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Guest NoCalMike

The problem now is. In 6 months, everyone will remember the WM match, not the backlash match. The damage has been done to Jericho(AGAIN). Even if he wins the rematch, there will be so much steam lost, it almost won't matter.

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I though that it was an awesome show highlighted by the ***** HBK vs Y2J match. Everybody seemed to be working hard, even Taker, and everyone at the Safe was on their feet almost the entire time. The roof damn near blew off when Goldberg was announced for next month and it was even louder when Piper came out.

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Guest Downhome

Here are my thoughts, but keep in mind, I am not going to be going into very much depth here. I'm simply stating what I liked, and what did not like. Also, I will not fucking defend why I liked something, or why I did not like it. If you want me to explain, feel free to ask, but I will NOT defend my opinion. Oh yes, I also expect you all to be fucking mature, and not start spewing out childish bullshit like calling me, or anyone else, a "fuckwit" or anything else like that.


1) RVD/Kane vs Storm/Morely:


First off, I am a HUGE mark for Morely. I liked the guy when he debuted years ago as Val Venis, and I'm an even bigger fan of him now. I wasn't sure if I was a total mark of him untill a few weeks ago, when he pulled out the old school Sling-Shot Suplex. After that, I'm Morely for life, heh.


This match was short, and was there for no other reason other than to get everyone excited for Wrestlemania and to possibly get more people to order the PPV. I marked out for the 3D, and I also marked out when Bubba ended up helping Storm win the match. Great story there, and I hope it continues. I was pleased with this match for what it was, and besides, perhaps now we can move RVD out of this rut with Kane.


2) Mysterio vs Matt Hardy:


It was what it was, and nothing more. This was first just to get the crowd hot, but I do not understand the ending. I really wish WWE would get serious about the Crusierweight division, and even go as far to allow the matches to end cleanly, have it be the faces winning, or the heels. This match was great for what it was. If only it was a lot longer, oh well. I was pleased with what was there, and that's all I ask for.


3) Undertaker vs A-Train/TBS:


Say what you will about Nathan Jones, but I am not buying into it. I saw his being laid out as nothing more than them wanting to stack the deck against Taker, in order to make it look like his Wrestlemania streak was REALLY on the line here. The match started out with great pace, with Taker really moving quick, and then it settled into the normal big-man pacing. For the most part, I enjoy big-man matches, so sue me, I love power moves. I also love seeing Taker breaking out various submissions and the such, I am really into that. Then when Jones finally came out, say what you will, but I happened to think that his spin kick was VERY impressive for a man of his size, or hell, ANY size. What the guy did was perfectly fine to me, and I'm enjoying it. I am glad they are taking their time with Jones, instead of just rushing him into matches instantly. So yeah, overall, I was pleased with this match for what it was.


4) Victoria vs. Stratus vs. Jazz:


This was a great ass match, and I am STILL loving this Women's Division! Sure, it's not classic ***** matches here, but it's great for the women. It seems WWE is finally getting serious about this division, and I'm pround for them doing so. I'm also very proud of them for totally making the womens division seperate from T & A for the most part. I loved this match, so again, I'm pleased.


5) Team Angle vs. Los Guerreros vs. Benoit & Rhyno:


This one could have been a lot better, and I wish they were given more time, but whatever. I enjoyed it, and that's that. When Rhyno was in there pulling out a Gore here and a Gore there, and then the finish came, I was shocked. It just came out of nowhere, but what I was given, I loved.


6) Jericho vs. Michaels:


When the match began, I thought in my mind that Jericho MUST win this match. However, as the match progressed, I found myself thinking something much different. I thought to myself that I really didn't give a damn who won. I found myself loving this match so much, being entertained so much, that the winner was pointless to me. I was watching a great match, period, and that's what matters to me. When it was all said and done, in my eyes, both men looked like true legends. I ended up seeing nothing wrong with HBK getting the win, it's fine with me, I can accept it. Jericho is the young gun, with a bright future and years ahead of him, while HBK is the veteren who's time is coming to an end, quickly. Jericho will be around to fight another day, to get plenty of "big wins", yet HBK will not. I'd rather HBK win matches now and then like this, rather than to just job to everyone like many say they want. With this ending, no one ended up looking any worse than they looked before the match, no, in MY eyes, both guys ended up looking MUCH stronger...


