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Guest Trivia247

Tuesday weak rumors

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Guest Trivia247

LIKE THE 2 others I did like this take this as a grain of salt before it is confirmable on Torch or Observer


There were various reasons behind Hulk Hogan's decision to quit WWE. Here they are:


- He felt that at this point in his career, he should not be promoted as just another superstar, and should have his TV appearances be pushed as a big deal. He didn't like being the third-biggest face in the tag match last week either (behind Angle & Lesnar). He also had general creative problems with the Mr. America character.


- He was upset that when the crowd chanted for him on SmackDown!, Angle and Lesnar did not improvise and tag him in (to keep the heat alive), but instead followed the scripted scenario.


- Hogan was upset that SmackDown! has been drawing less than RAW (it drew considerably less in the back-to-back MSG shows last week). He does not like being on the weaker show.


- The problem can likely be solved financially, along with the return of Hulk Hogan, and the end of the Mr. America character.


For those who missed Jim Ross' comment on RAW last night, Steve Austin was indeed suffering from food poising.


He was not at RAW at all during the day yesterday and is expected to be OK.


He should return to action next Monday on RAW if everything is feeling better.



As you saw on RAW, WWE is going for a more "technically-hideous" look with Kane. Instead of using heavy makeup to 'disfigure' his face, they're relying on camera angles and Kane's facial expressions.


- A lot of people were quick to criticize WWE for running an RVD/HHH match at the house shows because it had nothing to do with RAW. Well, it appears WWE used the shows this weekend to practice the match for last night's RAW. The only difference was that Kane chokeslammed RVD at the end of those matches, and not Eric Bischoff like he did tonight. At least you can't say WWE isn't trying to keep interest alive in this Kane storyline.


Bruce Pritchard (Brother Love) will be returning to take the released Roddy Piper's place in the 'Piper's Pit' segments for the upcoming summer house shows. It isn't known whether his character will return to WWE programming full-time.


Thanks to reader Justin Schulman for the following.


I can't say for sure that it's legit, but someone has opened a wedding registry at Williams-Sonoma for Paul Levesque (Triple H) and Stephanie McMahon's Oct. 25 wedding. To view the registry for yourself, go to WeddingChannel.com.


There has been recent rumored talk of having Bill Goldberg head over to SmackDown! as a heel against Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle. With the rumors of Triple H taking on Foley instead of Goldberg at Summerslam, it was felt that a Goldberg/Jericho rematch would be pointless, so they'd have something to do by moving him to SmackDown!.


Now, however, it seems that the HHH vs. Goldberg match could be back on, keeping Goldberg on RAW. Since Foley is WWE's first choice, the ball is in his court for the match with HHH, however, some insiders feel he is downplaying the possibility of this, since he won't have ample time to get in shape. We'll see where this goes.

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Guest nikowwf

Hogan's a douchebag. Angle and Brock, two main eventers who can actually be in the PPV main events because they don't suck, acted as the faces in peril in a tag match so stupid fucking Mr. America can tag in , and he bitches they don't ad-lib and tag in him sooner.


Fuck him. I hope he starts his damn XWFL or whatever, goes bankrupt and Vince brings him back to job to Stephanie on house shows.



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Guest Anglesault
There has been recent rumored talk of having Bill Goldberg head over to SmackDown! as a heel against Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle.




Oh, and Shut up, Hogan.

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You know what...if this is true then fuck Hogan and good riddance to him. I actually kinda gained respect for him for not causing problems backstage anymore, but then he goes and pulls a dickhead move like this.


You want Smackdown to promote you and push you MORE than the WWE Champion, and the returning Kurt Angle........a 52 year old man who can barely walk anymore, who can't even get off the ground for a legdrop. Someone needs to help him realize that he's not the Immortal Hulk Hogan anymore. He's an old past superstar who can do NOTHING in the ring. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out you damn egomaniac.

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If any of that is true then Hogan can get the hell out. Never liked him during his run in the 80's and don't like him now.


As for Goldberg going to SD, what a terrible idea. If they are planning on building him up to be unstoppable again then they need to do that against jobbers, NOT Lesnar/Angle.

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As you saw on RAW, WWE is going for a more "technically-hideous" look with Kane. Instead of using heavy makeup to 'disfigure' his face, they're relying on camera angles and Kane's facial expressions.


So they expect Kane to spend a whole match making funny faces?? I bet in the middle of a hard fought match that he'd forget to make faces and blow the whole thing.

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Guest Trivia247

more like the camera will only zoom in during those said funny faces and just keep it a distant shot during matches.


hell when Taker first appeared they hardly ever zoomed on his face until he did that cockeyed stare while he was choking someone, that was before his eventual more stoic personna really developed, back during the brotha love days.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
You know what...if this is true then fuck Hogan and good riddance to him. I actually kinda gained respect for him for not causing problems backstage anymore, but then he goes and pulls a dickhead move like this.


You want Smackdown to promote you and push you MORE than the WWE Champion, and the returning Kurt Angle........a 52 year old man who can barely walk anymore, who can't even get off the ground for a legdrop. Someone needs to help him realize that he's not the Immortal Hulk Hogan anymore. He's an old past superstar who can do NOTHING in the ring. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out you damn egomaniac.

dude, I couldn't have said it better myself.

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Guest the 1inch punch

Nathan Jones????????


I mean, i know its Kane, but now he looks like the bastard child of KingKong Bundy and Nathan Jones

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Guest CanadianChris

So Bischoff isn't dead, then? I mean, we still haven't heard anything yet...I'm assuming no news is good news in that regard.

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Guest Miss Independant

Ya know, they're lucky Kane is just an honest to God ugly motherfucker. If he was handsome, then they'd actually have to put some effort into thinking up a somewhat logical story line. Gasp and perish the thought...


But really, it's sad things have sunk to a level that talent that is bailing ship or fired is simply yanked off the air with little to no explanation instead of there being a story line where someone is pushed and the audience is given some since of closure. It's like walking away from a conversation half started. V'ry frustrating.

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Guest JediLuke

If that's true about Hogan then good riddance!! I'm tired of this shit! They give him chance after chance and he always bitches about stupid shit. He wants to move to Raw because it's bigger than Smackdown?? Maybe if you didn't put on stupid storylines like Mr. America Smackdown would be bigger! He's a fucking moron. I really wanted to see him have a last match at Wrestlemania XX against Rock but not if he messes up Smackdown in the process. It's already being messed up enough by the McMahons. :(

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Guest Just call me Dan

Hogan needs to come back and do Austin/Hogan at Mania XX and call it a career.

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No way....not Rock again.....to be honest i dont even wanna see is ass again in a WWE, but if it's a must......just have Hogan vs. Austin at WMXX and have Hogan job and have his bags packed for him when he comes backstage after his match.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

I kinda feel bad for Glenn Jacobs.


WWE Creative Department: Christ, you're already ugly as hell, just make some weird faces and that should do it.


*Kane stares at shoes and slowly walks into the hall before breaking into a full run, tears flowing freely*

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
If any of that is true then Hogan can get the hell out. Never liked him during his run in the 80's and don't like him now.


As for Goldberg going to SD, what a terrible idea. If they are planning on building him up to be unstoppable again then they need to do that against jobbers, NOT Lesnar/Angle.

1. The difference being, in the 80's, Hogan drew enough to make it worth whatever bitching he did.


2. As long as Goldberg jobs to both Angle and Lesnar I don't care how bad the matches are at all.

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Guest Choken One

Problem Put Goldberg with Those two...We won't be seeing those guys around much longer...

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