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Guest wrestlingbs

The Hi-Lite Reel w/ HBK...

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Guest wrestlingbs

This may have already been said in the Raw thread, I don't know. But I just want to mention this: It seemed like, and maybe I'm just over-reacting, during the hi-lite reel the WWE was trying to get the point across to the some WWE fans that they should get over the SS'97 screwjob. Now keep in mind HBK was ranting on and on on how this was a Montreal thing, despite the fact that the WWE still gets heat from it in America too. Now I want to say this...


Doesn't it seem a tad hypocritical for a company that has reaired, redone, complained, made fun of, and mentioned every chance they have gotten about Bret Hart getting screwed to say to it's fans that they need to get over it? The WWE blamed Hart for the fall of WCW, for heaven sakes! Let's not forget that Vince has even encouraged the "You Screwed Bret" chants before.


It was an interesting segment. Jericho played the obnoxious heel he does so well and HBK did his job well too. But the subtext to the whole thing is disturbing. Vince spends around 20 minutes of airtime devoted to a grudge he has with some fans? If he wants to turn this ship around he'd better start focusing on entertaining people rather than insulting them.

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The problem with the segment itself was they spent 10 minutes going one direction and then changed up and went in a totally different direction.


If they were trying to keep HBK as a face why bring up the screw job at all? He got some pops in Canada before they brought it up again.

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Guest HartFan86

I was ranting about some stuff in the Nash thread and I ended up posting this in it...but I decided to put it in here because it relates to it more:


And one more thing...it's not on this topic, but I really don't feel like making a new thread....but for some reason I've got a really, really bad taste in my mouth after tonight's Raw. I know I'm just stating what everyone's already said....but it seems like they had so much potential in the Jericho/HBK thing and they just blew it and the whole show was effected by it. Maybe it's because I'm still a Bret Hart fan and it means more to me, but Raw just fucking sucks.


I think I need to take a break from it...I can honestly take so much of it...I watched mostly every episode in the Fall-Winter-Spring of 2002 and you just get that empty feeling after the show is over.


It's sad when you think about it....HBK tells the Canadian fans they can't get over something 6 years ago....yet the WWE can't get over the fact it's not 1998 (look at a main event from July 98 on Raw....and look at tonight's "main event").


Ugh. That felt good to get out...even it was in the wrong place.

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Guest acnx
The problem with the segment itself was they spent 10 minutes going one direction and then changed up and went in a totally different direction.


If they were trying to keep HBK as a face why bring up the screw job at all? He got some pops in Canada before they brought it up again.

That's how I feel as well. The segment swerved from "Fuck HBK, We Love Jericho, and Bret = GOD", to "Huh?" It seemed to just confuse everyone when they started with the "Hollywood!" shit. They had tons of potential with that segment, then they blew it all to shit.

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Guest HartFan86

The Undertaker defeated Mankind and Kane in a Handicap Match, July 6, 1998, Main Event on Raw. Now....if I'm not mistakened, I believe Austin had something to do with the finish to that match....so my point is proven.


I guess the WWE believes time never changes...a year is just a meaningless number.


Too bad life really wasn't like that.

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Guest BobbyWhioux

HBK going off on the people of Montreal needing to stop living in 1997 and forget about the screwjob...


...Fine. Just don't bring up Jesus anymore, buddy. I mean, hey, as long as we're talking about long-past screwjobs people need to get over and let go of...



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Guest The ChriZa

Once again the WWE has taken a segment that had all the potential in the world to be hot, innovative, and a little daring, and turned it into something resembling crap. Even my barely-fan girlfriend remarked, "That was pretty lame." See Vince? Even the people who only watch about once every 2 months are on to you now.

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Guest The ChriZa
HBK going off on the people of Montreal needing to stop living in 1997 and forget about the screwjob...


...Fine. Just don't bring up Jesus anymore, buddy. I mean, hey, as long as we're talking about long-past screwjobs people need to get over and let go of...



They need to do a show in the Bible Belt, where Shawn can lead the fans in a "You Screwed Jesus" chant against Goldberg.


Or would that be in bad taste?

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Guest HartFan86
Even my barely-fan girlfriend remarked, "That was pretty lame." See Vince? Even the people who only watch about once every 2 months are on to you now.

