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Guest goodhelmet

If-then statements

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Guest ShamRock

then we'd have the mega powers of old school explode!


If Hogan was in the kiss-my-ass segment instead of JR...

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Guest goodhelmet

then he would have insisted he win the title the next show and hold the belt for three years until Andre rises from the dead to win it with twin referees


If Ted DiBiase was still wrestling

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Guest dreamer420

then Virgil might still have a job.


If the WWF brought back Butch Reed and called him the natural...

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Guest goodhelmet

then they might as well team him with Viscera and make the joke worse.


If Jerry Lawler started dating Trish

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Guest dreamer420

then Trish would have really lowered her standards.


If Lita started dating Trish...

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It would show how desperate Vince is getting for ratings.



If Hulk Hogan won all of the titles in one night and refused to lose them......

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then I would drive all the way to Tampa, and kick his ass from there all the way to Stamford until he gives 'em up.


If I were to do this...

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Guest Some Guy

Then you wolud be a Smarks hero and arrested.


If Hogan fell and broke his hip

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then IWC would devote the entire day to nothing but Hogan bashing and I would be happy.


If Hogan busted out a hurricanrana...

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It would be the greatest night in the History of our sport.



If Vince brought back all of Hogan's previous opponents, including the ones that are dead, WCW opponents, and AWA opponents.........

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Guest Some Guy

Then Hogan would "lay the smack down on their crippled/dead asses.


If the AARP revokes Hogan and Flair's membership

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Then they can't retire and will remain in the WWF, forever.



If Hulk Hogan finally starts putting effort into his matches.....

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Guest Some Guy

Then the WWF would be sucked into a blackhole and never escape.


If Rocky Maivia never became The Rock

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Guest goodhelmet

then the Blue Chipper would have been curtain jerking forever!!!!


If Rikishi was still making a difference

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He wouldn't have stinkfaced half of the WWF roster.



If Vince brought back the Natural Disasters....

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Guest Some Guy

Then Hogan could beat them all over again, to really make it feel like 1990, maybe they shold change the ropes back to red, white, and blue.


If they changed the ropes back to red, white, and blue.

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Guest goodhelmet

then it better be in honor of Kurt Angle- world champ.


If they pushed Angle like they push HHH.

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Guest Some Guy

Then the world champ would be over.


If Angle got a good run with the title

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Guest goodhelmet

then maybe people would take him seriously


If Ricky Steamboat wouldn't have been injured in 1994

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Guest Some Guy

Then he and Austin would have had ***** matches leading to a ME run for Austin in WCW, maybe.


If Test gets fired for not protecting guys and then not appologizing for it

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Nobody would miss him.




If Hogan announced that he would continue to wrestle, even after he dies........

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Guest Some Guy

Then I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.


If Flair and Hogan have an Apple Pie Indian strap match at Mania 38

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then Flair would job...only to have Hogan call him back and pin him again...and again...and again...and again...


If this pattern continued...

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Guest Some Guy

Then the Smarks would revolt and charge Titan Towers.


If this happened.....

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Vince would be forced to fire his writers for being stupid, and maybe hire some of us.



If Brother Love had a different name it would be........

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Guest Some Guy

Then it would be Brother like a lot.


If Bill Clinton were a Pro Wrestler his name would be

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Val Venis, because the Big Valbowski dropped that name.  He could also be Valbowski's patner.



If the Ultimate Warrior suddenly ran down during one of Hogan's matches........

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He wouldn't have a gimmick.



If the Undertaker still had Paul Bearer and the urn...........

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