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Murmuring Beast

WWE exploits wrestling deaths...

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Guest Austin3164life

Bobby Heenan should also be on Confidential. That would rule all, if he can do it that is.

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Guest jester
Fact is, watch or don't. I don't want to see these people exploited for fucking themselves up, but i'm a fan & that doesn't mean shit. If they do it like they did with Blassie, it's one thing, because that was actually pretty tasteful. if they do it like an E! True Hollywodd Story or just some tasteless thing, then fuck them. If he tells the actual STORY i'm for it.

I think what guys like KidKablam are trying to say is that you're not going to get the whole balanced story. They are going to skip a major part of any story that makes them look the slightest bit bad.


For example, when they get to Owen Hart, are we going to hear the slightest indication that maybe, just maybe WWF/E had some role to play in his death? Like "Gosh, maybe we shouldn't have dangled him in a harness above the ring for a lame ass gimmick?"


I don't believe WWE is capable of taking a hard look at itself. Mind you, if they did, and let it all hang out in Confidential, that would be compelling TV.

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Guest JDMattitudeV1

Fact is, watch or don't. I don't want to see these people exploited for fucking themselves up, but i'm a fan & that doesn't mean shit. If they do it like they did with Blassie, it's one thing, because that was actually pretty tasteful. if they do it like an E! True Hollywodd Story or just some tasteless thing, then fuck them. If he tells the actual STORY i'm for it.

I think what guys like KidKablam are trying to say is that you're not going to get the whole balanced story. They are going to skip a major part of any story that makes them look the slightest bit bad.


For example, when they get to Owen Hart, are we going to hear the slightest indication that maybe, just maybe WWF/E had some role to play in his death? Like "Gosh, maybe we shouldn't have dangled him in a harness above the ring for a lame ass gimmick?"


I don't believe WWE is capable of taking a hard look at itself. Mind you, if they did, and let it all hang out in Confidential, that would be compelling TV.

Exactly. If they did an accurate portrayal of the events surrounding the deaths without skipping incidents potentially damaging to them, I wouldn't mind so much. I haven't seen the Elizibeth piece but from all reports they exploited her death by using inaccurate, but more dramatic sources and deliberately portraying an ex-employee as being responsible for her death because of his past conflicts with the company. They even had a cop saying homicide was a possibility despite this being ruled out days before. That is just irresponsible and inexcusable. They have the cheek to talk about how much they loved her than 5 minutes later they do this shit. The WWE are not a media outlet they are a WRESTLING COMPANY. I shudder to think what they are going to do for the piece on Owen, as there is no way they are going to be able to give an unbiased report on this, therefore they should just leave it well alone.


Instead of doing seedy reports on how these people died they should do a one-hour tribute to how they lived. Show some of their best matches and interviews in a respectful, tasteful manner, and give fans a chance to remember some of their finest moments.

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Guest TheGame2705
Bobby Heenan should also be on Confidential. That would rule all, if he can do it that is.

I'm sorry but I think Heenan was only good as a manager or tagged up with Monsoon. Otherwise, his commentary sucked ass. I would NOT like to see him return.


I'm glad this topic is 4 pages long not because of the debate on exploiting wrestler deaths but because of this debate on Okerlund and British soccer.


LOTC...About those quotes what are you trying to get at with those Meltzer facts? It's Vince's fault that wrestlers drug themselves literally to death because it's a part of the business. Then fuck, DON'T GO INTO THAT LINE OF WORK. If you know you'll end up killing yourself and you don't wanna do that find another job. I'm not saying that Vince is blameless as far as steroids because he's had proven involvement with them but I highly doubt Vince put the coke on his pinkynail then shoved it up Pillman's nose. Steroids are one thing, coke and booze are another.


RRR, Shawn Michaels has been champ more than a couple times and he's not the Incredible Hulk. Same with Bret.

