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Guest dpac

Smackdown spoilers?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

No Nathan Jones (I guess this is more of the "slow build" nonsense... ppfffttt), and no Austin either. A lot of you guys assumed he would show up for Smackdown tonight.


kane321, thanks. THE promo I'm looking for is the pre-Mania heat one. All the others pale in comparison.

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Anyone else find it funny that Sable vehemently turned down a lesbian angle during her first run with the company, only to kiss Torrie on her first night back?

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Guest RedJed
Anyone else find it funny that Sable vehemently turned down a lesbian angle during her first run with the company, only to kiss Torrie on her first night back?

That was probably not coincidence. Just as Austin being beaten cleanly as just about any heel has beat a face before in history.

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Guest Nanks

I don't see why anyone would complain about bringing back Piper's Pit. Those segments were always awesome for building up feuds. If he had a match, I would take issue, but has no one ever wanted to see Austin on Piper's Pit?? I'm pretty friggin stunned he's back with WWE though, he carries on about how he hates Vince incessantly, looks like the whole Piper training people for TNA storyline has gone the way of the dodo.

Sable back is an enormous surprise, but I could care less frankly. Yes, she has very large, very fake breasts, but....

Mysterio v Cena would've been cool. But if Taker puts over Cena, god willing, that would be more significant as far as building him up as a belt contender. And I don't see why he couldn't hit Taker with a DVD, he hit it on Rikishi!!

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Guest Lightning Flik
And I don't see why he couldn't hit Taker with a DVD, he hit it on Rikishi!!

I more meant, I just can't see Taker letting Cena hit the FU.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Random observations:


--Wow, that's the exact same Velocity from last week, except w/ Knoble going over Funaki.


--Knoble/Kendrick sounds like a good match. Hopefully they get some decent time (i.e. at least 5 minutes).


--Hey, the FBI doesn't job!


--No Rikishi! :headbang:


--They couldn't get anybody else to job to Taker besides Rey (**coughRikishicough**)?


--The outcome to the Taker/Cena match next week will be interesting to see. I can't imagine Taker is going to want to job clean, so I expect a DQ (as other people have mentioned).


Looks like a good show overall, except for maybe the interview/talking segments.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I love the way WWE makes new stars.


Force out Hogan and Austin, and make new stars out of Goldberg, Piper, Nash and Sable.

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Guest dpac

I like the tourney idea, SD sounds like some good wrestling for the next couple of weeks. Heres to hoping Taker does the right thing.

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Guest HartFan86

Sable returning is fucking shocking, especially since she freaking sued the WWF. It's like Ventura coming back.


And Piper is back for a while, which is cool. Piper's Pit rocks.


Looks like a VERY interesting Smackdown.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Some thoughts:


I love the fact that Piper's Pit is back.


Taker will have some sort of injury angle next week since wwe.com is reporting that he will have elbow surgery next Thursday.


I know they are trying to build Cena but why does Eddie seem like he can't win a singles match lately?


Sable? More T&A couldn't hurt.


Why is Mattitude wrestling a dark match with Funaki?

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Guest AndrewTS

Fuck Sable--and in the Goldberg sense, that is, not the other. She was never very good looking in the first place, now she's gotta look like crap. She's blond and has big titties, so maybe she'll become Austin's new wife/punching bag.


It truly is becoming WCW. *sigh* WWF hasbeens being hired back left and right, and fucking Goldberg coming in.


Looks like a decent show, but I'm not liking the sounds of some of this shit.

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The Velocity spoilers are confusing. 411 (from Rajah) seems to actually have last week's spoilers while Observer has a totally different match list. Since the last match for Velocity on the WO spoilers is a FBI squash, I'm leaning towards Matt vs Funaki being the main event, not a dark match... but who knows.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

So what are the chances that Matt will get in some credible offense against Brocky next week?


I'm not even going to entertain the thought of him winning.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
I know they are trying to build Cena but why does Eddie seem like he can't win a singles match lately?

More the reason why he needs to turn back heel. He's gone nowhere since this face turn.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I think it's the hair. Ever since he lost the Mullet, he's been on a tailspin to nowhere.

