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Guest RedJed

The One and Only NWA-TNA Thread

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Guest RedJed

Might as well start this early, just got done watching last weeks show a few days ago on tape and I was pretty impressed by it.


Tonights lineup so far......


*Brian Lee & Slash & Sandman & ? vs. Elix Skipper & Christopher Daniels & Ron & Don Harris in a match where you have to both bleed and be pinned for it to count as a fall (Weird sounding match, but might be ok with little Harris influence in it. Apparently the other person is supposed to be the newest member of the Church. I'd love it if it was Vampiro but I don't count on that happening)

*Konnan vs. Jerry Lynn (Either will be real good or real bad likely. All dependant on Konnan)

*Amazing Red & Alexis Laree vs. Kid Kash & Trinity (Very cool they are bringing in Laree, she will add more to this Red_Kash feud which is getting REALLY good IMO)

*Dusty Rhodes vs. David Flair (Yikes)

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Guest tpww7

Not ordering tonight, first time in a long time, looks like it'll be a shitty show.

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Sounds like a weak show to me. It all depends on who the mystery guy is though.


Dusty Rhodes vs. David Flair wusupwivdat? I think i would be turning over before this one came on :D



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Guest KeranGrudgeholder

where did you get Sandman in the 8 man, I haven't seen him listed anywhere

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Guest tpww7

Bored, actually TRYING to order it but indemand wont let me yet, still lists the 7 show of UFC Ultimate Tank Abbott.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I'm really starting to dislike Jeff Jarrett...and he used to be one of my favorite wrestlers from about Mania 11 on.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I knew I'd find a reason to oppose this war eventually.


Goldylocks sings.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

AJ Styles vs. Mike Sanders


Styles went to the SEX room with a chainsaw and called Disco a faggot.


Disco backed out of a challenge and Sanders went instead.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Crowd isn't really into it but it's a pretty decent little match.


They started off with Sanders overpowering Styles with some nice tosses...then Sanders went to his boring chinlock and the crowd went away. After a few nice reversals into moves Styles took the upperhand but Siaki and Disco came down to help Sanders. It backfired. AJ wins.

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Guest RedJed

Not a bad opener at all. AJ seems to be a full face now and Sanders will probably be next.

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Guest RedJed

BTW after seeing his match last week, Juvi deserves to never work in a major promotion again. He's sloppy and seems like he doesn't care what he's doing when he works.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think AJ is pretty underated at conveying his feelings in matches.


I can tell when he's pissed...I can tell when he's being cocky...I can tell when he's frustrated...


He can tell alot with his motions...which is good because he's still growing into his mic skill.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

that's why I said he was "Growing into them".


I can at least understand what he says...which puts him ahead of many many people.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Konnan needs to pull up his pants. I don't really feel like seeing his Latino Heat.

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Guest RedJed
Konnan needs to pull up his pants. I don't really feel like seeing his Latino Heat.

I agree, although I'm sure he does it just to piss everyone off. He's trying his damndest to get some heat from the crowd, same with using his old taglines occasionally that everyone loved to hate in due time.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Crowd is really pro-Lynn...


but not really anti-Konnan.


That's almost a shame because Konnan's angle has been real good...even if he isn't.


Anyway...Lynn wins and someone attacks.

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Guest RedJed

Alright match, Konnan was a lil blown up about halfway through though and Lynn totally had to carry him. Match wasn't as bad as I feared it might have been.


That masked guy who ran out had manuerisms that reminded me of someone but I couldn't put my finger on it, damn.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

So...Jarrett is away "defending the title"...Bullshit.


Raven is in still too hurt to appear...Bullshit.


All this means is that JArrett won't defend this week...next week...or probably the week after that.

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Guest RedJed
So...Jarrett is away "defending the title"...Bullshit.


Raven is in still too hurt to appear...Bullshit.


All this means is that JArrett won't defend this week...next week...or probably the week after that.

I could seem them giving Raven a week off to let those wounds heal if it was true like they said last week that they were making him pass out.


But yeah Jarrett is definately there, no question.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well...I can understand if they were both away...I said Bullshit because he NEVER defends the belt.


Next week they'll do "build-up" for the match.


Then they'll wait it out another week until they go to Australia.


Meanwhile, Truth, Dlo and Styles just run in circles.

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Guest RedJed

On one hand its good that the belt isn't being defended alot, which makes the matches more special and important.


Then again the way this company is with only weekly ppvs makes it harder to defend the rare times they havce world title matches. Plus like you said you have all these guys lined up for shots so its ridiculous to have the title matches as they are now, being so occasional.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Jarrett has wrestled exactly 3 times in the last (around) ten weeks.


And he's the champion.


I don't think it needs to be defended all the time...but what the fuck? He's not injured and he's the champion!



BTW...Christopher Daniels rules.

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Guest RedJed
Jarrett has wrestled exactly 3 times in the last (around) ten weeks.


And he's the champion.


I don't think it needs to be defended all the time...but what the fuck? He's not injured and he's the champion!



BTW...Christopher Daniels rules.

I bet Jarretts philosophy is that he doesn't want to oversaturate himself on his own show. Makes sense when you think about it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think the WWE ban on piledrivers has conditioned me to really fear when these guys do them.


Everytime I turn my head.

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