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I'm sorry, but i have to say it

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I know we're all Test haters here and always make fun of his horrendous acting, but last night for whatever reason something clicked. Test actually looked pretty damn good in the ring and was getting some major heat. I think the dick arrogant heelness he was giving last night is a perfect character for him rather than being a badass, and could work wonders for him in the future. He looked very natural being an arrogant dick and had the crowd eating it up. Kudos to Test for putting on a good performance last night and maybe he has finally turned the corner for the better.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine

I agree, but he should have WON the match. What will he do now that he doesn't have Stacy to boss around anymore?

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Guest Ronixis

Shane has been supporting Test for years...


Last Night, Shane proved his point.


Test could be the next IC champ if he keeps it up.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
Shane has been supporting Test for years...


Last Night, Shane proved his point.


Test could be the next IC champ if he keeps it up.

Shane has been supporting Test for years.



Last night was the first night Test looked good....





He was crap everywhere else. Give Test some time to morph into his new character, then we'll think about the IC title.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Are you on crack? Was that a good match? nope.


All Test did that was any different was strut, and he looked like a prick doing it. He was shit last night, because he is shit.


What exactly was "good" about his performance? When he went up too early and nearly landed on his head on the northern lights? When he got blown up (as usual)? when he got 10 punches in the corner off Steiner, and went straight back on offense as if nothing had happened? He is awful.


As for "turning the corner for the better", his match with Shane was better than this 4 years ago, if he didn't turn the corner then, he sure as hell didn't do it last night.

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Alright...let us clarify this.


Test got heat last night, not for the work in the ring, which was his usual stuff, but for his antics and taunting of Stacy. If he can continue to build on his over the top asshole character, it CAN go somewhere, but don't expect any in ring improvement.



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I might be in the minority but i dont think Test is THAT bad in the ring. The guy is 6'6 and moves around the ring very well and is smooth. His moveset isnt bad with some good power moves and a very impressive top rope elbow. I liked his asshole heel persona last night and think he could get over if he builds on it. I've certainly seen worse than Test and thinks he gets knocked a little too much by us. By the way that Northern Lights wasnt his fault, it was Steiner's.....next thing your gonna say is Steiner fell off the apron and it was Test's fault cause he was too far away.

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Guest BionicRedneck
I might be in the minority but i dont think Test is THAT bad in the ring. The guy is 6'6 and moves around the ring very well and is smooth. His moveset isnt bad with some good power moves and a very impressive top rope elbow.

Oh, not again. Every now and then someone says "Test isn't that bad", and uses his elbow as a reason why.


1. He doesn't even do it anymore


2. It ain't THAT impressive.


What does that fact the he is 6'6 have to do with it? Tell me this...if Test "isn't that bad" why have the majority of his matches, since his debut, been shit? Is he just unlucky?


By the way that Northern Lights wasnt his fault, it was Steiner's.


It looked like Test's fault to me. He jumped to early.

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I might be in the minority but i dont think Test is THAT bad in the ring.  The guy is 6'6 and moves around the ring very well and is smooth.  His moveset isnt bad with some good power moves and a very impressive top rope elbow.

Oh, not again. Every now and then someone says "Test isn't that bad", and uses his elbow as a reason why.


1. He doesn't even do it anymore


2. It ain't THAT impressive.


What does that fact the he is 6'6 have to do with it? Tell me this...if Test "isn't that bad" why have the majority of his matches, since his debut, been shit? Is he just unlucky?


By the way that Northern Lights wasnt his fault, it was Steiner's.


It looked like Test's fault to me. He jumped to early.

I mention the 6'6 cause the guy is considered a hoss and has a better moveset than most others his size. I think it makes sense to mention it. You don't think his elbowdrop off the top is impressive? Name me another guy his size who can do it better......just 1.


I never said his matches are good, i said he isnt that BAD and his moveset isnt bad. He definitely needs to work on psychology, chain wrestling, and pacing a lot more as well as not getting blown up so early, but his potential is there.



