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Guest Deebo

Triple H on Jimmy Kimmel live

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy

gave Kimmel a stunner, senton, and cross body

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Guest Lightning Flik
So? This kid did what to garner so much love?

Talked about how he didn't like HHH, and repeatedly punched him while he tried to talk.

*laughs* OMG~! That is funny as hell~!

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Guest Lightning Flik
gave Kimmel a stunner, senton, and cross body

Who did? That kid??? You serious?

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Guest Indy

The best part was what that kid said to HHH.


"I don't like you Triple H."




I declare myself as this kid's official mark!

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy
So like how well did this kid do those three moves?

Not perfect but he's 4 fucking years old.

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Guest Indy

I saw the senton and it looked pretty good for his size and the hight he jumped off.

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Guest Lightning Flik
I saw the senton and it looked pretty good for his size and the hight he jumped off.



I wasn't expecting much, but just wanted to know. Considering he's four. :lol: Never know, he might be the next big star if he's really commited to the business.

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I actually thought his stunner was much better than a lot of Glenn Gilbertti's (AKA Disco Inferno's) recent ones. THAT is scary.


And the kid was pretty good considering that he's a four-year old kid.... though I think it's funny that you guys are marking out for a kid who said that his favorite wrestlers were Goldberg and Nash.

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Guest Vern Gagne

I loved when Jimmy told the kid. HHH and Stephanie are gonna have a baby who will beat you up.

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Guest Memphis

Triple H is better than each and every one of you.


Don't be bitter about, just be accepting.



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Guest Dynamite Kido

Anybody re3lize how funny this would have been if the kid was a smark though? You know, we would have been treated to this:


Jimmy - So do you like Triple H?


Kid - No.....


Jimmy - Well why not???


Kid - That self serving prick won't put anybody over but his damn friends!!!! He is holding down the talent Jimmy, you stupid bastard!!!!!!

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

That was one of the best stunners I've seen in a long while - and the senton was very sandman-esque.


I can't see HHH liking that segment all that much - he was totally overshadowed.

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Guest Mattdotcom

I didn't see HHH but I did see the kid earlier this week. Was it the same one as The Man Show Boy? If so, he's older than four..

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Guest Memoirs of an Invisible Chevy
anybody else notice that HHH was getting pissed???

Nope. He actually came off quite well with the kid. But I guess a smarks jaded point of view would deprive them of seeing that. Lets burn Triple H at the stake!

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I heard that Vince wanted to sign the 4 year old but after Kimmel last night they were dissappointed at the fact that he doesn't wrestle "WWE style" (punch kick punch kick finsher)!!!!!

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Guest Angle-plex

I was a little out of it, but I watched. Didn't the something happen like:


Jimmy: So why don't you like Triple H?


Kid: Because nobody can get a move on him.


Did that happen? I can't remember. :(

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I was a little out of it, but I watched. Didn't the something happen like:


Jimmy: So why don't you like Triple H?


Kid: Because nobody can get a move on him.


Did that happen? I can't remember. :(

I don't think so.


One funny part was when Trips was talking to Kimmel and the kid just started bashing HHH on the arm repeatedly for no reason and Trips looked at him like "what in the HELL do you think you're doing?!"


Picture that with Stewie's voice from Family Guy and it's just hilarious.




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Guest Vern Gagne

I didn't really like the kid being out their when HHH was. The segment with Jimmy was fine, but he's 4 years old and really thinks HHH is a heel (in wrestling terms). I was actually interested in seeing what HHH had to say.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

HHH is usually good in interviews, so I was a bit annoyed at the punk kid, but when Kimmel asked him about the ref's not wanting to partake in the HITC, I figure nothing was really lost.

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Guest AndrewTS

See? HHH would totally be huge over as a heel if the crowds were filled with 4 year olds.

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Guest Dangerous A

Wow. A bad wrestler on a bad talk show.



How not entertaining.



None of you should fucking care. This is dumb.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Kimmel gives the worst informative interviews anyways....so the kid most likely made it better.

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