make sense

Lkdg32: Right

AceofSpades85: and sure, UItimo will probably be jobbing on Velocity to A-Train before too much longer

Lkdg32: The main thing that doesn't make sense is putting HBK over HHH

AceofSpades85: and Dragon probably won't be used properly in WWE

Lkdg32: If HBK wasn't a draw in his prime, how can he be a draw as a nostalgia act?

AceofSpades85: thats a whole nother story

Lkdg32: And HHH is the bigger draw that HBK ever was

Lkdg32: It never makes sense to put a non draw over a draw

AceofSpades85: he was sort of a draw, but nothing that good

Lkdg32: not a draw at all

AceofSpades85: Mable was not a draw at all

Lkdg32: right

AceofSpades85: HBK was to a certain extent

AceofSpades85: although not that much

Lkdg32: he drawed decently for a couple of months

Lkdg32: then that was it

AceofSpades85: yeah

Lkdg32: in 1996

Lkdg32: People didn't care about HBK vs British Bulldog at KOTR 96 or HBK vs Vader at Summerslam 96

AceofSpades85: I won't argue with you as I've only been watching wrestling since 97' and that was WCW until 2000

Lkdg32: But they were probably interested in HBK vs Diesel for Good Friends, Better Enemies

AceofSpades85: probably

AceofSpades85: because like it or not, Diesel was a bigger draw than Bulldog

Lkdg32: The only time people cared about the Bulldog was at Summerslam 92, and only because it was in England

AceofSpades85: yeah

AceofSpades85: what is your name on the Smart Marks

Lkdg32: I am Prime

Lkdg32: go to the general forum

AceofSpades85: ok

Lkdg32: and click the Acknowledge Prime thread

AceofSpades85: k

AceofSpades85: ah ok, Nevermortal, gotcha

Lkdg32: no

Lkdg32: that isn't me

Lkdg32: he talked to me

AceofSpades85: oh

Lkdg32: there are tons of transcripts in there

Lkdg32: of people vs me

Lkdg32: i am the one with the random screennames

AceofSpades85: yes

AceofSpades85: so let me ask, what is the purpose of your talking to these people. everyone seems pretty pissed about it

Lkdg32: Purpose is to inform them of prime

Lkdg32: They must acknowledge the concept

Lkdg32: If they don't, I continue to IM them until they do

AceofSpades85: I see.

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Guest Kibagami

I disproved his Ric Flair example of prime earlier. He's left me alone since then.



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Guest treble charged

My turn!!


farseer919: Hey

TimMoysey: hey buddy

farseer919: That Prime asshole!

farseer919: He's making too much sense!

farseer919: I can't take it!

TimMoysey: damn him!

farseer919: Someone needs to fire his ass!

farseer919: Like WWE fired Tommy Dreamer

farseer919: For making too much sense

farseer919: God dammit!

TimMoysey: i know

farseer919: I can't take it

TimMoysey: me neither

farseer919: The logic!

farseer919: The common sense!

farseer919: AHHHHHHHH

TimMoysey: when will you be in your prime?

farseer919: 28-32 of course

TimMoysey: what year will that be?

TimMoysey: so I can build shrines in your honour?

farseer919: i turn 28 in 2011

farseer919: 2011-2015 will be my prime

farseer919: i can't wait

TimMoysey: I'll be sure to seek you out

farseer919: Ok

TimMoysey: what is your field of expertise?

farseer919: You too, when you reach your prime

farseer919: Prime

TimMoysey: we will build shrines for each other

TimMoysey: it will be grand

farseer919: I have a question

farseer919: That Lance Storm picture

farseer919: When was it taken?

farseer919: Before April 2002 or after?