The northern lights suplex....once again was not his fault. I taped the show and watched the move again. He jumped at the right time but Steiner got nothing on the lift.

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Guest Anglesault
I might be in the minority but i dont think Test is THAT bad in the ring. The guy is 6'6 and moves around the ring very well and is smooth. His moveset isnt bad with some good power moves and a very impressive top rope elbow. I liked his asshole heel persona last night and think he could get over if he builds on it. I've certainly seen worse than Test and thinks he gets knocked a little too much by us. By the way that Northern Lights wasnt his fault, it was Steiner's.....next thing your gonna say is Steiner fell off the apron and it was Test's fault cause he was too far away.

Direct me to the plethora of good Test matches, please.

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I might be in the minority but i dont think Test is THAT bad in the ring.  The guy is 6'6 and moves around the ring very well and is smooth.  His moveset isnt bad with some good power moves and a very impressive top rope elbow.  I liked his asshole heel persona last night and think he could get over if he builds on it.  I've certainly seen worse than Test and thinks he gets knocked a little too much by us. By the way that Northern Lights wasnt his fault, it was Steiner's.....next thing your gonna say is Steiner fell off the apron and it was Test's fault cause he was too far away.

Direct me to the plethora of good Test matches, please.

Did you not just read what i posted.....read my previous post cause im not repeating it. owhere there did i say he ever had good matches

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Guest nikowwf

I think Test has actually regress in his matches over the last one to years. I think his moveset has remained the same, but its gotten less crisp over time, which is weird.



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Guest Anglesault
I might be in the minority but i dont think Test is THAT bad in the ring.   The guy is 6'6 and moves around the ring very well and is smooth.  His moveset isnt bad with some good power moves and a very impressive top rope elbow.  I liked his asshole heel persona last night and think he could get over if he builds on it.  I've certainly seen worse than Test and thinks he gets knocked a little too much by us. By the way that Northern Lights wasnt his fault, it was Steiner's.....next thing your gonna say is Steiner fell off the apron and it was Test's fault cause he was too far away.

Direct me to the plethora of good Test matches, please.

Did you not just read what i posted.....read my previous post cause im not repeating it. owhere there did i say he ever had good matches

So...He doesn't suck...but he can't have a good match?


I'm confused.


Oh, maybe he has "potential."

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Guest BionicRedneck
the guy is considered a hoss and has a better moveset than most others his size

Is his moveset that much better than A-Train's or any of the other hosses?


. You don't think his elbowdrop off the top is impressive?  Name me another guy his size who can do it better......just 1. 


Mike Barton .Seriously.


But, not many guys his size do an elbow. However, Vader, Mike Awesome and others his size, did/do much more impressive moves.

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I might be in the minority but i dont think Test is THAT bad in the ring.   The guy is 6'6 and moves around the ring very well and is smooth.  His moveset isnt bad with some good power moves and a very impressive top rope elbow.  I liked his asshole heel persona last night and think he could get over if he builds on it.  I've certainly seen worse than Test and thinks he gets knocked a little too much by us. By the way that Northern Lights wasnt his fault, it was Steiner's.....next thing your gonna say is Steiner fell off the apron and it was Test's fault cause he was too far away.

Direct me to the plethora of good Test matches, please.

Did you not just read what i posted.....read my previous post cause im not repeating it. owhere there did i say he ever had good matches

So...He doesn't suck...but he can't have a good match?


I'm confused.


Oh, maybe he has "potential."

Ok, i shall direct you ONCE AGAIN to my previous posts where i explain why he's not that bad and still doesnt have good matches either. Perhaps you should read it before posting

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the guy is considered a hoss and has a better moveset than most others his size

Is his moveset that much better than A-Train's or any of the other hosses?


. You don't think his elbowdrop off the top is impressive?  Name me another guy his size who can do it better......just 1. 


Mike Barton .Seriously.


But, not many guys his size do an elbow. However, Vader, Mike Awesome and others his size, did/do much more impressive moves.

