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Guest Pegasus Kid

Rolling Germans Review:

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Just awful.



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Guest Goodear

The only problem I have with it is that sometimes when you start going deep with your discussion of a match (ie Dragon vs Styles), you don't make mention of the winner or how he won. I mean, I understand why you would discuss the deeper ramfications of the story of the match, but who wins and how they win is a major part of that story on most occasions.

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Guest bob_barron

Yea- who did win Styles v. Dragon? And what happened in the match.


I'm confused

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Guest ShooterJay

Styles did.


American Dragon has never gotten a Ring of Honor title shot, he lost both of the #1 contender's trophy matches he's been in. (First to Styles and then to London.)

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Guest Pegasus Kid
American Dragon has never gotten a Ring of Honor title shot, he lost both of the #1 contender's trophy matches he's been in. (First to Styles and then to London.)

*sigh* thank you for ruining 12/7 for me.


Moving on, I'm pretty sure I laid it out in the 10/5 review but basically I'm not a fan of giving away results in big matches. One of the perks of watching for the first time is not knowing the winner. If you know the win, all the little things that perk up excitement like near falls lose just a hint of juice because you know that's not going to get the win. As time goes on, I'll probably continue to make adjustments to my style so that matches at ***1/2+ get the same treatment. They're just good enough that it is worth describing but not give away the ending.


Of course this whole principle only really applies for those that are willing to buy the shows. I tend to read PbP reviews for shows that I know I'll never watch or maybe pick up on a whim. All big show reviews where I've read "MOTYC" or heard great great praise get passed by me until I actually buy the show.


Luv ya too Betty (ROH Hater). :angry:

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Guest bob_barron

It just makes the reviews hard to read if you don't know who wins.


Watching a great match and knowing who wins doesn't really take away from the match I thimk

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Watching a great match and knowing who wins doesn't really take away from the match I thimk

Yes and no. I think a match is still great even if you know whos going to win, but I prefer it when I dont.


I would much more likely rave about a match and remember it for a long time as an all time favourtie, if i didnt know who was going to win.


If you dont know the outcome, you can get into it more. False finishes will sucker you in, and you can have more of an understanding of how the croud would have been if you were there live.


If you know whos going to win, you cant get into a match, you cant get as excited about it, and your final view of the match is bound to be affected by this.



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Guest bob_barron

I disagree. I've watched matches where I know who wins and I still go crazy for the near falls and all that. A great dramatic match will be great no matter what.


When I'm reading a review though I'd like to know who won the match though

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I actually have to agree with Baisden here. There are times when I've watched things that I've read reviews on and while the matches are good...I'm just waiting for the finish. It takes the suspense out of every pinfall attempt and high spot if you know it's not going to get the duke.



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Guest Galactic Gigolo

I was at ASE and absolutely loved it. Your rating reflects mine pretty well, though I did think that Alexis vs. Danger was actually a funny match. Maybe that's just cause I was there live.

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I actually have to agree with Baisden here. There are times when I've watched things that I've read reviews on and while the matches are good...I'm just waiting for the finish. It takes the suspense out of every pinfall attempt and high spot if you know it's not going to get the duke.



Exactly. Im not saying an excellent match is not excellent if you know the finish, but it just will never be AS good as if you didnt know the result.


Whos Baisden :huh:



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Guest goodhelmet

Yeah, count me in with Baisden and Dames. IF you can pimp a great match without giving away the ending, the suspense makes it that much more interesting. Read Wolverine's Liger vs. Samurai '92 review in the puro folder for another good example of not giving away the ending.


As for Baisden's review, the only problem I have with your match descriptions (besides the dysfunctional caps lock button) is your lack of descriptions for some obscure moves. A twisting-inverted-bonecrushing-whambamthankyoumam-devastator-drop sounds cool but an actual description of the move would be nice.

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Yeah, count me in with Baisden and Dames. IF you can pimp a great match without giving away the ending, the suspense makes it that much more interesting. Read Wolverine's Liger vs. Samurai '92 review in the puro folder for another good example of not giving away the ending.


As for Baisden's review, the only problem I have with your match descriptions (besides the dysfunctional caps lock button) is your lack of descriptions for some obscure moves. A twisting-inverted-bonecrushing-whambamthankyoumam-devastator-drop sounds cool but an actual description of the move would be nice.

Wasnt I the first person to agree with Baisden.


But anyway, if your not all over looking this post, how about this: Why not review the show, and then write and extra bit just of the results. Add a link where you would usually write the result in themain review. That way people that want to know the result can quickly find it out, and the match isnt spoiled for those that dont want to know the result.



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Guest goodhelmet

sorry chunk, it's just that you sat on the fence with your 'yes and no' reply.

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Guest Pegasus Kid
As for Baisden's review, the only problem I have with your match descriptions (besides the dysfunctional caps lock button) is your lack of descriptions for some obscure moves. A twisting-inverted-bonecrushing-whambamthankyoumam-devastator-drop sounds cool but an actual description of the move would be nice.

Dysfunctional Caps = Something I'll have to work on. Thing is when I get excited I'm not quite sure how to articulate it outside of "yelling" when I talk about the match. I'm sure I'll figure out something.


As for the names of moves, I have a certain policy on this stuff. I never come across a trademark move that I don't describe... ONCE! Once I've seen it once and broken it down, I won't re-describe it again. If that were the case, I'd have descriptions out the yin/yang for any SAT match. :D


Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated.

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Guest Black Tiger

I'm kind of in the middle on the whole give away the results issue.


I can see Justin's point, if he says AJ Styles vs. American Dragon is a MOTYC, I'll check it out, and can get caught up in the near falls and stuff.


However, If I'm used to reading reviews that give PBP right down to the winner (like the other reveiews on RG, including my own) and then I don't see a winner for Styles vs. Dragon, I'm all "WTF?"

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Guest Andy

Good review as always Justin. I don't think All Star Extravaganza tops Round-Robin Tournament, but certainly sits in second place out of the ones I've seen.


I got RoH 10 and 11 in yesterday, am looking forward to checking those out too.


Ring of Honor rules!


Cheers - A.

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Guest goodhelmet

off topic but not really- hey baisden, why didn't this review popup on 411?

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Guest Black Tiger

411 won't let him plug Mark Our Video, so before it goes to 411 he has to edit the review a little bit.


The whole story behind not being able to plug MOV is funny itself, but I'll let him tell it, if people ask.

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Guest Pegasus Kid

Um... well BT is right about me not be allowed to plug MOV on 411 but that's not the reason for the review not being on the page. Bob Barron was running a serial on every Wrestlemania show leading up to today's PPV and Widro and I both agree it'd be stupid to post a review that would only be in the videos section for a day. So it'll be posted on April 2nd IIRC.

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Guest dreamer420

Can't say I enjoyed the review. Too many caps and that stuff sucks in tapes reviews. Don't try to be Justin Baisden, you should pick someone who's better to rip off.

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Guest Pegasus Kid
Can't say I enjoyed the review. Too many caps and that stuff sucks in tapes reviews. Don't try to be Justin Baisden, you should pick someone who's better to rip off.

:lol: oh man... I can't quite tell if this is funny or a new level of dumb. :lol:

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Guest goodhelmet
Can't say I enjoyed the review.  Too many caps and that stuff sucks in tapes reviews.  Don't try to be Justin Baisden, you should pick someone who's better to rip off.

:lol: oh man... I can't quite tell if this is funny or a new level of dumb. :lol:

it's possible that dreamer didn't know you are justin, justin. either that or he was just high when he read the review. or he was being sarcastic and knew it was you all along.

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