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Guest Galactic Gigolo

NWA XPlosion Taping Results

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Guest Galactic Gigolo

Konan over Masata.


Justin Credible over “Mr. Delicious” JC North by pin fall following a tombstone piledriver. Credible is very over with the live crowd for a guy with his reputation and fan following should be higher up the ladder when it comes to TNA PPV.


Erik Watts over Hotstuff Hernandez by pin fall follwing the Lights Out. Funny match with Watts working the crowd, camera, and Hernandez to perfection. Very loud “WATTS, WATTS, WATTS” chant during his match and when he was on the PPV also.


Low-Ki (with Elix Skipper) over Daggin Briggs (with Seven) by tap out to the Dragon Clutch. Triple X is also VERY over with the live crowd and all three members would be legit threats to the World Title if pushed as a singles wrestler.



Watts is the motherfucking man in his new role. It sucked to see his role diminished to a simple talk to Glen because of Jeff's "injury." He may not be the greatest wrestler, but the mindfuck role suits him so well.

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I'm loving Watt's new character. He's still not a great wrestler by any stretch of the imagination, but I can see what Raven sees in this guy - he's charismatic.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I think Watts has a pretty decent character but honestly the fact that he barely wrestles on the PPV's makes me think he couldn't work if his life depended on it. I guess he has made no progress over the last few years.......

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Guest Phoenix Fury Legdrop
Konan over Masata.


Justin Credible over “Mr. Delicious” JC North by pin fall following a tombstone piledriver. Credible is very over with the live crowd for a guy with his reputation and fan following should be higher up the ladder when it comes to TNA PPV.


Erik Watts over Hotstuff Hernandez by pin fall follwing the Lights Out. Funny match with Watts working the crowd, camera, and Hernandez to perfection. Very loud “WATTS, WATTS, WATTS” chant during his match and when he was on the PPV also.


Low-Ki (with Elix Skipper) over Daggin Briggs (with Seven) by tap out to the Dragon Clutch. Triple X is also VERY over with the live crowd and all three members would be legit threats to the World Title if pushed as a singles wrestler.



Watts is the motherfucking man in his new role. It sucked to see his role diminished to a simple talk to Glen because of Jeff's "injury." He may not be the greatest wrestler, but the mindfuck role suits him so well.

Konnan over Masada (the correct spelling), such a mis-justice. But not as big of one as the best fricking person to ever come from Virginia, "Mr. Delicious" Jacey North (correct spelling) having to job to that turd Justin Credible.

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Guest subliminal_animal

He puts your fucking lights out, that's what.


And I missed it ... how did he get over, exactly? Besides the broad "he's got charisma!"?

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Guest acnx

Watts bores the hell out of me. I can't believe that he and Justin Credible are over at all with the crowd...it just...no. It can't be. :bonk: Can't be.

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Are you sure the crowd weren't chanting "What?" :)

That'd be so funny if when the fans did that, he looked around and went 'Are you saying What or Watts?' That's the sort of line that'll make the crowd reaction louder for him...one way or another.

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Guest Shane Legend

Hey, my buddy Daggon was on the taping? Thats awesome. Daggon is a great worker, and an awesome person in general.....plus his wife is hot :)

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Guest Phoenix Fury Legdrop
Hey, my buddy Daggon was on the taping? Thats awesome. Daggon is a great worker, and an awesome person in general.....plus his wife is hot :)

Jacey is SO much hotter....I didn't just say that.

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Guest Shane Legend
Hey, my buddy Daggon was on the taping?  Thats awesome.  Daggon is a great worker, and an awesome person in general.....plus his wife is hot :)

Jacey is SO much hotter....I didn't just say that.

whos Jacey?

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Guest Phoenix Fury Legdrop

"Mr. Delicious" Jacey North, Dagon Briggs's partner in Cutting Edge in Wildside.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

Yeah, Masada is really good. I saw an excellent match between him and I-forget-who at one of Bert Prentice's USA Championship Wrestling shows.


Watts is kind of funny. During that Xplosion match he came up with some kind of neckbreaker out of the corner as a counter to his opponent, and yelled out "New move!!!" as he was doing it. That was good stuff.


I kind of resent him though because most of my fellow Heel Section peeps have taken to him 100%, some of them even sticking up for his ring work ("Give him a chance!") which I still see to be at a sub-Test level.


Que sera sera...

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

Also, the crowd at the Asylum is into anyone who was a "name" in ECW.

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