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Guest Crazy Dan

The Official 2003 NBA Playoffs Thread

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Guest razazteca

Well the Mavs need to play Defense and the Spurs need to not get tired in 4th Quarter and make the Free Throws, please.


Kobe making 3s in the 4th Quarter is giving me nightmares.

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Guest jimmy no nose

That shot by Horry almost killed me. Someone needs to hold a lead in these playoffs.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

It will be tough to close out the Lakers in Game 6 at Staples. Remember the refs and what they did in the 4th quarter of the Kings/Lakers game 6 last year?


Best Sign of the Night: "Spurs 2, Lakers 1, Referees 1" :lol:

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
It will be tough to close out the Lakers in Game 6 at Staples. Remember the refs and what they did in the 4th quarter of the Kings/Lakers game 6 last year?


Best Sign of the Night: "Spurs 2, Lakers 1, Referees 1" :lol:

This Game 6 bullshit is fucking tired. What about Game 5?

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Guest Ripper

Spicy...seriously dude...When every media outlet on the planet STILL mentions game 6 in Sacramento last year (even outlets like ESPN that love the Lakers and had to put up with 50 LAKERS ARE BACK ON TOP headlines when they were still in 8th place) its time to admit that something seriously wrong went on in that game. Casual fans know about this game, whenever they talk about the lakers dominance over the league in the last few years, somewhere in the article game 6 in LA against the Kings will be mentioned.


Were there bad calls in game 5 that went the Kings way, sure...But was there over a dozen in the 4th quarter alone...no.. It was a embarassing game to watch for a life time NBA fan like me (much like the Timberwolves game earlier in the first round). Give me a well called series like this Laker Spur series has been so far any day. If the Lakers win this series no one will say they didn't earn it. But what happened last year to Sacremento in game 6 was just plain sad.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

if you call this Spurs-Lakers series well called, I have to pretty much ignore your opinion of the refs.


Unless by well called you mean "both teams have been fucked equally" which I would agree with.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

Didn't the Lakers/Kings series last year go 7 games?

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Guest Polish_Rifle
Didn't the Lakers/Kings series last year go 7 games?

The refs and Stern made sure it did.

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Guest goodhelmet

I would love to say that last night's Spurs 4th quarter collapse was a product of the refs but the truth is the Spurs don't have a killer instinct. Actually, I am glad the Lakers came back, because HOPEFULLY, it will illustrate to the Spurs the urgency of the situation. NOW, if a similar situation happens tomorrow night at Staples that happened last year to the Kings I think you can throw away the conspiracy manual and declare it the truth. The refs and the lakers are in bed together.

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

The Kings had seven games to beat the Lakers. Had the Kings handled their business in Game 7, no one would talk about Game 6.

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The pistons/sixers game was high drama, coming down to the final buzzer shot win by Detroit (by a point)... actually it went in and Coleman knocked it out and they won on a goaltending call! Of course nobody seems to care about the east but me :P but hey it's a great series B-)

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Guest goodhelmet
The Kings had seven games to beat the Lakers. Had the Kings handled their business in Game 7, no one would talk about Game 6.

if you ever saw a team that looked beat at the end of a game, it was the Kings at the end of game 6 last year. they knew they had no shot. 5 against 8.

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Guest TheArchiteck
The pistons/sixers game was high drama, coming down to the final buzzer shot win by Detroit (by a point)... actually it went in and Coleman knocked it out and they won on a goaltending call! Of course nobody seems to care about the east but me :P but hey it's a great series B-)

I know!

Everyone talking about the Lakers.



That pistons/sixers game was too fucking intense for this pistons fan.

No way in hell they was suppose to be that close!

Friday night is the night.....

can't say i'm not nervous.

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Guest godthedog

iverson was not feeling it tonight AT ALL, and the pistons still only won by the skin of their teeth. when the player that the whole opposing team is built around can't score, you should be able to slaughter them. iverson was right when he said that the blame is with him when he can't score, and not the other team's defense. detroit didn't shut him down, he just wasn't making the shots he normally makes. i don't think detroit has it in them to take the series--philly will take it to game 7 and win.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I bet the Nets are rooting for the two Texas teams tonight. People might actually think the East will have a shot at winning the title if/when the Lakers and Kings are eliminated.

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Guest goodhelmet
The pistons/sixers game was high drama, coming down to the final buzzer shot win by Detroit (by a point)... actually it went in and Coleman knocked it out and they won on a goaltending call! Of course nobody seems to care about the east but me :P but hey it's a great series B-)

too bad we actually had to watch the first 47 minutes and 50 seconds. that was a horrible game. it wasn't good defense... just lousy offense.

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Guest Lethargic

I think it would kick ass to see Nets vs Spurs in the Finals and Tony Parker end up dominating Jason Kidd after all the signing talk for this off season. That would be hysterical.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

And in what magical fairy universe could Tony Parker take Jason Kidd?

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Guest Dangerous A

Looks like tonight's Cali's last stand.



DA's prediction: Lakers force a game 7 and the Kings succumb to the Mavs. I am still pulling for the Kings, but with no C-Webb, they are done in the next round anyway. So are the Mavs. Basically, the Spurs-Lakers series will decide the West.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

5-8 will be tough for the Spurs tonight. They should really use their vets more in this game like Kerr, Steve Smith and Ferry.

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Guest Lethargic
And in what magical fairy universe could Tony Parker take Jason Kidd?

I didn't say it would happen. I didn't say he could do it. I said it would kick ass to see if it DID happen due to all this Kidd to Spurs talk. Read what you respond to please.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis



Game 6: Free throws - Lakers 40-25; Fouls - Kings 31-24


Game 5: Free throws - Kings 33-23; Fouls - Lakers 27-20


Comparison is the SAME differential in foul calls, and the Lakers shot 5 more free throws.


Also, here is a picture of Bibby's Game 5 winner off of Webber's illegal screen on Fisher:



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Guest Flyboy

The Spurs can never hold a fucking lead... no matter how huge or small it is.

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Guest Choken One

Good...I guess...


Spurs/Nets is rapidally approaching...



ABC will be pleading for Phila/Dallas...

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Guest Choken One

Is this the first prime time week day showing since Xmas day kickoff?

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Guest Choken One

Might? It's already buried....



Not really but we can dream...

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