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Where are they ??

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Couldnt help but notice how the injury list never seems to decrease. Alot of which,many cant stay off the strecher(ie Angle,Gunn,Orton) But theres alot of others I havent seen in a while. Im in college so I am cursed to never see wrestling again with Heat(which,sad to say, was my only resort) moving to TNN. So can you all tell em what happened to:


*Billy Gunn( he was out on injury last I heard but I havent seen any news on him like I have on Bradshaw or Rhyno) it would be pretty coll to have him pop up for some reason.


*Jindrak-Sure he's doin those Devil's advocate promos but when will he step in the ring. He's an excellent wrestler for his size and damnit he pulls off a pretty sweet Swanton.


*Mark Henry-dont really care too much for him but I think that him and Booker would make a good calabo.


*Taka -did he get released ?if so, why him and Funaki too?


ok thats it for right now

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Guest bob_barron

Billy Gunn is retired and TAKA hasn't been in WWE for a long time.


You're mistaking Mark Jindrak for Sean O'Haire

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Gunn - Retired, I believe.


Jindrak - He did some Heat matches. O'HAIRE is doing the Devil's Advocate gimmick.


TAKA - Left WWE because he wasn't happy with his position. Apparently Funaki's fine with what he's doing, and that's why he stayed. It sucks because I think Kaientai would be pushed pretty well in the Smackdown Tag Division, especially if they stuck with the EVIL gimmick.


Henry - Coming back from injury. Y'know what? How 'bout he just stays there.

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you know what , I noticed the former teammate's name mix up just as I put up the topic. Thanx anyway guys.


One had a stomach muscle problem , the other a shoulder if I remember correctly.

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Guest saturnmark4life

OK, I can't go any longer without acknowledging Mrnoitall's sig, can I. Respect to you sir. I fucking love those new tats.

Nothing to add to the thread that hasn't been said, btw. But why the fuck did they blow the chance they had with O'Haire??

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