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Guest Kamui

E-Wrestling/Fantasy Wrestling

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Guest Kamui



I don't know if this should go here....but it's wrestling related, so pishaw.


How many people here are into e-wrestling/fantasy wrestling? I know TSM has its own two feds, but I'm just trying to get a feel for how many people are into it, and what types of feds you're in- so if you can list fed and character, that's great. Also, feel free to use this thread to discuss anything eW related as well.


Myself, I'm in:



Fans Wrestling Orginization- http://www.fwowrestling.com

Been open since 1998, has a great deal of history and a hell of a lot of fans (i.e. people who read the shows just for the hell of it, not because they're actually in the fed in any way)- it's almost impossible to get into nowadays. I'm in there as 'Undeniable' Voran Xias and normally Kali Saturos, but she's suspended (in-character, of course).


the Asylum- http://www.asylumfighting.com

On its third year- actually an e-fighting fed set-up like UFC or the like, but fantasy-based so there's a lot of wrestlers in there. Doesn't have as many fans as fWo, but has its fair share. I'm in there as Cara Dyconin and, temporarily, Kali Saturos.


Alliance Wrestling Corporation- http://www.ewxtreme.com

It's relativley new and doesn't have near as many followers as fWo or tA, but it's a hell of a lot easier to get into. I'm in there as Enforcer and Jason 'Shocker' Elliott.



All three feds are "angle feds"- different from the TSM feds, I think. Everything is pre-determained and written by the handlers, there's no competition. It's fun only if you're into writing- and all three feds have a hell of a lot better storylines than any real fed if you're into following them. So, anyway, there you go. If you want to learn more about eWrestling, check out the eWplanet community- http://www.ewplanet.org/e . That's all from me.



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Guest Dace59

I'm the SWF.


I LOVE it.


Cause i can show off my geeky knowledge because I write my matches.


Match Writing Based Fed > j00.


Personally can't stand RP.


If I'm in an E-fed, it's because I want wrestling, a match writing based one gives more control over the wrestler.


5000 word matches as opposed to 500.

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Guest Kamui

I write my own matches in those feds too. Just doesn't decide the outcome. Roleplaying is optional, and only done to further your angle or character.



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I'm in PWSF - http://www.pwsf.com/phpBB2/index.php

It's basically roleplaying-based. The "wrestlers" [all made up, but use WWE stars for sigs] roleplay for their matches, and the writers/bookers write the show on Monday. I'm in there as Yuna Firerose, part of the New Breed, a mega-heel stable.



From left to right: Hardcore Assassin [big Show], Showtime & Yuna [Randy Orton and Lita],Sven & Vixen [Nash and....whoever that is]. At the moment, surprise surprise, I'm playin' the psycho-bitch char.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

I used to be.


I miss my character. I was pretty much only ever in one fed for like, what musta been a few years, the EOW (It's defunct now). In that time, I managed to go from a paranoid freak, to a generic hardcore dude, to an uber-prickish hardcore dude, to a technical master, to a psychotic technical master who was liable to snap at any given moment.


The best part was, it was all the same dude, and I managed to RP it in a way that made sense, so it wasn't just random stuff happening. But man, by the end, he was one fucked-up dude.


Ah Tim, how I miss thee....




I honestly never knew there was a way to run an e-fed outside of rp'ing it until very recently. But I've lost mostly all interest in it, so I haven't bothered with it in a few months.

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Guest Kamui

All of the feds I"m in use a program called poser to make 3D renderings of the characters, rather than using real-wrestler pictures to match up to your characters, which I think is a hell of a lot cooler, personally. The first time I saw Voran Xias' poser, I laughed, I cried, and I.....well, okay, that's personal.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Duo, you and me actually belong to feds of the same e-wrestling community. fWo is an affiliate of Prime Time Central, right? I'm the RP-based AJWF (which I believe is currently on the PTC "Public Access Channel," if I'm right).


I've been e-fedding since November '99. Took a hiatus from summer '02 until a month and a half ago.

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Guest Ace309

I'm a dedicated writer for SWF, as my ubergeeky sig shows. I love writing competitive matches because it lets me control the psychology of the match as well as the finish. (Why write the meat if you don't get to determine the outcome?)


But yeah, just another dedicated WFer. I also get a kick out of reading the Oat Toast fellas. They're really getting entertaining.

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If I had more time I'd try and join SWF cause it looks pretty cool. Well, very cool.


I'm in/have been in a load of different roleplay basede-feds. A big real wrestler, a smaller real wrestler and a small created wrestler. Plus there's RFI, as you'll see in my sig. Which is basically fantasy booking on a bigger scale.



XWF's the top real wrestler one, and there's some pretty damn awesome RPers there. Sabu and Goldust w/Bill Alfonso as a sort of Rock N' Sock style tag team there for now.



