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Best/Worst Wrestlemania main event ever

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Worst is Taker vs. Sid


Best I'll go with Rock vs. Austin at X-7 as well.

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Best: Brock vs. Kurt at WM 19 (Of course, I was there live...)


Worst: Taker vs. Sid. When you're worse than Bam Bam vs. A FOOTBALL PLAYER, you have problems.

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Guest Choken One

Best MATCH: Austin Vs Rock WM17.


Best MAIN EVENT: Hogan Vs Andre


Worst Match: Hart Vs Yokozuna WMX


Worst Main event: Undertaker Vs Sid

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Guest croweater

Best: Bret Hart vs. Shawn (Iron man match) XII.

Worst: Taker vs. Sid XIII as Vinces Big man fetish continued to horrible proportions

Edited by croweater

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Guest Choken One
Best: Bret Hart vs. Shawn (Iron man match) VII.

Worst: Taker vs. Sid VIII as Vinces Big man fetish continued to horrible proportions

Actully...It really wasn't Vince's Fetish that caused this match to happen...



It pretty much done because it was all they COULD do...


Shawn losing his smile threw a huge fucking wench into this PPV...


If 4 Ways were Common place...Vince would've made it a 4 Way with the 4 Big Players to avoid having Sid/Taker as the Main...

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Guest Choken One

The problem with The Iron Man Match...While it's still good at it's **** level...The match hasn't aged well except for the final 15 minutes...Although looking back it's interesting to view the Politics and shit being played in the match...

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Guest croweater
Actully...It really wasn't Vince's Fetish that caused this match to happen...



It pretty much done because it was all they COULD do...


The PPV before hand had Taker, Heart, Austin and Vader (i think) in a 4 way match for the title. Bret won and then jobed the next night on RAW.


It wasn't all they could do. They could have had Bret and Taker which would have been HUGE, or Bret and SId which had a fairly big build up or the Bret/Austin CLASSIC could have been the main event FOR THE TITLE !

If that occured then Bret/Austin could have been the best Main Event EVER!

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Guest Choken One

Yeah there were at least 5 different ways they could've gone about it...


But once they decided to go with Austin/Hart...Taker/Sid had to be done...


Although I don't understand why not just Vader/Taker? Since those two could work great...

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Guest croweater

Yes, but they should have gone Austin/ Bret for the title and as the Main Event.

It had history and heat and it is the match that MADE austin.

Austin got the title shot against the taker at the next PPV anyway I think so he was considered a legitimate contender.


I think they wanted the title on the Undertaker for his fued with Mankind, but in that case he should have just won the 4way the PPV before wrestlemania to stop this clusterfuck of a situation with 3 title changes in 1 month.

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Guest Choken One

Well Austin was booked to win the title via screwjob at Fatal Four and too lose it to bret and so bret would finally be vindicated for getting screwed twice...


But Austin got hurt and they hotshotted it on Bret and decided they didn't want to do Austin/Hart for the title and had him give it to sid so UT could go over in the main...


Besides if it were for the title...it would've been totatlly different match because vince would not have that finish for the main event...

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Guest croweater

I think we've all forgotten the Main Event for Wrestlemania 9

sure Bret vs. Yoko was bad.............. BUT


Yoko vs. Hogan was the final match!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WORST MATCH EVER: Yoko vs. Hogan at Mania 9 and then at KOTR with that STUPID flaming camera thing........... WWE at its WORST

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Guest Coffey
Best: Bret Hart vs. Shawn (Iron man match) VII.

Worst: Taker vs. Sid VIII as Vinces Big man fetish continued to horrible proportions

In Roman numerals X = 10 & V = 5


Best: Warrior/Hogan WM VI

Worst: Hogan/Sid WM VIII

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The problem with The Iron Man Match...While it's still good at it's **** level...The match hasn't aged well except for the final 15 minutes...Although looking back it's interesting to view the Politics and shit being played in the match...

I don't know. I watched it looking for things people hate about it, such as stalling, and I honestly don't see it. They used a lot of holds in the beginning, but none of them were on for long. Each one got a quick reversal. They wrestled cautious, but that's to be expected, isn't it? It wouldn't make sense to go all out in the beginning. They had to be more apprehensive and try to pace themselves through the match. Maybe it's just me, but it gets better every time I see it.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

Best match: Shawn/Razor ladder match


Best MAIN EVENT: Hogan/Andre


Worst Match: Nash vs Undertaker WM12 (only time I've literally fallen asleep while watching wrestling, though I was tired)


Worst main event: Taker/Sid


Most Overrated: Austin vs Rock. I've never understood the appeal of this matchup. They've been feuding since they were IC title guys, so it's doesn't have that "OOH HOLY SHIT" main event feel out of nowhere like Hogan/Andre did. The 15 match was just bad, the 17 match was solid at first but they started kicking out of their finishers like crazy at the end and made me want to shout "Oh come ON!" and the 19 match was too short, although better than their 15 match while still having the greatness of Heel Rock.

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About Austin/Bret, I'm glad it wasn't for the title. It didn't need it. If Bret had it, that would take away his whole motivation for wanting to beat Austin. The match wouldn't have been anywhere as good without Bret losing his last chance at it and throwing a temper tantrum the week right before. Fans probably wouldn't have turned on him and it wouldn't have had that memorable ending.


Keeping the title away from Bret was the best thing they could've done. He had proved himself the best at every chance he got. Yet, he still couldn't make it back to the top. He beat Austin clean at the Survivor Series, tossed him over the rope at the Royal Rumble but got cheated out of the win, won the final four clean once again by beating Austin, had Sid beat the next night (Austin hit him with a chair when the Sharpshooter was locked in), had Sid beat AGAIN in the cage until UT slamed the door on his face, and finally beat the living crap out of Austin at WM making him pass out. Bret never changed and had every right to be bitter. If he was in a title match though, there wouldn't be anything to be bitter about.