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Guest jester
It's Vince's fault that wrestlers drug themselves literally to death because it's a part of the business. Then fuck, DON'T GO INTO THAT LINE OF WORK. If you know you'll end up killing yourself and you don't wanna do that find another job. I'm not saying that Vince is blameless as far as steroids because he's had proven involvement with them but I highly doubt Vince put the coke on his pinkynail then shoved it up Pillman's nose. Steroids are one thing, coke and booze are another.

You're right, ultimately it comes to the wrestler to make some hard choices. But look at the company's attitude. They make an environment where the wrestlers go further and last longer due to drug use. They encourage steroid use, and they turn a blind eye towards other kinds of drug use, unless they are absolutely forced to deal with it, usually after the wrestler screws up, like Scott Hall.


Let's put it this way: yeah, it's the wrestlers' fault for taking those drugs. But does the company push them to the right choices? Nope. Are we ever going to hear on Confidential that they could have helped their employees better? Nope.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

don't get me wrong. As a fan of the sport I love watching the stories. But honestly I think they have a hidden agenda about doing the stories......

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

There is no difference in the story being on Confidential or on E!. If anything it's better off on Confidential, at least those writers are familiar with the people who the story is about.


Oh and the agenda isn't hidden, it's all for ratings. Saying that doing it for the ratings is wrong, is like saying that you go to work to make friends and not to make money. I doubt to many of us here care about the people we work with that much.

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Guest Banky

I'll admit that I'll watch, and probably be intrigued by it. Does it make me less of a human being? No. As morbid as it may be, people are intrigued by death, for whatever reason. Its not exploitation. If fans have been drawn to it in the past, why not give them what they want?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Shawn took roids and had an addiction to pain killers.... so yeah, there goes that point.


Bret was pushed as champ because of the steroid trial, not because Vince actually saw potential drawing $$$ in him. In fact, the one he wanted to base his company around in the post-hogan years was Lex Luger - and we all know how that turned out.


And it is exploitation. They are using other peoples deaths to make money.

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Guest Kid Kablam
Bobby Heenan should also be on Confidential.  That would rule all, if he can do it that is.

I'm sorry but I think Heenan was only good as a manager or tagged up with Monsoon. Otherwise, his commentary sucked ass. I would NOT like to see him return.


I'm glad this topic is 4 pages long not because of the debate on exploiting wrestler deaths but because of this debate on Okerlund and British soccer.


LOTC...About those quotes what are you trying to get at with those Meltzer facts? It's Vince's fault that wrestlers drug themselves literally to death because it's a part of the business. Then fuck, DON'T GO INTO THAT LINE OF WORK. If you know you'll end up killing yourself and you don't wanna do that find another job. I'm not saying that Vince is blameless as far as steroids because he's had proven involvement with them but I highly doubt Vince put the coke on his pinkynail then shoved it up Pillman's nose. Steroids are one thing, coke and booze are another.


RRR, Shawn Michaels has been champ more than a couple times and he's not the Incredible Hulk. Same with Bret.

Coke and booze factor in because of the long road life. Vince has his wrestlers on one of the most rigorous traveling schedules I have ever seen. It's insane. Plus there's the pain that is involved. Both coke and alchohol help mask the pain. Just look at a guy like Eddie. Even he succumbed to the pressures. It's great that he got his life back together, but others aren't so lucky. Also, wasn't Michaels put in that position because Vince wanted to take the heat off of his love for muscle bound freaks?

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Guest wildpegasus

Quote "Shawn Michaels has been champ more than a couple of times and he's not the Incredable Hulk. Same with Bret."


I always give people the benifit of dobut but if my life depended on it and I had to make a bet I wouldn't even hesitate to say that Michaels was on the juice.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I'm actually kind of curious to see who gets the blame in the Owen one. The potential for Unintentional Humor is very high.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

My point is exactly that: if they tell the actual story it's one thing, if they do it in a fashion that makes everyone not in the company look bad, thats another. Revisionist history is what happens in McMahonland. I might watch, & possibly be entertained, but damn they better at least try to be somewhat impartial or at the very least be tasteful.


