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Why HHH does not suck

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Guest Coffey
I don't understand all this bashing of HHH. I am a huge fan of HHH, he is the game, and very talented in the ring. Leave him alone.

Oh c'mon. He has to be a gimmick poster. No one would would put "he is the game" when trying to defend him. :lol:

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Guest Goodear
Actually, isn't the reason why Triple H's move is totally brutal (not in the good sense) now because he injuried someone doing it the proper way and thusly he was told to make it the sloppy way? I might be wrong with that, but I'm quite certain that we were talking about that back when he started to change it.

I don't know if the injury thing played a part or not but the pedigree basically ran through three versions that I can think off...


1) Super awesome hold on to the double arm the whole way version.


2) The version I think he used on The Rock all the time when he'd let go of the double arm at the apex of the jump and allowed the guy taking it to use his arms to break the fall. Not as good as the original version but not to awefully shabby.


3) Whatever the hell he's doing now where the double arm gets released just as he hops in the air. There is almost no lift to the move anymore as the guy taking it just sort of falls flat on his face, usually before Triple H is even half the way the down. I think I saw this the first time against Michaels when that feud was first getting started.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I don't understand all this bashing of HHH. I am a huge fan of HHH, he is the game, and very talented in the ring. Leave him alone.

you wouldn't understand, you're a mark...........

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Guest OnlyMe
3) Whatever the hell he's doing now where the double arm gets released just as he hops in the air. There is almost no lift to the move anymore as the guy taking it just sort of falls flat on his face, usually before Triple H is even half the way the down. I think I saw this the first time against Michaels when that feud was first getting started.


Is it just me, or have people's faces consistently not hit the ground? Usually their knees take the brunt of the damage.

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Guest NoSelfWorth

For that matter, when was the last time Cripps actually hit a good looking Pedigree ?

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Guest ViciousFish

I used to be a fan of HHH up until he returned from the Quad Tear. I was pissed because he tore his quad 8 days before I got to go to my first live event, but after he came back the spark was missing it seems. It's almost like he's araid to get hurt again.

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Guest jm29195

In some ways HHH today kind of reminds me of Scott Hall back in the closure of his first wwf run in that he will have or at least attempt to have good matches against people he is friends with - ie vs Kid or Michaels in Hall's case or vs Flair or Michaels in Hunter's case. This also extends the other way in that Hall would actively go out to bury percieved 'enemies' with crappy matches, ie vs Golddust and Douglas in Hall's case and vs RVD or Kane in Hunter's case. It is clear however that HHH's ring work has deteriated somewhat because I'm sure he wnats to have good matches with Nash but it just isn't happening.


I hope that his loss of muscle weight and slightly better cardio (as evidenced by HHH no longer being constantly being afflicted by the small nagging injuries as in early 2003) will eventually lead to him getting some of his workrate back which made him so entertaining to watch in his pre-injury run...

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Guest Coffey
For that matter, when was the last time Cripps actually hit a good looking Pedigree ?

The Hurricane played the fuckin game. Maven & Al Snow were good too.

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Guest Ray

It seems like a lot of the botched pedigrees lately have somewhat been the fault of his opponent.


They don't extend their legs. Instead they try to take the move with their knees.

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Guest cynicalprofit

Triple HHH needs to try to stop getting himself over on the net.

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In 2000, I thought Triple H was the best in the world. He had great matches with everyone, could bump, was in great angles, could sell, was brilliant on the mic and could come across as one bad bastard.


Now Triple H is no longer interesting. He doesn't lose enough, his mic skills have gone to hell due to them containing the same stuff every week, he can't get a crowd reaction, he doesn't bump, he rarely sells well and his moveset has been reduced. He is also carrying too much weight.


With regards to the pedigree situation, I've only really noticed that Kane and Michaels have trouble getting height on the move and consequently land on their knees.

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Guest DawnBTVS

Anyone else begin to notice how obvious Triple H's "corner fall to floor" bump is? In 2000 it wasn't as blatantly obvious as it seems to be now lately...

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Guest MillenniumMan831
It seems like a lot of the botched pedigrees lately have somewhat been the fault of his opponent.


They don't extend their legs. Instead they try to take the move with their knees.

I guess when you've hit 3,000 Pedigrees in the past year, you're going to have a few get botched.

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Guest Lil Naitch

Does everybody realise that the person who started this thread posted twice, then left?

Let it die!

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Guest Thunder Rising!!!
Here's a question... not that I should be talking, but is it just me, or does it always seem like threads like this are started by people with less than 5 posts? If you're a respectable member (100 + posts AT LEAST), then thats okay. But 1 post? C'mon, man.

I guess one of them is me, but I was trying to make a valid point with my own opinions. Obviously this guy is trying to be funny or something. But i don't think a poster's credibilty has anything to do with the no. of posts he has. We can have a guy with a thousand post but 80% of them are flaming and posting shit like this guy.