...HBK can still go with the best of this day and age, even though he's near the end of his career, and Jericho can go head to head with the best of all time. Not to mention the action and everything was great, I loved the various spots with finishers, and just the match overall.


7) Goldberg:


Golllllllllllllldbeeeeeeeeeeeerg, Golllllllllllllldbeeeeeeeeeeeerg, Golllllllllllllldbeeeeeeeeeeeerg. He's coming, it's official, and I can not wait. I loved the video letting us all know it's going to happen. I'll tell you right now, I already know that I'll be buying Backlash, lol.


8) Catfight:


This was the only true shit on the show in my eyes. I see no reason to have that on there, much less have Coach's pants be pulled down. I didn't even pay attention to this one, I didn't and still don't, have an ouce of care for it at all. As far as I'm concerned, it didn't even happen.


9) HHH vs. Booker:


I loved this match, LOVED it! Sure HHH won, and no I did not want him too, but the match itself, I just loved it. What with HHH using his submissions and various uses of psychology along with Ric Flair, but Booker T did one of the greatest jobs of selling an injury I have seen in years! I'm totally serious, I just LOVED this match. Even though Booker T lost this match, he proved himself to me that he is ready to move up now. I just wish the crowd was more behind the guy, because for the most part, they really didn't seem to be. On a side note, HHH seems to be slowly, but surely, getting better, so that's a great sign in my eyes.


10) Vince vs. Hogan:


Again, I'm going against the grain and saying that I loved something else, which most seem to hate. Yes, the match was pure shit as a MATCH. However, the emotion, the suprises, and everything made the match to me. First off, for me, it was cool seeing Hogan and Vince just fight period. I've always wanted to see it, and so tonight I did. I also really loved seeing Vince bust out the ladder, going up top, and doing a leg drop to Hogan through the annoucers table. Sure, if he was a Jeff Hardy or an RVD that would have been weak, but for a man of his age, of his status, who is NOT a worker, I was very impressed, and I personally marked out. Then we have Hogan's Hulk Up moment, which I will forever and always mark out for, and apparently the crowd still loves it as they still play along as always. Then, ah yes then, we have the suprise. God, yes, Rowdy Roddy Piper!!!!!!! I loved this for more than one reason. For one, hell, IT WAS FUCKING ROWDY RODDY PIPER! I'm almost, not quite, but almost as big a mark for this guy as I am for Hogan and Goldberg. For second, it was truly a suprise. I didn't read any reports that he'd be at the PPV. Hell, I haven't read any reports that he'd been even THINKING about coming into WWE once again. It was one of those moments that when it happened, my heart fell to my stomach, and I just sat there in all of my markdom awe. It's a reason I love this sport, it's a reason I am a Pro. Wrestling fan in the first place. I also loved seeing Shane, at least they're letting us know every know and then that he's still very much still around.


11) Rock vs. Austin:


Well, what can I say? These two guys have that special type of chemistry that very few guys have with one another. Sure, some of their matches seem very much the same, but the one thing that almost all of them have in common is that they are simply great. I loved the match, and there isn't anything I can complain about at all here. I also loved the finish, it was truly great. I predicted Rocky to win, as I didn't see him going against Goldberg off of a loss only to loose again to Goldberg. I just didn't expect him to beat Austin perfectly cleanly. Again, when the ref's hand went down for the three count, I was truly shocked, and again, showed me why I'm a Pro. Wrestling fan.


12) Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar:


I loved it, the crowd may not have been into it, but I personally loved it. From the mat wrestling to the various spots like the German Suplex into the turnbuckle to the SSP, I loved it all. Not only did Kurt Angle show his guts by going out there and putting his life, literally, on the line and once again allowed us all to see the greatness which he truly is, but Brock Lesnar also showed us another aspect of himself. He did a hell of a job protecting Angle, and just like Angle did, he did a great job by coming up with the finish in the match. It's a shame that the SSP was screwed up, and I pray to God that Brock is ok, but I still loved that match. I also have to mention this...


