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Guest Memphis

St. Anger

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
If Metallica doesn't play the same style of music as said bands (Slayer, Megadeth, Maiden), is it really fair to compare their respective musical talents to those bands?


Yes it is, and here's why. When trying to rate things objectively, you kind of have to. Not just in the sense of "Who was really the best semi-mainstream/mainstream heavy metal band of the mid 1980's?" but you could use that logic on anything, like "Who's the best guitarist ever?" etc...


I mean, Muddy Watters and Steve Vai play totally different styles of music, and are both great at what they do..but it's pretty clear to anyone listening that Vai and the rest of the prog solo nest of vipers are technically, vastly more talented. Same concept, only with four given bands. Yeah.


Same applies to rating wrasslin' or movies.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

okay the song sucked dick but it's only one song, the rest of the album COULD be really good, i'm not going to judge the album by one song, especially since "Frantic" sounds fucking sweet.

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I finally saw the video for it today. And it's BOLLOCKS. I've never been a major fan, but I've always appreciated why people would like them. This though.....

It seems like theyve taken a good riff, and a half decent power ballad and put them together to make the ultimate hit. But it sucks.


By the way, the video pisses me off way more than the song. It's like they're trying to do a Johnny Cash, playing to inmates to get credibility. However, they just come across as not knowing shit. Johny Cash was respected because he'd been in those prisons, done the same things they had. Metallica are prima donna rock-twats. And they were fucking miming!


Fuck 'em all.

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Guest BAR

Aah! I just seen the video. Their recycling old lyrics. 'Fuck it all and fucking no regrets'. That's from 'Damage Inc' for christ's sake.

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Guest saturnmark4life

I actually quite liked Load, just thought I'd have to get that out of the way. I haven't heard the new song, but with every single bit of news I hear about Metallica, they become more of a fucking joke. I don't think they were ever great, but I've always at least tolerated them. Ah well, if what's left of their fans slaughters this record I won't lose any sleep.







And Lars is ghey.

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Guest godthedog
Johny Cash was respected because he'd been in those prisons, done the same things they had.

that's a well-constructed PR myth. johnny cash never went to prison, and he readily admits it.

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Johny Cash was respected because he'd been in those prisons, done the same things they had.

that's a well-constructed PR myth. johnny cash never went to prison, and he readily admits it.

I thought he actually did time in one of the first prisons he played at.

Oh, well. My bad.



Remember kids: don't believe the hype.

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Johny Cash was respected because he'd been in those prisons, done the same things they had.

that's a well-constructed PR myth. johnny cash never went to prison, and he readily admits it.

PR myth? Fuck whatever. He was in jail. Prison suggests that one spends an extended stretch incarcerated. Cash spent a few days for drugs, stealing, picking flowers or whatever. I don't think anyone built it up to be a PR move, I think people drew their own conclusions, it wasn't some masterful scheme by Cash.


And yes, I do resent the fact that Metallica tried to go bad ass by having their video at San Quentin. Those femme-bots wouldn't last two seconds in the joint. Boy, that guitarists hair sure looks purty. How about Lars? James? Dudes are getting fucking old. They have about as much bad ass credibility as Dr. Phil. These guys need to give it up. Johnny Cash could actually back up playing at San Quentin, because he is, and forever shall be the coolest and bad ass artist EVER.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
If AoO was talking to me, no I have never heard of Nile, what songs would you recommend d/l?

It was more towards Laz, but I guess it can apply to anyone.


I suggested a couple tracks in an earlier post.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Actually, BANKY, I wouldn't mind betting money that Rob could spend some time in San Quentin and not die. Mr. Trujillo seems like a pretty bad motherfucker.


And Agent, I like Nile in small doses. I haven't heard Black Seeds Of Vengeance much, and only "Unas, Slayer Of The Gods" off the new album, but I own Amongst The Catacombs Of Nephren-Ka. Good in small doses, but if I listened to it for elongated periods of time, I'd crave Scatman John (not like I don't love Scatman anyways).

