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Guest cynicalprofit

Who was the better no-seller?

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Guest cynicalprofit

So who was the better no-seller....


Undertaker, or Zesus(No holds Barred), or Hulk Hogan?

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

Taker back in the day, but Goldberg is quickly taking his place.

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Guest Blue Bacchus



He was DEAD. You couldn't hurt the Undertaker!

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Hogan shouldn't really be on that list.


For the match up until the very end, he would sell anything.


At the end he'd get that boost of adrenaline.


Taker no sold most of his matches back in the day.


Zeus I don't want to remember

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Guest Youth N Asia

Well, since Bruiser Brody isn't on the list I'll go with Underseller.

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Guest Coffey

I don't really think that Goldberg is bad at selling. He's just bad at faking. So, because of this, you have to actually make contact with him for him to act like it hurt. For example, when the Rock does one of his shitty kicks, you have to actually kick him with it for him to act like he just got kicked.


Makes sense to me.


Deadman Taker is the obvious choice.

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There's no way Hogan should be on that list. The guy usually sold like a champ in his matches complete with crawling on the floor and twitching.

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Taker... he used to sit up from getting a nuclear warhead dropped on him. B-) It was cool shit, but still.

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Guest godthedog

taker sold very well when he wanted to. he just picked the right points to no-sell.

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Guest Coffey
taker sold very well when he wanted to. he just picked the right points to no-sell.

I actually liked the Undertaker during his most recent title run. He was selling well. He was incorporating new moves like the apron leg drop, dragon sleeper & arm work. He even had that ladder match with Jeff Hardy that turned out to be about thirty times better than what I expected it to be.

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Guest Trivia247

Goldberg doesn't sell, because he doesn't know how, unless you get him in a submission hold where he can't hide that he's in pain.


Zeus knows less than Goldberg so that answers that


Taker's character was patterned NOT to sell. So that puts him atop any no sellers because he was suppose to. even now outside the Deadman character he sells about as good as the Sandman does but still there are points where he gets punched and just looks at the guy.

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Guest Choken One

I don't see how Hogan made this list? He sold every move like he was shot by a Uzi.


'Taker was great at selling and No-Selling (within the confines of his character)...


But if we're talking about guys that just didn't react to getting it...


U have to say VADER is the god of all no sellers...

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Guest Eagan469

Taker - all those sit-ups obviously didn't give him a six-pack, though :P

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I actually think that selling was one of the few things that Hogan did a decent job of.


Until he went in Hulk-up mode of course.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Hogan got on the list because this was based off of my review of No Holds Barred.

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Guest evilhomer

Better no-seller - Hogan by far. His no-selling Hulk ups were always great for a crowd pop.


Bigger no-seller - I've erased Zues from my memory, so I've got to go with the Taker. I actually liked the selling he did as the dead man, he always got up, but at least he went down. During his initial run as Biker-Taker, he wouldn't even go down if he were hit with a nuclear warhead.

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Nathna Jones = Zeus Version 2.0


Taker was the best no-sellr, because he was actually believable.

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Guest CanadianChris

Where's Hawk on this list? The guy couldn't sell heaters to Eskimos.

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