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Guest undisputedjericho

What's your username mean?

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Guest Ravenbomb

During this one Bob Dylan concert, this crazy guy started dancing next to him with "Soy Bomb" written on his chest. I took that and my favorite wrestler's name, Raven, and made a name of it

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Mine is pretty elf-explanitory. The finishing moive of my favourite wrestler. I am The_Big_A-train on other boards, but that is only because of some of my features

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Guest Choken One

Just to add a new EDGE to this thread...


Who has the BEST username?

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Guest Lightning Flik

Lightning Flik was a e-fed wrestler I had in SWF back when SWF was on IGN still.


I just used it to make life easier for those in the SWF than trying to figure out who I was. Now though, I confuse everyone with my split personalities and everything so eh. It's ok.


As for best username, um... I'll go The Dames. Yup. He's got the best name.

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Guest Lightning Flik
^ Your nose brown enough yet? Or should I push a little harder?

:P Oh bloody hell, I had no idea who has the best one. I just decided to pick that one instead of some other one.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Mine is a singular version of a good band, Agents of Oblivion.


The best name on the board is either mine, or "Frozenblockofpissreborn"

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Guest eiker_ir

my name is Iker Riera = ir


my nickname is eiker = eiker



add a little _ there




= eiker_ir



you're welcome

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Guest caboose

I've explained the origin, but does anyone know the true defintion of 'caboose'.


Train-end is a little vague.


However I was proud when Molly's ass was named 'Caboose'.

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Guest BobBacklundRules
My middle name and the first letter of my last name.



thats MY middle name and the first letter of MY last name!


ok it's a boring day

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Guest wwF1587

<------- S/N resembles when times were good and somewhat original (WWF era)... with a bunch of numbers...

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Guest Sturgis

I got from those WCW PPV that were from Sturgis, SD where the biker rallies are at. I thought it was cool, and so I used it for an e-fed and it stuck. That and e-fedders like tomake fun of peoples names and Sturgis is hard to make fun of, but they did try oh lord did try.

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Guest SweetNSexyDiva

Okay, so you probably aren't that interested in my name, but I'm gonna tell you anyway. Around age 19 a mutual friend of JHawk and mine used to call me "Sexy" all the time and continues to do so. So I that's where "sexy" comes from. Sweet... well, I thought it was a little "nicer" than sexy and usually my username is SweetAngelGC (GC being my initials), so I thought I would use that too. And Diva is part of the username from a bitchy mom forum I belong to. So, I pretty much just put it together and thought it was cute. SweetNSexyDiva. Not really an exciting or interesting story, but there you have it.

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Guest Ten Ton Lid

I'm gonna come down on this place like a ten ton lid. Booooom.

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Guest HartFan86

I like the guy with the "This Thread is Ghey" name.


Also the "HHH's Steroid Needle" one.

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Mine was made in 1993 from a dice and paper RPG (Marvel Super Heroes), and I was creating a anthro black panther with super powers.... She asked what his name was going to be, and I thought about it a moment and came up with the name Rendclaw To-Vensre (his last name comes from one of my favorite Star Trek novels "Uhura's Song").


When I actually started going online again around 1994-95 (I started way back in 1983-84), I changed my handle/nick from Anaconda to Rendclaw, and I haven't looked back since. Hell, I just pulled the ultimate geek move and had a personalized license plate for my car.


::makes a mental note to find a "Don't laugh, it's paid for" sticker for his car::

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
Damn right it is.


A winner is you if you can guess what my name means.

You're the opposite of a rolling stone.



My name comes from the Dropkick Murphys album Sing Loud, Sing Proud, the song: "The Spicy McHaggis Jig". I am of mick heritage and my last name happens to be Murphy.

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Guest papacita

"Papacita" was supposed to be a nickname for my e-wrestler Panther. It was supposed to be a play off of Chyna (Mamacita) and a Fabolous song (Right Now and Later On). It never caught on in the feds, but I kept using it for AIM and stuff...and there you go.

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Guest Ripper

B-ball. I got ALOT of steals. Averaged over 10 my junior year. I could play defense and enjoyed embarassing people by ripping them. Thus, much in the same way most street ballers get their names, I got mine...some drunk ass dude with a gut on the sideline screaming "Don't try that dribblin shit on lil' Ripper...he gon get ya." Eventually it stuck.


I also used to try and be a rapper when I was younger and my name was "Mister Rip Shit" (hey, it was hot at the time) That later morphed to Ripster...which Bizzy Bone started calling himself so I changed it to "Rest"(as in rest in peace) which was my old screen name at the Ikonboards.


And Youth N' Asia has the best screen name. It is just so cool on so many levels.

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Guest J*ingus

I just completely made mine up for the name of a character in some stories, and later used it for an online name. I thought it sounded cool.

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Guest The Amazing Rando
Damn right it is. 


A winner is you if you can guess what my name means.

You're the opposite of a rolling stone.



My name comes from the Dropkick Murphys album Sing Loud, Sing Proud, the song: "The Spicy McHaggis Jig". I am of mick heritage and my last name happens to be Murphy.




are we related?

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Guest Incandenza

Name of the dysfunctional family in the David Foster Wallace novel, Infinite Jest. More specifically, I was thinking of the character Hal, a pot-addicted, neurotic teenage tennis ace.

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Guest spiny norman

I had no idea what to name myself, but the Monty Python episode with the giant hedgehog Spiny Norman was on and it was stuck in my mind, so I just went and used it because I'm not very original.

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Guest Spicy McHaggis
Damn right it is. 


A winner is you if you can guess what my name means.

You're the opposite of a rolling stone.



My name comes from the Dropkick Murphys album Sing Loud, Sing Proud, the song: "The Spicy McHaggis Jig". I am of mick heritage and my last name happens to be Murphy.




are we related?

Brothers don't shake hands, brothers gotta hug!

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Guest J*ingus
I had no idea what to name myself, but the Monty Python episode with the giant hedgehog Spiny Norman was on and it was stuck in my mind, so I just went and used it because I'm not very original.


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