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Guest RollingSambos

Rene Dupree

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Guest Human Fly

Another thing about Dupree. Wasn't he almost released a few month ago during one of the last round of OVW cuts? I could've sworn he was one of the names that was on the bubble. If so it shows how crazy things are in the company right now. Almost out of a job a few months ago to Tag champ on Raw.

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Guest wildpegasus

I see some people here dobuting that Dupree is on the roids because he's only 19. Like I said before I give people the benifit of the dobut but La Resistance is suspect. I may be getting the two mixed up right row but doesn't he already have some gyno? I remember vaguely as well one of the La Resistance talking about gaining and losing? a large amount of weight like it was nothing. These aren't good signs.


Some notes about roids/bodybuilding:


1)Genetics are extreamly important in dictating how much muscle a person can acquire. Take two muscular people at the same height with one being smaller than the other. It wouldn't be surprising at all for the smaller person to be on the roids while the bigger one isn't.

2)There are 3 different body structures although people are often combinations of forementioned types. For example ectomorphs will have the most trouble putting on muscle while Mesomorphs and Endomorphs will have an easier time.

3)You still have to train to put on muscle even while you're on the roids

4)Gyno, although it can be genetic is a good sign of roid abuse. This is because along with the testesterone extra estrogen(hormone more prominent in women) is produced and causes breast formation. The Rock, Test, and Brock Lesnar are obvious gyno suffers. The Rock and Test have had surgeries and I suspect Lesnar may have had too.

5)After you're on roids for awhile your body stops producing as much testesterone because it thinks it has enough. Than you have to go off to get your body back up to normal testesterone levels. The problem is though you'll lose your borrowed steroid muscle while you're off.That's why Growth hormone is used when you go off the roids.


6)Some More Side effects: Increased Acne, speeding up of baldness, decreased sex drive although not at first, roid rage, skin atrophy, stretch marks (roids don't create them, it's just the fact that the muscle grows faster than the skin can) increase of tendon injuries and tears, water/salt retention, moon face and jaundice. I'm not sure but I hear that a baby face is also indicative of roids.

7)If someone puts on a large amount of muscle in a short period of time (unless they're a beginner, have muscle memory from being big before or finally started training intelligently) it's very suspiscious they're on something especially if they've been at the same weight for a long time.

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Guest notJames
Didn't WWE do a confidential segment on Rene Dupree like 8 months ago?

Yes. And on it, they showed his workout and diet regimen, and the fact that he's been training and wrestling since his early teens. Sure, it might be naíve to believe everything from a fluff piece, but it's not out of the realm of possibility that his physique is natural.


All in all, Dupre is a lot more competent than his tag team partner Grenier, who looks completely lost in the ring, and was sucking wind in last night's match almost as fast as Billy Gunn in his first match back from obscurity. No way is he deserving of such a push, no matter who he's banging.


Speaking of which, here's an old joke with a wrestling twist:


Q. Why did Sylvan Grenier watch Deep Throat seven times?


A. He wanted to get it down pat.



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Guest humongous2002

Dupree is as natural as Pamela Anderson's tits, even with good genetics it takes years to get to Rene's level, the guy uses juice just like a lot of wrestlers nowadays, no big deal, but either way he is as green as grass in the ring and he is the one carrying his team.

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Guest Human Fly
I see some people here dobuting that Dupree is on the roids because he's only 19.

No one here is doubting he's on roids.

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Why's the guy have to be on roids......god forbid someonebusts their ass working out and building their body. The guys been lifting weights since he was like 12.

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Guest Trivia247

Rene has the darker hair


Syvian is the one with the pointy chin LOL

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I like Rene, and I did see potential in his match against RVD last week. I'm just wondering if maybe they should either let him have longer singles matches or just keep him in OVW for a while. I mean, I've spoken to quite a few people who swear that Rene is really good, but I dunno...


Oh, and Nowinski is NOT a bad wrestler, goddamn it.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
Why's the guy have to be on roids......god forbid someonebusts their ass working out and building their body.

he's a young wrestler trying to get steady work. He's on roids.

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Guest Choken One

Cena was just as fucking ripped as Dupree was at 19...How come you don't say CENA is roided?


We know Cena isn't...since he is a workout freak...

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

I say Cenas on roids.


But then again, Cena doesn't have that healthy orange glow that Dupree has. Tanning hides the bacne.

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Guest Choken One

I strongly doubt Cena is on roids...


Look at him when he was 19 on Confidential...He was ripped then...


He WAS an Major in Physiology and minored in Excercise...

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He was also a professional bodybuilder. Personally, I think he's natural, but I thought it was common knowledge that all bodybuilders were on the juice? Maybe I'm wrong.


I don't care if a wrestler is on roids, as long as he can work. EDDIE~! and Benoit can work, Steiner and HHH can't. Steroid use is irrelevant.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Benoit had his matches with Austin, Angle, Jericho outside the WWE?  Yeah, I uh, guess he did. 


...Damn him for gaining experience!  Earning respect!  Having great matches!


Benoit is not _just_ a body, Dupree is.

The problem is that no matter how much experience Benoit has on Dupree, Dupree's been trained in WWE Main Event Style and is only familiar with it. We've been bitching for months now about how this style has crippled guys like O'Haire and Mysterio and RVD and Booker T and... And... And....


For all we know, the guy could have a ton potential of he wasn't working the McMahon technique of wrestling. Since he hasn't had the oppertunity to adapt to anything else, nobody knows.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Ok, and how does that disprove that he sucks? All it does is explain why he sucks.

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Guest ShawnTybalt

Dupree is a not half bad wrestler. I enjoyed several of his OVW matches. And I doubt he's on true steroids.


Probably pumping the Stacker 2 and the like.

