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Murmuring Beast

WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

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Guest Alcohol Fueled

My point is, we all know Vince has no morals, so he will do what he pleases. You said that he had no right to have the stories on Con. becasue he was to blame for the deaths. But he isn't. Morals or not it's his to do what he pleases with it.

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Guest Kid Kablam

Okay, I was just clarifying what I said, and you said "why are you wasting time arguing with me?" I never set out to argue with you. I was merely making sure that my statements were not misconstrued as "OMG vince McMahon has no scruples!!!!!" No. My point was that vince McMahon's reporting the wrestlers deaths is different from a news report. In the end though, it does come down to Vince having no scruples. Which everybody knows anyway.

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How is Vince responsible for wrestler's drug use & deaths? Other Pilman & Owen, none of the other worked for him at the time of their deaths.

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Guest CanadianChick

I can't believe that some of you actually believe the drug-related deaths were Vince's fault. You know, those wrestlers didn't have to take whatever drug they took. There are other wrestlers who don't, so why did they have to?

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Guest Alcohol Fueled
I can't believe that some of you actually believe the drug-related deaths were Vince's fault. You know, those wrestlers didn't have to take whatever drug they took. There are other wrestlers who don't, so why did they have to?

That's what I said several post ago. But some of these people just can't handle logic very well.

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Guest Kid Kablam

I wouldn't say Vince was responsible for their deaths. Again, like I said they made the decisions, however, WWE has no business making a trashy expose about either, because they A) did nothing to curtail drug abuse in the locker room. Look at Steve Austin. Now that his alchohol suspension is up, they have him swimming in beer.... literally. And what about Steve offering Scott Hall a beer? What about the tongue and cheek comments about Hall's substance abuse past. Again, I'm not saying that WWE doesn't have the right to air an expose, I am merely saying that they have no business looking down at these wrestlers when they make a show of substance abuse.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I am insulted by Bif Everchad's implication that I would watch Confidential.


And for the record, there is no difference between this and what other news shows do. News shows do seedy expose pieces as a shamless ratings grab all the time. Now Confidential does too. We'll just have to find out if it drives off more people than it attracts.

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Guest Anglesault
I can't believe that some of you actually believe the drug-related deaths were Vince's fault. You know, those wrestlers didn't have to take whatever drug they took. There are other wrestlers who don't, so why did they have to?



a) It's cool to blame Vince




b) People still have fond memories of guys like Bulldog and Pillman, so they REFUSE to admit that these men most certainly did this to themselves. Which brings us back to point a.

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Guest Lord of The Curry

I did a project at school last year regarding steroid use in pro wrestling and e-mailed Dave Meltzer regarding some questions I had. Here's a few quotes that the people who think blaming Vince is stupid might want to check out:


Meltzer on whether or not there is a problem in wrestling with steroids: "People can debate the word problem, but usage is almost a prerequisitein the major promotions."


Meltzer on whether or not the WWE encouragers wrestlers to use steroids: "Promotions totally look the other way on use, and based on who they

push, blatantly encourage usage."


I know that Dynamite Kid has said that he took steroids without being told to do so but I'd doubt that Vince McMahon or an agent didn't have a hand in the use of guys like Bulldog, Rude, Perfect or Pillman.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Why didn't they do these stories when Confidential first came out?


Oh, I know why - cause they didn't know how fucking lucrative the death business is! After the Liz segment they saw dollar signs and that's the ONLY REASON they are doing this. Not to "tell their stories" not to "tell the truth" it's to raise the ratings so they can benefit from their respective deaths - which they had a hand in. THAT is exploitation. And even worse, they will make their segments to put themselves in a positive light because apparently, the WWE is a family... who just happens to pressure their family members into killing themselves.

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Guest Mikey2Dope
Why didn't they do these stories when Confidential first came out?


Oh, I know why - cause they didn't know how fucking lucrative the death business is! After the Liz segment they saw dollar signs and that's the ONLY REASON they are doing this. Not to "tell their stories" not to "tell the truth" it's to raise the ratings so they can benefit from their respective deaths - which they had a hand in. THAT is exploitation. And even worse, they will make their segments to put themselves in a positive light because apparently, the WWE is a family... who just happens to pressure their family members into killing themselves.



