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Guest Doyo

Kobe Admits He Injected His Salami In That Girl

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Guest Ripper
I happen to agree with everything you said.


But this is not some pussy hound, career "adulterer" we're talking about, at least not that we know of. This is ONE occurence that came to light about this man fucking up. We ALL fuck up. That [making mistakes] is what I was attempting to say is common, not cheating [even if that was the "mistake" I chose to highlight] (although that's just as common, not that it makes it right).


To call someone a disgusting piece of shit for making ONE mistake is WAY harsh, I don't care if the act in question was domestic violence, child abuse, adultery or even murder. Until you know the circumstances or have been in that situation yourself, you can withhold hold judgement and after that he who is without sin is more than welcome to cast the first stone.

Outside of being under the infulence of drugs and not knowing what you were doing, what circumstances can alter the view of what happened when someone cheats. They got horney, they fucked someone else even though they promised not to do it. There it is. Case closed.


He made a conscience decision to fuck around on his wife. And lets be honest. We KNOW that Kobe hasn't been Mr. faithful all his life then all of a sudden decided that he would fuck this one 19 year old this one time. Come on now. He's not sorry he cheated, he is sorry it got found out. We had never heard of plenty of atheltes sleeping around but they did. Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen can just about fill out a team roster with all of their kids floating around. But the difference is I never saw Micheal or Scottie on The Diary saying "I hate when women hit on me...I'm married, I will NEVER cheat on my wife." Michael and Scottie never got in big huffs when a reporter jokingly said that the women are a temptation in Brazil and started on his "Never cheat on my Wife!!" speech. And Michael and Scottie never got on television talking about how the women they cheated on is their breath and all that other shit.


He put himself in this position, and he needs to be critisized for it.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

No one's saying the guy is beyond criticism. For him to take a holier-than-thou stance on adultery and then commit does make him look a bit foolish. But again, who amongst us, especially at 24 years of age, is perfect? The man should be CRITCIZED not CRUCIFIED for what he did. I'm just sick of people overreacting like bitches because the guy cheated on his wife. There are plenty of things that are worse that he could've been doing. The man is not a criminal nor is he automatically a guilty liar because he ONCE dishonored his young wife. He's a VERY young millionaire with fame, fortune and beautiful women coming at him from 10 different directions on a DAILY basis; until you live that I don't think you can judge him. Most people that cheat don't even have a FRACTION of the temptations that Kobe has to deal with every day and they still do it, so to act like Kobe should act like Jesus Christ in a situation like that is ludicrous.


Outside of being under the infulence of drugs and not knowing what you were doing, what circumstances can alter the view of what happened when someone cheats. They got horney, they fucked someone else even though they promised not to do it. There it is. Case closed.

If you honestly believe that ALL cheating is that cut and dry and that the only reason one might have sex with another is because they are "horny" then you either have a lot more relationships to be in and/or a lot more living to do.

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Guest Ripper

Well, sadly it is cut and dry. You can add all the situations you want...They cheated on me, I want revenge, I am not satisfied at home, blah blah blah. Bottom line, at some point ya got all aroused and chose sex over commitments that you made. So he has ass thrown at him all day. To say it is hard not to: take a woman to your room, go through the foreplay, get aroused, get naked, go get a condom(god I hope he did) and have sex" is ridiculous. People have self control and can control themselves. Don't say that just because he is in a different situation that it is impossible for him. I worked a strip club during one of my relationships. If you are a cute guy that isn't in on that dumbass belief that all strippers are whores that are fucking for money and thats it, DO YOU KNOW how much BUTT-nekid ass you can have. I have known, and I have worked 8 hour shifts with a hard on from some hard flirting from some of the workers there, but I didn't do it. He CAN do the same thing.



And we really need a one and only Kobe shit thread...3 is way too much.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

People do have self control but there are varying levels. To condemn someone simply because theirs is different from yours or their moral code not as rigid as your own is the type of stupid intolerance that causes all too many bad situations in our society today.


I'm simply sick and tired of people saying, "Well, I'm this way, I don't find it hard so Kobe shouldn't, either." That's just fucking dumb and pointless to argue. The man made a mistake. Because you choose not to make that mistake or haven't YET, doesn't make you any better than him or him any worse than you. Paint him as some weak and selfish individual all you like but that's probably VERY far from the truth and it's pretty damned bullheaded and ignorant to think of him in that way. One bad incident/mistake should not define the WHOLE of our character. And I doubt it does in this case anymore than it does any other.


