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Guest Choken One

Summer Slam Card

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Guest Choken One

Summer Slam 2003



WWE Title Match

Brock Lesnar © Vs Kurt Angle


*Simple to build. Lesnar goes over at Vengence by pinning TBS...but only because Angle hit the top rope AngleSlam and his head landed on a chair (the one used to knock Lesnar out by TBS) and Lesnar rolled over for the 3 count.


Angle simply requests a title match that he feels he rightfully deserves a shot at one on one...Lesnar agrees but doesn't straight out give him the shot...feeling paranoid knowing that he didn't really beat TBS at Vengence...Kurt Did. Lesnar says "I'll think about it kurt"...This Stuns Kurt. Meanwhile...Stephanie books an Angle/Lesnar Vs The Greatest Tag Team Ever for a WWE Title Match the next week.


Lesnar finally gives in and grants Angle the shot but sneaks in "But you only get one chance all right man?" and Angle...agrees to.


Mega Powers 2 and TGTTE have an HUGE main event that goes 15 minutes...Angle plays FIP and goes for the tag and gets it...Lesnar cleans TGTTE's clock and Goes for the F5 on Haas but Benjamin swings at Lesnar with a chair...Lesnar ducks...Benjamin turns and Lesnar steals the Chair and swings away and NAILS Kurt square on the head and Angle falls like a sack of Potatos and Haas rolls Lesnar for the win (holds Tights)...TGTTE run away as Lesnar stands over Angle...whom is in severe pain...


The next week they show the On-Air angle but show a angle that suggest that Lesnar PURPOSELY clocked Angle...Lesnar vehomently denies he purposely attacked his friend. Angle forgives him as he wears a brace. Lesnar tries to convince Angle to NOT wrestle...not because he is afraid or anything but "for your safety, Kurt and I'll give you a shot when your healthy again"...Angle goes "Hell...I already wrestled with a FREAKING broken neck...I'll do it again Lesnar"...


Lesnar is Booked against The Big Show once again as Angle does Color...It's an simple Squash for Lesnar as TGTTE try to interfer but Angle chases them away...Lesnar hits F5 and wins...Angle grabs the WWE Title and looks at it as Lesnar stands on the other side with his hands on his hips...confused...Tazz speculates that Angle JUST might ambush Lesnar as an equalizer from last week...But Angle grins and hands it over to Lesnar and raises his arm in Victory...Lesnar has a look of scorn on his face...


The Next Week...Tazz conducts an "Live" Interview with Lesnar and Angle...


Angle sits on Tazz's Right and Lesnar on Tazz's Left...The WWE title is laying (buckled) on the table in between them...


Angle gives a little background on his Amatuer History...As does Lesnar...


Angle talks about going into WM preparing for Lesnar...Lesnar talks about the importance and the amazing ride to the Main event in such sort ammount of time...calling it something that rarely ever happens...


Angle recollects the Neck Injury and Brock smiles when angle goes "and when Brock broke my freaking neck...i was scared my career was over"...Angle catches this and calls him out on it "What the hell does that mean Lesnar?" Lesnar: What?


Angle stands up as Tazz puts his hands on Angle's chest..Lesnar stays sitted...Chewing his gum as Angle grows a Smirk on his face...Angle chuckles "This interview is finished Tazz..." and walks by Lesnar and Pauses and turns back and walks away for good... Lesnar stands up and chuckles "A little touchy isn't he"


Tazz: I can't blame the guy...Neck Injuries are rough..I've been there..." and lesnar picks up and the title and grins and calmly shouts "This...Is what it's ALL about" and we cut away...


This takes us to Summer Slam...They have Beautiful video for this showing Angle's Clocks leading us to the events of the last month...


Lesnar/Angle goes 25-35 minutes...Each trying everything in their game...Lesnar clearly punishes the neck with Suplexes and Neck breakers...Angle fights out of it all...going all over Lesnar as he has no weakness (well other then the ribs but that will be skipped over for the sake of my build up)...Lesnar hits the F5 for the 3rd time and aims for the ropes...Buzzing the crowd again for SSP...Angle rolls over slightly...As Lesnar's entire body is sore and he struggles to climb...Angle manages to pull down the ropes...He moves over to lesnar and hits a STUNNING top rope Angle Slam (the same move he SHOULD have won the title with last month)...


