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Mecha Mummy

Wrestlemania Signs + Axxess Questions

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I'm currently creatively bankrupt (The only sign I really intend to bring is "We Hate Amy" for the hell of it right now), so does anyone have some good sign ideas for Wrestlemania? Likewise, anybody got some good questions for me to ask the wrestlers tonight at Axxess?

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I'd go with the classic "Who booked this crap?" but that's just me.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

"Good Luck Kurt"


Has more then one meaning.


"LoL @ RVD being on Heat"

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Guest Mik at Cornell

Asking for sign ideas on this board will get you nothing but 100 people trying to be funny w/ anti HHH statements.


My advice...is you want to get on TV make a sign for someone marginally popular that they are trying to get over. It worked for me with Too Cool back in the day.

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Guest AM The Kid

Cut out some "double horns" that thing Cena does, it might get on tv.

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Make sure whatever you use for a sign is a dark color, or better yet, black. Find a good enough pic of Victoria and Stevie and put one on each side. Then, in a bright color, preferably pink to match their hot pink outfits, write "PSYCHO-HOTNESS~!".


If that sign and Degenerated Nex showed up on TV, you'd have two smarks marking out like lil bitches. ^_^

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Guest NoCalMike

"Is Goldberg the best you could do?"


"Where is RVD" ?


"I'd rather be at Starrcade"



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Guest Drury37

You should make a "Bring Back the Warrior" sign and see if you could get on tv or "The last WWF WrestleMania I saw outside was better than this one" or just in giant letters "WWF" and see if you can get on tv during a match that could be a "Classic"and your sign might get blurred out,haha!!!


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Guest AM The Kid
Cut out some "double horns" that thing Cena does, it might get on tv.

Best idea I've seen so far. That could work.

I would seriously piss my pants if you could get that on camera. :D

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Guest Deebo

"If Hogan-Vince is the Main Event, I'm Leaving"


"LOOK, THERE'S GOLDBERG! <arrow pointing in one direction>"


"Steiner, your thong is showing" (just incase they have an unannounced match between him and Test)


"I got drunk with Steve Austin last night, someone arrest him".


Ahh well, that last one kind of sucked, but it would be cool to get something about Austin's beer probation.


It would really own if you could get Booker T's mug shot and blow it up and make like a huge ass picture like the Hulk Hogan one from Wrestlemania 6.

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Guest Drury37

It would be funny if you brought a sign that said "Lets Go Yankees"but since you live in Seattle you would probably not do that. Another good one would be,"Is that Koko B. Ware?"while the Dudley Boyz are wrestling!!! If anyone has Vince and Hogan shaking hands at WWF March to WWF WrestleMania VIII it would be funny to make a giant picture out of that,haha!!!


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Guest Zero_Cool

I'd say bring a "Cold Stone" sign..only have proper correction symbols to fix the problem..maybe put a picture of Mike Tyson in there too..eh, that's not the best idea.


"We Hate Amy" is like a gimme, though. It makes no sense, but is damned funny just because.


I wouldn't go with "degenerated nex", dudes. It's kinda insensitive if you ask me. I mean, the both were out for a year with career and life threatening injuries.

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Guest Redhawk



"Eddie doesn't even mow his own lawn"

(If you're next to someone with an 'Eddie mows my lawn' sign) "He has no lawn. He lives with Mom"

"Screw Goldberg, I want Luger"

(During the Hogan match) "Combined Age: 110!"

"HHH is going to win"

Still my favorite, "HHH Fears Oregon"


Axxess questions


For Kane: "Do you find it harder to play a dentist or to play a demon?"


For RVD: "What's your role here?"


For Steve Austin: "I thought you weren't supposed to have beer anymore?"


For Los Guerreros: "What kind of message are you sending to children with this 'Cheat to Win' thing?"


For Christian: "Why do you do so many restholds? Do you have asthma?"


For Scott Steiner: "What's your secret to getting so big?"

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