XPW, smaller real wrestler. Pretty cool, some good RPers, some not so good. There's a range for every rank of RPer. I'm World Champ as Edge, with Christian. Just an excuse to RP as E&C I guess...lol.


Not the best feds ever, but hey it's only a bit of fun huh?

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Guest The Superstar

Former OAOASTer from May 2002-April 2003, now in the SJL~


I love writing matches, and watching myself improve with every one.

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Guest Nevermortal



I participate in the IWA e-fed as my character Cyrus Williams (been doing him since '98), and I run my own federation, Ascendant Wrestling. I've been told by some that I have some of the best written cards around, but I personally don't think so. You be the judge.

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Guest Kamui
Duo, you and me actually belong to feds of the same e-wrestling community. fWo is an affiliate of Prime Time Central, right? I'm the RP-based AJWF (which I believe is currently on the PTC "Public Access Channel," if I'm right).


I've been e-fedding since November '99. Took a hiatus from summer '02 until a month and a half ago.

I don't think fWo is an affiliate of PTC. I think PTC just throws an fWo button up so they can claim they are, but there's no mention of a PTC affiliate on the fWo page.


On another topic, a lot of you look like you're in some pretty okay roleplay feds. That's where I started out as well. What did you think of the fed links I gave at the start fo the topic? And hell, if anyone went as far as to read some of the events, feedback on my characters (Voran and Kali in fWo, Kali and Cara in tA- haven't done much in aWc) would be appreciated.



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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Only reason I'm not involved in a non-RP fed is because I really don't have the time to write my own match (like the SWF/SJL demands) every week and make it really, really good.


I've been considering starting my own fed using a point system that's somewhat similar to the IWA play-by-mail game's strategy system. But I've been refining the idea, and nobody really wants in on it.


And the last time I remember checking out the fWo, aside from clicking the link of it at PTC, was a few years ago at tOA. I was going to apply, but the roster was full.

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Guest Kamui

Hehe, the roster's ALWAYS full. I think we've got upwards of 40 people on the active roster. Pretty crazy.


Tag team apps are open, though, through the Survivor 3 game. http://survivor.fwowrestling.com It's a game where 16 tag teams compete for an fWo "contract". Apps are open but only until the 30th of the month, and from what I've heard there's already been a whole shitload of applicants, so I'd consider applying soon if you want in. From what I hear, after SIII applications won't be open again until the end of the year.



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Guest DawnBTVS

I was in for like 6 years(97-02)...wrestled in GWA, BWO(With Kidd Reaper, Faze, Fission, Lost Soul, etc.), GFWA(Jostrodamus), EWO(Rage Falcon), VW. My Sonic Youth character was pretty sweet(I was him in all those feds) and I've been thinking of getting back in but looking for a good fed if anybody wants to hook me up.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I did the whole e-fed thing a couple years ago (RP based), but I got pissed off when I would lose a match to someone who didn't even bother to do a RP and I had done like 2 or 3.

and after a couple months of the crap, I quit.


Then I went and did a website for one but didn't RP. I enjoyed setting up the website more than anything, but they never really looked cool or anything.

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Guest Ace309

The IWA was just terrible, terrible shit. I never realized it until i got on the net and actually got involved in RP feds.


There was no creativity. No mandatory character roleplaying. Just "strategy" that wasn't even that - it was only picking point values.


I did, however, get to feud with Hurricane Helms when I was about thirteen. That was the IWA's only saving grace.





EDIT: It also sucked because it cost money.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Below are the ones that I got really serious about and enjoyed like hell (plus these are our own e-feds as well):


SWF/SJL (but when it was known as IGNWF/IGNJL). These guys are just fab, and great to you. Probably the most interesting e-fed out there as it is the only match writing fed out there that is known of. This fed requires true dedication, but the payback that you receive from this place is awesome. If you think your skills in writing are up to the task, this is definitely for you. Heck, even if you think you can't hang here, try anyways. I managed for a six months and did fine with my poor writing skills (then again, I had Brimstone, a.k.a. Johnny Dangerous, carrying me :P ).


OAOAST (which I'm currently am in) is possibly an angle/roleplay fed. It's kinda different than what the normal is for both of those, and frankly, it's just great. The OAOAST gangs (and myself included) are starting to produce some just killer storylines that bring the whole roster of each show into the mix and build towards the angles that are currently going on.


Both of the Smartmark board feds are a blast, and you should consider either of them if you are wishing to get a taste of the e-fed community. As both are very well established an only getting better and better.

