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Guest Lord of The Curry

Unexpected tear-jerkers

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
And Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back when Kevin Smith turned Banky gay in a desperate attempt for a lame laugh at the end of the flick.

Banky was gay by the end of Chasing Amy

Where do you get that from?

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He was willing to screw Holden! He was gay...just didn't want to admit it to himself. Holden even said it to him that he'd be happier if he just came to grips with it.



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Guest Youth N Asia

When Rudy's let into the game at the end of the movie...I tear up just a tad

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Guest shlidgn90

my picks are:

grave of the fireflies(best anime ever)

shindlers lists

imitation of life(the funeral scene)

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Guest Lil Naitch

Mighty Joe Young

at the end when he climbs the ferris wheel to rescue the kid? Always tear up- mostly due to the awsome score.

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Guest Lil Naitch


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

When Peter's Uncle dies. I didn't cry, but I got very emotional and got into the movie more. Bascially, I felt for Peter.

I felt the same way, mostly because

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

Peter's Uncle's expression reminds me of my late Grandma's expresion when I saw her right before she passed on. I ALWAYS tear up.

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Guest mach7
- Boromir's death in Fellowship of the Ring.

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

Yes. Boromir was my favorite character, damnit!



His brother sucks though.

Boromir ruled! Though, Sean Bean was a bit of a wanker in Ronin. ;p

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Guest Choken One

Field Of Dreams




Going Into it, I had only assumed it was about Dead Baseball Players coming back to life...


But just lik every single MAN in the world...I broke down like a little bitch...

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Guest Mattdotcom

Banky is not gay at the end of Chasing Amy. Kevin Smith went on record with this several times until J&SBSB came out. Basically, Smith said something like "Life boils down to decisions and Banky made one on the spur of the moment for his friend.

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Guest Angle-plex
Is Banky gay?

Kevin says: "No, Banky is not gay. He would never cruise, nor would he have ever actively pursued Holden of his own accord. However, he does love his friend. Very deeply."


Then why did he agree to the three-way?

Again, Kevin says: "Life comes down to moments. In the moment that Holden makes his off-kilter suggestion, Banky was willing to go the distance –a window is opened, and in that moment, Banky agrees to a same sex encounter of sorts. When Alyssa declines, that window is slammed closed. But Banky’s already exposed something that he can’t live with –Holden’s knowledge that he would’ve gone through with it (for whatever reasons, whether it be to save their relationship, or because he was into it). That’s why they’re no longer friends by the end of the flick –Banky’s self-loathing. So is Banky gay? It’s not that easily defined. But then, that’s kind of what the movies about.


And Ben adds: "Rather than saying that Banky is gay, or that anybody is gay, the idea is that often close male relationships operate quite a bit like love relationships in a lot of ways. You care about one another very deeply. You’re loyal to one another. You spend a lot of time together. You can be jealous if some woman comes in and takes your friend away. Ultimately, it’s about how you care about other people in your life, not necessarily who you sleep with."


From NewsAskew.com.

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Guest William E
A Walk to Remember... I didn't really know what the movie was about. I was just interested in Mandy Moore's acting debut. I bawled like a baby.

I didn't see that movie, was it Mandy Moore's acting that made you cry or a certain scene?

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Guest Si82
- Bowling For Columbine. I'm Canadian so I have a weird dynamic with the movie but the scenes in which they're discussing Columbine and showing the footage got to me pretty bad.

I just saw the film yesterday and I totally agree.


Not only those scenes but the ones with Charlton Heston at the end of the film really got to me to.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
A Walk to Remember...  I didn't really know what the movie was about.  I was just interested in Mandy Moore's acting debut.  I bawled like a baby.

I didn't see that movie, was it Mandy Moore's acting that made you cry or a certain scene?

I can't tell if you mean that tongue-in-cheek or not (and I know you asked SSD, but this movie got me too), but it was Mandy Moore's acting IN certain scenes that got me. There were also a couple from Shane West.


And Lil Naitch, I'm having nightmares every time I see that Hannigan pic in your sig.

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Guest Youth N Asia
And Lil Naitch, I'm having nightmares every time I see that Hannigan pic in your sig.

Then look at my avatar, far more pleasing on the eyes.

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Guest welshjerichomark

Save the last dance always makes me cry, not just a couple of tears you understand, but full-on sobbing.


Also in my R.E class in school we had to watch a film called "The Power of One" about a british boy growing up in South Africa, it was the most depressing film i have seen in my life, and i cried in front if my whole class. I felt like such a pussy.

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Guest Flyboy
A Walk to Remember...  I didn't really know what the movie was about.  I was just interested in Mandy Moore's acting debut.  I bawled like a baby.

I didn't see that movie, was it Mandy Moore's acting that made you cry or a certain scene?

If you didn't see this movie, how do you know Mandy Moore did a bad job acting?

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And Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back when Kevin Smith turned Banky gay in a desperate attempt for a lame laugh at the end of the flick.

Banky was gay by the end of Chasing Amy

It was kinda hinted at. The ending of Chasing Amy was open ended for others interpretations. You obviously thought Banky was gay at the end of Chasing Amy, but I didn't necessairly see it that way. For all the viewer knew, Banky could have agreed because he wanted to see Holden get shut down by Alyssa. At the end of the scene, Banky says 'Thank God' when she turns the deal down. Chasing Amy was meant to be unique in KS's eyes because it didn't have a happy ending, and it didn't give a definate answer to things. The J&SBSB kinda ruined the aura of that movie...and turned an emotional situation from Chasing Amy into an unnecessary gay joke right at the end. It was quite disappointing.

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I cried during X-MEN 2 (I kid you not).

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Guest Flang

Elephant Man

The Lion King

Dead Man Walking

Dancer in the Dark

Les Invasions Barbares

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Guest cabbageboy

I will also go with Armageddon. I was seriously not expecting anything deeply moving in that movie, just a Willis actioner. Then by the end when he tosses Affleck into the ship and sacrifices himself (along with the already mentioned talk with his daughter) I was bawling. Glad I was watching it at home alone.


It's not unexpected that something like All Quiet on the Western Front would be sad, but here's another WWI movie that had me in tears: Hell's Angels. My god, the ending of that movie with the line "I'll be with you in a minute, Monty" just gets me.


And yes, Walk to Remember is sad. I saw that movie on a real crappy date, had no clue what it was about, but it did take me off guard.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I fucking watched Armageddon at work the other night and was disgusted with myself because I came very very fucking close to crying......

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva
A Walk to Remember...  I didn't really know what the movie was about.  I was just interested in Mandy Moore's acting debut.  I bawled like a baby.

I didn't see that movie, was it Mandy Moore's acting that made you cry or a certain scene?

C'mon, her acting is not even a percent as bad as Mariah Carey... both in real life and in Glitter.

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Guest raptor

I knew Boromir was going to die and that scene still fucked me up. (And for the record, Faramir is a badass in the books. That's the only problem I have with the movies).


Of all things, Monster's Inc. made me tear up. All was well by the end, but damn if that movie wasn't touching.

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