...just like various other things I've mentioned, the post-match events also allowed me to see just why I'm a Pro. Wrestling fan. When Kurt Angle hugged Brock Lesnar, I "felt it". I felt the magic of Pro. Wrestling which is the reason I'm a fan, and is the reason why I live and breathe this stuff. God, it was just magic, and I don't know about you, but to me it was a fitting ending, to a fitting show.


It wasn't the greatest PPV of all time, and it had it's various faults, but I loved it. I was entertained, I went through the emotions of being a Pro. Wrestling fan, and when it was all said and done, when it finally went off the air, the one thing remained which in my eyes is the most important aspect of all...


...I was entertained.




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If Shawn was retiring, it wouldn't make sense for him to go over. But as we can see from the end of the match, the feud isn't over. In fact, it's just starting, it's their first match and jericho is more pissed than ever. If they can keep wrestling on this level, why not?


Would it be better if Jericho would have won this match but lost the matches after it? Then the board would be complaining about shawn taking his heat back. Hey, Jericho looked great tonight, and in the long run he'll probably prove himself to be better and might even retire him.


Everybody here puts way too much meaning into who wins and who loses. Just because you lose a match doesn't mean you come out looking worse than when you came in. Remember that Stone Cold lost every match he ever had with Bret Hart (except for a dq). It still MADE him into a main eventer, for simply going toe to toe with him for months and months.


Along those same lines, I think Jericho definitely benefited more than Shawn tonight despite not winning. Jericho dominated most of the match, kicked out of the superkick, hbk showed that he respected him at the end, plus the feud is most likely continuing. It's not like HHH wrestling Jericho last year in what was essentially a squash match, or going for the title/defending the title, then just moving on to bury the next guy in line.

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Guest tank_abbott

Could Y2J/HBK be another case of hero worship, like Foley/Snuka, where the youngster doesn't want to go over the legend?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Why is it when someone disagrees about the rating of a Shawn Micheals match they are "not fans" of pro wrestling?


That's as ignorant as it sounds the way you're arguing against.

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Guest SP-1

Oh please. The only way Jericho comes away damaged is if you put so much stock into a win/loss record. Which is more important, telling a good story in the ring and sending the fans home happy, or worrying so damn much over records?


If you answer the win/loss record then I challenge you to just stop watching and give up. You've turned wrestling into something it's not supposed to be and never will be.


Jericho's not hurt. Jericho was THE MAN tonight. He kicked out of the SWEET CHIN MUSIC. he went toe to toe with HBK. And HBK gave him respect.


You want to know the real problem with Jericho? His character is a snobby, whiny little bitch. Plain and simple. He bitches and moans and complains about everything (while wording it well but nonetheless). But he's not intense. The same thing happened with Angle. He was a little bitch for a while with tons of talent and then he broke out the intensity and brought the backup in the ring. I love Jericho. But I love him more as the badass, over the top, trash talking face. The last thing I want is a little bitch feuding over the World Title. I want a badass HEEL, damn it.


There. That's my Jericho rant. Give him some character intensity and he'll be good to go.


As for the HBK feud, I don't think it's over. I think Jerky's actions post-match cemented a carryover. I think Y2J will eventually be the man to retire Michaels. But only with PROPER BUILD and when he's ready as a CHARACTER to grasp the level that will put him on. A whiny, cowardly bitch doesn't retire HBK. And if he does, I give up on RAW for good because that's just stupid. Jericho has shown bits and pieces of honesty and seriousness in his promos leading up to Mania. Let's see where that goes. Could I be wrong? Sure. I hope not. For me. For Jericho. For you.


Tonight, Chris Jericho cemented himself as a top player, and that's coming from a serious HBK fan. Don't let silly notions of winning and losing in pro wrestling steal away what they're really trying to do.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Fun show. Great Spectacle.


Matt/Rey only got 5 minutes! That sucks! Especially as there is so much other shit that could have been scrapped from the show. i.e Embarrasingly poor catfight crap/Limp Bizkit etc.


Jericho's performance against HBK. He held the match together really well and worked the crowd like a pro. He continues to put in consistent performances, is more over than the so-called top heel HHH yet he never seems to elevate at all. Michaels BETTER put Jericho over in a rematch.