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Guest wildpegasus

Quotes "Look at him when he was 19 on confidential...he was ripped then."


"He was an major in Physiology and minored in exercise"


"We know Cena isn't since...he's a workout freak"

Not to be rude but these quotes don't really have any merit for your arguement. There are lots of "uneducated" lifters out there who are a lot smarter than the "educated" lifters. The other 2 arguements actually help the "he's on the roids" arguement. It sounds like Cena maybe an overtrainer. This can easily be counterproductive to training. As for being ripped at such a young age that's saying he's more likely on roids as well. I'm not saying Cena's on but if he isn't he has SUPER, SUPER genetics. I heard he was actually even bigger in OVW. Does anyone know if that's true?

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Lance Storm is the only guy I know isn't on roids - he's been a serious weight lifter since the age of 13 IIRC. Storm has freaky genetics. Cena makes Storm look like a bean pole. I'm sorry, but no normal person can achieve that bulk, there has to be enhancements.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

If he's has been working out since 14, and has a damn good workout regimen and diet, he doesn't have to be on roids. Jesus, do some of you guys not work out? not do any active stuff? Dupree isn't even that big.

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Guest Jobber of the Week
Ok, and how does that disprove that he sucks? All it does is explain why he sucks.

How does it prove he's worthless?

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These guys think everybody here is on roids. If a guy has any muscle tone on his body he's on roids automatically. I'm still waiting for someone to say that Spike Dudley is on roids. Or that Matt Hardy is on roids cause he's bulked up a good amount over the last year or so.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo
Dupree needs at least 5 more years before the WWE should even think about bringing him up. THAT'S the point. The WWE should be the peak, the pinnacle, the end-stop for every wrestler. Before that they should be developing their craft in school gyms so they don't have to when they're on national television.

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Guest Human Fly
If he's has been working out since 14, and has a damn good workout regimen and diet, he doesn't have to be on roids. Jesus, do some of you guys not work out? not do any active stuff? Dupree isn't even that big.

TJV1, from your post you make it sound like you work out. If you do, have you seen any 19 year olds that look like this? I know I haven't.



Maybe he's not on roids. If he's not, that's great and he should put out a book of his workout and diet because he is obviously well ahead of almost every other 19 year old.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I think if a guy is talented, he should get hired. I think Sylvain looks more on roids, personally. I also think Cena has done them in the past but probably isn't doing them right now. At least not regularly.


Keep in mind WWE inflates guy's weights all the time (Undertaker suddently gaining weight when losing the WWE title, Rock weighing more or less depending on who's announcing, Shannon Moore once advertised as over 200lbs, etc) I doubt it's so much the case here although I think the height is probably legit. Most guys 6'2-6'4 are like 175, so if he was about 6'3-218 I wouldn't be suprised nor would I think he's on roids.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

"Talent" isn't talent unless it gets used. Why don't they just wait until he develops it? That goes for everyone else too.

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Guest wildpegasus

TonyJaymzV1-I've been working out since I was around 13, have read a lot of literachure and have a good idea of what I'm talking about. Granted, I'm not a big guy but I've increased my strength signifigantly since I've started through intelligent training. I'm not saying Cena's on roids (I myself have back acne, a sign of roids but have never touched drugs in my life) but you have to look at this realistically. It's incredably naive to think Cena's not juicing. For arguement sake let's say he's clean. How big would he be with drugs? He'd make Dorian Yates look like a midget. Wrestlers don't get enough sleep, rest,(You do your growing while resting) sometimes proper nutrition and get injured. This hinders training. Oh, and Dupree is big.


Loose Cannon25- I don't think everyone's on the roids. Like I said before I give everyone the benifit of the dobut. I just try to look at things realistically. And just so you know there's no such thing as muscle tone. It's muscle.


Wildpegasus-still wondering how the Undertapper grew all that muscle with the reported only 40% extension in his arm

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TonyJaymzV1-I've been working out since I was around 13, have read a lot of literachure and have a good idea of what I'm talking about. Granted, I'm not a big guy but I've increased my strength signifigantly since I've started through intelligent training. I'm not saying Cena's on roids (I myself have back acne, a sign of roids but have never touched drugs in my life) but you have to look at this realistically. It's incredably naive to think Cena's not juicing. For arguement sake let's say he's clean. How big would he be with drugs? He'd make Dorian Yates look like a midget. Wrestlers don't get enough sleep, rest,(You do your growing while resting) sometimes proper nutrition and get injured. This hinders training. Oh, and Dupree is big.


Loose Cannon25- I don't think everyone's on the roids. Like I said before I give everyone the benifit of the dobut. I just try to look at things realistically. And just so you know there's no such thing as muscle tone. It's muscle.


Wildpegasus-still wondering how the Undertapper grew all that muscle with the reported only 40% extension in his arm

mighty picky arent we? Ok im sorry...not muscle TONE...just muscle :P .....I wasnt referring to you by the way when i said that most people here think everyone is on roids...i see certain people here who point out many superstars if not most that are on roids on a constant basis.

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Problems with Low Ki and Daneils. They show more interest in working with Japan then having ANY kind of long term contract with one company in the states.

Ki and Daniels are doing it the right way, in that they are building their cred in the indies and in Japan. From what I have read they both are doing a good job getting over.


Personally while I could see Daniels in the E, I hope Ki stays away from it as much as possible, as he would be watered down to the point where I would cry if I saw him in the ring.... Tajiri has a somewhat similar style and they toned him down near non-existence.


EDIT: Rock has always been listed as 6'5, 275. Taker anywhere between 6'9' and 7', 300-325.. This is the same fed that listen Hogan as 6'8" and 302-305, when in actuality he was 6'5" and about 275.

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

The owner of the company is on roids for christsakes.

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