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Guest CoreyLazarus416
We need more Scatman John threads.

Yes, yes we do.

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Johny Cash was respected because he'd been in those prisons, done the same things they had.

that's a well-constructed PR myth. johnny cash never went to prison, and he readily admits it.

PR myth? Fuck whatever. He was in jail. Prison suggests that one spends an extended stretch incarcerated. Cash spent a few days for drugs, stealing, picking flowers or whatever. I don't think anyone built it up to be a PR move, I think people drew their own conclusions, it wasn't some masterful scheme by Cash.


And yes, I do resent the fact that Metallica tried to go bad ass by having their video at San Quentin. Those femme-bots wouldn't last two seconds in the joint. Boy, that guitarists hair sure looks purty. How about Lars? James? Dudes are getting fucking old. They have about as much bad ass credibility as Dr. Phil. These guys need to give it up. Johnny Cash could actually back up playing at San Quentin, because he is, and forever shall be the coolest and bad ass artist EVER.

Johnny Cash is the undisputed KING of music.


And did you see the lack of reaction Metalica got in that video? Those inmates weren't feeling it.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Probably because they were staring at Lars' mouth...

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Guest INXS

I just heard the new song a few minutes ago on Head Bangers Ball and I think it sucked ass. The song just doesn't vibe. James lyrics don't even sound like they belong on the song. It's hard to explain, but it just doesn't mix well.


I'm pissed too because they hyped this album as the second coming of "Puppets" and so far it's a disappointment.

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Guest INXS

Sorry to post again but I just heard on "HBB" that Dave Mustaine is making his first solo album. My questions are why and what's the use? We all know that it will have that metal sound but didn't he pretty much dictate the whole band in the first place? I just never understood the point of doing solo projects when you "own" a band in the first place?


In other news, Dave Mathews is suppose to be working on a solo project. Once again, WHY?

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And did you see the lack of reaction Metalica got in that video? Those inmates weren't feeling it.


Actually, numerous reports from Metallica's performance in the prison (and they played an entire set list for the inmates) clearly show that the inmates LOVED Metallica, going as far as making their own banners on bed sheets to welcome the band.

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Guest Vitamin X

Yeah, St. Anger sucked and Frantic sounded fucking sweet from the ICON show.


So the album will probably be somewhere in-between in the "meh" levels. Which is right where the Black Album falls for me actually.


So Metallica starts out good, declines with the meh album (black), then hits the shitter with Load and ReLoad (even though I did kind of think Fuel was catchy and Turn The Page was a good cover) and Garage Inc., so they step it up a notch to the quality of the Black Album. Fantastic.


I've got other CDs I need to buy first.

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And did you see the lack of reaction Metalica got in that video? Those inmates weren't feeling it.


Actually, numerous reports from Metallica's performance in the prison (and they played an entire set list for the inmates) clearly show that the inmates LOVED Metallica, going as far as making their own banners on bed sheets to welcome the band.

They may have liked the band, but the song didn't seem to be going down too well. Maybe it was just the miming.


Also did these reports come from a metallica website by any chance?

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They may have liked the band, but the song didn't seem to be going down too well. Maybe it was just the miming.


Not the ones I read. These were coming from a few reporters who went with the band.

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Guest Dmann2000

I liked the music and the lyrics seemed ok, but the way the vocals were sung and mixed sounded bad. It just didn't gel at all. I mean I liked Load and Re-load, this just didn't gel for me.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

I just heard it via the Launch shit from Yahoo.


...I am a very angry and depressed Laz now... :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):





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Guest The Metal Maniac

AoO, you're my hero.


Personally, I think it didn't suck as much as I expected it to, so if nothing else, it's not TOTAL crap...

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

What REALLY ruined it was the background vocals for the chorus, and the lack of time between the vocals and the change of riffs/licks.

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