HAHA!?What the fuck was Roddy Piper doing there?! Why did Shane come out and do nowt!?! Really bizzare match, but enjoyable enough.


Some of the matches were too long (HHH/Book, Hogan/Vince) so they dragged. HHH/Booker was really dull in parts. HHH is like Flair. Flair of 2003, and that is NOT good. He hasn't had a good match since fucking August 2002!!!! get this title of him, now! Oh, and the finish absolutely FUCKING sucked!! It was the match I enjoyed least.


I'm thinking that this was Rocky's last Mania appearence. The whole thing seemed so final. The way his family were there, the way Austin put him over clean, the way he talked to Austin for a few minutes afterwards and had tears in his eyes at the finish. Good luck to him in the movies. Where does Austin go now?


Decent main event. I have seen people overrate it already. Lesnar is a maniac attempting the SSP from that distance, I just hope he/Kurt are OK. Lesnar was bumping like a maniac all match. I feel bad for Brock for fucking the finish but they covered quite well, and it was a good moment at the end.

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Could Y2J/HBK be another case of hero worship, like Foley/Snuka, where the youngster doesn't want to go over the legend?

I thought about that watching the old clips of Jericho doing HBK's moves. Would Jericho really want to put himself over his idol at the biggest show of the year? That's probably more of a factor than anything else.

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Guest treble charged

Going into the show, I was thinking, 'If Jericho loses, I'll be pissed'. However, while I was less than pleased with the outcome, once the match ended and my bitterness subsided, I realized that Jericho wasn't destroyed and he looked AWESOME, so I came away from that happy.


As for Booker/HHH, I liked the match but I HATE HATE HATE that Godawful ending (Hogan, Rock, and Lesnar all need to hit their finishers THREE times, while all HHH needs is a shitty looking Pedigree? C'mon). It left both men with nowhere to go for the next little while. Hell, I would have had Booker do a spinaroonie while HHH was down, only to have HHH get up, hit him with a Pedigree and win the match there. Bam, feud is extended for a month (or whatever), as you can have Booker dwell on the fact that if he hadn't showboated, he could be champion right now.


Other than that, I loved the show. Nothing outright sucked, and even though there was no blowaway ***** match, I still thought it was great.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

(refers people to the Post-Wrestlemania Crossface on the site for his thoughts match-by-match, as well as those of several other TSM writers)

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Guest Redhawk
Could Y2J/HBK be another case of hero worship, like Foley/Snuka, where the youngster doesn't want to go over the legend?

That's something people don't seem to think about. Consider the scenario: Maybe Jericho WANTED to lose this match. Maybe he figured this would be Shawn Michaels' last 'Mania match and that Shawn should go out a winner. Maybe he was just happy being a part of Shawn's last 'Mania match. Maybe Shawn and Vince both wanted HBK to put someone over at 'Mania but Jericho was like, "No, I want you to beat me. Really, I don't care about who jobs. It would be an honor." Remember Jericho's match against Hogan on Smackdown last year? Jericho looked like he was having fun and, yeah, he lost, but maybe he was just stoked that he got to wrestle Hulk Hogan and didn't care if he lost.

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With Jericho/Michaels, you could see this was Jericho's dream match with one of his childhood heroes at wretlemania, and he had fun doing Michaels signature moves like the poses and the superkick (which should have been the finish). Win or not, I regard Jericho far, far higher than i did 24 hours ago.


Does anybody else think it would be cool for Angle/Lesnar to have a rematch at WMXX built around Lesnar avenging his ghosts and finally hitting that SSP?

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Jericho still should've won. Why? Michaels is indeed a legend, yes. It should have taken everything both guys had to try to keep the other down.


(In fact, since Jericho was saying all the stuff about him "knowing all of HBK's moves"..why not have Michaels tap to a move that's worked in the past, the Sharpshooter?)


I can't think of a single reason why Jericho should have lost. I've heard the arguments about idol worship, him not wanting to lose..blah blah blah. That isn't it. Jericho was out to PROVE HIMSELF as a major player. An equal, or superior of the legendary Heartbreak Kid.


Him losing just makes him look inferior.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

I'd like to see the HGH groupies defend him now. Not only did he pin Booker clean, Booker looked weak doing the job, having to lay there forever after the pedigree. Hey Booker, say hi to rest of the "I Bumped My Head On The Glass Ceiling And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt" club.

