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Guest goodhelmet

If-then statements

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Guest Some Guy

Then he still would suck right now, but have a cooler gimmick.


If Bruno Sammartino came back and challenged Vince to a fight

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Guest goodhelmet

then Vince would probably try having Bruno roughed up before hand even thouh he's like 80 yrs old.


If Tito Santana was white

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Guest Some Guy

Then he never would have sold Tacos in Tijauana (sp?) ;)


If the flying forearm was still a finisher

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Guest goodhelmet

( that's fucked up)


then Booker T would have a new finisher


If Booker got the respect he deserved

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Guest Some Guy

Then I would be a hwppy guy.


If the Cruisers get the respect they deserve

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Guest goodhelmet

then they would get a minimum of 20 minutes a show


If the cruisers were on RAW like they're supposed to be

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Guest Shaved Bear

then the WWF writers would actually display common sense.



If Vince McMahon put a cruiser over HHH...

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Guest dreamer420

then it would take 10 other men to take him down.


If the wwf brought back the casket match...

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Guest Some Guy

Then Kamala, Mabel, Kama, and Yokozuna would need to come back.


If WWF has 5000 ladder matches this year like they did last year

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Guest WWF4Life

then you can bet the Hardy Boyz will be involved in them


if the wwf ever has a barbed wire match

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Guest dreamer420

then the sandman and sabu should be brought in.


If the WWF bought a ladder company...

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Guest WWF4Life

then Stephanie would be put in charge and it'd go out of business


if vince relaunched the WBF

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Guest Shaved Bear

we'd see Scott Steiner and Lex Luger in the WWF


What if Vince tried to create an XFL-style league with bowling?

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Guest dreamer420

then Jesse Ventura would be back in the annoucing business.


If Vince tried to start a division of wrestlers over 7 feet and over 300 lbs...

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then it'd go over as well as Mr. Perfect's latest run


If Mr. Perfect was over now...

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Guest Shaved Bear

he wouldnt be tagging up with bossman


If Vince McMahon didnt have an ego the size of Russia...

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Guest dreamer420

then it would be the size of China


If the WWF pushed Mr. Perfect...

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

he'd be fueding with RVD and...someone. But it'd be more interesting than what he's doing now.


If the WWF pushed Maven...

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Guest Some Guy

Then we'd have "biggest eyebrowed Champion in WWF history"


If Al Snow still played Avatar

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Guest Shaved Bear

he would lose all of his heat


If Maven was put over HHH on raw next week...

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Guest Some Guy

Then Flair would have had to have traded for him.


If Flair traded RVD for Hogan

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Guest dreamer420

then it would be the worst trade of all time.


If Hogan gets a new theme song...

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People would forget "Real American," and "American Made"



If Hogan gave names to the "Big Boot" and Leg Drop" they would be.......

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Guest goodhelmet

then they would be "the all american foot" and the "glass ceiling"


If Hogan actually had a good finisher

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then Dibiase would come out of retirement and Andre would come out of Death just to fued with them burying everyone else in the process.


If this happened...

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Guest goodhelmet

then I would still dig it! Oh Yeahhh!


If Luger was signed by the WWF

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