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Guest Downhome

Ok guys, let's have a WWE "writing session"...

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Guest subliminal_animal

Wait ... actually, they won't know who he is, so they'll just reserve judgment until they see what the young buck is really all about!

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Guest Downhome
Wait, how did they write Batista out of Evolution, if they ever did?

He got hurt, along with Orton, and they never mentioned his being "kicked out" or anything like that, at all.

Yeah I know they all got hurt, thus, Anglesault's "Evolution is across the hall" line.


But they brought back Orton recently, but not Batista. So I was just wondering if they gave a reason as to why the other guy didn't come back.

Batista is still hurt, and will not be coming back for a number of months.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Kane will probably end up "burning" someone's face in reataliation for losing the match/mask.


I'd say Orton, since we could have RNN updates again on the severity of the burns to his face while he walks around with a bandage around his head with two little holes for eyes so he can see.

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Guest Vern Gagne

If no one minds can I just add a match next week between Trish and Jazz with a stipulation Jerry Lawler is never allowed to talk about puppies on WWE TV again if Jazz wins.

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Guest Downhome
If no one minds can I just add a match next week between Trish and Jazz with a stipulation Jerry Lawler is never allowed to talk about puppies on WWE TV again if Jazz wins.

Fine by me, I wish that he'd never say that ever again!

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Guest Vern Gagne

Great. I happened to watch Rico's redebut and all Lawler talked about where Jackie Gayda's puppies. What a fucking ass!

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seriously....the guy has to go. He has absolutely nothing to contribute to wrestling broadcasting anymore besides talking about women and puppies. They can hire a horny 15 year old kid to do that job. They need someone to put wrestlers over and talk about the matches.......JR only does that for hosses. Bring back Heyman please

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Tazz > Lawler


Tazz calling the matches > Lawler talking about Puppies

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Guest Vern Gagne

Lawler always says in interiews that Vince McMahon tells him to act that way. Which might be true, but I don't buy for a second that Jerry Lawler couldn't go up to Vince and tell him. I'll scream puppies, when it's appropriate (not that it ever is) during a lingerie match or will say how great Jackie looks. The rest of the match I'll concentrate my efforts in putting over the competitors in the ring.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

Not that I care but why is Ivory getting this big push? Could it be that Victoria and Trish were overexposed for the last 6-9 months?


As for Lawler, Coach>Lawler>Cat

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Guest Choken One

I'm thinking they just using Ivory as Stop gap before Gail comes in...

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Guest OnlyMe

Anyway... how about getting some real bookers in to book the match...


Vince Russo

The match is about to start, both men are in the ring, when the lights go out.  They come back on, and Triple H is laid out in the ring.  Kane looks up at the ramp, and out comes Paul Bearer.  While Kane is distracted, Triple H (who was pretending to be hurt) gets up and cradles Kane for the pin.  Bearer announces that he hates Kane, and wishes he'd never been born.  Evolution start to take the mask off, but RVD comes out, lays out Evolution and then lays out Kane, before leaving with Bearer.  Evolution then help Kane up, and they all pose together.


Dusty Rhodes


They wrestle until the end, then Triple H gets the pin.  As they take the mask off, Eric Bischoff comes out and orders that they restart the match, because of a fast count.  Kane then gets the win by countout.

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Guest 11and0baby

No Nash This Week means Nash Under The Mask next week instead of Kane.


Which could make sense since Kane did Fake Diesel.


Prepare For the "Smarks" To Cry at this idea.

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Jericho HighLite Reel - Guest - Booker T

They insult each other, talk about how the Intercontinental title has a storied past, perhaps even a video package, when Christian's music hits. Booker T gets ready for what looks like a 2 on 1 attack from Christian and Jericho... except Christian's face appears on the Jeritron (which is in the ring if I remember the setup) and he cuts a funny promo on Booker from there.


La Resistance v. Dudley Boyz

Two minutse into the match, Goldberg comes out and destroys all four of them.

(Hey, I'm no Goldberg fan, but WWE's booking of him has been idiotic. I never would have signed him but since he's there, he should be booked as a monster, since thats the only fucking thing he's good at).


Al Snow v Randy Orton

6-7 minute match, let them build a solid match without relying on overbooking. At one point Flair tries to interfere and Maven takes Flair out of the game (thats it no more runins). Orton wins clean


-Ric Flair is absolutely livid and demands Maven in the ring, he wants to teach this young kid a lesson about messing with the greats.


Ric Flair v Maven

Flair does his thing to make Maven look like a million bucks. It goes back and forth until Orton and HHH interfere and it appears Flair has the match won, until HBK comes in and superkicks Flair out of the ring. Afterwards, he poses with Maven.


Bischoff comes out to the ring with Test, proclaiming how proud he is of what Test did to Mae Young last week. Test said he should have done that to Stacy, which of course brings out Steiner. he gets in Test's face, but Bischoff stops them. Finally Austin comes to the entranceway, and does his schtick then says he wasn't proud of what Test did, but before he can make any kind of decision, Lance Storm WALLOPS Austin from behind with a chair, leaving him lying on the ramp. he nails the knee repeatedly and grabs a microphone.

LANCE: "What were you saying Austin? Sorry Steve, but I fell asleep listening to you. it was so BOOORRING!"

WHAM another chair shot





(and so on). When Steiner goes to help, Test attacks him from behind. Lance turns his attention to Steiner and they beat the crap out of him. Bischoff laughs at Austin and does the "i'm innocent" hands in the air type thing laughing, while Test and Lance Storm hug each other (an evil hug of course).


