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Guest HVilleThugg

SWF Rankings (6-3-03)

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Guest HVilleThugg

The rankings are up on the website!!! Ha ha...bet you thought I posted them here didn't you?


Anyway, I posted this here because I want people to feedback on the rankings. I've been trying to refine my methods to give accurate rankings. I'd like to see some people tell me about how they feel about their ranking, that way, I can give you feedback as to why you were ranked where you were. This is, of course, assuming you all actually care about the rankings, and if you don't, I'll stop doing it.


Ok, fuck it...this time, and this time only...I'll post the rankings below so it's easier for people to look at comment on them. Cause Lord knows that I'll only get 2 replies if I make people go to a different website to see the rankings.


So, here they are...


Official SWF Rankings for June 3rd, 2003

(Old ranking in parentheses)


1. TOM FLESHER (1) - SWF World Champion



4. FROST (6)

5. WILLIAM HEARFORD (5) - SWF Tag Team Champion

6. JAY DAWG (4)

7. EJIRO FASAKI (8) - SWF Tag Team Champion

8. DACE NIGHT - SWF Hardcore Champion (12)



11. SEAN ATLAS (14)

12. JANUS (13)

13. MICHAEL CRAVEN (11) - SWF United States Champion



16. BEEZEL (10)





21. FUGUE (21)


Da "comment away" H

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Whooo! Go me.


Nice rankings, Thugg, although I think I'm better than that "Tom Flesher" jobber you have ranked above me.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Thugg... rankings rock! Thanks you lazy fat bastard! :lol:




And it just goes to show you, you noshow 3 matches in a row, and still way up there! Whoo motherfucker!


Continuity Error! Continuity Error!










Oh the noshowing has now officially stopped, and you all in for a ride of hell. BOOYAH!!!

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Guest HVilleThugg

Well JD, even though you're obviously joking, I'll explain why you didn't fall much farther, despite losing all your matches.


Part of the ranking process includes looking at where people are on the card (i.e. Main Event, upper midcard, etc). You are a main eventer, and as a rule, no main event can drop out of the top ten, which is why Neilson is still up there. Of course, you could stop being a main eventer, then you're subject to drop lower, and you don't have to be in the main event to make the top ten (i.e. Dace Night). But if you're competing for the world title, then you'll at least be in the top ten...that is, of course, assuming you don't lose like 6 or 7 in a row. But even then...I look at who you lost to. If you lost all three matches in a cycle, but they were two the top 3 ranked people, you won't drop as far because at the top, the competition is stiffer. So, as long as you're not losing to people who are at least 2 slots below you (like a main eventer losing to a midcarder or an opener), you won't drop too far.


Also, it's subject to what everyone else did as well...and what happens often is that people can't drop far because the people below them had a rough cycle as well.


Da "hope that makes sense" H

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Folks... here's a little game of politics here.


I've lost Six of my last Seven battles to a noshow... but my one win, was against Tom Flesher! Boom!


Popularity Competition! Popularity Competition!



*shows on the next show and just beats the fuck out of hisw opponent*

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

I know you're busy as is TBS, but I think it would be nice if you could put blurbs with each name and why they got ranked where they are. Give the rankings some meaning outside of just an assigned number. And why the hell is Fugue still listed? He hasn't had a match in like three months.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Ah yes Frost... well you see, he is actually still an active competitor... and if you look REALLY closely at the cards, you can see him booked in the dark matches. Heck, in the future he might be revealed as the referee who helped Flesher beat me... oh that's right, Flesher can't beat me one on one. That's right, you heard it here first. ;)

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Guest Ash Ketchum



I've been dropping the past two months and it doesn't make sense to me for one reason or another.

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Guest HVilleThugg

Frost: I really wish I could do blurbs...but it just really takes too much time to do. The rankings themselves take a great deal of time, and I am really hard pressed for time right now. Also, I do the rankings while I'm at work, and I really can only spend so much time on them. However, I will see what I can do for the next set. Also, you should all know that I've been spending a lot of time on additions to the website, so I want to get those things done as well. And no, I won't tell you what they are or when they will be done, so bite me. :)


Next, Fugue is still on CC's active roster. As soon as they remove him, I will.


Ash, you have been falling about 1 or 2 slots per cycle...because you haven't been winning. Out of three matches, you usually win one. There are people like Dace and Atlas that have been winning two and three matches per cycle, which moves them up, which, by virtue of the nature of rankings, moves you down. This past cycle you lost two out of three. Last cycle, I'm pretty certain you did the same. This is why you have dropped.


Da "anyone else?" H

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Guest Ash Ketchum

..True. I'm 1-2 in my last 3, but in my last 8 matches, I know I'm 4-4, so I haven't been consistently losing every match.


Oh well. I'll probably move up sooner or later. ^_^

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Guest Mr. Slim Citrus
:: models brand-new "I jobbed to Michael Craven and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" T-shirt. ::

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Oh, and thanks for the explination, too, Thugg. Makes sense now.


:: models brand-new "I jobbed to Michael Craven and all I got was this lousy T-shirt" T-shirt. ::


Niiice. :D :P ;)

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

This only inspires me even more to improve this summer, really.

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Guest Powerplay

*Notes his ranking.*




*Stands around waiting to be put in his midcard cage.*


But hey, I'm above JD. (Y).

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Guest HVilleThugg

Well, if you don't think you're ranking isn't right...just know that I've got a system of keeping track of how everyone does over the cycle. I didn't have that before...so, things shoudl be better from now on.


Da "hold dat" H

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Mental, your number 5, how is that the mid card?


When Me(ICTV Champion), Frost(major Main Event player), Flesher(World), and the Strangler(highly regarded returnee with draw against Flesher) are the only people above you, that's pretty damn good.


I think my ranking is pretty fair, Strangler does have the draw against Flesher, while I lost to him, so it makes sense for him to be above me.

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Guest Powerplay

No, Danny, you misunderstand. I'm waiting to be put back IN my cage. I'm out, so that's why I have the ranking. Now I all I have to do is wait for JD, Neilsen, and maybe a few others that I know may be coming back to put me where I most likely belong.

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Guest Ace309

Don't make me slap you down, little man.


... there, was that good?

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Don't worry Judge, you won't be the only one put in his place.



*cracks knuckles*

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Guest Longdogger_Pete

w00t! I won a match! And that makes me better than... Mike Van Siclen?!








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Guest HVilleThugg

MVS lost his only match in the cycle...and he wasn't that high to start it. That's why he's low.


Da "has all the answers" H


PS - Yeah Danny...that's why TBS is ahead of you. Also, he won all his matches this cycle...including a win over Flesher...whereas you lost one.

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Guest Beezel

Six slots? Ouch, I knew I was about to drop, but six. Yes, Clementine, it is time to get back on the horse and ride tall.

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Guest Dace59

King would be 0, as in above everyone be the fact he owns the place.

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Hmm, only a slight rise. Probably because of my week or so off that I had. -_-


But hey, I'm above Beezel again. (Y)


Now, if only I can beat Danny and rise further~! :headbang:

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Guest Muzz

I can't believe you forgot about me... *sniff*


Who do you think Fugue is facing in those Dark Matches?

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Guest HVilleThugg

Janus, you went 1-1 over the cycle...but beating JD would have taken you up farther, but there were several people who won twice. Also, there wasn't much room for movement at the top really...so that's as high as I could put ya. Seriously, look at who's above you.


Da "seriously considering doing the blurbs, cause it seems as though many people want to know why they are ranked where they are" H

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