I'm anxiously awaiting your posts that contend that Kobe IS indeed a rapist after he's acquitted and how you blame his "innocence" on his celebrity and money.

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Guest Ripper

I have never once said he was guilty. Not once. I have maintained that I don't know enough about the case to form a opinion. The possiblity that he is guilty however is just as much there as the possiblity that he is not. If he is aquitted(and I hope that he is innocent and found not guilty) then I will be happy. If he is guilty then I hope that it gets found out.


I never said that I was better than Kobe. I even said that he will probably go on to do great things by his family. But at this moment I say he is a piece of shit of the adultry and the "look at how sorry I am, watch me cry and try to get sympathy" theatrics that his lawyers prepared for him.


And seriously, it is alot harder not to punch someone in the face than it is not to have sex with someone. Really. It is a long drawn out event. It is TOO avoidable. I haven't heard of him just punching people that piss him off. He can control anger just fine. It is a more explosive emotion. Sex is alot more controlable, and it is VERY avoidable. You know why you don't kill everyone that pisses you off...because you understand the reprecussions and you have self control. So why should I be ready to give a pass to someone that goes out and fucks other people knowing full well the reprecussions of thier actions. To disregard the feeling of someone you care about is a shitty action. If you are disregarding the emotions of your children for something fleeting, it is a shit action. If you disregard the emotions of your wife for something as fleeting as sex, it is a shit action.


To cheat is to behave like a piece of shit that has no morals. From then on it is your responsiblity to that person you disrespected in such a deep way to prove that it is not truely your character. Don' t try and hide behind the whole "Its hard not to go to a room, get naked and have sex" thing because it isn't hard. You go to a strip club but manage not to hop up on stage and start fucking the dancer. I extremely attarctive woman walks by and you manage not to just leap on her ass. More time than not it is easy to avoid cheating...especially this kind where you had to take the initiative.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

Almost 100% agreed on all fronts. But I will say that in the heat of the moment, your emotions and hormones take over, not to mention centuries old hard-wired behavior in men. While it's easy to tell us all the reasons why we shouldn't cheat on a messageboard stone cold sober without a hot piece of ass in front of you, in the situation itself (and we still don't know the specifics of what that situation was) it is ALOT harder.


I'm sure Kobe knows everything you said, but in the moment, it's not like you're going to be thinking clearly nor are you going to take a time-out to do so. There is a huge difference between plotting a murder and fucking someone who WANTS to be fucked. Not to mention, the consequences are MUCH greater and there is also a better chance of you getting caught if you kill someone. You kill someone, police are going to investigate. You fuck someone, there isn't someone there checking the bed for semen and fingerprints trying to figure out what happened. No one cares. And where was it said that Kobe took the initiative?


Sex may seem like a drawn-out and easily avoidable process but those of us in the know, know that it can literally fly by and things like getting a room, getting undressed, getting a condom, etc. can seem like a dream and take no time at all when that's all you're fixated on. Humans are weak, the flesh is weak. People are fallible, we err. I simply can't condemn the man for being a young man. To me that would be wrong since none of us are any better. Unless he turns out to be a rapist, then some of us are better. Only some.

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Guest ErekT2k
And seriously, it is alot harder not to punch someone in the face than it is not to have sex with someone. Really. It is a long drawn out event. It is TOO avoidable. I haven't heard of him just punching people that piss him off. He can control anger just fine. It is a more explosive emotion. Sex is alot more controlable, and it is VERY avoidable. You know why you don't kill everyone that pisses you off...because you understand the reprecussions and you have self control. So why should I be ready to give a pass to someone that goes out and fucks other people knowing full well the reprecussions of thier actions. To disregard the feeling of someone you care about is a shitty action. If you are disregarding the emotions of your children for something fleeting, it is a shit action. If you disregard the emotions of your wife for something as fleeting as sex, it is a shit action.


Well that's only your emotions, Ripper. Kobe could have different emotions and have different causes to exploding. People are tempted everyday, it's just that everyone has a different way of reacting so we can't really say he could of avoided this and that.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

"People do have self control but there are varying levels. To condemn someone simply because theirs is different from yours or their moral code not as rigid as your own is the type of stupid intolerance that causes all too many bad situations in our society today."


"Well that's only your emotions, Ripper. Kobe could have different emotions and have different causes to exploding. People are tempted everyday, it's just that everyone has a different way of reacting so we can't really say he could of avoided this and that."