Michaels on roids? I know i'm shocked. Surprised they haven't done the steroid trials yet anyway. they might have; i don't watch too much confidential

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Guest Rob Edwards
I'm trying to think where that line's from.


Its from where they watch a film on a projector yes?

I think it's from the Homer as a Japanese washing powder episode just after they watch the video


I'm not 100% sure though

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The Owen Confidential would be great.


Vince: I had this odd feeling in the pit of my stomach, something wasn't right. I called Owen up right away and pleaded with him not to do the stunt - stuff like that just doesn't belong in wrestling - and Owen assured me that everything was going to be all right. When I got to the arena I waited outside until Owen showed up, I took him aside and begged him not to do it - but Owen, always the team player, told me that he had to do it. That the spot was so logical and made sense - that it wasn't just about mocking Sting and Hulk Hogan, but it was about an ideal, an ideal that was bigger than he or I, and as I looked into his eyes, I knew nothing could stop him from doing it.


I made sure that everything was safe, he was well protected up there, nothing could have gone wrong. NOTHING. But I had to make sure he would be safe, so I stood by the entrance way and watched him carefully as he prepared to make that great leap... then I saw him... he was in a dark trenchcoat smoking a thin cigarette, he had sunglasses and a cap on, but I knew it was him. I didn't want to keep my eyes off Owen, but I had to see what this ominous figure was doing... Then, all of a sudden, he pulled out a gun! He must have put a spell on everyone around him because no one noticed... no one but me... I had to do something. But it was too late, Owen already jumped and the shot was already fired - it hit the rope and split it, Owen was free falling... I HAD TO do something! So just then and there, I started running towards the ring and as if the gods themselves were in my shoes I jumped up and started FLYING, FLYING! I flew as fast and as hard as I could and I would have made it if it wasn't for that damned shooter... DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU LEX LUGER! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! ALL OF IT! YOUR'S! YOU SONNOFABITCH! I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM! I COULD HAVE SAVED HIM, AND ELIZABETH, AND PILLMAN, AND BULLDOG, AND HENNIG IF IT WASN'T FOR YOU! Don't you see? Lex Luger was the one who caused the rope to break and for Owen to fall to the ring, it was Lex Luger...


Gene: So when you were on the Stand during the Martha Hart suit against the WWE for Owen's death and said that it was your fault, you were lying?


Vince: Uh....

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how is that exploiting their deaths? By telling their stories? How a particular wrestler's death affected their family & friends?

Yeah, exactly IB2BLACK.


I'm sure all these people who are preaching their wannabee 'morals' of wrestling (which is just foolish) are the exact ones who watched all the other pieces of wrestlers of the past, the same as everyone else. They all watched Confidental with Davey Boy, Hennig, Elizabeth and Blassie. and they WILL watch future ones with all the others mentioned above.


They're all just trying to come off holier than thou and make themselves seem prim and proper towards 'Evil Vince' and his 'horrible' company. Now I'm not defending the company as a whole. But people who 'act' like that just for the purpose of doing so, are just sheep.


Sorry, but it has to be said.

I'll watch so I don't end up being the guy who complains about something he never even watched. And that's what everyone who complains about it should be doing.


I don't think we're being holier than thou cause we're offended. They're doing it for ratings it's already been stated.


Judging from the Luger/Liz stuff this won't be tribute videos.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
but it was about an ideal, an ideal that was bigger than he or I, and as I looked into his eyes, I knew nothing could stop him from doing it.


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Guest Kid Kablam


Sorry, but it has to be said.

Balls. I'm saying what I feel, and you just try this whole no spin BS. I'm not vilifying McMahon because it's fun. I'm merely saying that he has no business..... oh fuck I've already stated my point. But don't give me this "It had to be said" BS like you're some freakin prophet or bringer of truth. So don't call me a sheep, and don't assume just because I have an anti McMahon stance, that it's just to flow with the crowd.

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