TimMoysey: Well, around the time of the invasion, so before.

farseer919: I don't want to look at a past prime man

farseer919: Oh good

farseer919: I'm jerking off to him now

farseer919: Cumming over his face on the computer

farseer919: because he is prime

farseer919: not because i'm gay

farseer919: i jack off to prime anything

farseer919: man or woman

farseer919: doesn't matter

farseer919: what matters if you are prime

TimMoysey: what about dogs?

farseer919: I want to see Big Show and A-Train in Playboy

farseer919: both are prime

farseer919: a dogs prime is age 4 to almost 5

farseer919: because you times it by 7 to reach human years

TimMoysey: you jerk off to them, too?

farseer919: 4 * 7 = 28

farseer919: 28 is prime

farseer919: 4 year old dogs, yes

farseer919: not 3 year old dogs

farseer919: or 6 year old dogs

farseer919: but 4 year old dogs, yes

farseer919: i jack off to them

TimMoysey: That's good.

farseer919: yep

TimMoysey: if you jerked off to 6 year old dogs, that would be weird.

farseer919: i know

farseer919: they are way past their primes

farseer919: 6 * 7 = 42

TimMoysey: Man, that's just sick.

farseer919: i know

farseer919: but a 4 year old dog

farseer919: yum

farseer919: smooth face

farseer919: smooth fur

TimMoysey: wet nose

farseer919: yep

TimMoysey: love that wet nose

farseer919: yep

TimMoysey: anything else?

farseer919: no

farseer919: bye

TimMoysey: later man

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Guest Kibagami

He's mad at me now. He called me a liar and said that lying is a sin.





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Guest Kotzenjunge

AceofSpades85? Dude! I know you! I'm The Spoon from HWC, GWF, and the TWF!! Small world, eh?

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Guest treble charged

And again:


subzerox41: Hi

TimMoysey: 'sup?

subzerox41: This is prime

subzerox41: listen

subzerox41: Kibagami just posted that he disproved the prime concept with

Ric Flair

TimMoysey: What about dogs?

subzerox41: he didn't disprove anything

subzerox41: i need for you to do something

TimMoysey: I don't care about Ric Flair.

TimMoysey: I want to hear more about you jerkin' off to dogs.

subzerox41: just create a post stating that I am banned and can't post right


subzerox41: and that Kibagami never disproved the concept wrong

subzerox41: I couldn't prove that prime applies to Flair

subzerox41: but he couldn't prove that it didn't

subzerox41: ok?

subzerox41: do that for me

subzerox41: and i'll talk about dogs some more

TimMoysey: Nah, I need more dog talk

subzerox41: first do that

subzerox41: and we can have dolphin and mango talk

subzerox41: about how i jerk off to them too

subzerox41: please create the post, it won't take long

TimMoysey: mango?

TimMoysey: the SNL character?

subzerox41: yeah, they are very colorful

subzerox41: no, the fruit

subzerox41: i jack off to mangos

TimMoysey: ah

subzerox41: now please can you create the post?

TimMoysey: they helped George get it up on Seinfeld, right?

TimMoysey: right?

subzerox41: i don't know about seinfield

subzerox41: don't watch that show

subzerox41: but

subzerox41: can you please create the post?

TimMoysey: was Jerry Seinfeld in his prime when he made that show?

subzerox41: nevermind

subzerox41: about posting it

subzerox41: no

subzerox41: i think seinfield started past prime

subzerox41: not sure

subzerox41: what i do know is that george was prime when it started

subzerox41: much more hair

subzerox41: look fresher, better

subzerox41: same thing with all of them

TimMoysey: did you jerk off to him?

subzerox41: elaine looks like crap now

subzerox41: yes, i did

subzerox41: i jerk off to a-train and the big show now

subzerox41: because they are prime

subzerox41: i jack off to dawn marie too

subzerox41: she is prime

subzerox41: 31

subzerox41: i jack off to rock

subzerox41: i jack of to jericho

subzerox41: *off

TimMoysey: cool

TimMoysey: what about Torrie?

subzerox41: no

subzerox41: she isn't prime

TimMoysey: shit

TimMoysey: Trish?

subzerox41: no

subzerox41: she isn't prime either

TimMoysey: fuck

TimMoysey: well, bye

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Guest Kotzenjunge

This post is here for no other reason than to bait Prime further. Ech hem...




