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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Best Entrance Theme

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Guest The Czech Republic
Am I the only one who liked the classic "Girls In Cars?"

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"Shooter/Rabid" or "Whatever" ?


Anyway, my top list in no particular order:


1.) Real American / American Made


2.) Hart Attack (the one from Full Metal)


3.) Sexy Boy (Both Sherri and Shawn's versions)


4.) You Look So Good To Me


5.) Medal (the original, not the gay remix on Anthology)


6.) Dead Man (Undertaker's guitar solo song) and Phenom (Undertaker's classic theme done by guitar that he used in middle 1998)


7.) Regal (Both themes when he was the Goodwill Ambassador

and the Baron of Brass Knuckles)


8.) King of My World


9.) Live For The Moment and whatever Jeff Hardy's theme is called


10.) This Is A Test (current version)


11.) Stratisfaction (the one before Time To Rock and Roll)


12.) The Rockers


13.) Next Big Thing (Brock's current)


14.) I'm Back (Bischoff's theme)


15.) Maven


16.) Ken Shamrock


17.) 619


18.) Fight (The SS theme from last year)


19.) Evolution


20.) Rikishi (The song formerly used by Too Cool)


21.) One of a Kind


22.) Slow Chemical (Kane's current)


23.) New World Order


24.) Southern Justice (which was JJ's theme then soon became Debra's)


25.) Glass Shatters (Austin's theme done by Disturbed)

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

HHH (Motörhead - "The Game"; just because LEMMY IS GOD)


Tazz (pre-Cypress Hill)

Undertaker ("You're Gonna Pay"...shut up, I dig it)

Bischoff ("I'm Back" is pretty good)

Lesnar (as said above, very Terminator-esque)

Ted DiBiase

Roddy Piper


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Guest CanadianChick


"Shooter/Rabid" or "Whatever" ?

I like both, but I was refering to Whatever.

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Guest Austin3164life

No theme touches Ted DiBiase's "Money" theme.


Austin's original Glass Shattering theme from 96-97 owned.


Kurt Angle's original theme rules if you take out people saying "you suck".


Chris Jericho's first theme in the WWF/E. Great entrance.


The Rock's Hollywood Style entrance theme of this year is a nice one too.

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Guest Askewniverse

No love for "My Time?" That's one of my favorite themes ever.


The Hollywood Blondes also had pretty cool theme music.

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Guest Eagan469
I still think Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat's WCW music was the best(not "Family Man", which was only on the WCW Slam Jam album;he had this theme from 92-94). It could be heard on Steve Austin's "What?" dvd in the match he had with Austin at Bash at the Beach 94. I'm still upset that the mp3 of it(or any other form of music) is nowhere to be found...I've been looking for about 4 years...

I have a recording of it from the "What?" DVD.


Everyone has been looking for it, not just you. It's believed to be production.

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WWE needs to make an Anthology Part II, a lot of people present and past got cut out.

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Guest JaKyL25

Is this list assumed to be songs made specifically for the wrestler? Because I am shocked that I have yet to see "Voodoo Child" listed. THE best thing about Hogan, IMO.


Besides many of the ones listed, I also really like RVD's theme ("One of a Kind"), Kane's new one, and John Cena and The Dudley Boyz both have damn near perfect Entrance themes (meaning they may not be great when listened to as actual songs, but accompanying the wrestlers' entrances, they're great).


Goldust's was always excellent too, especially when they were playing up the psychological mindgames. Creepy as hell.


Owen Hart's "Enough is Enough..." theme was really kooky.

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Guest The Czech Republic
Owen Hart's "Enough is Enough..." theme was really kooky.

Yeah the Rocket version kicked about 46 types of ass.

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Guest Hass of Pain

Current: John Cena has it on lockdown for best current theme as it's the only theme in wrestling I could really see myself rolling to with the windows open. "WORD LIFE...THIS IS BASIC THUGANOMICS". Catchy as hell.

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Guest The Czech Republic

I'm pimpin' it in my low-rider with "It's time to make a change, it's time to rearrange, it's time, we've had enough, now it's time to clean it up" blasting on my system. It lets people around me know that I'm here to help.

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Guest Insane Bump Machine

Seeing as almost all my favourites are already mentioned, I'll throw in Kidman's WCW theme that he also used at the start of the Invasion. It's awesome!

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Guest mst3krules

Definitely the true Undertaker theme...Verdi I think? The classical, mournful piece with the thunder, the entrance video with the moonlit graveyard, the lightning....dimming the lights...he just had the most kickass entrance and theme EVER. :wub:

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Guest Memphis

Hogan's entrance at Wrestlemania where he faced Sid Justice is pretty kick ass. Just the atmosphere that was crafted as he took out Sid while 'Real American' blared in the background, followed by the shirt-tear and Hogan pose-down pretty much makes up one of my biggest mark-out moments.

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Guest Mr. Adam

I dunno, I think Jacques Rougeau has been blessed wih kick ass entrance themes.


I mean you have 'All American Boys'. (From Montreal to Memphis....)

'I'm The Mountie'(I'm The Mountie, I'm handsome, I'm brave, I'm strong)

'We're Not The Mounties' (Pretty much same as above.


I still remember the first time I heard the Quebecers theme, too funny.

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OK, not in any particular order, my top 10:


Bret Hart


Real American

The Game


Slow Chemical (Kane)

Live for the Moment (Matt Hardy)

Whatever (Benoit)

DX (original)

Booker T

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Guest bravesfan

To throw in an unmentioned choice, Undertaker's theme after Fully Loaded 1998, up until 1999 (before the theme with 'Taker speaking in tounges)


It had a catchy riff after the first few "bong"(s).

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

I like the Los Boricuas theme just because I have no freakin idea what they are saying and everytime I listen to it I try and make up different translations.



Real American

Ted Dibiase

Dude Love (er..well only if you get the video with it as well..)

Shane McMahon

Austins by Disturbed


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Guest The Czech Republic
BTW Eagan, when you say it's believed to be production music, do you mean developed by wcw?

No, developed by an outside firm and licensed to WCW, which pays a fee to the production company. Most WCW music is in this vein.

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Guest Memphis
The big show theme...why cause my cousing sings it in a little mickey mouse voice.


weeeeeeeeell, weeeeeeeel its the big shooooooooooooooow.


But really nothing compares to DiBiase's.

Thank you for clearing up how the theme went, for the 1 person out there who has accidentally stumbled upon this board and is now scarred for life.


My vote goes to Hogan's themes. ALL of them kick major ass.


Real American

American Made

Voodoo Chile


That's the shit wrestling entrances were invented for.



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Guest Eagan469
BTW Eagan, when you say it's believed to be production music, do you mean developed by wcw?

No, developed by an outside firm and licensed to WCW, which pays a fee to the production company. Most WCW music is in this vein.


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Guest eiker_ir

the Taker theme with the guitar (SummerSlam 98), is it available on any of the WWF CDs?


what's the name of the song?



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