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Guest Suicide King

I very much enjoyed Wrestlemania this year. All the matches were quite entertaining I felt, and there were several moments that had all of my friends yelling or screaming at the television. A very good effort I thought.

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Guest Human Fly

Everyone who is defending HBK winning are the same people who defended him winning the belt and said he wasn't just going to turn around and lose it to HHH and that he was going to lose it to RVD in a few weeks or at the next PPV. Right guys I remember how well that went.

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Guest TheHulkster

!) Cena's Rap

The Seattle fans seemed to really get into this one. I think Cena got more over walking out of this.


2) World Tag Team Title match

The match was nothing to write home about. The ending was pretty lame too.


3) Ashanti sings America the Beautiful

The fans seemed hesitant to cheer for her. The performance wasn't bad, but she's no Ray Charles or Aretha Franklin. She looked pretty good though.


4) Cruiserweight Title match

I was surprised by the finish. I thought that Rey was going to go over. The finish was a bit botched and it was a bit too short. The thing that I dislike about WWE CW matches is that they are wrestled in WWE style, only sped up a bit. They need to slow things down to allow the live crowd and the people at home to get into they matches. They seem to just go from spot to spot lately. Anyway, I like both guys, but I wasn't a fan of this match.


5) Undertaker Vs A-Train & Big Show

Keeping Jones out of this one was the best thing that they could do. Taker looks like he's in the best shape of his career. He's been working a lot harder than he has in years, trying in vain to again carry Show to a decent match. The Jones run in could've gone a bit better. He should've at least slammed the Big Show or something. It would've gotten a bigger pop. This was better than I expected it to be, not great, but alright.


6) Victoria Vs Trish Stratus Vs Jazz

This match went a lot better than I thought it was going to go. I wasn't really pumped for it before the show, but they managed to get me into it. Unlike in a lot of WWE women's 3-ways and WWE women's matches in general, they didn't try to do too much for their level of experience. A lot of times, they try to do too much and end up blowing spots left and right. I didn't really want to see Trish going over, but it was a pretty good match.


7) WWE Tag Title Match

I'm sorry people, but I really don't see the big deal about Team Angle. To me, they are great athletes, but seem, to me anyway, completely deviod of any kind of charisma or knowledge of western crowd psychology. I would've liked to have seen just Benoit/Rhyno Vs Los Guerreros. It certainly would've been a better match in the time that they were given. I like Los Guerreros (probably my favorite team in WWE) and I like Benoit and Rhyno, but this match was a mess and the wrong team went over IMO.


8) Chris Jericho Vs Shawn Michaels

Now this was a great match. Each guy worked hard, they didn't take things too fast, and they allowed the crowd a chance to really get into it. I expected Jericho to go over, but I wasn't disappointed with the finish. Jericho got his heat back afterwards and besides, there is no shame in losing to Shawn Michaels. The man has gone toe to toe with some of the best and has earned everything he's achieved. Anyway, this was in serious contention for Match of the night.


9) Bedroom match segment

Before the event started, I thought that bringing in the Miller Light Catfight girls was a huge waste of time, but this segment seriously changed my mind. Those stiff pillow shots had me worried for each of the girl's safety, but luckily they were ok. Torrie spanking Stacy was a huge highlight for me because I love to see women rolling around and pulling each other's clothes off for no rhyme or reason on a wrestling show. The battle was hard fought, but the finish was great. I laughed soooooo hard when they pulled Coach's pants down, he's so goofy. But in all seriousness, this was the biggest waste of time that i've seen on a Wrestlemania.


10) HHH Vs Booker T

I really wanted to see Booker T win. The match went a little too slow in the last half, but it was a decent match. Despite what many on here say, Booker T is a good worker. You may not see him in many classics, but you rarely see him have a bad match. The ending was pretty depressing. I don't hate HHH like a lot of people on here, i'm pretty indifferent to him, but he was the wrong guy to go over here.