Because of the success of the Lex Luger/Miss Elizabeth episodes of WWE Confidential in the ratings


Like Rudo said THAT is why it's exploitation. To draw ratings off a bunch of deaths.

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Guest MrRant

I'm all for it. I want to see how some of these guys fucked themselves over.


Hollywood exploits EVERYONE's death and you don't see people condeming it for every Holocaust movie.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

You don't see hollywood gratifying themselves in those films.


Though I did hear that Schindlers List's alternative ending had a group of Hollywood execs free all the Jews and Russians and then look at the bodies of all the dead and say "they were like a family to us, I wish there was something we could have done to save them", then then Joel Silver wrote a poem.

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Guest Rob Edwards

Hollywood can twist the truth a bit to draw ratings from deaths RRR, ever seen U571?


I wouldn't say Vince is entirley responsible for the death's but the fact that he tended to push steroid monsters has to figure somewhere, if guys have to be big to get anywhere they'll take the risk in some cases


although granted at the end of the day it's still the choice of the individual

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Why didn't they do these stories when Confidential first came out?


Oh, I know why - cause they didn't know how fucking lucrative the death business is!


The man talks sense. This is a seedy approach, exploiting a very serious topic. Yes, deaths should be explained, but as the quote above says, this could have been done long before. Pure, seedy exploitation.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

And there was backlash to U-571. Hell, one of the reasons (some*) Canadians don't like Americans is because of their war films.


(*most **)





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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Yeah, I don't want to turn this into a big political mess, but America does pretend that they started and finished both world wars.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Oh America, they're so lovable with their military and their economy... it just helps Canada out so much :)

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Guest Kid Kablam
I can't believe that some of you actually believe the drug-related deaths were Vince's fault. You know, those wrestlers didn't have to take whatever drug they took. There are other wrestlers who don't, so why did they have to?



a) It's cool to blame Vince




b) People still have fond memories of guys like Bulldog and Pillman, so they REFUSE to admit that these men most certainly did this to themselves. Which brings us back to point a.

The drug related deaths were not Vinces Fault. I am saying that Vince was not a good employer, as he did nothing to curtail drug use in his lockerroom. davey Boy Smith and Brian Pillman dug their own graves, but Vince was a factor, and a partially negative factor in their lives. As a result, I don't believe that Vince has any business making an expose, on their lives. that's all I'm saying. I don't feel that I'm blaming Vince for their deaths, I am merely saying that any hint of Vinces involvement with their lives will be glossed over, and we wojn't have the full story. It's a conflict of interest.

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Guest Rob Edwards

and there's a backlash to this, BUT like U571 it's fairly minority in the market they are aiming for (U571 barley got watched over here mind) but it's unlikley to bother the masses


Hell there's a program here on Channel 4 called "reputations" the premise of which is to take historical figures and ruin them, and we're not talking Atilla the Hun here, this is people like FLorence Nightingale and her like, I know I'm rambling a bit here but my main point is it still does well (even if it is just from intrigue) and so will this in all likleyhood

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
Ah, let them have their fun. We drew with Germany yesterday! Whooo!

Scotland should have won. I'm German, but our team played the crappiest crap they ever crapped yesterday. The Scots at least showed heart.

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We have been utter Barry White recently, but we came good yesterday. It's now you and us gunning for the championships, you gotta believe.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine
We have been utter Barry White recently, but we came good yesterday. It's now you and us gunning for the championships, you gotta believe.

I'll wait until wednesday when we play Faroer. If they phone that in as well then they can go to hell. And if we do make it to Portugal we'll get our asses kicked by the czech republic anyway. They'll win the whole thing.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I don't see any problem with doing these segments. It beats visiting Ivory's home and watching Lesnar walk around a castle acting like a moron.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Let's put it this way.


The World Champion is HHH. HHH takes steroids.


Lance Storm does not. In fact, Lance rarely ever takes drugs - even for headaches. Lance Storm is far from World Champion.

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Are you not happy with Voller?


If you fail to beat the Faroes - well, let's just say, that's a real indictment of the game just now. The big teams are getting scalped all over the show.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

"Hollywood does it"


"It's better than ____ at home segments"


"It's confidential, who watches that?"


"You'll watch it"


"There's worse things going on"


... all of which doesn't justify the WWE doing it.

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