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Guest Redhawk


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Guest Redhawk

For some reason I was thinking of that fake American Gladiators knockoff show that ran a cross-promotion deal with WCW a few years ago. Anyone remember what it was called? BattleWars or something like that? So anyway, that got me to thinking of all the stupid cross promotions in the past involving WWE and WCW. Some memorable ones....


Planet of the Apes (aka the Stephanie McMahon Implied Money Shot)


End of Days (Quoth WWF Box Office Champion Arnold Schwarzenegger: "Extraordinary!")


Roller Ball (I actually missed that episode. Didn't LL Cool J get involved in a match or something?)


Ready to Rumble (I'm assuming David Arquette's WCW title win was some kind of R2R promotion, right?)


Fozzy (I know the "concert" was just done to further the Jericho-Flair angle, but they sounded so bad I think Fozzy lost some sales off of that one)


Limp Bizkit (I still don't know why Fred Durst had to be on the Smackdown video game)


In the future, I'm sure they're going to do something with The Mullets involving either Jamie Noble or Eddy Guerrero.

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Guest OnlyMe

It was called Battledome. It's on English TV right now, and I just thought how crap it was.



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Guest OnlyMe

Drew Carey at Royal Rumble


I thought that wasn't too bad. At least it was pretty inoffensive, in that he came, he shilled, he fucked off. And his reactions to Kane were pretty worthwhile...

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Guest undisputedjericho

When Adam Sandler was promoting Little Nicky, he was with Hebner and told him he was his favorite. Then he invited him to go have a drink, but Sandler said he had no money so Earl had to pay.


Actually, that one was pretty funny, considering Sandler said something along the lines of "I love how you take control of everything out there" ...cough...

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Guest y2jailbait

The "Dude where's my car" guy on Smackdown.


Those skits were bad beyond belief, and so damn long!

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Guest sean pyro
X-Pac and some energy drink. He carried it to the ring in his tights.

lol, it was so awesome when he took a slip of it then looked at the can and went "DAYUM".

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X-Pac and some energy drink.  He carried it to the ring in his tights.

lol, it was so awesome when he took a slip of it then looked at the can and went "DAYUM".

The drink in question was V. Like Red Bull but doesn't taste like puke. I drink it the whole time



guarenteed to jack you up

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
Edge and that Highlander movie.

Wasn't that the last time we saw Gangrel in the WWF?

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Guest papacita

Ben Stiller and Jeff Jarrett...I think Stiller was promoting that superhero movie...I forget what it was called.


And we can't forget SHAFT~! baby!

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Guest Aero
X-Pac and some energy drink. He carried it to the ring in his tights.

My favorite part was when every 3 seconds in his Titantron video, the energy drink logo would flash the entire screen. You'd see X-Pac doing all the random DX crotch chops and such, then, suddenly... ENERGY... X-Pac... ENERGY

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Guest Anglesault
X-Pac and some energy drink.  He carried it to the ring in his tights.

My favorite part was when every 3 seconds in his Titantron video, the energy drink logo would flash the entire screen. You'd see X-Pac doing all the random DX crotch chops and such, then, suddenly... ENERGY... X-Pac... ENERGY

That was the best part of the whole thing

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Guest Redhawk

Didn't JR used to say stuff like, "This is a great match. It'd be better if I had a cold Pepsi and some delicious Domino's Pizza" during old WCW broadcasts?

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
Fozzy (I know the "concert" was just done to further the Jericho-Flair angle, but they sounded so bad I think Fozzy lost some sales off of that one)

I was there in person for that.... nice 10 minute piss break for the entire arena.

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Guest papacita
Didn't JR used to say stuff like, "This is a great match. It'd be better if I had a cold Pepsi and some delicious Domino's Pizza" during old WCW broadcasts?

I dunno, but a couple of months ago he managed to shill Castrol (?) Motor Oil in the middle of a match or something. I forget what he said but it was kinda funny.

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Guest DerangedHermit
Didn't JR used to say stuff like, "This is a great match. It'd be better if I had a cold Pepsi and some delicious Domino's Pizza" during old WCW broadcasts?


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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Hey, don't be dissin' Fozzy. They invented metal, dontcha know. :D


Chris Rock in TNA was bad. You could tell he didn't want to be there at all. He just went "Yeah, and TNA is the best! If anybody doesn't think so, they can come on down here so we can kick their ass!"


I actually kinda felt sorry for him, because he had to do this horrible shill just so he could film the scene needed after the show.


EDIT: Naked Gun 33 1/3...SummerSlam '94...'nuff said.

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Hey, don't be dissin' Fozzy. They invented metal, dontcha know. :D


Chris Rock in TNA was bad. You could tell he didn't want to be there at all. He just went "Yeah, and TNA is the best! If anybody doesn't think so, they can come on down here so we can kick their ass!"


I actually kinda felt sorry for him, because he had to do this horrible shill just so he could film the scene needed after the show.


EDIT: Naked Gun 33 1/3...SummerSlam '94...'nuff said.

That was some funny shit.........when he was in the ring he reminded me of Tyson saying "cold Stone" and "Shanw Michaels is a young up and comer"

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