11) Vince McMahon Vs Hulk Hogan

When you have guys like Pat Patterson laying out 20 minute matches for you, shit can be shined into gold. This was the case here. This match was very dramatic and pretty much lived up to the insane hype it recieved, at least from me. From a moment in this match at TheHulkster's house:


(Masked man enters the ring and struggles taking off his mask)




(the masked man's outfit comes off revealing a FRATS t-shirt and a Kilt)


Buddy of mine: "Nah, IT'S RODDY FUCKIN' PIPER!!!!!"


(Both of us mark the fuck out)


I marked out pretty big for Piper, but damn was he fat. I'd like to see him come back as a manager. The legdrop from the ladder from Vince was impressive. I mean, come on, that's a 57 year old man doing a legdrop off of a ladder through a table. It was a good WWE style street fight that did what was expected of it.


!2) Rock Vs Austin

Austin's best days are behind him, but this match was pretty damned good. Myabe now they can go in a new direction with his character. If young guys want to learn how to work the WWE style effectively in a big match environment, they should study these two.


13) Kurt Angle Vs Brock Lesnar

In spite of Angle's severe condition, he worked a hell of a match here. He didn't seem like he missed a beat. Lesnar pulled out all the stops to make it seem like Angle had a hope in hell of winning. The finish was improvised pretty well. Angle was so far away and he moved just enough to make it seem like he moved out of the way of the SSP. As much as hitting the SSP would've worked as a finish, they still pulled it off. I just hope Lesnar is ok and only recieved minor injuries. Great match to cap off a great night.

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I thought it was quality. Even the lesser matches came across better than I expected. HBK / Jericho stole the show.


The only glaring problem I had was Triple H going over Booker. It reminded me of reading a fan's take on attending Bash 98 in Baltimore. Everyone backed Benoit against Booker in the first match. It was Benoit's time. He was ready. ...And he lost. And it killed the rest of the show. Everyone I watched Mania with thought the finish was bullshit. Booker should have won - period.


The rest of the show was good to great.

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Guest Redhawk

I knew Booker T was going to lose when I saw Triple H's gay purple tights. I can see HHH in the booking meeting: "Well, if I have to job, at least I'm going to look like a total badass."

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Everyone who is defending HBK winning are the same people who defended him winning the belt and said he wasn't just going to turn around and lose it to HHH and that he was going to lose it to RVD in a few weeks or at the next PPV. Right guys I remember how well that went.

LOL! The aftermath of Survivor Series brought forth some very amusing assumptions. For instance, business was supposed to pick up because:


"Big Show is the dominant monster champion that he's supposed to be!"


"HBK is the classic and ideal face champion!"


And what happened? The next PPV, with both these 'qualified, skilled' champions making their first big title defenses, pulled in the worst buyrate in years.


Sometimes people like to put the carriage in front of the horse, and I doubt that will ever change.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Booker is better off.


You know damn well he would get over shadowed by Austin, Goldberg, Rocky, Nash, HBK and Triple H.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

I'm not sure if this is in the right order, but.....


I missed most of Wrestlemania due to the fact, that I just bought a machette (you figure it out).


I came back inside and watched TV, then I came out, when I heard Goldberg's music, and I realized Wrestlemania was on.


Limp Bizkit- My grandmother is now a Limp Bizkit fan, and I shouldn't have told her about their tour with Metallica, she said she would go start looking to buy tickets. :(


Cat fight- Not the best, but still enjoyable.


HHH vs. Booker- You guys spoiled it for me.


Hogan vs. McMahon- It brought back some great memories for me. I expected a run in, but I didn't expect Piper, I thought Vince would do something stupid by bringing in Goldberg, Kamala, or both rosters. I was actually hoping for John tenta, or the ghost of Andre the Giant.


Rock vs. Austin- Meh.


Angle vs. Brock- Still burned out from excitement of Hogan match. I enjoyed the begining, and was shocked to see the Shitting Star Press*. Good match.


All in all, I'm glad that I didn't see, Nathan Jones, or John Cena.


*I call it that, because Brock missed. :lol:

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Guest NoCalMike

No Way Triple H should have scored the pin after sitting around in the ring a good 30-90 seconds before the pin attempt. It comes off like he just destroyed Booker T, and that is what people remember from a match.(Raven, "it's not the beginning that people remember, it's the end" how true).


