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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

Kliq members unhappy about something?

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Ok, uhm..a Jericho Mutiny?  Why didn't I get the smark memo on this one?  First monkey pox, and now this..

Lots of rumors have been floating around reguarding Jericho slowly but surely worming his way into Vince's good graces and gaining a sense of real power backstage. And with a growing sense of discontent in the Raw locker room and HHH being politically vulnerable do to Golberg and his own wedding (mainly the issue of whether or not HHH will take a hiatus when he gets married for his honeymoon and such), it has been speculated that Jericho could conceivably go head to head with HHH and castrate the Game if he plays his cards right....

*rolls eyes*


All of these rumors sprang from a single statement in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter: "Jericho has been aggressive in pushing his ideas for the HiLIte Reel, and so far WWE/writers have been receptive" (which i read, occasionaly the WON is released on the wrestling binaries newsgroup)


From there, 411wrestling reposted the story, rewriting it to say something about his "growing influence" backstage. Bunk. As much as I wish it were true... it's bunk.

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Guest notJames

Re: Clique discontent


This is the world's smallest violin playing just for Nash and Michaels.


Washed-up primadonnas who whine and bitch when they don't get their way make baby Jesus cry.

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