Yeah, my friend who is a mark IMed me saying "That was pretty pathetic" when talking about the end to the Jericho/HBK segment.


So it's not just her.

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Guest Trivia247
HBK going off on the people of Montreal needing to stop living in 1997 and forget about the screwjob...


...Fine.  Just don't bring up Jesus anymore, buddy.  I mean, hey, as long as we're talking about long-past screwjobs people need to get over and let go of...



They need to do a show in the Bible Belt, where Shawn can lead the fans in a "You Screwed Jesus" chant against Goldberg.


Or would that be in bad taste?

that would also apply to FBI since they are the ones whom represent the Romans LOL in a round about way.

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Guest BobbyWhioux
That was funnier when Bill Hicks said it.

* crap, he's on to me! Must... Cover... My... Ass... *


Yeah, I was too verbose. And not particularly original.


Still, that line of his was the first thing that popped into mind when I heard HBK babble about people needing to "let it go."

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Guest The ChriZa
HBK going off on the people of Montreal needing to stop living in 1997 and forget about the screwjob...


...Fine.  Just don't bring up Jesus anymore, buddy.  I mean, hey, as long as we're talking about long-past screwjobs people need to get over and let go of...



They need to do a show in the Bible Belt, where Shawn can lead the fans in a "You Screwed Jesus" chant against Goldberg.


Or would that be in bad taste?

that would also apply to FBI since they are the ones whom represent the Romans LOL in a round about way.

It would be a bad night for Toga Party #2.


Though if memory serves, last time was a pretty bad night as well.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

The problem was that WWE points the finger at Montreal for not forgetting...


and then we hear about it from the WWE every time they're in Montreal.


The hypocritcal part is that they booked a segment ALL ABOUT 1997...and then pretended they were over it.

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Guest The ChriZa

The sad thing is, in the U.S., HBK will probably end up coming out a bigger face than before because of this. For being a prick. And then being a prick about BEING a prick.

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Guest JMA

Well, everything has already been said. I agree that the segment was total crap. Has Shawn really apologized to Bret?

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway
They need to do a show in the Bible Belt, where Shawn can lead the fans in a "You Screwed Jesus" chant against Goldberg.

THAT would be great.


Oh, and the HBK in Montreal segment was the first time in quite a while I was looking forward to something on WWE TV, and it's a shame they did what they did with it...

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I am pretty sure he has appoligized but it was prob. half assed and he didnt mean it at all. Second, WWE fucks up just about everything, this is no different,which sucks......And EVERYONE knows it sucks.Third,I really don't care what happens to Shawn Michaels anymore. In my own oppinion, Michaels sucks just as much as the WWE...or shall I say Vince McMahon in general. HBK reminds me of HHH ALL THE TIME......They are one in the same to me, and they together, are not a good thing at all.I can see HBK staying and being involved in WWE untill he dies just because they are paying him. We all know he has enough money right now to retire. Ya know, I think wrestling as a whole would imporve if the whole Klique was fired.Soon.......Please.......

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Guest Nater

I'd say its really tricky to get what they got.


In Canada, Jericho is definately gonna get face over HBK. It's something HBK had to get to at some point, without missing another Raw there.


For the majority they had HBK egging the crowd and Jericho being the proxy fan. To make some sense (yes WWE does this from time to time) they figured they were gonna have Jericho get booed again.. what better way than to not put it all out for Bret and betray the man he was making the entire deal out of. Fans see this -> fans get upset -> Jericho can duck out with jeering intact. HBK comes out looking tough.. its the WWE way.

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Guest Razor Roman

Why not just let Jericho be a face in Montreal. He can do heelish things to Shawn that we might not like in the States, and JR can comment on the Sick Sadistic Crown out for Blood or something.


What they got was stupid. Obviously the WWE doesn't care if we are over Monteral or not, and it doesn't matter that they keep harping on it. They use it to get heat, that's all. It's not hypocrital or anything else. It's just the way wrestling works.

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Guest croweater

I'm A HUGE Bret Hart and Jericho fan, as well as a bit of a Shawn hater and I was getting MASSIVELY into the segment. The crowd was going INSANE and it could have been one of the greatest RAW moments ever...........