Well what I have nothing really negative to say about HHH that hasn't been said here before, so i should keep it to myself.


Anyway, the only person I can remember taking a "correct" pedigree has been Foley and takes it really well with his whole body landing FLAT on impact. I guess thats because he is Foley and maybe because his gut cushions his fall better.


Talking about the pedigree, I did not really notice but has anyone actually took a proper F5 other than Matt Hardy?

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Guest Takedown

Seeing as how there is already a Triple H related thread here and I did not want to start another one to ask the question, but has there been a time since Wrestlemania 2000 against the Undertaker where Hunter has jobbed cleanly? meaning...


Being beaten by pinfall or submission in a straight-up, non-gimmicked, 1 v1 match without opponent cheating/botched cheating/low-blow/distraction, quick roll up type victory


Kind of specific, but it's those methods along with others that keep Hunter's credibility intact while still allowing the other talent to get somewhat over.

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Guest JMA
A friend just told me about this place 2 days ago. He told me that this message board does not like HHH, and i don't believe him.

Rob Stone?

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Guest Mr. Sinister

First time poster, long time reader of the board.. And I like Triple HHH.. no, I'm serious. I've actually begun to like him again in recent weeks. And it's mainly because of the constant abuse he takes from the internet, specifically, this board. Granted, he's nowhere near the level he once was, but i don't think his matches or his promos are that bad. I like his attittude. I don't care what these internet fans say about me. Screw them. I'll do whatever I want, when I want. Just like the shirt says. I find it amusing that he seems to do things just to spite the internet fans, like giving Hurricane the pedigree last week after the match. He just knows that's gonna piss all of you off. Now I guess I count as an internet fan too, but I don't mind him so much. If Vince wanted to put the title on someone else, he would. But he obviously thinks HHH is the way to go, so that's that. I don't blame HHH, I blame Vince. I enjoy HHH on tv because I love the constant bitching about him afterwards that I read on this board. So, there you go.

ok.. done.

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Guest nestor

The problem with most of you people is, when you hear the name "Triple H" you always think of him humping that stupid manequin. Well, that is done and over with, I admit that was stupid, but that should not be the way you critique a wrestler. Triple H has been one of the best heels, because he has all you haters eating right out of his hand. The man has had the belt for a good while, that means he is good, that does not mean he is an ego maniac. He has desire, like in the video while he was in rehab for the quad injury. Triple H loves the business just like any other wrestler who is dedicated to it. He is a future Hall-of-Famer.

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Guest ViciousFish

Anyone else notice that the people defending Crips all have 2 or 3 posts?

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

I'm entertained by Triple H.



Boo frickin' Hoo

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Guest Coffey
The man has had the belt for a good while, that means he is good...


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Guest TheAnvil
The problem with most of you people is, when you hear the name "Triple H" you always think of him humping that stupid manequin. Well, that is done and over with, I admit that was stupid, but that should not be the way you critique a wrestler. Triple H has been one of the best heels, because he has all you haters eating right out of his hand. The man has had the belt for a good while, that means he is good, that does not mean he is an ego maniac. He has desire, like in the video while he was in rehab for the quad injury. Triple H loves the business just like any other wrestler who is dedicated to it. He is a future Hall-of-Famer.

I like how you equate holding the belt for a long period of time to how good of a wrestler he is. This is pathetic. Honestly, I'm not a HHHater, but I'm not his biggest fan. I don't mind HHH in the ring, but I find it frustrating when he ends up on top of feuds that could be used to elevate more talent. I think a lot of HHH's decline has to do with the quality of his opposition. When you're wrestling Foley, Rock, Austin, Benoit, and Jericho, you're going to look fabulous, it's what they do. Now, when HHH is required to carry a match, he's not quite to the level of the other guys.


And NEVER has anyone here questioned HHH's love of the business. He finished a match after tearing his quad, and finished another with a crushed larnyx. He's tough, and he loves his job. This has never been something that anyone has refuted.



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Guest nestor

Triple H has had some good matches as of late. How about the elimination chamber, or the 2 out of 3 falls with shawn michaels, or his match with booker t at wrestlemania, and don't forget about the match with flair on raw, those have all been good matches.

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Guest nestor
Now, when HHH is required to carry a match, he's not quite to the level of the other guys.



Who are the other guys you are talking about. I guess you have never seen the Triple H video called "The Game" Earl Hebner says he is one of the best ring generals in the ring and he carried out a match with angle at summerslam a couple of years ago. So yes, he can carry a match, he is a ring general in there.

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Guest Bannable Offense

Reason that HHH doesn't suck: He is the reason my sig banner is possible.

Reason that HHH sucks: He is the reason my sig banner is possible.



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Guest nestor

Triple H has had 55 wins in his title run, that is pretty damn good. Or should I say "I am that damn good."

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