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Guest Memphis

Rob Van Fucking Dam...

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As far as his selling I've said this before. It has nothing to do with forgetting and more to do with the fact that his moveset is all based around his legs leaving him with nothing to do when his legs have been worked on.


Add in the fact that his moveset is what get's him over and you face the problem of him not being able to do his trademark moves if he sold the leg properly.


He needs to expand his moveset to incorporate moves that don't involve the legs.

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Rob's never been a competent WRESTLER, getting by through popping the crowds using glitzy moves that loose their spark VERY quickly after they are produced in ALL of his matches.


Although that may be true, RVD is still over and he will probably always will. He even got cheered (even got cheered more than Jeff Hardy back in 2001) when he was supposed to be a heel.


Rob Van Dam is repetitive, boring, over-rated and pales in comparison to the true wrestlers within World Wrestling Entertainment.


Obvious, he's not a technical wrestler, he's no Benoit, he's not in Angle's league, but he does have a martial arts background. He does cool moves that his training was able to help get. Fans like to see those cool moves. Of course, he's going to do those moves in EVERY match, those are HIS MOVES. Pop is important and RVD has what it takes to get it. The crowd always go nuts when "One of a Kind" plays. Sure, he doesn't have mic skills, but he acts like / more like because he IS being himself: a regular guy, he's just being casual so it works for him. And sadly, RVD will never at 100% because he has to work WWE-style that it hurts him. If that wasn't the case, we would see Rob being Classic (ECW) RVD.



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

This is the third thread that has this exact topic in it right now...


So here is your answer:


In late 2001, early 2002 RVD was out-popping the Rock and everyone else. This is something that people will lie and say didn't happen, or will ignore but it is FACT. Backed up by the RVD chants drowning out any Rock reaction in there sole match.


RVD was so over it was ridiculous. He main evented the B shows and they did good business with a top match of "RVD vs. Tazz" or "RVD vs. Raven"...something more fitting of Heat than anything.




Want to know why smarks take up his cause? Because NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE who has been buried (Booker T, Kane and yes...even Jericho) was as over as RVD was.


RVD is the literal embodiment of WWE shitting on what the fans want and pushing their own. (HHH on return, Brock while unover during God-push, Taker and Hogan with title reigns).


End of story.

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I don't know if i would say that Jericho WASN'T as much over as RVD was....Jericho was super mega over too. Booker T was extremely ove rwhen he turned face from what i remember too...the fans were begging to cheer him.


I guess WWE buried him cause they dont like his style....he doesnt throw enough punches or do enough chinlocks

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Guest Anglesault



Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

JANUARY 7 2002

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Those people were very over.


The difference is that for about three months while RVD was at his absolute peak of overness, he blew everyone else away.


Jericho's title reign killed his heat so that when he was buried no one in the audience seemed to care.


Booker wasn't even close. I know he's popular, but it's different.


RVD wasn't just entrance music, catchphrase and gimmick move over. He was crowd heat off the charts throughout his match over.


Then they systematically took it all away.

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Guest saturnmark4life

In addition to his complete burial, he is trapped on a roster with no-one who can carry him. And that's where he'll stay, so he's not a threat to anyone. I think he sucks, but he was insanely over and could have made BIG money for them had they used him. Another point is that whilst his style is different to the conventional, more brutally shit WWE style, he is injured considerably less. Weird, no?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

But he injures people more.


Sure he sucks, outside of Eddy carrying him at Judgment day last year I would say he's never had a good wrestling match. (But strangely has entertaining ones with the worst people).


That doesn't mean I wouldn't want to see him face a load of people on the SD roster.


Like I always say, RVD isn't going to carry himself out there.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Just out of curiousity, has he really injured that many people? He gave Austin and HHH minor injuries, and...oh right.



The Eddy match at JD is the best thing I've ever seen him in, and it wasn't exclusively a carry job either. Given more time that would have been his night.

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I'm a little bitter at RVD because last night I was explaining the psychology behind HHH vs. RVD to my sister, an educated-fan-in-training. And then RVD completely ignored the leg-work and even SHE commented on it.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It wasn't really a "carry" job. RVD actually did a majority of the work.


What makes it brilliant is that Eddy figured out the only way to put pychology into an RVD match is to reverse the standard heel/face roles.


In their Backlash match Eddy worked over RVD's back and RVD no sold it like RVD does.


At Judgment Day Eddy took all of the abuse (since he could sell it unlike RVD) and as a result it made Van Dam's moveset make sense for the first time over. Frog Splash's, moonsault's, kicks, rolling thunders, shoulder blocks...all of it directed at Eddy's back.


It made for a very interesting match.

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Guest cabbageboy

Well, I also noted RVD not selling the leg late in the match last night. So what? I mean, let's face it. People do not pay money to see a match where RVD has to sell the leg for an eternity. In fact, by having HHH work his leg it goes completely against what fans WANT to see in an RVD match. They want to see wild spots, fun moves...not RVD having his leg hurt and the match grinding to a halt.


Think back to when he first debuted. Look at the Invasion PPV and how dull and draggy most of the wrestling was. Then you have RVD vs. Jeff for the hardcore title, seemingly a throwaway match. Then BAM, they tore it up. Watch as RVD tossed aside the stalling that marred his later ECW stuff and distilled all of his trademark moves into a 15 minute jolt of exciting fun.