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Guest papacita

I had been into e-wrestling/fantasy wrestling since about 95 when I entered the IWA (the play-by-mail game). I got into RP feds in late 98 with my characters Panther and "J-Dogg" Johnny Gunn. In 2000 I started my own e-fed, the NFWA, which was primarily an RP fed, but other elements such as match strategies, angles and storylines were taken into account as well. I ran it for a little over 2 years before closing it last August, and I've been enjoying retirement ever since. I had meaning to turn the NFWA site into an e-fed resource site (with top 20 list, e-fed tips, banner/logo request, etc.) but I just haven't had much time to update it.


You can check the link in my sig if any of you wanna read some of my overly elaborate results, lol.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Was a part of ICE Wrestling and it's spinoff, the ICW in '99-'00. Was brought aboard by a friend from OtherArena's fantasy booking site, and had several characters in both. I used my real name as a GM/"Powers That Be" style character, along with a character named "Scott Simpson". We were known as The Power Brokers.


Was Shane Thompson, aka Teenybopper Thompson, the One Man Boy Band in both ICE and ICW. The gimmick got over so damn well I actually copyrighted it, lol. Uber-babyface, charismatic and a little goofy. Tagged up with Johnny Charleston (think Jamie Noble mixed with Austin) in a team called Traditional Entertainment. Some of my best promo's of the time were when we were warming up to each other...me making him "cool" by having him dye his hair and calling him JC, and him taking me out to bars, us getting sloshed, and getting into bar fights.


I was also Prizefighter, ex-boxer turned wrestler. Disgruntled badass face, comparable to Taz in his ECW run.


Been with the OAOAST since briefly after it started here on TSM, and am now a mod and a main contributor to the fed as a whole. As stated, we're more laid back than most actual e-feds, which helps with those on time constraints or who are just looking for some random fun. Also, should anyone get the chance, check our archives (OAOAST Home Entertainment) and read AngleMania 2. The main event (myself vs. Anglesault for the World Title) was built up for nearly my whole time in the fed, and took me two weeks to write, little by little each day. I'm most proud of that match, and the event as a whole is a great read.

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Guest Kingpk
Only reason I'm not involved in a non-RP fed is because I really don't have the time to write my own match (like the SWF/SJL demands) every week and make it really, really good.

In the OaOast, you don't really have to write a showstopping match each week and someone is usually game to write it for you if you aren't feeling too creative or can't write matches at all (like I can't). The real long matches are saved for PPVs. That's why I joined up, there are no word limits and I write promos 100x better than I write matches.

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I love being in the OAOAST. I've really started to find a love of writing matches/promos/vignettes. I've written two ppv matches now and I'm really proud of the one I have written for Living Angleously. Hope everyone likes it.

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I did the whole e-fed thing a couple years ago (RP based), but I got pissed off when I would lose a match to someone who didn't even bother to do a RP and I had done like 2 or 3.

In PWSF, a non-RPer just loses the match.


If anyone wants to read my RP for my next match go here Yes, I'm a being a cheap plugger and, by the way, any and all feedback wouldn't be a bad thing, it'd be a good thing ^_^

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Guest Kamui

Don't worry, Yuna- I asked for feedback on the feds I listed and my characters, and I didn't get any either, so /shrug.


And thanks for the plugs, but I've been in RP feds before. Not all that fun for me when you get used to angle feds. And as for the SWF, I don't think I'd have enough time to write the matches when I write 2 matches a week for the fWo, and possibly 1 for tA and aWc as well. Sorry.




Edit: I suppose I'll give some more specific links for feedback. It's very appreciated if you want to check my work out.


'Undeniable' Voran Xias Bio: http://www.fwowrestling.com/cgi/superstars...ar.cgi?voranxia


'Undeniable' Voran Xias Interview Archive (i.e. my RPs): http://www.fwowrestling.com/cgi/interviews...ve.cgi?voranxia


Kali Saturos Bio: http://www.asylumfighting.com/asylum/fight...ters/kali.shtml


Kali Saturos Interview Archive: http://www.fwowrestling.com/cgi/interviews...ve.cgi?kalisatu


Cara Dyconin Bio: http://www.asylumfighting.com/asylum/fight...ters/cara.shtml


Cara Dyconin Interview Archive: http://www.asylumfighting.com/asylum/inter...iews/cara.shtml

Edited by Duo

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Guest caboose
Also, should anyone get the chance, check our archives (OAOAST Home Entertainment) and read AngleMania 2. The main event (myself vs. Anglesault for the World Title) was built up for nearly my whole time in the fed.

Your welcome. :D

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Guest Kamui

Yuna, I just edited in direct links to everything if you want to check it out.




Edit Again: If you want to see my favorite match I ever wrote, here's a direct link to just the match. It's from the recent Cyberslam VI PPV (it's like fWo's Wrestlemania, and yes, it really is the sixth event) and it's a No DQ Submission Match between Voran Xias and longtime rival Monte Burns.



Edited by Duo

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