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Guest CronoT

Elimination Chamber-When will it be used again?

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Guest CronoT

When do you think the Elimination Chamber will be used again? Will it become a permanent part of Survivor Series, or will it be like HIAC, and used to pop buy-rates?

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Guest HartFan86

I'd like it to see it used as a yearly thing at Survivor Series, maybe even make it like a War Games type thing (3 on 3, 2 guys start, 4 other guys wait in the boxes) or make it a tradional Survivor Series (4 on 4, 2 guys start, 6 others wait in boxes).

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Guest tpww7

Next Raw only PPV, they need to find some way for people to want to buy them.

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that shit wasnt actually $1,000,000....more like $300,000. They should use it anually at Survivor Series


[in very low toned voice} Elimiiiiiination Chaaaamber

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If the split stays for WrestleMania 20 and after it...I say WrestleMania 20 will be when the Elimination Chamber next rears it's metallic head.


Otherwise...maybe Survivor Series...

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Guest ViciousFish

I'd like to see the Elimination Chamber come back. Besides being entirely predictable when everyone would come out of the box, who won and how the wrestlers were eliminated it was a nice change.

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Could they make the ceiling higher though so RVD can do a frog splash without crushing HHH's throat.........eh.....wait a minute.....on second though, keep it exactly the same and put HHH in with RVD :P

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The way I understood it, they would be using it every Survivor Series at that shows yearly gimmick (like the Rumble's Rumble) to justify the $500,000 it cost to make.

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Guest OnlyMe
The way I understood it, they would be using it every Survivor Series at that shows yearly gimmick (like the Rumble's Rumble) to justify the $500,000 it cost to make.


That's the way I remember it, too.

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Could they make the ceiling higher though so RVD can do a frog splash without crushing HHH's throat.........eh.....wait a minute.....on second though, keep it exactly the same and put HHH in with RVD





Anyway, I agree, make it an annual thing, once per year like HIAC (There were 2 HIAC matches last year because there wasn't one used in 2001).

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Guest OnlyMe
once per year like HIAC


HIAC comes out more than once a year.


Unless I'm missing some...


1 in 1997

2 in 1998

1 in 1999

2 in 2000

0 in 2001

2 in 2002

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Guest HellSpawn

I second that "once a year" use of the Elimination Chamber.


The problem is... we need 6 guys to be involved in a championship match.

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Guest The Czech Republic

The logical thing to do is Survivor Series matches of Raw teams versus Smackdown teams, culminating in a Grand Finale match.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I'd hate for them to gimmick up a Wrestlemania main event with it.


I could live with it being a Survivor Series thing, but I hope they don't overkill it like with HIAC

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Guest Youth N Asia
I second that "once a year" use of the Elimination Chamber.


The problem is... we need 6 guys to be involved in a championship match.

Unless they're going to run a Raw vs Smackdown angle that would make no sense.

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1 in 1997

2 in 1998

1 in 1999

2 in 2000

0 in 2001

2 in 2002


Fuck, I forgot about the 6 Man one! :angry: I just thought they had 2 HIACs last year to make up not having one in 2001.


What was the other one in 1998 besides The Undertaker Vs. Mankind?

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Guest bob_barron

There were three HIAC in 98.


Taker/Austin v. Foley/Kane

Foley v. Kane

Foley v. Taker

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Guest Youth N Asia

Might as well add this year's to the list.


So what's that, 10 friggin times now?

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6 guys to do it every year wouldn't be too hard. This year if they kept it all RAW again they could have; Triple H, Goldberg, Kane, Chris Jericho, The Rock (if he's back), and Kevin Nash.


SmackDown could do; Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Big Show, Rhyno, and any other of their awesome talent pool.


Or they could make Survivor Series a RAW vs. SmackDown! PPV where they each pick teams to face off in the Chamber


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They could turn it into a cloning chamber.


World Title Match:


Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H



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Guest Youth N Asia
They could turn it into a cloning chamber.


World Title Match:


Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H



It's a 6 way no contest, cause HHH ain't jobbing, not even to HHH.

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Guest OnlyMe

Taker/Austin v. Foley/Kane


That one never started, so it doesn't count :P

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Guest The Czech Republic
They could turn it into a cloning chamber.


World Title Match:


Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H vs Triple H



That reminds me of the long-standing IWC slip-up of "Triple HHH."


EDIT: I accidentally said "Triple HHH vs Triple HHH would be the resulting match," but I realized that would be wrong, then realized it was right after all. I think maybe.


EDIT 2: My reasoning for thinking it was wrong was reading it as "Triple Triple H" which would be nine Helmsleys in a match of 18, far more than we need.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Vince has gone on the record saying that it will be used once a year.


It's a shame the first time it was used everybody and their momma already knew either HHH or HBK would win.

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Guest edotherocket
It's a shame the first time it was used everybody and their momma already knew either HHH or HBK would win.


Hehe...I remember bps was CONVINCED RVD would win it. He had a big long post with good reasoning (he was over, the time was right etc.) and on the night, RVD comes out, he's the most over guy and BAM! eliminated first by a missile dropkick.


Ah...the memories.

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Guest CronoT

After RVD became the first victim of the Triple H Syndrome, he was supposed to be buried in lower-mid card hell. But, he was still so over, Triple H had some strings pulled, and had him pulled completely off a PPV, and shoved into hosting from The World.


Then, when they had no choice but to put him in the EC, he was sent in to be slaughtered. Instead, he damn near ended Levesque's career, (revenge injury?) and then got dumped even harder, doing first matches and Heat matches.


But, he got over AGAIN, and so they tried to bleed off some of his heat by tagging him with Kane. But instead, RVD got KANE OVER, and they had no choice but to put the titles on them when Regal went out.


Now, they've copied the Booker/Goldust split, making RVD the new Goldust. Watch for RVD to get over AGAIN, and them just droppping him to full-time Heat jobbing.


RVD is the new Steve Austin or HBK, but because people in high places feel threatened, we'll probably never see the World Title in his hands until Triple H retires, either by his choice, or the leg goes.

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Guest Choken One

I liked the concept Elimination Chamber had although it was killed by obvious winner (s).


However, I dont think War Games works in The Chamber myself personally.


I can't see how they would do a Classic 5 VS 5 War games with the cell unless they add a couple more "Cells".


Do it again at Series with an Raw/SD intrapromotional War Games...


Have the Heavyweight Champs out




While HHH Fights Booker (Random Mid-Card Face) and Lesnar fights Benoit...


You have WAR GAMES


Team Raw


Chris Jericho (Heel)

Christian (Heel)

RVD (Face)

Dudley Boyz (Faces)


*Since we can't tell Kane's direction at the moment he isn't there


*Here Jericho nominates himself the Leader while RVD is clearly the guy the others pay attention to (even X)


Team Smackdown


Kurt Angle (Face)

Rhyno (Heel)

The Best Damn Tag Team Period (Heels)

Undertaker (Face)



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