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Ultra Violence

Will HHH vs Goldberg be a #1 contenders match?

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Will HHH vs Goldberg be a #1 contenders match? It could easily happen, delaying Goldbergs title shot another couple of months. If HHH looses to Nash tonight, Big Lazy could be put in a title match with someone fresh and hopefully tear his quad.......

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Guest JHawk

Even McMahon realizes the Nash experiment has failed. What would be the point of the title change now if we didn't get it at WrestleMania?

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Guest Nunzio Cardozo

I predict HHH will win the Hell in a Cell. It will be close, but Mick Foley will low-blow Kevin Nash, allowing HHH to pedigree him onto some tacks for the 1-2-3. This will set up a two-month feud culminating in the inevitable HHH/Goldberg Summerslam match for the belt. This could be good if it were a casket match.

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I predict HHH will win the Hell in a Cell. It will be close, but Mick Foley will low-blow Kevin Nash, allowing HHH to pedigree him onto some tacks for the 1-2-3. This will set up a two-month feud culminating in the inevitable HHH/Goldberg Summerslam match for the belt. This could be good if it were a casket match.



Cardozo-sama knows all.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

HHH will win tonight. Kane will turn heel during or before the HITC match and thus setting up HHH/Goldberg and the soon to be amazing Diesel/Fake Diesel matches at SummerSlam.


I read this spoiler earlier today at WrestleZone.com. In the past all the spoilers that concern PPV's have been 100% correct from them.

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