Angle goes for the 3 but Lesnar catches the ropes at 2.99999999...JUST KILLING the crowd with the intense drama...Angle is slightly Bloody but nothing on the HHH levels...They each lay for the double knockout spot as Lesnar BARELY pulls up at 9.9999. Lesnar goes for the F5 but Angle cradles him but it's not enough...It's now at 35 minutes...as Paul Heyman appears almost out of NOWHERE and this buzzes the crowd to it's highest peak...Tazz rants "Angle's Manager has returned!" But Heyman still sporting the Yankee hat simply stands on the aisle watching as Angle works on Lesnar's knees with a Single Crab...


Lesnar pulls to the ropes...Angle whips Lesnar to the ropes but Lesnar reverses it as Heyman suddenly CLOCKS Angle with the belt...Heyman is enraged as Angle stumbles into an F5 and Lesnar takes the final Thre Count.


Heyman is standing in the ring as he bites his lips and trembles...Lesnar grabs the title...and drapes it over his shoulders and walks over to Heyman and pulls him by the Ponytail and turns him around and stands back and BOOM! Hugs Heyman as the crowd ON CUE chant "Bullshit" "Asshole" whatever you want...Lesnar bends over to Angle...and soaks up some blood and smears it onto his chest as Heyman raises Lesnar's Hand in victory.




World Title Match

Triple H © Vs Goldberg


HHH and his Cronies all come out and pretty much stroke themselves once again for no real porpouse...Austin can't take anymore and Confronts HHH.


Austin: You Know, Hunter you are the game but i'm getting really tired of hearing your crap...You and the rest of the world knows you needed YOUR buddies to beat Kane and RVD...Sure you can beat little rookies like Maven by yourself...but the second it's someone who can kick your ass...You gather up your pals and hide.


HHH: Please Austin...Don't Fool yourself...You know that I can beat anyone on my own...Hell...I beat YOUR ass twice in one night and I didn't need These guys...I'm just making it a little bit easier for myself...because the GAME doesn't have TIME to play around with those people...they are NOT on my level whatsoever.


Austin: That's all well and good Hunter...but I've seen a lot of guys who can talk (Points at Orton) but very very few who walked it (points to flair)...


HHH: Bull-Shit Austin...You know that there is not ONE person in that back that can play THE GAME...


:::Death March Plays:::


Fans erupt (just because it means HHH has shut up)


Goldberg does his retard without his medicine dance...


Goldberg enters the ring as HHH quietly slips behind Orton and Flair...


Austin shakes Goldberg's Hand and Walks away...


Goldberg takes the stick and makes it short and sweet


"No One is at YOUR level? That's what you said right? I beg to differ Hunter...Everyone here in this building knows...You've been ducking me for years...Knowing that you can't beat Me Hunter...Go ahead...Hide behind those two...It doesn't make a difference...I'll kick all three of your asses"


Randy Orton is shoved into Goldberg...and he tries to talk "Look, Goldberg...Let's talk this out..." Goldberg kicks Orton and Jackhammers him as HHH and Flair skeedaddle...


The Next week- Hunter isn't at the arena because of Family Problems but is able to appear via Statelite from Hartford. He cuts an Dry and generic version that he is the game and he will kick Goldberg's ass...then a Noise is heard in the background...


Goldberg crashes the set...revealing that HHH wasn't in Hartford but was hiding in the Arena...Goldberg chases after Hunter but Goldberg walks into a SICK chairshot from Orton knocking him out cold as Evolution run away in the limo...


Next week

Goldberg is still recovering from the attacks and will not make the show...


HHH brags and Boasts about laying out the Mighty Goldberg...


Austin interupts the Jerk Session and makes an MAJOR announcement...


"Summer Slam. The Game Triple H Vs...GOLDBERG"


Triple H rants and stomps as Austin laughs away...


The Next week...


Triple H and Evolution enter Austin and Bischoff's Office and HHH protests again...Austin stays to hold on...that he got even MORE announcments to make...They leave (Evolution) and Bisch DEMANDS to know what the announcment is...Austin whispers in eric's ears and Walks away as ERIC takes a bug eye shot...


Austin comes out and announces that if ANYONE and he means ANYONE interupts the interview...they will be Suspended for 30 days without pay...and will be stripped of the title should they posses one and about 3 seconds later Austin corrects himself

"Strike that...If ANYONE comes out...THEY WILL BE FIRED"...(Knowing HHH would be willing to be suspended for 30 days)...