Soooo much different than normal heel turns, with the heroic face changing suddenly overnight into a weak cheating coward. That's gotta be the best booked storyline ever in wrestling.

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Guest EternallyLazy

Best Main event historically: Hogan vs. Andre WM III


Best Main Event workrate wise: Bret vs. Shawn WM XII


Now, I almost picked Angle/Brock because that match had me more emotionally drawn into it than any match EVER because of not knowing how bad Angle was hurting himself, and knowing that every bump could have been his last. But in the end, while a classic, I don't feel it's truly the best


Best non-main event match historically: Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin WM XIII


Best non-main event match workrate: Savage vs. Steamboat WM III

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Guest EternallyLazy
The problem with The Iron Man Match...While it's still good at it's **** level...The match hasn't aged well except for the final 15 minutes...Although looking back it's interesting to view the Politics and shit being played in the match...

I don't know. I watched it looking for things people hate about it, such as stalling, and I honestly don't see it. They used a lot of holds in the beginning, but none of them were on for long. Each one got a quick reversal. They wrestled cautious, but that's to be expected, isn't it? It wouldn't make sense to go all out in the beginning. They had to be more apprehensive and try to pace themselves through the match. Maybe it's just me, but it gets better every time I see it.

I don't understand the backlash against this match either... I loved it then and I still love it to this day because it's so damn realistic. Sure, you can complain about the selling problems of Bret, but HELLOOOOOO?? Watch Bret vs. Austin and watch how Bret works on Austin's leg for minutes at a time, and then watch how Austin completely no sells the damage on several occassions. No one seems to mention that though... and I've always found it to be strange.

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I don't understand the backlash against this match either... I loved it then and I still love it to this day because it's so damn realistic. Sure, you can complain about the selling problems of Bret, but HELLOOOOOO?? Watch Bret vs. Austin and watch how Bret works on Austin's leg for minutes at a time, and then watch how Austin completely no sells the damage on several occassions. No one seems to mention that though... and I've always found it to be strange.

I think it has a lot to do with being just something people weren't expecting. When people think HBK, they think of high flying and fast paced action, and they didn't get it. But it would be stupid of him to try to do that for an hour. Instead, he basically turned into Bret. They tried to make it real, the way that you would expect a real match of that kind to be. They didn't even get into their usual routines until close to the end.


If Bret had sold the arm like it was falling off, I don't think too many would complain about the restholds. But you have to just appreciate what they were going for. Bret without an arm takes away pretty much everything he does in the ring. Just weakened, it'll make it harder to apply holds.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Best Main Event - Bret/Shawn

Worst Main Event - Taker/Sid


Best Match : Savage/Flair

Worstl Match: Taker/Giant Gonzalez

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Guest NoSelfWorth

Austin was never booked to win the WWF Title in the fatal four-way with Bret, Undi and Vader. It was always going to be won by Bret, who would drop it to Sid.


As for the question at hand:


Best main event: Kurt Angle v Brock Lesnar.


Worst main event: Hulk Hogan v Sid.

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Guest Austin3164life

Best Main Event: Austin vs. Rock (WM 17)

Worst Main Event: Hogan vs. Sid (WM 8)


Best Match: Austin vs. Bret (WM 13)

Worst Match: Roberts vs. Martel (Blindfold Match)

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Guest Choken One
Best Main Event: Austin vs. Rock (WM 17)

Worst Main Event: Hogan vs. Sid (WM 8)


Best Match: Austin vs. Bret (WM 13)

Worst Match: Roberts vs. Martel (Blindfold Match)

how can Martel/Roberts be the worst? It was mildly entertaining...


I am sure there has been worse...

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I love how these questions morph into something else don't you..............

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Best MATCH ---- Steamboat vs. Savage WMIII


Best Main Event --- Rock vs. Austin WMXVII


Worst MATCH --- Undertaker vs.Giant Gonzales


Worst MAIN EVENT -- Undertaker vs. Sid

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Best Main Event Wrestling Wise: Bret Vs. HBK - WM12


Best Main Event Heat Wise: Hogan Vs. Warrior - WM6 (at least for me as a kid)


Worst Main Event: Sid Vs. Taker WM13


Best Non ME Match: Bret Vs. Owen - WM10


Worst Non ME Match: Bossman Vs. Taker - WM15

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Guest ManKinnd

To the original poster, no way the WM2000 4 way was the WORST ME in WM history, with shitfests like Taker/Sid, Yoko/Bret, and Hogan/Slaughter. Care to explain?


Best - Rock/Austin. Heat, story, action, and emotion. Best main and was part of the best event.

Worst - Bret/Yoko. I would've said Sid/Taker, but this match was just an overflowing pile of shit. Yoko was horrendous, not giving Bret an inch to work with, and it's not like Bret could do any moves to him anyway. Bad ending, too.

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Guest Dangerous A

As far as an announced Main Event, Taker vs Sid gets my piece of cake.


However the Hogan vs Yoko debacle is one of the worse moments in WWF History, so it has a place in my bowels.


Best Main Event match goes to Rock vs Austin. WM X-7 really was the end of an era and this capped it beautifully.


Best WM non main event has to go to Shawn vs Razor WMX. Things like TLC wouldn't have happened if not for this landmark match. (well, they would eventually happen, maybe just not as fast)

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Guest acnx

Best - Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart at WM12.

Worst - Sid vs Undertaker at WM13.


It was hard to choose from HBK and Hart at WM12 and Hogan vs the Ultimate Warrior from WM6...I loved that match to death for what it was.

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