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Guest ShamRock

Going to RAW

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Guest ShamRock

Me and two of my friends are going to RAW on May 26th. I need some sign suggestions.


Help me out.

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Guest AndrewTS

We Want Gail.

I came to see R-V-D!

Nash fears running.

F*** Goldberg.

Gillberg > Goldberg.

Keep your pants on, Shawn.

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Guest AndrewTS
Keep your pants on, Shawn.







what's left for Shawn to lose?

You forgot his anal virginity, which was first I believe.


What's left to lose? His ability to walk, and his hypocrisy I figure.


"Karma runs over dogma."


For HHH:

"HHH is a Homo erectus"

"You're Not Flair!"

Edited by AndrewTS

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Guest MideonMark

''I wish I was at Nitro....oh wait, damn!''


''Eric Bischoff=Mr McMahon Lite''


''Ill pay someone to stop the wedding''


''The Clique does Raw'' -thats a take on the old porn movies ''Debbie does Dallas'' etc and its implying that The Clique are in like a big gay porno on Raw and... ah forget it

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''The Clique does Raw'' -thats a take on the old porn movies ''Debbie does Dallas'' etc and its implying that The Clique are in like a big gay porno on Raw and... ah forget it

Everybody knew the gay reference as soon as they read the first two words.


"The Clique"

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Guest crandamaniac

"We Want Warrior!"


tho if you take that, and Warrior does get signed, I'm blaming you!


"McMahon Fears The Dames!"


"I'm Willie the Worker"

Edited by crandamaniac

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"We Want Warrior!"


tho if you take that, and Warrior does get signed, I'm blaming you!


"McMahon Fears The Dames!"


"I'm Willie the Worker"

Just looking at your sub-title


"RVD is Willie The Worker"

"Kane is..."




"Willie The Worker is a copyright of The Clique"




Why are my posts all about the clique? it's like they've taken over Raw or something!



I can't believe you edited your post to say i'm willie the worker, now i look like i copied you!

Edited by TheFranchise2002

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Guest nikowwf




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Guest humongous2002

Tickets=$30 or the price you pay for them

WWE T-shirt=$35

Seeing RVD wrestle=priceless

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Guest jester

Make a sign shaped like a tombstone, and then write on it:


"WWE RIP October 25, 2003"

Edited by jester

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Guest MaxPower27

Tickets: $30

Tshirt: $25


The possibility of Kevin Nash getting hurt: PRICELESS

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Guest Renegade
Tickets: $30

Tshirt: $25


The possibility of Kevin Nash getting hurt: PRICELESS


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"Backlash-did I miss anything?"

"When's Backlash"

"When's Starrcade this year"

"WWE=WCW 2003"

"Raw-off the hizzum for shizzum playa!"

"We want Stevie"

"Goldberg-Who's Next" and "Triple H-Who's left"

"This is gay..gay...gay...gah..gay..ah...gay-reat!"

(Goldust tourette's type sign)

"Who's gettin' fired tonight"

"Fire Jerry"

"We want Schiavone"

"Austin sold me my hot dog"

"When it gets to Rock Concert 5, you're repeating yourself"




And, to get one over on the sign guys who'll no doubt take your best, most offensive signs...


"We want T&A"

And take a stick on 'N' so when you get past the sign guys, stick the N over the & to make...

"We want TNA"


If you like TNA that is.

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Guest HHH's 'Roid Needle

"Those tarps are up there because the roof is leaking!"


"Why Am I Sitting Ringside When My Ticket Says Section 410?"

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Guest Nanks

I'm being HHHeld down

Where's Tenacious Z??

Give the company to Shane already

October 25th - The End is Near

RAW - Live from 1993

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Guest Raven_Effect01
October 25th - The End is Near

What's with the October 25th date being the day WWE goes out of business? Hell, it may even be sooner, you never know.


Still, why the October 25th date?

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