Austin commences to make his Announcment...


He announces That Summerslam WORLD title Match will not be any normal TITLE match but a special one...


He has 3 announcements

1). There will be NO Disqualifications and No Count-outs

2). Evolution and the rest of the WWE roster is BARRED from ringside...

3). There will be a Special ENFORCER...HIMSELF.


The Next Week...


Evolution storms the Office of Austin and sees him sitting there...Chair to the back...only showing his head...


HHH pulls the chair back as GOLDBERG emerges from the chair and goes Batshit on Evolution...Throwing Orton onto the table and knocking Flair down and Ramming HHH into the wall...busting him open...Goldberg walks away quietly... back from commerical


Austin and Bischoff walk into the office as Eric Screams in horror...Austin slightly smirks...


Eric: What kind of an Enforcer are you? Can't you see what just happened here?

Austin: Now...I don't now why these guys are in a pool of blood but what does that have to do with my ability to be an Enforcer?

ERC: HELLO! Goldberg just killed these guys...Jesus...Look at the bloodshed! I'm gonna be sick...

Austin: THAT'S NOTHING...Stop being a little baby...I'm getting a beer...Make sure you get someone to clean this mess up...This is fine carpet...can't have blood ruining it... (steps over Orton's prone body)


Week before Summer Slam (I might have skipped some weeks but I don't care...Booking these two is HELL)...


Austin enforces ZERO TOLERANCE on for HHH and Evolution as well as Goldberg...


Nothing Happens except Goldberg and HHH stare-down in the middle of the ring to close the show out...


Now for the Match itself...


With the No DQ...No Countout stip that allows things to be an little looser as HHH has an easier time carrying Goldberg around then he did with Nash...


This goes about 14 minutes as HHH starts complete Domination...HHH dodges a Spear and it KILLS Hebner good. HHH brings out his Phallic weapon of doom...Austin protests at first but remembers the rules..HHH strikes but Goldberg catches it and steals it..but Austin yanks it out of Goldberg's hands and throws it away and HHH blindsides Goldberg with a fore-arm. Goldberg is whipped to the ropes but counters it and sends HHH to the ropes and hits him with a Side Kick (as an little FUCK YOU to the smarks)...


Goldberg goes for the Jackhammer but HHH is smart and channels WMX7 and grabs the Sledgehammer as he is lifted and he nails Goldberg in the knees...causing him to collapse...HHH pulls up and Hits the Pedigree and covers...Austin hesitates but pins...1....2...And Delayed 3 count for the win...


HHH soaks in Victory as Austin is digusted...


Goldberg and WWE respectfully part ways the next morning.



Randy Orton Vs Mick Foley...


-About Three Weeks before SummerSlam...Orton is cutting the usual Promo as a SHOCKER occurs as Mick Foley returns un-hyped.


Foley doesn't even say a word and goes RIGHT to town on Orton...beating the snot outta him....Fans are RABID. Foley fights off Flair as well (HHH starts to distance away from these guys...fearing goldberg)...Foley leaves off with a quickie "Cheap Pop" and walks away...


Next Week...Foley comes out and thanks the fans for supporting Mick on his book tour and that he is glad to announce that Austin granted him ONE MORE FINAL match at Summer Slam to teach that son of a bitch a lesson...


Foley leaves unscathed as King and Ross speculate how come Orton didn't come out to retaliate tonight?


Foley says good bye to Al Snow and Dreamer as he leaves the building and heads to his car (Singing Jingle Bells) and WHAMMO! Orton and Flair do an HORSEMAN STYLE beat down on Foley and it's a sick one at that...Blood all over the place...


Orton and Flair the next week brag about putting Mick Foley out for good...


Foley appears on the titantron bangaged and cuts a little "I'm too old for this stuff" promo and says "Yes, Your right Randy...You did put away Mick Foley for good...but you forgot about somebody..."




And Cactus Jack storms out and charages the ring and Orton and Flair run like hell...


(OK...I'm ripping off 2000 here...sue me)...


The match goes on and it's an normal brawl...Foley turns it on and takes some nasty bumps...Foley is busted and Orton isn't (this is CRUCIAL to the selling of the match)...Orton takes offense and seems to have killed Jack and all the characters for once and for all...Foley kicks out of the RKO to an HUGE pop...Foley goes for the Double Arm DDT on the Chair but Orton counters into a RKO on the chair...and gets the three count...


