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Guest William E

What your small achievements?

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Guest KanadianKrusty

I won the "Best Goaler" award in soccer 4 years in a row, and in 6th grade I was the king of homeruns in kickball.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Smallest Achievements? Scoring 5 tries in a single game of junior high school against the BEST team at tourney my school was in. Probably what I'd consider my best "smallest achievement".

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

I won one of the two math awards for my 9th grade class.


I finally finished a hockey card set I've been working on for almost 4 years. 450 card parallel set numbered to 199. And now I have about 175 extras that I have nothing to do with them. Unless I decide to build a second set (but I'm about 300 cards away)

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Guest kingkamala

Would getting Tony Atlas to rap be considered an achievement? Cause that happened to me once at an autograph signing at a used car place.

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Guest Slingshot Suplex

I jumped the parking block and hit a party store with my car ..which wedged the front of the car between the two

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Guest Retro Rob

Probably getting an 1190 on my SATs with NO PREP at all, which would have included PSAT, classes, or even studying. I just went in blind and ended up beating most of my class (who took the PSAT and review courses).


Me and my friend won an award for being the best Entreupraneurs (fuck spelling) in the history of our high school. It was for a business/foods class.


You know injury that kept HHH off house shows this weekend. I had the same one for three months before going to a doctor. Because of that I fucked up my knee and need an MRI on Thursday. ;)


Then there was the time I jerked of.... ahhh nevermind. We covered that already.

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Guest Youth N Asia

I found a Coliseum Video Survivor Series 97 at a flea market for $3

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Guest caboose

My FreeCell stats are:



Won: 3489

Lost: 267



Won: 52

Lost: 2

Current: 27 Wins

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Guest papacita

I managed to get the top award in my grade school's science fair 5 years straight, and got the top award at the national fair the 2 years I entered as well.


When I was 8 or 9, 2 of my friends and I killed this big hive of bees with nothing but water bottles and a piece of metal without getting stung once. To this day I've never been stung...


*fears karma*

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Guest MillenniumMan831

I totaled my car last Monday and bought a 2003 Honda Civic to ease the pain on Friday. :headbang:

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Guest JaKyL25
1.) Successfully lost 135 pounds, going from 320 to 185 in 3 1/2 years.

How in the living fuck did you do that? Were you involved in a bizarre accident involving farming equipment? That's like 40 percent of your body weight.

The simple equation of "eating less + exercising more." Back in my teen years, I literally did nothing after school except things that would allow me to sit on my ass all day (Internet, wrestling, video games--I'm looking at YOU), and on top of that I was eating between 3000-4000 calories per day. I reckon I have pretty decent metabolism, I just was pounding it with so much shit that it couldn't keep up.


Here's a picture of me in 11th Grade, when I was at my worst (It's a picture of a picture from a yearbook, so it's a little blurry):



And here's me now (Well, yesterday actually)!:



Oh, another thing I've managed to accomplish--Totalling a parked truck with my car.

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I was on the detention list at Joliet Catholic Academy for 68 straight days as a Sophomore and missed my ENTIRE finals review as a Junior due to in-school suspension.


I slammed my own ring finger in the door of my house, breaking the bone completely in half when I was 12.

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Guest JaKyL25

I watched Fight Club 5 times in a row, to hear all the different audio tracks on the DVD.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

I got an award freshman year for checking out 256 books during the school year. I can literally read 2 books a day... I know, I know... nerdy... but I love books and I love to read! I also started college as a sophmore instead of a freshman because I took AP classes my junior and senior year and got a 4.33 GPA.... unfortunately.... there were a little too many parties at SDSU!

Edited by SweetNSexyDiva

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Guest Retro Rob
I watched Manos: The Hands of Fate 30 times while I was on vacation last year.

Without MST3K?

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Guest BobBacklundRules

I once ate an entire box of nutty bars in like 10 minutes.


Don't worry, I'm quite physically fit.

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Both Mst3k and original. Watched one version then the other. I wish they hadn't cut all the driving out of the beginning or Torgo's revelation out of the Mst3k episode. Also my non-mst3k disk accidentily became an ashtray and I really can't justify 24.95 +s&h for another copy.

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Guest MaxPower27

I won a kickball from my school when I was 8...eh? eh? Jealous, all of you.

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Guest Vern Gagne

I made the game winning save in a H.S. Gym soccer championship game shootout.

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Guest JaKyL25
Both Mst3k and original. Watched one version then the other. I wish they hadn't cut all the driving out of the beginning or Torgo's revelation out of the Mst3k episode. Also my non-mst3k disk accidentily became an ashtray and I really can't justify 24.95 +s&h for another copy.

Good GOD man, how could you watch it without MST3K at all!?


I mean, even WITH Joel and the Bots, it's STILL the worst thing I've ever seen, and I can BARELY sit through that episode. The movie is SO bad that it makes me not want to watch MST3K featuring it. Think about that. That's a BAD MOVIE.

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Guest What?

I jumped down a ten-stair onto my board and landed successfully on the third try.



It was rather cool.

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Guest godthedog
Both Mst3k and original. Watched one version then the other. I wish they hadn't cut all the driving out of the beginning or Torgo's revelation out of the Mst3k episode. Also my non-mst3k disk accidentily became an ashtray and I really can't justify 24.95 +s&h for another copy.

holy shit...you mean there's MORE driving footage that was CUT? that shit goes on forever, it makes me want to blow my brains out.

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Guest whatitistoburn

I got a 1400 on my SAT score even though I fell asleep twice during it.

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