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Guest Downhome

For now he is currently retired from in ring action. It's expect that he'll return soon however in some sort of GM role of sorts, at which time he would give JR his job back also.

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Guest converge241

yes for all intents and purposes he is retired


Observer has him slated to return after Backlash or so and beome the "mick Foley" like good guy commish to oppose Bischoff and reinstate JR


and he will most likely wrestle at big PPV events every nce in a while for the huge payoff


to me its a good and bad thing


good- the fans still get to see Stone Cold

bad- man its going to make his character look ultra-weak


im just not for the retired or semi retired wrestlers in those roles


liek even though Foley was good or funny in that role most of the time it was still just sad or something cause the character should be kicking someone's ass instead of fooling around with paperwork


too bad Heenan had all his medical trouble ..i think he would have made a great asshole GM, if they are insistent on keeping these GM/Commish/CEO roles that is becuase I could do without them its too friggin convoluted

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I had been led to believe he was only taking a hiatus, but outside of saying "you can't ever say a guy is done in this business", Meltzer called Austin "done" several times on Wrestling Observer Live.

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Guest Downhome

Concerning Mick Foley, his being the comish made me actually hate the guy. I guess I hate his real personality (if that was his real self), and wished to remember him as Cactus Jack and Mankind. Once Mick turned into his self, my love for him almost totally died. I still loved him in the ring, but when he was ONLY on the mic acting like a moron, I hated it, it almost ruined him in my eyes.


I do not want the same thing to happen to Steve Austin.

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Guest converge241

yes if Austin comes out and starts handing out magic "what" contracts "what" paperwork "what" legal documents "what"


instead of stunners , thats some bad TV right there

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Guest Downhome
yes if Austin comes out and starts handing out magic "what" contracts "what" paperwork "what" legal documents "what"


instead of stunners , thats some bad TV right there

I'd just assume to never see him ever again rather than his doing that type of bullshit. Hell, I can't picture him being the comish at all in ANY compacity. Can ANY of you picture Austin setting up matches between two guys without getting physical?


Not only that, but his mic work since he's returned has been very, very bad. Am I the only one that can tell a HUGE change in his voice? It just sounds like he's lost the desire to go out there and do what he at one time did so well. The "feeling" hasn't been in his voice since he's returned, it's obvious to me, ESPECIALLY in his eyes. The man looks and sounds empty, depressed, lonely, and simply not in his right mental state.


My advice to Austin would be to get his personal life in order, and take care of all of that, before coming back in any way. I love how he can set this aside in matches, like he did against Rocky (it was still a great match), but just on the mic and just by looking at the guy, to me it's obvious his mind and heart isn't in that ring.

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Guest Pa|adin

I doubt Austin is about to let the writers to make him out ot be weak. Although I'm a little afraid with what will come of this, I'm still intruiged as to how they will do it.


*Images writing team sat in front watching tapes from the last 10 years*


"I doubt they'll remember this!"

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Guest evilhomer

One thing I was wondering:


Was it the plan to bring Austin back for just that one big match, then give him a non-wrestling role or were they taken by surprise by his health?



On the one hand, based on Austin's medical history and age, they'd have to be nuts to not have him fully checked out. So they know he's on his last legs, bring him back for the big return, then give him one big match before setting up the storyline that leads into his new role.


On the other hand, see Jones, Nathan, Steiner, Scott. The WWE hasn't been to good at doing their homework before bringing someone in. They see something as the big fix and rush it in without checking out to see if the talent is usable.

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Guest Downhome

They did not plan on Ausin only coming back for Rocky, it was a suprise to them that this has happened. I still say that at Summerslam, we'll see Goldberg/Austin, and if not then, at Wrestlemania XX.

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Guest RenegadeX28
Concerning Mick Foley, his being the comish made me actually hate the guy. I guess I hate his real personality (if that was his real self), and wished to remember him as Cactus Jack and Mankind. Once Mick turned into his self, my love for him almost totally died. I still loved him in the ring, but when he was ONLY on the mic acting like a moron, I hated it, it almost ruined him in my eyes.


I do not want the same thing to happen to Steve Austin.

I liked Foley even more when he did the commish role. He made ALL the angles he was involved with even more entertaining. I loved his work in the HHH/Angle/Steph love triangle.

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Foley as Commish wasn't bad. It wasn't exactly tittilating for me either. He did add to the HHH/Kurt/Steph angle a it, and his work with E&C was AMAZING, but other than that, he didn't do much for me. The cheap pops really got old after a while as well.

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Guest godthedog
They did not plan on Ausin only coming back for Rocky, it was a suprise to them that this has happened. I still say that at Summerslam, we'll see Goldberg/Austin, and if not then, at Wrestlemania XX.

austin would have to be INSANE with his medical problems & overall fragility to get in the ring with goldberg. on top of that, i'm sure he knows the match would suck (which seems to be something that he really cares about).

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Guest converge241

"I doubt Austin is about to let the writers to make him out ot be weak."


huh? they already have hes looked like a chump without something to say to lead up to the rock match and the idea to make him seem like a cripple with Bisch reading the doc notes ..that makes him look ultra -weak


"Although I'm a little afraid with what will come of this, I'm still intruiged as to how they will do it."


im intrigued if it can all be presented in a unique and interesting way with that same trepidation of him coming out with the Stone Cold clipboard or maybe use the Stone Cold fax machine from the Invasion time

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I hink that Austin will be kept around for the same reasons as Jeff: he's over and sells merchandise. I don't expect Austin to do any real work for his money now. He's made for life, he can earn big bucks, get the crowd chanting his name AND never take annother bump in his life. Good for him, bad for Raw.

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Guest ViciousFish
"I doubt Austin is about to let the writers to make him out ot be weak."


huh? they already have hes looked like a chump without something to say to lead up to the rock match and the idea to make him seem like a cripple with Bisch reading the doc notes ..that makes him look ultra -weak

It was kinda sad. Austin just....left. The old Stone Cold would have ran past the security and gave Bischoff at least 1 Stunner before being drug away. He didn't fight, he didn't flip the bird he didn't even call Bischoff a S.O.B. There was nothing but Stone Cold leaving, almost like in real life when someone is fired.



Foley as Commish wasn't bad. It wasn't exactly tittilating for me either. He did add to the HHH/Kurt/Steph angle a it, and his work with E&C was AMAZING, but other than that, he didn't do much for me. The cheap pops really got old after a while as well.


I totally agree. Commish Foley with E&C was sometimes the only reason I would watch WWF TV during a week and the HHH/Steph/Kurt love Tri-Angle wouldn't have been the same without him. I don't care how much anyone hates HHH, the sight of him and Foley 'crying' at Kurt was priceless. That was a great little gag too, it went for a couple weeks and they didn't try to drag it out. They let it die when it should have, so now its easy to look back on and remember fondly. Kinda like Foley's Commisionership, they used it for 6-7 months and then got rid of him for awhile so it didn't get so old.

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