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Guest MrRant

Futurama and Family Guy on TBS!

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Guest MrRant

I noticed while browsing stuff today I noticed that TBS has picked up Futurama and Family Guy and is airing it at 11 am & 11:30 am (PST) weekdays. What do you think this would mean for the two shows? Possibly go back into development?

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Guest DerangedHermit

I've heard increasing rumors of a Family Guy movie. With the very good ratings it's getting on Cartoon Network and the sales of the Season 1/2 DVD (which I have and shall treasure), there's a sizeable cult following to get something done.

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Guest El Satanico

On TBS? The hell...


What does this mean for Cartoon Network? Being on TBS kills any hope for new episodes being produced.

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Guest DerangedHermit
On TBS? The hell...


What does this mean for Cartoon Network? Being on TBS kills any hope for new episodes being produced.

No, it doesn't. TBS wants Family Guy/Futurama there so they can get better ratings (it worked for CN), so if the ratings are good enough, new eps may be made for Fox or TBS/CN.

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Guest MrRant

I was just about to say that but DH beat me too it. Easy way to boost ratings and better exposure for FG and Futurama.

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Guest redbaron51

is it everyday or will it be on just on once or twice a week?

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Guest MrRant

Looks to be same schedule more or less of CN. I think I saw Fridays for them both though as well.

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Guest JMA

I really hope they make new episodes of The Family Guy. The show has LIMITLESS potential.

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Guest Marshall

How does it have LIMITLESS potential? Towards it's end it got really bad. It's just a basic simpsons knock off so where does it have it's potential?

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Guest El Satanico

A show being animated and featuring a bumbling idiot as the father doesn't make it a Simpson's ripoff.


The Simpsons didn't invent bumbling idiots as fathers.

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Guest El Satanico

Until they are on a major channel the ratings aren't going to change much.


Fox or some other major channel is going to have to take a risk with the show period. Putting it on a channel like TBS isn't going to make the major channels any more confident than they are now.


The longer they wait...I fear the lesser our chance for new episodes becomes.

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Guest Flyboy
How does it have LIMITLESS potential? Towards it's end it got really bad. It's just a basic simpsons knock off so where does it have it's potential?

Family Guy is three times as funny as the Simpsons. The Simpsons are vastly overrated.

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Guest Vyce

Simpsons are overrated NOW, today. But that doesn't mean that the show isn't consistently funnier than most comedic television currently in production today.


Family Guy is a show I'd love to see come back with new episodes, but I think the best we can hope for is maybe a direct-to-DVD movie or special. I've heard (on this board, in fact) that the creator doesn't really feel like devoting himself to a huge FG commitment.

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Guest MaxPower27

Simpsons suck now, but that doesn't stop me from downloading their classic episodes on KLite. Marge v. The Monorail is daily viewing for me.


I may start setting a tape during the day. One for Futurama and Family Guy and one for Judge Joe Brown.....



As long as FG gets released again soon on DVD, I'm happy. One thing that irks me is waiting for my favorite episode to come on, and then when it does, I MISS IT. :firedevil:

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Guest MrRant
Simpsons suck now, but that doesn't stop me from downloading their classic episodes on KLite. Marge v. The Monorail is daily viewing for me.


I may start setting a tape during the day. One for Futurama and Family Guy and one for Judge Joe Brown.....



As long as FG gets released again soon on DVD, I'm happy. One thing that irks me is waiting for my favorite episode to come on, and then when it does, I MISS IT. :firedevil:

Tivo is your savior.

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Guest Vyce
Simpsons suck now, but that doesn't stop me from downloading their classic episodes on KLite. Marge v. The Monorail is daily viewing for me.

Fortunately, my local FOX affiliate has begun airing the early episodes - 1st & 2nd season eps! - after a good 2 or 3 years of showing NOTHING but the same two later-year seasons.

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Yeah,Simpsons have SUCKED recently. The old stuff is good though. BTW, I do kinda agree that Family Guy is just like the Simpsons. And its not any better than the older episodes of The Simpsons, those eps were just great.

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Guest mach7

a) The Family Guy is not a Simpsons ripoff. The only similarites are that it's animated and that they have an oaf of a father for the main character. The jokes and style of the show are quite different. Plus, Family Guy was a LOT more vulgar.


b) Speaking of vulgar, I'm surprised that TBS would pick up Family Guy. I be Standards and Practices is going to be all over it and have it edited to hell.

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Guest Youth N Asia
How does it have LIMITLESS potential? Towards it's end it got really bad. It's just a basic simpsons knock off so where does it have it's potential?

Family Guy is three times as funny as the Simpsons. The Simpsons are vastly overrated.

I'll agree with that to an extent. But near the end the episodes weren't as funny. Doesn't have the same longevity as the Simpsons.

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I doubt we'll see either show return with new epidsodes. Too bad cuz Futurama was a fun little show! The Family Guy was quite lame tough.

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How does it have LIMITLESS potential? Towards it's end it got really bad. It's just a basic simpsons knock off so where does it have it's potential?

Family Guy is three times as funny as the Simpsons. The Simpsons are vastly overrated.

I'll agree with that to an extent. But near the end the episodes weren't as funny. Doesn't have the same longevity as the Simpsons.

Simpsons haven't been exatly "hilarious" or even "consistantly good" for years.


And I was disappointed to see Family Guy & Futurama. Because of them Fresh Prince wasn't on. :angry:

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Guest El Satanico
And I was disappointed to see Family Guy & Futurama. Because of them Fresh Prince wasn't on. :angry:

And that's a bad thing?

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Guest bob_barron

Family Guy is one of the most overrated shows out there. Sure some of the episodes are a bit funny and Norm was on the show once-


But I never really got the hype about it. The Simpsons has always been superior to it imo and I guess I never got the appeal of Family Guy

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Futurama, IMO, is better than both FG and the Simpsons (now - simpsons season 3/4 are the best ever). FG doesn't age too well, but there are still some hilarious moments and eps. Futurama has the same style of Comedy as the Simpsons does now, but it's done MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER and it doesn't bastardize what many consider one of the greatest shows in TV history.


Family Guys, format wise, is a big rip off of the simpsons (intentionally).


Homer = Peter

Marge = Lois

Bart = Chris

Lisa = Meg

Maggie = Stewie

Carl = Cleveland

Lenny = Quagmire

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Guest Flyboy
Family Guy is one of the most overrated shows out there. Sure some of the episodes are a bit funny and Norm was on the show once-


But I never really got the hype about it. The Simpsons has always been superior to it imo and I guess I never got the appeal of Family Guy

Just like I never got the appeal of Newsradio. Different strokes, different folks. Acquired taste, that's all it is.

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Guest bob_barron

I know- Family Guy can be funny (and I enjoyed the episode tonight) but after you keep hearing: OMG BEST SHOW EVER and you get well Family Guy- it's a bit dissapointing

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Guest El Satanico
Family Guys, format wise, is a big rip off of the simpsons (intentionally).


Homer = Peter

Marge = Lois

Bart = Chris

Lisa = Meg

Maggie = Stewie

Carl = Cleveland

Lenny = Quagmire

I'm not sure how you meant that.


If you were trying to rip on FG with that, then you're grasping at straws to find a way to call it a Simpsons ripoff. However, If you were just repeating something the creator has said in an interview, then disregard that.



The only FG characters that resemble their Simpsons counterparts are Peter, Louis and Meg.

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Guest mach7
Homer = Peter

Marge = Lois

Bart = Chris

Lisa = Meg

Maggie = Stewie

Carl = Cleveland

Lenny = Quagmire

Riiiight, buddy, you just keep smoking that crack, okay?

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