That is all.

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Guest Kotzenjunge
Yeah Spoon, I knows yah. I'm one of Lukes friends actually, one that isn't Joe. Thats small world for ya.

I didn't know it was you, mang. You shoulda said something! I'll hopefully see Luke at the sports bar for Wrestlemania this weekend.


+1 deluding post for Prime to convince him further that the more replies a thread about him gets, the more people like him!

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I was wondering why he wasn't trying to IM me tonight.


I want him to see my new "Prime-related" away message too, dammit...

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Guest Vitamin X

He says he's jacking off yet earlier was continously stating that he/she was a woman and had a vagina?




..or maybe it's two different people, from an entire "Prime" cult. Frightening :ph34r:

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
I hope he annoys the fuck out of you, Vester.

Dude, I've known him for damn near 4 years. Believe me, you guys are just getting the fringe stuff.

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Guest Flyboy
I hope he annoys the fuck out of you, Vester.

Dude, I've known him for damn near 4 years. Believe me, you guys are just getting the fringe stuff.

I don't even get his stuff.

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Guest SP-1

That sounds like a Challenge, DH.


So what of it, Prime? Are you man/woman enough to handle TSM? It would be a wider forum to preach your prime.

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Guest Downhome
That sounds like a Challenge, DH.


So what of it, Prime? Are you man/woman enough to handle TSM? It would be a wider forum to preach your prime.

I'll make it happen tomorrow. Someone make a thread asking anyone who is interesed, lol.

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Guest treble charged

Eh, it's more fun when he just IMs you out of nowhere. Him in a chat would be too chaotic with his 'chatting style'. He works better in a one-on-one setting.

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Guest treble charged

Even more...


primepotential: Can you feel it?

TimMoysey: yes

TimMoysey: it's furry

primepotential: I work best in chat rooms

primepotential: AOL WWE and wrestling chat rooms

primepotential: I am well known

primepotential: everyone knows prime

primepotential: because of me

TimMoysey: well, I'll keep out of them

primepotential: why?

primepotential: its great

TimMoysey: I get enough harrassment here

primepotential: a prime chat room

primepotential: pure prime

primepotential: so

primepotential: Do you accept prime as your lord and saviour?

TimMoysey: well, it's tempting

TimMoysey: i'll have to wait until I turn 28

primepotential: yep

TimMoysey: and then I can feel if it's true

primepotential: until you prime

TimMoysey: i can't go by 2nd hand information

TimMoysey: I need to feel it for myself

primepotential: Lance Storm is suffering from charcoal syndrome now

primepotential: that photo you have is smooth lance storm

primepotential: prime lance storm

TimMoysey: yes

primepotential: charcoal syndrome is when your face is blackish

primepotential: it looks old

TimMoysey: smooth Lance Storm > charcoal syndrom Lance Storm

primepotential: and kind of dirty in spots

TimMoysey: you can't jerk to Charcoal stuff

primepotential: austin suffers from this at times

primepotential: right

TimMoysey: must be tough for you

TimMoysey: to have to find out how old someone is before you stroke it to


primepotential: yep

primepotential: takes awhile to find out a dog's age

primepotential: usually i have to lick the dog

TimMoysey: where?

primepotential: it doesn't work by just looking at the dog

primepotential: i have to lick the dog

primepotential: to feel how smooth it is

primepotential: if its very smooth

primepotential: i know its prime

TimMoysey: ok

TimMoysey: it's fur or underneath?

primepotential: underneath of course

primepotential: no

primepotential: its fur

TimMoysey: make up your mind, pal

TimMoysey: how will I know where to lick a dog if you don't even know?

primepotential: I love jacking off to the Prime Show and Prime-Train

primepotential: my two favorite wrestlers to jack off too

primepotential: because they are prime

primepotential: i told you

TimMoysey: who else is in their prime now?

primepotential: you lick its fur

primepotential: Prime is Jericho

primepotential: Rock

primepotential: RVD

TimMoysey: you changed your mind, though

primepotential: Edge

TimMoysey: your dick must be sore

primepotential: it is

TimMoysey: i can imagine

primepotential: Do you know Kotzenjunge from real life?