Those two comments bear repeating, especially for Ripper.

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Guest Ripper
Almost 100% agreed on all fronts. But I will say that in the heat of the moment, your emotions and hormones take over, not to mention centuries old hard-wired behavior in men. While it's easy to tell us all the reasons why we shouldn't cheat on a messageboard stone cold sober without a hot piece of ass in front of you, in the situation itself (and we still don't know the specifics of what that situation was) it is ALOT harder.


I'm sure Kobe knows everything you said, but in the moment, it's not like you're going to be thinking clearly nor are you going to take a time-out to do so. There is a huge difference between plotting a murder and fucking someone who WANTS to be fucked. Not to mention, the consequences are MUCH greater and there is also a better chance of you getting caught if you kill someone. You kill someone, police are going to investigate. You fuck someone, there isn't someone there checking the bed for semen and fingerprints trying to figure out what happened. No one cares. And where was it said that Kobe took the initiative?


Sex may seem like a drawn-out and easily avoidable process but those of us in the know, know that it can literally fly by and things like getting a room, getting undressed, getting a condom, etc. can seem like a dream and take no time at all when that's all you're fixated on. Humans are weak, the flesh is weak. People are fallible, we err. I simply can't condemn the man for being a young man. To me that would be wrong since none of us are any better. Unless he turns out to be a rapist, then some of us are better. Only some.

That's why I say if acohol is in the mix, then all bets are off. I just don't buy that sex happens in the heat of the moment. A kiss, sure. Some fondeling, sure. Hell, I have kinda caught my senses once or twice and thought "How did my dick end up in her mouth?" But all out humping sex if you are sober is as avoidable as me getting up right now and jumping out of my bosses window. Quick shit happens in the heat of the moment...thats why its called the heat of the moment and shitty 80's bands have songs about it. Ain't shit quick about sex....well, except that one time when I hadn't had any in a while and...

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

There's nothing at all pleasurable about jumping out of your bosses window nor have we been genetically engineered to jump out of as many windows as possible during our lives.


Oral sex is 10x more intimate than just straight fucking, so if you can get a blowjob from some chick and wonder how it happened, I'm not understanding how you can't possibly fathom Kobe doing this on the spur of the moment.

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Guest Ripper
"People do have self control but there are varying levels. To condemn someone simply because theirs is different from yours or their moral code not as rigid as your own is the type of stupid intolerance that causes all too many bad situations in our society today."


"Well that's only your emotions, Ripper. Kobe could have different emotions and have different causes to exploding. People are tempted everyday, it's just that everyone has a different way of reacting so we can't really say he could of avoided this and that."


Those two comments bear repeating, especially for Ripper.

But I stand by the belief that cheating isn't issue of not having control. It is a instance of see, want, have. I see the ass and it looks nice. I want the ass and it is offered to me. I have the ass and it was fun. All this "I'm just a man and I am weak, and I had no control" shit is bullshit.


Man up. If you saw some nice ass, and it wants to get fucked and you did it, you made that choice now live by it. This "He's a man" shit just has no ground to stand on. His dick got hard and he saw something he wanted to put it into. No lack of control, no unavoidable circumstances, he did what he wanted to just like everyone else that cheats. It is acting on desires and acting on ones desires is something we all can control unless we have some sort of mental condidtion that I don't think Kobe has.

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Guest Ripper
There's nothing at all pleasurable about jumping out of your bosses window nor have we been genetically engineered to jump out of as many windows as possible during our lives.


Oral sex is 10x more intimate than just straight fucking, so if you can get a blowjob from some chick and wonder how it happened, I'm not understanding how you can't possibly fathom Kobe doing this on the spur of the moment.

How can a act that doesn't even require one party to take ANYTHING off or move any article of thier clothing more drawn out than sex in which both parties have to have something exposed...or I'm not doing it right.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

I didn't say it was more drawn out. I simply said it was more "intimate." READ. Also the time it takes to commit an act has ZIP to do with how much easier or harder it is to avoid. Sometimes people's heads aren't screwed on straight for whatever reason and there are people who have committed premeditated murders and hid bodies. That doesn't mean it could've been avoided, that it was somehow easy or that they aren't remorseful of the mistake they made.


