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Guest lordazzington

The Nerds, Geeks & Dorks of WWE

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Guest lordazzington

As we all know, not everyone can be as cool as "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash or Stacy Keibler. The WWE is chalk full of geeks, dorks and nerds. The likes of Brian Kendrick and Lance Storm can ONLY WISH to be as cool as Kevin Nash. ONLY WISH MAN. Ditto with Molly Holly trying to be as cool and happenin' as Stacy Keibler or Trish Stratus. AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.


My suggestion is that WWE give Kevin Nash and John Cena the assignments of trying to make the likes of Brian Kendrick and Hurricane "cool". Ernest Miller can also tutor Josh Matthews on how to be cool, he needs some lessons. Buff Bagwell should also be signed to help out because he's SUPER COOL. Anyways, I made a list of people that could use some help to be "jiggy wit it".



Brian Kendrick - The posterboy for dorkiness. He needs all the help he can get.

The Hurricane - A grownup man who wrestles in neon green spandex pretending to be a superhero. Need I say more?

Spike Dudley - Just look at him!!!

Kurt Angle - Please help him Big Sexy. PLEASE. Kurt is so lame it's not even funny.

Crash Holly - Has been a dork all his life. Acts likes a 10 year old.

Bill DeMott - He's like that fat dorky kid at the back of the class with even dorkier friends.

Matt Hardy - Thinks he's cool but he's just lame. His dorkiness astounds me.



Molly Holly - Not "in" at all. Where's bad clothes both in and out of the ring. Terri can help her.

Mick Foley - Look at how he dresses man! What is he HOMELESS? Has never been cool. AT ALL.

Al Snow - Talks to a head. Does it get any geekier than that?

Funaki - Probably sat by himself at lunch.

Brian Gerwitz - Reads comic books. Probably into Starwars too.



Chris Nowinski - All people that go to Harvard are nerds.

Lance Storm - Always talking all "smartlike" and hardly ever in slang. Probably a bookworm.

Josh Matthews - Dresses like a nerd and a momma's boy.

Edited by lordazzington

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Guest bravesfan
Buff Bagwell should also be signed to help out because he's SUPER COOL.


This reminds me of, quite possibly, the funniest news item I've ever read.


"- Buff Bagwell has just finished another movie. Buff says he was happy with the film and will return it to Blockbuster on Saturday."

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Yeah, but what's above a God?


And was the first posts supposed to anger me or something?

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

What? You could only wish to be half as cool as Kendrick or Foley.

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Guest the pinjockey

I am so confused. He says Matt Hardy's geekiness astounds him yet Hardy is put in the dorks category. Is life truly worth living if we are willing to throw geeky people into a group of dorks.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

You (lordazzington) were already banned on CRZ's board for being a jackass. Are you trying to do the same here?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Im sorta suprised that Michael Cole was omitted from the list..

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Guest Fook_Hing_Ho

Everyone knows Hurricane is more of a geek than a dork.



I mean, come on!

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Guest Kid Kablam

We get one of these once a week now don't we? people think that htey are going to piss us off by just expressing what tey think is the opposite opinion of everyone on the board. give it a fucking rest please.

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Guest Rob Edwards
"- Buff Bagwell has just finished another movie. Buff says he was happy with the film and will return it to Blockbuster on Saturday."


Thats my day made then!

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As we all know, not everyone can be as cool as "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash

You're right Mr Banned Poster..


Not everyone can be as cool as Big Kev, I mean, not everyone can have the JELL-O knees that Nash has.


Yeah, I suppose everyone wants to be cool like that.

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Guest Adrian 3:16

Sorry guys, you gotta admit that Spanky drips geekness from every pore- I think its that horrible entrance music that seals it for me. Hurricane too, but he plays an over the top character so its more forgivable.


And we all know the story with "creative genius" Brian Gerwitz.

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Sorry guys, you gotta admit that Spanky drips geekness from every pore- I think its that horrible entrance music that seals it for me.

You must die. You are impure and dislike the most awesome music ever.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Too bad this guy got banned...his posts were kind of entertaining.

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Too bad this guy got banned...his posts were kind of entertaining.

This is true. What was he banned for?

He was a previously banned poster, according to Dames.


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Guest Lightning Flik
Too bad this guy got banned...his posts were kind of entertaining.

This is true. What was he banned for?

He was a previously banned poster, according to Dames.

Do we know who yet?

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Too bad this guy got banned...his posts were kind of entertaining.

This is true. What was he banned for?

He was a previously banned poster, according to Dames.

Do we know who yet?

DannyDog, I think the name was.

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Guest Vitamin X

You must mean dannthedogg...that guy always comes back...


Do IP bans not work against this guy?

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Guest Kid Kablam

Personaly I think that Spanky's appeal is that he is kind of a geek. Just my thoughts

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