TimMoysey: no

primepotential: oh

primepotential: too bad

primepotential: he deserves a lick

TimMoysey: he's not prime, so I don't want to meet him

primepotential: not sure if he is prime

primepotential: but smooth man

TimMoysey: he's not worth my time

primepotential: ok

primepotential: true

primepotential: if he's not prime

TimMoysey: wait until he's 28 before you lick him

primepotential: i don't know if he is 28

TimMoysey: he's not

TimMoysey: he's not worthy of being licked by someone like you

primepotential: I'm nothing special

primepotential: other than grasping the simple prime concept

TimMoysey: oh, but you will be

primepotential: i guess i have more common sense

TimMoysey: something special, that is

primepotential: that is it

primepotential: nah

primepotential: i will be better

primepotential: when i prime

TimMoysey: oh yes, I can feel it

primepotential: but nothing special

TimMoysey: you sell yourself short

TimMoysey: there must be people lining up to be licked by you

TimMoysey: everyone wants to know if they're prime

TimMoysey: YOU can tell them

primepotential: there are actually

TimMoysey: YOU can fulfill their dreams

primepotential: yep

TimMoysey: Only YOU can do that

primepotential: no

TimMoysey: YOU should be running the world

primepotential: others can

primepotential: i need others to help me preach prime

primepotential: there are a lot

TimMoysey: no, no one else is smart enough

primepotential: but none who do it on a regular basis

TimMoysey: YOU see what others don't

primepotential: except me

TimMoysey: I wish I could be more like you

TimMoysey: I don't have the balls to lick dogs

primepotential: Have you ever licked a dolphin?

primepotential: A prime dolphin

TimMoysey: no, but it's a dream

primepotential: They are very cute animals

primepotential: I love licking prime dolphins

TimMoysey: i'm afraid to masturbate to them, since I don't know if they're prime or not

TimMoysey: and I don't want to look stupid jacking off to a dolphin that's not prime

primepotential: Would you jack off to an 80 year old man?

TimMoysey: no

primepotential: I did once just for fun, but I couldn't

primepotential: the guy was too old

primepotential: too far past his prime

TimMoysey: yeah, tell me about it

primepotential: Chris Jericho is in his prime

primepotential: but not for longer

primepotential: turns 33 in November 9

TimMoysey: uh oh

primepotential: will no longer be the King of the World then

TimMoysey: better start weening yourself off of him

primepotential: you too

TimMoysey: nah

TimMoysey: i gotta go now, pleasure myself to Dawn Marie, since she's prime.

TimMoysey: later.

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Guest J*ingus

Just for the hell of it, I came up with several wrestling-based refutals of his dumbass prime theory:


1. Ric Flair: the most obvious one. Simply put, I have several early 80's matches he and Steamboat had, and their 1989 stuff owned it, plain and simple. Hell, their 1994 stuff owned it too. Also, as per his "crappy opponents" theory, I'd hardly call the likes of Harley Race, Barry Windham, and Sting the bottom of the barrel, yet they were all Flair fuedees in his "prime".


2. Stan Hansen: he was always good, but he didn't do his greatest stuff of all time until his forties, even his late forties. His matches with Kobashi, Misawa, and co. all smoked his earlier stuff against equally fine wrestlers like Jumbo Tsuruta, the Funks, and so on.


3. Mick Foley: according to Optinuts Prime, none of Mankind's awesome WWF matches ever happened, since they all occured after his 32nd birthday.