Also I'm not saying that simply because Kobe is a man that should absolve him from taking any personal responsibility. He did what he did because at that time he wanted to, yes and he made that decision and now has to live with it. I don't see where he is making excuses or trying to escape that. He's already owned up to making that mistake, so I don't understand where this "man up" shit is coming from. He's already done that.


But having sex with someone isn't always see, want, my dick got hard bullshit. That is the argument that doesn't have a leg to stand on. Don't make the mistake, like you already have a million times already, of thinking that everyone is or acts just like you. Kobe could have very well just fucked this broad simply because he was horny, but that doesn't make him a piece of shit in my eyes. It makes him a 24 year old young man who made a mistake he likely won't commit again.

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Guest Ripper

While it appears that we will have to just agree to disagree on this, this still has nothing to do with how I react and how others react. The "man up" shit comes from the ever so common "He's a man" approach to why he cheated (he used it himself in the press conference.) We as human beings have the ability to control our sexual libido if it is not comprimised by outside factors such as drugs(alcohol included) or mental problems. Take responsibility for your choices. We are genitically inclined to have the want. You are morally inclined to be able to control it. It has nothing to do with weakness and such. With all things considered Kobe Bryant has the same mental strength that I have and you have. He at some point weighed the good with the bad and decided it was worth it to have sex with this girl. Everyone that cheats is met with the same decision. The fact that he is a man does not change the fact that the thought of his wife went through his mind when he considered his actions. If he chose this path, then so be it. But don't call all of mankind weak because you made a choice that isn frowned upon. Cheating IS avoidable if you choose to avoid it, no matter how much ass is thrown at you. You make a choice to avoid it or not. I can stand by my saying that I haven't cheated before and if I ever do it won't be because it was unavoidable or I didn't have control of my actions. It will because I chose to. Everyone that has ever cheated made a choice(once again unless they were under the influence of something or have something wrong with the decision making process in their brain).


It isn't that I feel I am better than anyone. It is that any sober, mentally stable human being has the ability to choose rather or not they can have sex with someone.


And noone is absolved from this because they are "A man"(or woman for that matter)

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Guest Ripper

"Oral sex is 10x more intimate than just straight fucking, so if you can get a blowjob from some chick and wonder how it happened, I'm not understanding how you can't possibly fathom Kobe doing this on the spur of the moment. "


Actually, you are saying that if you READ the next sentence you wrote. The discussion was on things happening in the heat of the moment, not the intimacy of it. Oral sex is likely to happen in the heat of the moment due to the easy accesability of it.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones
Take responsibility for your choices.  We are genitically inclined to have the want.  You are morally inclined to be able to control it.  It has nothing to do with weakness and such.  With all things considered Kobe Bryant has the same mental strength that I have and you have.  He at some point weighed the good with the bad and decided it was worth it to have sex with this girl.  Everyone that cheats is met with the same decision.  The fact that he is a man does not change the fact that the thought of his wife went through his mind when he considered his actions.  If he chose this path, then so be it.  But don't call all of mankind weak because you made a choice that isn frowned upon.  Cheating IS avoidable if you choose to avoid it, no matter how much ass is thrown at you.  You make a choice to avoid it or not.   I can stand by my saying that I haven't cheated before and if I ever do it won't be because it was unavoidable or I didn't have control of my actions.  It will because I chose to.  Everyone that has ever cheated made a choice(once again unless they were under the influence of something or have something wrong with the decision making process in their brain).


And noone is absolved from this because they are "A man"(or woman for that matter)

"I'm not saying that simply because Kobe is a man that should absolve him from taking any personal responsibility. He did what he did because at that time he wanted to, yes and he made that decision and now has to live with it."


Apparently you missed this part.


Oral sex is likely to happen in the heat of the moment due to the easy accesability of it.

But oral sex isn't the ONLY thing that can happen in the heat of the moment and it is more intimate than an anonymous screw, I think.

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Guest Ripper

You are right, I am just talking in time and convienience. You know like the old saying "You can say I love you in the heat of the moment but it takes a lifetime to prove it."


I am just not a firm believer in drawn out processes taking place in the "heat of the moment" which suggest that it happened quickly or without thought.

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Guest Crucifixio Jones

And personally I think you can engage in something lengthy and still engage in it without thought. That's just me.

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Guest Bruiser Chong
And personally I think you can engage in something lengthy and still engage in it without thought. That's just me.

I'll agree with that. Whether it's something that's finished in seconds or something that takes several minutes, hours, days, or whatever, there are situations where you just aren't thinking clearly the entire time and don't see the faults in your actions until after you have completed them, whenever that may be.

