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Guest Brian

May 5th

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Guest Brian

People are always saying that the internet fan doesn't have enough voice, that there's not enough of an audience to appeal to. With WrestleMania and the following night, the WWE has proven that they have no intention of creating new stars or pushing anyone to the top. Alot of people complain around here but no one does anything. If you really want to take a stand, this is the day:


1. May 5th is two weeks after BackLash. That means the initial bump will die down.

2. May 5th is the first day of May sweeps/finals.

3. May 5th will give time to evaluate the situation, where talent is headed, etc. If it's Triple H on top, everyone else below, the date will be valid.

4. May 5th gives us enough time to get the word out.


I just think that if at that point, we really want to make it felt, we should really spread this to every valid newssite and message board. We always try these damn petitions and they never get anywhere. Yet people complain about RAW all the time and it ends up with 33 pages. You want to get something done, this is the day.

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy

This is a great idea for everyone unhappy with the product. Step up to the plate, and prove your point. They don't listen to internet complaints, but if this gets around the internet, than maybe you CAN make a change.

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Guest bob_barron

Since I recap RAW for smarktalk and I need my weekly Booker T/Goldust/Regal fix- I'll probably watch

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Guest Chuck Woolery

It's going to be said many times, but this doesn't mean much unless you've got a Neilsen box.


That said, I agree, and I'll join in the boycott. I may not be watching for different reasons by then anyway.

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Guest Coffey

Why the fuck does it even matter? Seriously, how many posters here even have a nielson box?


EDIT: Damn, beaten.

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How many people have Nielson ratings boxes? Probably not a lot. Oh well, good luck. I

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Guest bob_barron
Bob, promote the strike in your column.

If the main event for that RAW is a 3-way dance between Booker v. Goldust v. Regal and you all boycott- I'll be pissed.


That said- I'll promote in my review.

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Guest Coffey

Now, if we could get some websites like 411, TSM and 1wrestling to not post anything wrestling related for a week...that might do something.


I really don't think that's a possibility however.

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Guest Brian

That'll just hurt the websites.


Bob if that was the main event and Booker had gotten the title convincingly at BackLash, I'd call things off.

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Guest Coffey
That'll just hurt the websites.

Probably, but it would hurt all the people that relied on reading website critisism too...

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Guest bob_barron

I'd rather they save Booker T getting the title until Bad Blood since that will be in his hometown and it'd make for a great moment.


I have no idea what to do for Judgement Day though

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

I'll tell everyone I know to boycott that day.

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Guest HartFan86

I think also that no Raw thread should be created on May 5th, and if it is...then delete it.


If you want to talk about Raw, do it somewhere else.

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Guest bob_barron

I disagree with that-


If people want to discuss RAW they should be allowed to

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Then what about on May 6th, when everyone is going to be talking about what happened the previous night on RAW?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I kinda (but not really) know Jeff Marek of Live Audio Wrestling on a Regular Caller to Host basis and could probably shoot him an e-mail about this. I doubt he'd post it on their site or anything because the Law is sponsered by Viewers Choice PPV and they're sellouts but if you guys think it'll help......


Having said that, live events are where it's at. The WWE has reiterated time and time again that they hate the internet and smarks so that won't matter. Live events, however, do. I was at WrestleMania 18 and was one of the people screaming Hogans name in his match with The Rock. Vince actually listened and jobbed the title to Hogan from HHH the next month at Backlash. Scott Steiner got booed the second he stepped in the ring and where is he now? Exactly. Live product carries a "undeniable" type of heat with it and if the fans boo a wrestler enough (Steiner), the WWE may not nescessarily fire him but I don't really see main eventing for the world title in Steiners future.


If anything, a campaign should be started to get every smark possible out to house shows and tv tapings. I know myself, bob barron, RavishingRickRudo and Treble Charged all live in the Toronto area and probably more that I'm not aware of. I'm sure Dames has his New York crew and if I'm not mistaken a few people that live in the Carolinas know each other too. Honestly, (at house shows at least) a few people is all it takes to get a "___ sucks!" chant going and it can build from the ground up.

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Guest Coffey

I say we just lock the forums on May 5. No new posts can be made or replied to.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

What good would locking the forums do? Maybe the WWE folder but not the whole board.

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I would LOVE it if you lot boycotted the show, and it turned out that somehow Bret Hart or Foley returned, and everyone on Mya 6th would be like 'OMG, had anyone got the clips! OMG!!!' Won't happen obviously, but I'd be laughing my ass off.


Anyway, not much point in boycotting for me, seeing as I'm in Britain. It'd be pretty pointless IMO anyway...'lock the forums, then Vince can't read our opinions!' Lol, if the whole site were to die, Vince wouldn't notice. Oh, and remember...there's ALWAYS the marks.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

There is a campaign here in England for all those that attend Insurrextion in Newcastle to stand up and turn their backs to the ring when HHH comes to the ring. It a bit extreme but is something similiar to what Brian is suggesting. Ultimately, I think what is trying to be achieved here is to let WWE know that internet fans make up more of their current fanbase than they believe. If this is the case, it should, in theory, work in arenas as well?

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I wonder if any rival feds like Ring of Honour or NWA-TNA would print anything like this on their site. After all, they're trying to get over as the alternateive to WWE and this would be a good publicity stunt, if nothing else.

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Guest Coffey
What good would locking the forums do? Maybe the WWE folder but not the whole board.

The point is so that the posters here don't watch it and discuss it anyway. Sure, you could just lock the WWE folder, then they would talk about wrestling in one of the other sub forums.


If we plan on doing this nonsense, we should at least go all out.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I highly doubt people are so desperate to talk about Raw that they'd start threads in other forums. Come on, it's Raw for Christs sake.

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Guest HartFan86
There is a campaign here in England for all those that attend Insurrextion in Newcastle to stand up and turn their backs to the ring when HHH comes to the ring.

That would be hilarious. What are the announcers gunna say? They can't just not acknowledge it.


And like I said....go somewhere else to talk about Raw. TSM shouldn't be the place.

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