The women's match was very good, and hey, how bout that nice ass shot from Victoria~!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Wait, is someone here trying to justify Jericho losing by saying that Jericho WANTED to lose.


Jericho said he would do something and he didn't do it. His character looks WEAK - his character ALWAYS looks weak. And the longer his character looks weak the harder it will be for him to recover. Anyone saying he will get his win back - he got his win back from Flair too... But it was on a MUCH smaller card than when he lost.

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Guest Human Fly

And what are people going by when throwing out that Jericho maybe wanted to lose to HBK? Almost 10 years ago when ECW was about as big as 3PW is now Dreamer didn't want to lose to Snuka. So one documented time in wrestling in a fed roughly 1/20th the size of WWF some guy didn't want to lose to his idol.


So of course when the wrong guy goes over (like it or not the only people HBK should be going over is Flair and Hogan) all the HBK marks come out of the woodwork with all thesecrazy theories on why he won. Hey guys wake up, HBK is one of the all time greats at manipulating Vince, and his best friend is currently the best at manipulating Vince. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on.


While I'm at it I'm going to say something about Hogan. Hogan's comeback since last year is everything Michaels should have been. Hogan has won one big match (not including tag matches) and that was against HHH (Hogan's popularity was huge then I can understand the thought process) but since he has lost to the Undertaker, tapped to Angle, been destroyed by Brock, lost to the Rock, and he beat Vince (which is what should have happened, Vince is no wrestler) Hogan sucks in the ring but he's not going over every up and coming heel on SD.

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Guest Choken One

I still don't see how this damages Jericho..All Day I heard either "Goldberg, Missed SSP and A CLASSIC HBK/Jericho" matter of fact, No one even said anything about who won...

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[My "review" of Wrestlemania as I posted it in the "Are Peeps Too Picky?" thread]


Cruiserweight match - Okay, of course, but a bit too short. In my opinion, the Matt/Shannon vs Kendrick/Rey match was better.


Hoss match - The only interesting part of this match was the performance of Rollin', which I thought was just awesome. The song or the artist may not be "popular", but I enjoyed it, and that's all that matters. What I found funny was that Jones had to take like three steps before he kicked Show.


Catfight Chicks - Only amusing because I was watching with my mom's bi friend, Laurinda. It was quite amusing to watch her reaction when Stacy, Torrie, and the two Catfight girls were on screen at once.


Diva's match - Victoria's intro going last + Extended ramp = . 'Rindy was a mark for Trish, and I, of course, was a mark for Victoria. So, it made for quite a fun match with our arguing back and fourth. Plus, once she knew I liked Stevie, she had fun joking about him hitting himself with the chair. Trish winning really didn't make much sense, but that's probably just me.


Tag Match - Okay match, not too great, but not too bad either.


Jericho vs Michaels - It started out a bit slow, which was to be expected, but what surprised me was the crowd was a bit dead at times. But this was, by far, the match of the night, in my opinion. Halfway through the match, 'Rindy, who doesn't even watch wrestling except for when she's over, at one point during the match said, "I'll be amazed if Shawn loses". I just found that a bit funny. Yeah, Shawn won, but that didn't taint my enjoyment of the match at all. Jericho was such a great actor, that I honestly bought into his near-crying expression. Great match, and great post-match antics.


HHH-Booker: I didn't pay attention to the match, but towards the end, it looked like Booker got injured.


Egomania - Luckily, I was able to get on the computer during this match, or else I probably would've fallen asleep. The only time I watched was when Vince with the crimson mask, jumped off the ladder. Mom marked out for Piper, but those were the only interesting things about the whole thing.


Stone vs Rock - I was online during most of this, so I didn't pay much attention to it. I was surprised Hurricane didn't make an appearance. The music video, of course, owned, but the match really didn't. Before Heat, I predicted HBK/Y2J would be better than Rock/SC, and Damaramu predicted the exact opposite. It may be my personal preference, but I still prefer Y2J/HBK. Since I started watching, SC just hasn't interested me.


Brock vs Angle - Did anyone else's ppv freeze during the video package? Just curious. The match itself was okay, but I was starting to doze off at the end because of the cough medicine I'd taken.


So, overall, a great show, and worth the price, in my opinion.

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