Retirement Match

Chris Jericho Vs Shawn Micheals


-In HOLLY-WOOD Jericho and Shawn get 20 minutes (a HUGE deal for Raw Main event)...Where it's pretty much directly from Mania but not completely...adding it's own flavor...And then...Jericho locks Shawn in the Walls and he locks him TIGHT...and shawn finally passes out.


Jericho does a couple Hi-Lite reels for the next two weeks always showing the footage again and again and again...


Jericho hosts Hi-Lite reel with Special Guest Lillian Garcia (comedy skit)...Shawn comes out and attacks Jericho forcing him to run away...


Shawn grabs the stick...and puts it on the table...


"After The match with Jericho a few weeks ago..which I lost because my body couldn't withstand the pressure of the Walls...The same exact body that withstood the Sharpshooter for a full minute at WM12 fighting for a dream...and this time...It just died on me..Last summer, I doubted if my batteries were even charged enough to make it through ONE more match but I surprised even myself...when I realized...That...The Heartbreak Kid wasn't done YET!...


I didn't think back in 1998 as I recovered from my "CAREER" ending injury that I would steal the show ONCE more at Wrestlemania 5 years later...But I also never thought this body...which went through so much pain and agony over the years would just give up like that...But I started to wonder when Steve Austin called me the other day and asked If I was even going to bother coming to the show tonight and with the longest pause I've ever gave...It dawned upon me like a light...This heartbreaker has ONE more fight in him...and I'm going to give Chris Jericho the FIGHT of his life at Summer Slam".


Jericho arrives for HI-LITE reel next week


"So...Did I just hear HBK say he wants to fight me AGAIN at Summer Slam? That's great but why not make it a little more "FUN" since Beating you for the sake of beating you doesn't do me much good now DOES it? So, Shawn bring your old washed up ass out here right now..."


Shawn comes out...


Jericho continues


"Took a while didn't it Shawn? I knew you were getting old but I thought you could AT LEAST walk to the ring...and you want to fight me again? Fine...I'll do a match with you again...I have nothing else more exciting to do...So why Not..but however...Just to make it appealing for my own amusement...Why don't you give me an little INCINTIVE to even give a DAMN about this match? You don't have anything I need...No title...No Money...Your wife doesn't cut it for me...but there is one thing I would LOVE to do...to take away from you...something that you can't have back...Your Career. How about it shawn? If your so damn confident in your ability to put on ONE more great show...Put your career on the line. Do you have the balls to do that shawn? I can understand if you don't..."


Shawn retailiates


"I'll Do it."


Jericho's Comeback "That's it? No Grand speech...No Self-Serving crap? This TRULY must be the end of the road for your carrer then Shawn..."


Shawn walks around and BOOM! Sweet Chin Music.


"You see Jericho...This won't be a Match at Summer Slam...It's going to be a War. I'm putting it ALL on the line...I suggest you do the same as well..."


Two more weeks with Hype...


Summer Slam Time...


25 Minutes into it...great match....Jericho is bloody Shawn goes for SCM but Jericho blocks it and drops into the Walls...Ross sells it like death and calls it a career for Shawn...But shawn is hanging out...he holds it for a good 2 minutes...Jericho is confused as Shawn drains his soul to withold the agony...


Shawn FINALLY breaks the hold but is so exhusted he can't stand up...Jericho slaps Shawn around and shawn summons the crowd's help and he revives himself by blocking and throwing some punches and Sends Jericho to the corner...He charges but Jericho drops and Shawn crashes. Jericho waits for it...BOOM! Sweet CHIN music! Shawn gets covered...One...Two...THREE!


Jericho retires Shawn!


I Quit Match

Chris Benoit Vs Rhyno


-During the United States Title Finals...Rhyno accidently costs Benoit the match...


Benoit confronts Rhyno about this backstage and they make up and have a WWE Tag Title Match against TGTTE...15 minutes...and Rhyno makes like Sid and walks away from Benoit.


They do a "I Hate you" fued. Simple as that...They try to maim each other as much as Possible...


Summer Slam Arrives...


They get 15 minutes and they work it good...Benoit finally gets it done with a Cross-Face for the win...


I.C Title Match

Cage Match

Kane Vs Rob Van Dam


Kane continues to terrorize the WWE roster for two weeks...When RVD breaks into Kane's Boiler Room hideaway and just tears him verbally and Kane is stunned by RVD's brutal statements...