Rodney mack, Nowinsky, and Teddy Long talk about how unstoppable a team they are, blah blah haterizing blah blah, whatever, until Tommy Dreamer comes through the crowd with a singapore can and cleans house (hey it is MSG after all). Mack and Long escape but Nowinsky is left there and Dreamer does some wacky cane/trashcan stunt that will make everybody go "oooh."


HHH v Kane.

Kane comes out to the ring (HHH is already there), and halfway down the aisle, RVD runs out with a mic. He says that Kane should destroy HHH, but instead Evolution and Bischoff are playing a mind game with him. This time, it's time to play fire with fire. Kane is hesitant about something but RVD urges him to do it... so right then, before the match, kane takes off his mask. The makeup team should have invested $$$ to give him some credible ugly looking scars in his upper face (they should look real, and if they dont have a backup booking plan ready). so he shows everyone his face, shocking everybody, then he puts the mask back on. RVD says he now has no reason to fear, no reason to worry, no more pressure, no nothing. he should only have one thing on his mind... and he does. he goes out, lays a grade A beating on HHH (in what should be a hot crowd) and wins the title.

JR: There's yer answer HHH! Kane is not a member of Evolution, he is the evolution!

Lawler: But Kane turned them down! They're like the mob they'll never let you turn them down, you can bet next week Evolution will bring their new fourth member"

or whatever...


anyways, that was more on the fly, i didnt put too much thought into it. How is it?

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Guest Jobber of the Week

They should just keep calling him Kane.


Since Undertaker is a goddamn biker now, Kane can go back to setting people on fire and ripping off cage doors and no-selling chairshots and whatever else he was doing in 98 that people remember fondly.


I think it will go over even better once they have put a face on the guy. Jerry Lawler's "Big Red Retard" statements and all the "sappy emotional Kane" booking that's been going on since the Kane/Chyna/HHH love triangle has wrecked the character as it is, and taking off the mask is the very least they need to do to revive the character.

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Guest BobbyWhioux
HHH could beat Kane, unmask him, then tell him that he helped him.  The mask was nothing but a throwback to a past he needed to move on from.  He has now evolved and should become a member of Evolution.


Kane would then accept and this would start a RVD/Evolution feud.  The next month would see HHH throwing Kane in RVD's way of getting a World Title shot.  RVD would finally beat Kane and earn a World Title shot.  At SummerSlam RVD gets a World Title shot and wins.


How's that for booking?

LaParka: You haven't yet learned to write WWE Style.




Empty Chair at the broadcast table > Lawler

A dead and rotting pig corpse > Jim Ross



Kane wins by DQ when Orton interferes with a chair. Even though Kane "won" and gets to keep the mask, Evolution beats up Kane and takes the mask off ANYWAY. RVD attempts to make the save, but is laid out himself.


Next week, in a tag match, he turns on RVD and joins Evolution (having "evolved" by losing the mask). RVD is either shunted off to the side or booked in a one sided feud against Evolution in which he is trounced and THEN shunted off to the side. Oh, by the way, Orton pins RVD and HHH pedigrees him afterward.

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Guest AndrewTS

Remember how Jericho was buddy-buddy with HHH for a while? Then they completely dropped that?


I'd think Jericho would make a good choice for Evolution, but WWE's shitty writers forgot about that.

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Guest CanadianChick
Remember how Jericho was buddy-buddy with HHH for a while? Then they completely dropped that?


I'd think Jericho would make a good choice for Evolution, but WWE's shitty writers forgot about that.

Oh god no. Jericho is fine on his own. He would just be stuck in limbo with Evolution.

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I'm only booking for the HHH/Kane match.....


Night starts off with the glass breaking and Steve Austin coming to the ring. He goes off on a speech about trying to shake things up last week and he's going to continue to do so. He's going to make Raw eventful and a night full of twists and surprises. With that said, he's making a special announcement. Tonight, in the Kane/HHH match, there will be a special referee. That referee will be none other than one Rob...Van....Dam ! RVD comes out in a referee's shirt and, while walking to ringside, Triple H's music hits. He storms down the ramp and gets right into RVD's face. He starts talking about how the match better be called fair, or there will be some serious hell to pay. Kane runs down the ramp and starts beating up Triple H, further setting the stage for tonight.


To build up an epic feeling, throughout the night, various wrestlers will be talking to RVD about what a huge match this is. Ric Flair will make some threats about HHH remaining champ, HBK will talk about calling it down the middle, etc.


When the time comes for the HHH/Kane match, RVD is calling it right down the middle. He gets hit with a Kane flying clothesline though, and gets knocked out. Evolution comes down to ringside and starts beating up Kane. RVD slowly gets up, notices Evolution beating up Kane, and hesitantly turns his back. HHH hits a Pedigree and RVD counts 3. Evolution starts celebrating in the ring, and rips off Kane's mask while he's laying on the ground. At this point, his hair is still covering his face. Triple H starts beating Kane with a steel chair. But he turns around, and gets a Van-Daminator right in the face. Evolution all run out of the ring and up the ramp, leaving the World Title in the ring. RVD picks up the title, starts celebrating with it, and runs out through the crowd with the belt in his hand. Meanwhile, Kane slowly gets up, the fans see his burnt face, and he lets out a loud roar showing his anger about what has just happened to him. He then starts bashing stuff outside the ring and going berserk, as the show goes off the air.




This can now set up a RVD/HHH feud, with RVD saying that the gold was his goal all this time. Or an RVD/HHH/Kane feud, which could lead to a Triple Threat. But it would raise the belt's value, showing just what measures wrestlers would take to get the gold, even turning on their partners. It would also relatively keep RVD a face [a cocky bad-ass one, who did what he had to do to get a title shot] and Kane a monster, even without his mask [as he starts crashing stuff after everyone has left]

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