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Guest Redhawk

Maybe someone already mentioned it, but I like how Kobe Bryant shaved all his facial hair and went bald right after this whole thing happened, so he looks like he did when he came into the League as an 18-year-old. The same innocent-looking kid. No way he was keeping the goatee and Afro for a rape trial involving a White girl in a small town.

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Guest Ripper

Everything that he has done up til this point is like "Getting off, 101". His lawyers wrote that little speech he gave in frount of his wife, they told him to cut all the hair to look as innocent and young as possible...it is just pathetic really.

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Guest cpac

Can someone please PRETTY PLEASE TELL me where I can find pix of this girl. PLease thank you.

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Guest Brush with Greatness

Let me weigh in with what I'm feeling here. I'm sensing from Ripper that:


Kobe Bryant is not a piece of shit because he had sex with a girl.


It feels more like:


Kobe Bryant is a piece of shit for preaching monogamy and then cheating on his wife.



CJ, you argue along the lines of Kobe being a young 24 year old man faced with many temptations. Well, you know what, don't get married so young then. Kobe knew when he got married, from playing in the NBA for about 5 years prior to marriage, the quantity and quality of ass that was available to him. He knew the tempatations he faced. It's not like he was unaware of all the ass out there when he got married. The same girls who threw themselves on him prior would still throw themselves on him afterwards.


Kobe made a vow to his wife not to cheat. If you're not ready to uphold that vow you're not ready to be married. He knew the temptations out there and if he wasn't ready to give them up yet he never should have taken that vow.


On top of that he preaches about his undying love for his wife and is insulted by anyone who questions otherwise or even brings up the possibility of other women tempting him.


Like someone else said, he's not the first person (or athlete) to commit adultery. However, his whole anti-cheating attitude, followed by him turning around and fucking that girl, really rubs people the wrong way. It's not the sex and it's not the cheating but rather the hypocritital nature of it all that is pissing a lot of people off and having them form less than strong opinions about Kobe.


And sex doesn't just happen. Any cheating can be avoided. From all accounts and purposes Kobe had met this girl prior to her being in his room earlier in the day. If he was attracted to her, then don't put yourself in a situation where you are alone in the room with her. Simple as that.

Edited by Brush with Greatness

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Guest The Czech Republic
Kobe Bryant is a piece of shit for preaching ambiguity and then cheating on his wife.

do you mean "monogamy" by chance??


If he was preaching ambiguity you'd think he may or may not go both ways.



The best was on Around The Horn today when Bill Plaschke FINALLY called Woody Paige on always calling the Disembodied Voice a Disemboweled Voice.


"Because what YOU said...that's gross!"

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Guest godthedog
Kobe Bryant is a piece of shit for preaching ambiguity and then cheating on his wife.

how does one preach ambiguity?


kobe: have you been saved by jesus or not?


bystander: um...i don't know?


kobe: yes, exactly! you don't know one way or the other!

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I read that Kobe only got married so young because he got his now-wife pregnant. Is that true?

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Guest Deebo

A couple of things..


Not that it matters, but Kobe had the shaved look before any of this came about. Way before any of this even happened, but it had grown back when the arrest happened, and he shaved it again.


Secondly, I don't know why everyone is making such a big deal about Kobe cheating on his wife. My god people, what world do you live in? Step into reality, men cheating on their wives and wives cheating on their husbands is common. Not that it makes it ALRIGHT, but it happens. Kobe was against it, I know, but it's not like he started some huge rally against adulterers and went out in the media and bashed everyone who cheated on their spouses. Jordan cheated on his wife up the wazoo and it got swept under the rug by pretty much everyone, so why is Kobe doing it such a big deal?


Third, Kobe didn't get married because his wife was pregnant. They just recently had their first child

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Guest ErekT2k

Everyone's making a big deal out of something that Kobe and his own family should deal with. You all have your own opinions and I have mine, so I'll just say I find it kinda weird that you would call Kobe a piece of shit for cheating on his wife. I see your reasoning, but meh...


Anyways, supposedly those pictures of the girl aren't the real pics. Dunno if it is, dunno if it isnt.


I also read on nbcsports.com that the girl was at a party just days before Kobe got charged and she was in a "good mood". Again, what kind of rape victim goes on vacation the next day and goes to a party in a "Good Mood"?


And thus, my blinding hate for the Prosecutor grows....

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