RVD insists He and Kane are still cool...that He understands Kane is pissed and scared... Kane rebunks that notion by Throwing RVD around like a Rag Doll...


Austin and Bischoff suspend Kane for three weeks as punishment and time to cool his head...which causes Bischoff to get attacked again as he leaves...


Kane returns and Austin expects Kane to be chilled and relaxed...He invites Kane into the Office...Kane hasn't really changed that much...


Kane only wants ONE thing and that is Rob Van Dam...He wants to show Rob the pain that he went through in life...Austin...whom is a stickler for bloodshed agrees and says "Name your match" Kane says it clear and simple...




RVD is hesitant to do the match but decides "You know what dude? Screw it...I'm sick and tired of Kane going around beating people up because he has an Inferoity complex...I'll do the match...Cage or whatever he wants...It's time to knock a little sense in his head"...


Summer Slam Time


They go 10 minutes with RVD bumping like crazy...It's escape rules only...


The match ends as both men scale the cage at the same time but ends when Kane Chokeslams RVD to the Canvas for the HOLY SHIT reaction and scales down the cage for the win...


United States Title Match

Eddy Guerrero © Vs John Cena...


Two weeks after Gunn wins the title at Vengence...Eddy cheats to win the title...


Cena mentions that Billy Gunn screwed him in the tournament and he is the defacto #1 Challenger...Cena has pretty much turned face by now but not offically.


Cena cuts some Raps on Eddy...Eddy attacks...This happens for a couple weeks...


Summer Slam Time...


Eddy carries Cena like a fucking wagon...Cena has the match *won* but Eddy naturally cheats to get the win...



WWE Tag Team Title Match

The Greatest Tag Team Ever © Vs APA


-Simple Program. APA demand a title shot as being former champions deserve that right...TGTTE takes offense for this and that is the match made for Slam...


Summer Slam comes...


Nothing Special as these two DON'T blend well cept for the Haas/Simmons parts...Match is short as APA are another team added to TGTTE's list...


World Tag Title Match

Le Resistance © Vs Dudley Boyz


-Simple enough Fued. Dudz are the AMERICAN boys and they fight to get the title back...Nothing special here...just filler...


Summer Slam Comes around...


Dudleyz CLEARLY had the match won but Le Resistance do DASTARDLY heel shit to prolong the fued for no reason other then the drought of formible tag teams...


I.C Title Match

Booker T © Vs Goldust


As Booker T proclaims and promises to be a FIGHTING champion...He does so...Beating X in a rematch...beating Storm...beating Nowinski...beating Test...Beating Mack...


Goldust returns to the scene as He and Booker are buddying up after Booker beats Mack...Goldust goes


"I can't believe how you've beaten EVERYONE so far...Amazing...So hey maybe you can give me a shot? eh? That'd be a good one right?"


Booker chuckles "Heh...That's funny one man"


Goldust: What's that mean Booker? I don't deserve a shot?


Booker: What? No way...I mean We're home-boys...I can't fight you and you know that...c'mon sucka what you clowning for like that for?


Goldust: Yeah...I must be losing my mind again right?


Booker: Think it left a LONG time ago...


The next week Booker and Goldust are paried in a Tag Match against Storm and X when Goldust suddenly TURNS on Booker with a Chair Shot...


Goldust: How about now Booker? U still don't think i deserve a shot? *Hits him again*


Next Week...Booker feels betrayed by his best friend all because of Jealously and he WILL give Goldust a shot and show him what a HUGE Mistake he made...


Summer Slam Time...


They have an nice Hot match that Leads to Booker getting the win and Booker offers a Hug but Goldust walks away...


Cruiserweight Title Match


Rey Mysterio © Vs Billy Kidman


During the Vengence Tag Title Match...They have an miscommunication spot and that leads to them losing the match...


Billy Blames Mysterio for it and attacks Mysterio the next week and goes "Screw the Tag Titles...I want THAT belt"


The match focus around Kidman injuring Rey's groin again...


Summer Slam Time...


They go 12 minutes with Kidman getting the win after Mysterio can't take the injury any more and falls to the SSP (or whatever his new finisher is)



Woman's Title Match

Gail Kim © Vs Jazz


-Jazz returns and calls unfairness on Kim and gets a title shot with All diva's barred from ringside...


The odds are against Kim to win because of her Inexperience...