I will also maintain that RVD can cut a great promo if given the right material and people to play off of. Kane is actually a great foil for RVD, but the WWE writers have no clue. The whole thing would work better if RVD tormented Kane and claimed that he did most of the work and Kane was there to carry his bags. They almost hit upon this formula a few times but never went with it.

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In late 2001, early 2002 RVD was out-popping the Rock and everyone else. This is something that people will lie and say didn't happen, or will ignore but it is FACT. Backed up by the RVD chants drowning out any Rock reaction in there sole match.

I was there live for that match. Even Jericho out popped Rock. RVD was THE most over guy on the show that night. More than Jericho, Angle, Rock or Taker.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

I called it....when HHH turned heel.

Me and my semi-smark friend were sitting there and I said......

"Who's HHH going to bury now? Jericho is a heel to!"

to which he responded...

"Well there's always RVD"

AND GUESS WHAT!? RVD gets the Jericho treatment x10.

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Guest bob_barron

How was RVD buried on January 7th? He faced and defeated Test in the opening match-big deal.


I'd say RVD's burial began when he jobbed to Edge for no reason

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That wasn't for no reason.


He beat Edge in a match for Van Dam's hardocre title, and Edge beat him in a match for Edge's IC title.


Up until January 7th Van Dam was in matches with Jericho and on the SD! before the announcers continued to talk about their unfinsihed business over the undisputed title.


then BAM! Monday hits and its curtain jerking with Test followed by 2 minutes in the rumble.

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Guest bob_barron

The feud with Jericho was over before Triple H returned though.


I think jobbing to a midcarder in a nothing match curtain jerking RAW is much worse.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I keep hearing that the Jericho feud was over.


And I contiue to ask when it ended to no answer.

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Guest bob_barron

The feud ended with no blowoff. It ended on January 3rd when Rock became #1 contender to the title

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



RVD was buried on January 3rd 2002 when his feud with Jericho was completely scrapped in favor of a #1 contenders match.


AS was off by 4 days and one show.

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Guest Coffey
Why is he over is the question asked...Here is the reason.



Rob Van Dam is so insanely over because of these 7 things.


1). His Move-Set

2). His Charisma

3). Easy name to Chant

4). Cool Costumes

5). Has a simple vocabulary

6). Well known for his Pot status

7). Originality. He stands FAR and AWAY apart from the rest of WWE Roster...

His fucking "pot" status? What the fuck? That just makes him a goddamn loser in my book. I agree with the topic starter.

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Guest Anglesault
Why is he over is the question asked...Here is the reason.



Rob Van Dam is so insanely over because of these 7 things.


1). His Move-Set

2). His Charisma

3). Easy name to Chant

4). Cool Costumes

5). Has a simple vocabulary

6). Well known for his Pot status

7). Originality. He stands FAR and AWAY apart from the rest of WWE Roster...

His fucking "pot" status? What the fuck? That just makes him a goddamn loser in my book. I agree with the topic starter.

Look at the target WWF demo. Losers who think smoking pot is like, so cool, dude.

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Why is he over is the question asked...Here is the reason.



Rob Van Dam is so insanely over because of these 7 things.


1). His Move-Set

2). His Charisma

3). Easy name to Chant

4). Cool Costumes

5). Has a simple vocabulary

6). Well known for his Pot status

7). Originality. He stands FAR and AWAY apart from the rest of WWE Roster...

His fucking "pot" status? What the fuck? That just makes him a goddamn loser in my book. I agree with the topic starter.

Look at the target WWF demo. Losers who think smoking pot is like, so cool, dude.

Regardless of whether you think pot smokers are losers or not, the fact that he is open and at times out-spoken about his drug habit is extremely unusual in pro-wrestling. Fair play to the guy.

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Guest Anglesault
Regardless of whether you think pot smokers are losers


Oh, not what I think, what I know to be true.

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Regardless of whether you think pot smokers are losers


Oh, not what Ithink, what I know to be true.

Fair play. But it's RVD's choce, and he has become well known and liked by other users for that lifestyle. Seeing as a large proportion of fans smoke, or at least tolerate/agree with that lifestyle, it's no wonder that they can identify with him more than other wrestlers

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Guest Choken One

Have they ever DIRECTLY said anything about RVD pot smoking legancy on WWETV?


I know they make subtle winks at it such as his statement to coach


"WHAT have YOU been smoking?"

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Guest Memphis

Big guys like Show, Undertaker, Brock get away with only moderate selling (about same with RVD) and have all had the title - like it or not. You would say "But thats what big guys do", to which I reply, Why cant RVD?

I would say what?


Don't put words in anyone's mouths. NO ONE should be in there and no-selling anyone's offence because selling is a vital part of the show they put on. Without selling, wrestling only justifies the concensus that it is a pussy industry full of fuckin' try-hard fakers.


Show and Taker just DON'T sell. To call what they determine as 'selling' to be 'moderate' is giving them FAR too much credit.


Put in a tape of Bret Hart, watch and learn.



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Guest Choken One

TBS no-selling makes sense...


he is 7'2 500 pounds but he can get pummeled by a guy a foot shorter and 300 lbs lighter?


With TBS...He can slip by No-selling because that is a part of his character..

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