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Guest Human Fly

I'm preparing for Piper's Pit to be a let down. When was the last time he gave an interview that was anywhere near his old standards.


If they wanted it to be any redeeming at all they should have put him live on Raw and then see what he would have said.


Another problem is that this seems like they are leading to a Hogan v. Piper match. I know some people have said they wouldn't mind it if they weren't the Main Event, but stop and think about it. Two guys who are broken down and old, not to mention that Piper is carrying around what looks to be 30 pounds around his waist. Steiner and HHH will have a challenger for worst match of the year.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
What I just noticed...no sign of Nathan Jones...oh yes my sig works!

I was about to say that. If it were possible, Vince should sign this guy to face Jones:



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- Stephanie McMahon Interview. She stands at the top of the ramp and talks about the Angle/Lesnar match. She says that due to injuries, neither man is here tonight but Kurt Angle could be out for as long as two months with hamstring and neck injuries.

So I guess Angle is getting the alternatine neck surgery. Probably the best news of the week

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Guest Mole

Wow, Smackdown is full of surprises. I am looking forward to Smackdown the next few weeks, it looks like they actually thought of this shit in advance and made a show that makes sense.


Maybe this new writer isn't all that bad.

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I don't know why anyone thought Austin would be on SmackDown. Before Raw, there was lots of talk about Austin needing a hiatus from wrestling, and being "fired" seems to be that hiatus.

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Guest Choken One

Yeah, Why would Austin go to Smackdown right away...It makes logical sense that a guy who got fired would not look for a job two days later...If they give him a three week hiatus and then you have him returning wearing NO Stone cold stuff...Just Jeans and a Black shirt...Have him grow out the goateee (shows his depression) and have him Knock on the door of Stephanie at the end of the show and Austin softly goes "I need to talk to you, Stephanie". He shuts the door on us and we go to black.


Austin returns next week..Just a Vest and Jeans...(No Stone Cold Shirts) He eliminates the "WHAT" crap and just gives a Scathing "F-U promo on Bischoff". This will be the week after Backlash...Lesnar had beaten Cena.


Austin announces he hunting Lesnar down but he ani't ready for that Monster...He still has unfinished business...and With that he leaves. Main event Benoit Vs Cena...Austin runs in and tosses Cena and beats on Benoit.


The Next Week Benoit cuts a Screw Austin Promo making sure he mentions the Neck Injury again and again. Austin goes face to face with Benoit and they brawl. Austin wants a match but according his contract, None of his Matches are scantioned...Benoit says he is willing to accept the consequences of ending Austin's career.


They have a **** match at Judgement Day with Benoit going over strong...looking like he killed Austin's neck once and for all.


That's just the start...


However, Smackdown looks sweet...Is Sable a permanant return or just one time deal?


Piper Pit should be good if they let Piper free...

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I don't see why anyone would complain about bringing back Piper's Pit.

I got no problem with Piper's Pit but its just likely being brought back to build a program with Hogan and nothing more. I doubt after their match at Backlash that he'll still be around and that Piper's Pit will be utilized to build other feuds.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Piper Pit should be good if they let Piper free...

"Can I have the mic? Can I have the mic?"

"No, you can't."

"Well I'm not going to talk to you if.."

"Take the mic.... Psych! Well, whatcha gonna do? Hmm? Whatcha gonna do?"

(Men fill into the ring to break up the shootfight that's likely to occur)

"Oh hey boys!"




Hopefully, Piper is more sober in WWE than he was in that TNA appearance.

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In all this talk about Piper and Hogan, everyone seems to forget that the spoilers mention they did an angle on SmackDown where Hogan can go away until they can bring him back for another return pop (let's say the first SmackDown only PPV, Vengeance).


Yes, I know in wrestling, firings / suspensions / retirements mean nothing, but this is a guy who has no actual contract and appeared to be wearing some sort of special tights with a supporter just so he could stand up properly at Mania....


Or maybe Hogan will just go to Raw since he wants to work matches with Goldberg, Austin, and Michaels.

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