Match comes around


Kim pulls the upset ONCE again!


and there is your Summer Slam Card Extravagantga



*Sure this might be better for F.B but no one goes there...We have WMXX fb thread here...Same deal here...just an little more detailed is all...

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Sounds fine except for Kane beating RVD and Jericho retiring Shawn. Why is it a retirement match? They haven't brought up his back in a long time, and he seems to be just as healthy as he used to be. Plus he's only a few more years older than Jericho!


You left out Mattitude. :(


If Eddy wins the title, he has to fight Tajiri at SS.

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Guest MideonMark

Foleys been on a book tour in the UK and hes been saying he wont be wrestling again until WM XX, cause wrestling at SS wont allow him enough time to get back in shape. So anyway here would be my card-


1. WWE Title-Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar©-Lesnar beats Angle and turns heel thanks to Heymans help. I like Chokens build to the match so Ill just steal that.


2. 'I Quit' Rhyno vs Chris Benoit-Benoit wins via Crossface, Rhyno is the heel, then joins with Lesnar soon after, leading to a Lesnar/Rhyno vs Benoit/Angle feud.


3. CW Title-Kidman vs Ultimo Dragon vs Rey Mysterio©-Mysterio gets the win, Ultimo/Rey then have a face vs face match at No Mercy.


4. US Title-Eddy Guerrero© vs John Cena vs Matt Hardy vs The Undertaker-Eddy(hopefully) faces Benoit in the US Title finals, beating him with Rhynos help, Cena turns face after beating Taker, and Taker shows him respect after the match. Matt and Taker are in this match, cause I wanted Matt in there somewhere, and no doubt Taker will have to have a place on the card somewhere. Anyway Eddy wins, leading to Cena vs Eddy.


5. Tag Titles-APA(or someone like Spanky/Tajiri, to actually make it a good match) vs Haas/Benjamin©-H/B win here


6. World Title-Goldberg vs Triple H©-Again I like Chokens build so Ill steal that, except Id have Goldberg take the belt, hold it for a couple of months, before Lesnar beats him to unify the belts at Survivor Series. Goldberg then crawls back under what ever rock he came from.


7. Kane vs Rob Van Dam-Kane goes apeshit, Chokeslamming the ref and RVD through announce table, leading to DQ win for RVD. They then have the cage match at Unforgiven, which RVD wins, after Frog Splash from the top.


8. Street Fight-Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho-Jericho beats Michaels on Raw through nefarious means, resulting in Shawn requesting a Street Fight at SS to settle the feud. Jericho beats him, injuring his back in the process, sending him out for a few months. Michaels returns and has one last run leading to his retirement match at WM.


9. IC Title-Randy Orton vs Booker T©-Booker picks up the win, cause I hate Orton, even though if this match was booked, Orton would probably win.


10. Tag Titles-Dudleys vs La Resistance©-I fucking hate La Resistance(and not in a 'theyre great heels type of hate', so Dudleys win, La Resistance go down to OVW forever.

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Usually, a PPV has about 8 matches and the way things are looking, this is what I expect this year's card to be. Hopefully, I'll be at SummerSlam live this year.


Goldberg Vs. HHH - WHT


Lesnar Vs. Angle - WWE Championship


Booker T Vs. Christian - IC Title if they plan on dragging this feud


? Vs. ? - US title


Mysterio Vs. Dragon - CW title


HBK Vs. Randy Orton


Dudleys Vs. La Resistance - World Tag titles


APA Vs. T.B.D.T.T.P. - WWE Tag Title Championship


So basically, if WWE sticks to this, we're going to have a SummerSlam with NO Jericho, RVD or Benoit and that would just totally suck ass. Damn you, Vince! :ph34r:

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Guest CronoT
Originally posted by Choken One


Goldberg goes for the Jackhammer but HHH is smart and channels WMX7 and grabs the Sledgehammer as he is lifted and he nails Goldberg in the knees...causing him to collapse...HHH pulls up and Hits the Pedigree and covers...Austin hesitates but pins...1....2...And Delayed 3 count for the win...


HHH soaks in Victory as Austin is digusted...


Goldberg and WWE respectfully part ways the next morning.


I'd end it one of two other ways:


1. Have Goldberg win, and then have Triple H run to SD!. There, he'd be fed to Brock Lesnar and Undertaker, both of which he had shifted to SD!, so he wouldn'r have to job to them.


