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Guest goodhelmet

If-then statements

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Guest dreamer420

it would be just like Nitro, 5 years ago.


If Goldberg was signed by the WWF...

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Guest JAMES900

Everyone would be confined to there room


If Linda Macmahon appeared in playboy

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Guest dreamer420

Eric Bischoff would buy a truckload.


If the Rock tripped and fell while walking down the entrance ramp...

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Guest AM The Kid

Then Vince Mcmahon can kiss my ass



If Chris Benoit idolized Brutus Beefcake instead of Dynamte Kid

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Guest Tony149

Then he would of liked Hogan, gone thru 10 bad gimmicks, and his workrate would of sucked.


If Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake was signed by Vince

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Guest dreamer420

we'd see the cutting and the struting once again in the WWF.


If Vince signed Kronik again based on the Undertaker's regard for them...

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Guest AM The Kid

Then Vince is a political puppet


If Shane Mcmahon became the real owner of WWF Raw

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Guest crandamaniac

then test and steve blackman would main event.


if test and steve blackman was the main event...

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Guest Tony149

Then you know Shane is the booker


If Shane formed a stable with Test & Steve Blackman

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Guest dreamer420

he'd be WWF Champion.


If Shane McMahon became a full time wrestler...

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Guest CED Ordonez

He'd be the Hardcore Champion.


If the Hardcore Title didn't look like crap

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

He'd bury everyone


If Steph came back on Smackdown this week

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Guest dreamer420

then the wwf has lied again.


If Steph won the title on Smackdown in a Hell in The Cell match...

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

I would quit watching


If Hunter jobbed cleanly to Jericho on Smackdown

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

he'd become bitter and move to Calgary


If hogan's pops diminish

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Guest dreamer420

he'll be main eventing Jakked for the next three years with Saturn.


If Saturn get rough with Hogan on Jakked...

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Guest Some Guy

Then the Smarks would mark out.


If the Smarks ever marked out for Mantaur

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Guest Some Guy

Then SK would mark out for evil Doink at least.


If Dink came back for the Gimmick Battle Royal

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Guest Tony149

Then he'd smell bad, since he's dead. Unless they got another midget to play the role.


If Tazz won more than one match a month

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Guest dreamer420

he'd still be a fat little jobber.


If Tazz was really more like Taz...

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Guest Tony149

Then he's still a jobber because he's small


If Paul Heyman became head writer

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Guest dreamer420



If McMahon hired back Russo...

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Guest Tony149

Then him & Heyman could write the shows


If McMahon brought back Jim Cornette

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