I'll give you Mike Aweome and Vader....but they're not in WWE now are they? I'm talking about in the WWE. All i'm saying is the man is athletic, moves well, and is agile. You guys are making it seem like i'm calling his Chris Benoit Jr. and shit.

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Guest Anglesault
I might be in the minority but i dont think Test is THAT bad in the ring.   The guy is 6'6 and moves around the ring very well and is smooth.  His moveset isnt bad with some good power moves and a very impressive top rope elbow.  I liked his asshole heel persona last night and think he could get over if he builds on it.  I've certainly seen worse than Test and thinks he gets knocked a little too much by us. By the way that Northern Lights wasnt his fault, it was Steiner's.....next thing your gonna say is Steiner fell off the apron and it was Test's fault cause he was too far away.

Direct me to the plethora of good Test matches, please.

Did you not just read what i posted.....read my previous post cause im not repeating it. owhere there did i say he ever had good matches

So...He doesn't suck...but he can't have a good match?


I'm confused.


Oh, maybe he has "potential."

Ok, i shall direct you ONCE AGAIN to my previous posts where i explain why he's not that bad and still doesnt have good matches either. Perhaps you should read it before posting

I mention the 6'6 cause the guy is considered a hoss and has a better moveset than most others his size. I think it makes sense to mention it. You don't think his elbowdrop off the top is impressive? Name me another guy his size who can do it better......just 1.


I never said his matches are good, i said he isnt that BAD and his moveset isnt bad. He definitely needs to work on psychology, chain wrestling, and pacing a lot more as well as not getting blown up so early, but his potential is there.


Why hasn't he acted on his "potential" in his FIVE YEARS in the company?


And, he needs to work on just about everything that goes into putting a match together, but he doesn't suck?

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Guest nikowwf

This reminds me of the A-Train thread, where people's argument for him not sucking were that their were people who sucked MORE than him.


Test has no Stacey now, so he will have no reaction except the crickets chirping. Bank on that.



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Guest BionicRedneck



Just because Test is better than Nathan Jones, it don't make him good.

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Guest EternallyLazy
All i'm saying is the man is athletic, moves well, and is agile. You guys are making it seem like i'm calling his Chris Benoit Jr. and shit.

You're forgetting where you're posting at... here at thesmartmarks.com wrestling forum, if a wrestler doesn't pocess the skills of one Benoit, Chris... then he "sux" and should be fired immediatly. That's just the typical line of thinking here

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Guest EternallyLazy
much less. A guy like Storm is decent. Test is shit.

We're talking about in ring skills. Lance Storm is FAR better than decent. He just hasn't had much to work with lately.


Test is decent.


Nathan Jones is shit.

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I said the guys isnt 'THAT" bad...i never said he's good. I just don't think he's as bad as you people say. Nothing more, nothing less.


He hasnt realized his potential over the past 5 years....true. Many people NEVER realize their potential in any profession. Baseball, football, basketball, just about any sport, or even in other fields there are people who have the tools but never are able to use them all and realize all their potential. It's normal in the world. Test i believe is one of those people who has the tools and talent, but may never put it all together

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Guest BionicRedneck

This is a real eye opener. People are claiming Test to be "not bad" and "decent" yet can't come up with anything he has ever done to earn such descriptions.

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Guest EternallyLazy

This is how I rate wrestlers as far as a scale is concerned


1) Godawful/shit - Of El Gigante proportions. See Jones, Nathan

2) Bad but carryable - Think Sid Vicious, Goldberg

3) Decent - Test, Christian, HHH

4) Good - Edge, Storm, Booker T, Hurricane, Flair

5) Amazing - Benoit, Angle, Mysterio, Eddie

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Guest nikowwf

We should do one thread and keep it posted


XXXXXX doesn't suck THAT much


and just use it for the endless and pointless Test and A-Train discussions.


If Test was gone tommorrow, and no one posted news about it, it would take 6 months before any of us noticed.



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