2. The end stays the same, but we get the Ultimate match we always wanted, Steve Austin vs. Goldberg at Survivor Series.


BTW, Choken, the Triple H/Goldberg booking you wrote was awesome. Too bad Vince would never use it.

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Guest nikowwf




HHH vs. Hamburg

Booker vs. Jericho

Shawn vs. Orton

La Resistance vs. Dudley Boyz

Gail vs. someone vs. someone



Brock vs. Kurt

Rey vs. Dragon

Tag Team Clusterfuck

Stephanie vs. Sable w/stip


Thats where i see things. And i cannot understand why anyone would want HHH to go over Goldberg, leaving him with no viable challengers and nothing to do except go to Smackdown and ruin that show too.



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Guest Choken One

Thank you for the kind response...The scary thing to think about? It only took me 35 minutes to write the next 6 weeks for WWE and make it look good...How does make WWE look? As usual.


I know I'm getting flak for putting HHH over Goldberg but quite frankly...I hate H3 but I hate Goldberg more...At least HHH knows the business and respects the history...


Why a Retirement Match? Just because I felt like it...Besides Shawn will STILL come back...only on Smackdown in about 6 months just in time for a WM match with Mattitude or Edge...not sure which....and It makes Jericho look good setting the seeds for His long awaited face turn to build up for H3/Jericho at Mania (Why not? Let H3 keep his Vanity belt for that much longer)


I know some wanted Mattitude and Tajiri on the card but I don't like 3 and 4 Way matches because they cheapen the match...


I'm assuming by my dream that Undertaker Makes like Hogan and *rests* keeping him good for the Mania Run...


It's only EIGHT matches...so you could add a couple more matches...





Test Vs Scott Steiner and Mattitude/Spanky

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Yay! My turn!


World Title MAtch

Triple H vs. Goldberg


WWE Title MAtch

Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle


I.C. Title Match

Booker T vs. Chris Jericho


U.S. Title Match

John Cena vs. Matt Hardy


World Tag Titles

La Resitance vs. Dudley Boys


WWe Tag Titles

Haas/Benjamin vs. APA


Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton

Kane vs. Rob Van Dam

Chris Benoit vs. Rhyno

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Guest Choken One

That's pretty much the same card I had...with some changes...I like it.

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Guest Choken One

Also...Since I'm hearing/reading that Foley will NOT be making it for Summer Slam..


That throws a huge wrench in my booking plans because ORTON has to be on the card...


I figure it would be Orton/Shawn but that leaves out a GOOD match and angle with Shawn and Jericho...


I can't in good senses make it Orton/Nash or Orton/Steiner or Orton/Hurricane because that wouldn't fly for WWE...


Ah fuck it...Orton is orton...He'll take himself out soon enough...So i don't have to worry :)

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WWE Tag Titles

APA vs Haas/Benjamin

Tag Titles

La Resistance vs Dudz

CW Title

Ultimo vs Kidman vs Rey


Chris Benoit vs Rhyno 'I QUIT' Match


RVD vs Kane


HBK vs Randy Orton

World Title

HHH vs Goldberg

IC Title

Booker T vs Jericho

US Title

Matt Hardy vs John Cena(turn him face)

WWE Title

Angle vs Lesnar II

2/3 Falls Match(separate the falls at different times during the PPV): 1st Fall-Amateur 2nd Fall-15 minute Ironman 3rd Fall-Cage


All That=Awesome PPV

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Guest Choken One

Piss on the 2/3 Falls all over the Night idea...It didn't work when WCW did it and It work no...


It seems we're all thinking the same card here...cept for Jericho/Orton/Shawn

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I know I'm getting flak for putting HHH over Goldberg but quite frankly...I hate H3 but I hate Goldberg more...At least HHH knows the business and respects the history...


I agree. Linda admitted he was a disappointment anyway. They can't give a disappointment the world title, can they? He shouldn't even get the match honestly. Give it to Foley.


Why a Retirement Match? Just because I felt like it...Besides Shawn will STILL come back...only on Smackdown in about 6 months just in time for a WM match with Mattitude or Edge...not sure which....and It makes Jericho look good setting the seeds for His long awaited face turn to build up for H3/Jericho at Mania (Why not? Let H3 keep his Vanity belt for that much longer)


I don't know. It makes Shawn sound like a cripple. It would do more for Chris if they played it up like HBK never lost a step, and THEN he were to make him tap.

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