4. Raven: he was a middling pseudo-high flyer in his prime, but it was only after he got older and turned hardcore that he turned into something really special.


5. Jerry Lynn: is doing some of the best stuff of his career now in TNA, despite his slowly advancing age.


6. DDP: pushed, pulled, and dragged the best match of out Goldberg that the stiff bastard ever had, despite being way over 40.


7. Steve Austin and Keiji Mutoh: both experienced career revivals in 2001, turning out matches way above the quality of the stuff they'd been doing for the previous few years, despite being older and more banged-up.


8. Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Tommy Dreamer, Triple H, Big Show many others: all guys who seemed to already be going downhill in working ability, for various reasons, before they turned 32 or even 28.


9. Gypsy Joe: despite being anywhere from 60 to 73 depending on who you listen to, this old southern legend still throws harder chops than ANYONE. (And yes, I have talked to a guy who's wrestled Gypsy, Ric Flair, and Chris Benoit, and he insists that Joe's are the hurtiest of them all.)

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Guest TheGame2705

It's stupid when you guys go into long conversations drying to disprove him, you kill all the fun in fucking with the guy.


xepahtinez: Hey man.

xepahtinez: What's up?

The Game 2705: hi

The Game 2705: nothing

The Game 2705: who r u?

xepahtinez: 28-32 is prime, but why do you no sell it?

xepahtinez: i mean

xepahtinez: its such a simple fucking concept

xepahtinez: most people get it

xepahtinez: WHY NOT YOU?

The Game 2705: huh?

xepahtinez: ok

xepahtinez: then why did you block me?

xepahtinez: tell me NOW

xepahtinez: or i will continue to IM you with my thousand screennames

The Game 2705: I'll just block

The Game 2705: U, I'm bored

xepahtinez: it will be annoying

The Game 2705: go ahead

xepahtinez: i will IM you whenever i want to

xepahtinez: it doesn't have to be now

The Game 2705: 28-32 is prime or something

xepahtinez: why did you block me?

xepahtinez: right

xepahtinez: you said "huh"

xepahtinez: like you didn't know what i was talking about

xepahtinez: so why did you block me

xepahtinez: what did i do to you before?

xepahtinez: did i rape your mom?

The Game 2705: nothing but I've heard u annoy people

The Game 2705: no cant say u did

xepahtinez: no

xepahtinez: If someone has a screenname on TSM

xepahtinez: they get IMed

xepahtinez: I tell them the prime concept

xepahtinez: ask them if they grasp it

xepahtinez: if they don't

xepahtinez: i explain it to them

xepahtinez: if they get it

xepahtinez: i move on

xepahtinez: i don't IM them anymore

The Game 2705: is this some wack ass shit like Mattitude?

xepahtinez: but if they ignore me

xepahtinez: i continue to IM them

xepahtinez: no

xepahtinez: this is prime

xepahtinez: 28-32 is prime

xepahtinez: 33+ you decline

xepahtinez: remember the Chris Jericho fears November 9 thread?

xepahtinez: a couple of weeks ago

The Game 2705: 28 isn't a prime number...

The Game 2705: no

xepahtinez: 28-32 is when you peak

xepahtinez: it is when you are at your best

xepahtinez: 33+ you decline

The Game 2705: goodnite

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Guest Kotzenjunge
primepotential: Do you know Kotzenjunge from real life?

TimMoysey: no

primepotential: oh

primepotential: too bad

primepotential: he deserves a lick

TimMoysey: he's not prime, so I don't want to meet him

primepotential: not sure if he is prime

primepotential: but smooth man

TimMoysey: he's not worth my time

primepotential: ok

primepotential: true

primepotential: if he's not prime

TimMoysey: wait until he's 28 before you lick him

primepotential: i don't know if he is 28

TimMoysey: he's not

TimMoysey: he's not worthy of being licked by someone like you



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