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Guest goodhelmet

If-then statements

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

then all smark faves would be top draws and on the top of the card


If the Smark faves were on top...

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

we would have crossed into bizarro world.


If Vince posted on the smarkboard

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

he'd be full of sarcasm and uneasiness


If Vince actually listened to the net

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Guest JAMES900

Then the IWC would have nothing to bitch about


If Vince was trapped in a giant net

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

we could all point and laugh and prod him with sticks.


If the IWC stopped watching wrestling

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Steph and Shane would take over


If Steph and Shane took over...

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Guest Mystery Eskimo

They would book themselves as tag team champs.


If Flair started his own promotion

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Guest Tony149

Then it would suck


If in 10 years you look at the WWF Title history and see Stephanie, Shane & Linda as former WWF Champions

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Then you'll be glad it was the first time you saw that and that you didn't watch wrestling when they won the titles.


If the first Wrestlemania was a total failure...

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Guest Tony149

Then wrestling doesn't go into a boom and we have tons of wrestling territories


If Vince never brought the WWF from his Dad

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Guest dreamer420

sports entertainment would never have been born.


If Sports Entertainment hadn't been born...

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Guest dreamer420

it would have never died a sweet death at the hands of the Taker.


If the Undertaker was never created...

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Then we wouldn't have seen some of the stupidest angles ever (Underfaker, Royal Rumble 94, etc)


If Phil Muschnick joined the World Wrestling Federation tomorrow...

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Guest dreamer420

he'd be jobbing to Vince on Smackdown!


If Ric Flair bladed and no blood came out..

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Guest dreamer420

simply put, HE WOULD DIE.


If Hogan did a move from the middle rope...

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Guest Tony149

Then he would break a hip


If Hogan had to run from the ramp to the ring

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Then it would be worse than Kane's move.


If you stuck Jim Ross, Jim Cornette, Paul Heyman, and Vince Russo all in one room and locked them in there...

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Guest Tony149

Then both fold within' 3 years as Bischoff runs them into the ground (Assume Bischoff was still in charge)


If Bischoff works for the WWF

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Guest Tony149

Then Bret Hart, Russo & Bischoff work for the WWF


If Bret returned to the WWF

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Guest dreamer420

it would be my all time markout moment.


If Bret screwed Vince this time..

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Guest AM The Kid

Then we'd all smile and laugh


If RVD fell down a flight of stairs

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Guest dreamer420

he'd sell the pain for a moment and then jump right up.


If Scott Hall was at the bar before Raw...

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