But the WWE fucked it up massively just to stroke their own ego.


Fuck them

Fuck them really really hard.

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Who writes this shit on RAW? They should fuckin be shot


They could have had the perfect double turn there, or even a good heated segment. The bottom line is that if the segment would have never taken place then everything would be the same anyway, meaning that it was pointless and did absolutely nothing.

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Guest JMA

I hate when the WWE tries to tell me how to think. The Steiner/Nowinski "debate" was bad enough, and now this.

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Guest wildpegasus

Personally, I can't even begin to understand what the WWE was trying to do here. At first on the show Ross was playing face commentator for Bret which I found a little strange and Lawler was playing heel commentator for Bret. Michaels comes out to the highlight reel and plays heel while Jericho interviewing him plays face.So my questions are these:


1)If the WWE truly wants people to forget why would they be bringing the Montreal segment up big time in their show? Why would Ross defend Hart making Hart the face when I believe Ross himself has said it's time to move on?


2)Was it all just a segment to get heel heat on Jericho? If so, why did Michaels turn heel midway through the segment? Just so Jericho's heel turn in Canada would be all the more surprising? I think Michaels might have turned face at the end of the highlight reel if I remember right so perhaps the only point was for Michaels to be "honest" and "educate" the WWE fans that it's time to get over the 1997 screwjob even if it temporary meant Michaels appearing to be a heel. Whatever this segment was susposed to do it came off as tremendously lame, stupid and anticlimatic all at the same time.


The WWE could have had a match here between Michaels and Jericho that would've had heat on the level of Hogan vs Rock. Instead they schedule the match for 2 weeks later in Hollywood where I imagine it won't get 1/10th of a reaction. If the WWE planned on actually having Jericho vs Michaels not on PPV and on a Raw instead than they should have been hyping up this match like mad for the last few weeks. It makes absolutely no sense to do it in Hollywood and not in Montreal unless they were worried about fans storming the ring or something if Michaels won the match.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Yes, that Hollywood thing really killed the segment.

I was pretty much into it. Untill Jericho turned on the crowd. Like LooseCannon said, it was pointless.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

The "Hollywood" ending to that segment really deflated what was a surreal hi-lite reel but my problem is with the stupid remarks by Lawler and JR.


Why are the Canadian heels considered to be sucking up to the crowd when they’re in Canada but when JR sucks up to Oklahoma it’s ok?

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Guest Shanghai Kid

It sounds like this message board is in Canada. Let's be objective, most of you are either pro-Bret or anti-Shawn. The truth is, I think Shawn and Jericho were pretty much given the free rights to go out there and shoot the interview up until the end. What HBK was saying was his real thoughts, not some script. He was saying that "people need to get over it", and he's right. People need to stop living in the past. Everyone here was like "FUCK YOU SHAWN"! when he said that. But it's a good point, get on in your life. They definetly don't care as much in the US as they do in Canada. If it's that big of a deal, than you should be putting shame on Bret Hart if he ever appears on WWE TV after the monstrocity that was upheld on him.


The ending was dumb, but what did you expect? The reaction in Canada would have NO effect on the crowd reaction in the US. Why turn HBK heel when he's just going to be cheered back in the US? The purpose, indeed, was that the WWE wants everybody to move on, they wanted to address it because thier sick of going to Montreal and having their face, HBK, getting boo'ed. They think this might of buried the hatchet, but it won't, because next time it will be just another crowd who can't let it go.



Fucked up ending, yes, but let's not miss the bigger picture.

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Yeah, he apologized for doing what he had to do. Just like he apologized last night for Canadians not being able to get on what their lives.


What I wanna know is what the hell is the point of the match now? The whole point before was he wanted to get revenge for Canada. But at the end, he doesn't give a shit about Canada. Even if that somehow made sense, the turn would still be retarded because it made them both heels. Instead of cheers when Chris goes to Canada now, they'll have the crowd not knowing how to react and just be confused and bored. Good job.


If they only wanted to hype the match up, Shawn could have backed out which would make sense because he apparently doesn't think much of Montreal anyway.

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Guest Polish_Rifle

With Nash losing clean to Test last night, I wouldn't be surprised if HBK loses clean to Jericho at Staples.

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